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Chapter 1741 The stubborn federation

Chapter 1671 The stubborn federation

It is understandable that the people from the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce ignored Qu Jianlei and others.

The hunters... are wary. Once they come into contact and are seen by others, it may lead to trouble.

In fact, from time to time, someone would secretly contact the female A-level.

This woman's nickname was Hua Lei, and she was a loner, but soon after boarding the starship, she met two people.

The two people asked every once in a while when the starship of that team would arrive.

After asking several times, other people actually learned her contact information, and more and more people asked.

But on the surface, everyone is still disconnected from each other.

But Hua Lei also knows very well that most of these people who ask questions may not have good intentions.

So her answer was very vague - I don't know, I didn't hear them mention it.

It wasn't until this moment that the other party's starship finally arrived, that she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The armed merchant ship that arrived was quite ordinary, and even its structure was a bit outdated. At least the artillery system was of the previous style.

Now the federal government has relaxed some artillery controls and encouraged civilian forces to increase their force.

This is mainly to develop paramilitary armed forces so that all citizens can become soldiers. At the same time, selling weapons and equipment at high prices can also bring back blood to the federation.

Therefore, today's armed merchant ships have gradually improved their armed combat capabilities, which are completely different from those before.

However, the Federation has too many starships, and not many can make timely adjustments soon after the policy comes out.

However, for the hunter group, the strength of their combat effectiveness is directly related to how much they harvest, so the proportion of transformations is quite high.

But now that the enemy's starship is approaching, its firepower system is still the same as before, which makes it easy for people to look down upon it.

But then again, an armed merchant ship costs four to five hundred million, and a second-hand one costs about three hundred million. The price is really not low.

Even if an A-level person works hard all his life, he may not be able to save so much money.

Although Hua Lei was a little surprised and felt that such an old starship was not in line with the team's momentum, she soon felt relieved.

It's better than nothing. There are so many predators on the ship, but you still want to mess with other people's starships?

And some powerful guys still like to keep a low profile.

Some people may think that is a bad taste, but there is no doubt that low-key people tend to live longer.

Seeing the two starships connecting, a group of people walked towards the opposite side, and a hunter suddenly said, "Hua Lei, can you take one with me?"

This person was one of the two people Hua Lei met.

But she replied without hesitation, "I'm sorry, it doesn't matter what I said."

The man looked at the fourth master again and said, "Sir, I am good at starship micro-management, and I don't need a salary."

"Get out!" The fourth master just said one word lightly and ignored him.

He didn't need any evidence, he just pointed out that he had not contacted the other party before and only spoke out when he saw the starship, so he knew who he was.

He is a sophisticated egoist at the very least, not to mention someone else's spy.

If Claire hadn't been fooling around, he wouldn't have allowed Hua Lei to enter the starship. How could he allow others to enter?

This starship was obtained by Qu Jianlei and others last time they came to the Federation. The appearance has been slightly adjusted so that it will not be recognized at a glance.

Anyway, the starship has not landed, and there has been no military inspection, so it is unlikely that its origin has been exposed.

As soon as the two starships separated, a communication request from the Wild Wolf came in, requesting that a supervising team be dispatched.

The fourth master just said lightly, "If you want to come, then come."

Not long after, the supervising team arrived, and there were actually two of them. They were treated like Skyline battleships.

Obviously, the Wild Wolf Business Group also realized that this group of people was not a good person and thought it was necessary to pay attention to it.

However, one possibility cannot be ruled out. They think that these guys are not very obedient to the command and want to scare the monkeys.

The ones coming are still one A-class and one B-class. There is no way, there are too many starships, and there are not enough high-level awakeners.

As soon as Class A boarded the starship, they said coldly, "Take out your member information, we want to verify it..."

"Shut up!" Duo Gan gave him a cold look, "Stand obediently against the wall, or you will die!"

"You!" This person's eyes were about to explode after hearing this. Hua Scorpion raised his hand and made two finger blows.

It was really just a finger pointing at the wind. The opponent's knees weakened and he knelt down directly.

"What a bullshit wild wolf," Hua Xingzi muttered softly and shook his head indifferently.

At this moment, Class A's handphone rang, and it was the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce who asked him how the situation was.

"The situation... is very bad," Class A took a deep breath and spoke slowly while observing the people in front of him.

Who would have thought that these people ignored him at all and just went about inspecting the starship, drinking drinks and so on.

Another woman said that she had not slept all day and night and wanted to take a nap.

In the final analysis, these people didn't even care about him. He was like an ant, not even paying the slightest attention to him.

The people from the Wild Wolf Business Group across the way were a little serious, "How bad is it?"

"Well, people don't take us seriously," this person said bravely.

He became a supervising team member, but was actually given up half of the time, a bit self-defeating.

But in the end, he said, "I am very confident, but fortunately, we are still alive."

If you leave it to an ignorant person, they will get very angry when they hear this.

But the person opposite is also sensible and understands it as soon as he hears it.

"They are capable? That's good. When we do things in the wild wolf, we are not afraid of our teammates being capable, but we are afraid of not being able."

The two men understood it immediately. Their teammates had received the hint, but what they could do now was to focus on it.

After all, there are too many people being coerced this time. Although the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce acts in a high-profile manner, it still has to consider the risk of causing a stir.

And although the Chamber of Commerce is powerful, it is not invincible in the Federation. There are always people who can't be offended.

Of course, such a huge force rarely appears among bounty hunters, which is why they dare to act unscrupulously.

But what if we really encounter it?

So now, we can only deal with this matter in a low-key manner. As for the future... we can only wait and see.

The Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce has been able to develop to the point where it is today because it does not only know how to fight and kill, otherwise it would have died halfway.

A day and a half later, they began a gradual transition.

After the jump, there are still three months of flight to the Link Nebula.

But this location is already the closest and safest jump point currently controlled by the Federation.

Asuras have expanded very rapidly in recent years, and they can be found in places three or four years away from the Link Nebula.

Like the Federation's starships, Asura's lair also has the ability to jump.

However, their transitions are subject to greater restrictions.

According to the Federation's observations, at the very least, the Asura lair must be used as a guide for other lairs to jump over.

Of course, it is difficult to judge whether there are other explanations here.

But there is no doubt that wherever Asura hits, he will quickly guide his companions to come.

Therefore, it is quite rare to find a relatively safe jump point near the Link Nebula.

The hunting group came to this location not to explore the secrets of Link Nebula. That was something no one dared to think about.

It's just that this is the core area of ​​Asura's occupied area, and it is possible to hunt more valuable targets.

After the jump, the fleet continued to move forward. By this time, the number of starships in the fleet had exceeded sixty.

No one noticed that half a day later, a huge division ship also jumped over, with a thick tree under the ship.

After the fleet jumped, it moved forward at normal speed. Almost half a day later, it encountered a federal army patrol ship.

Yes, the Federation is so stubborn.

Even in the hinterland of the Asura-occupied area, once a suitable jump point is discovered, order will be quickly established within it.

To be fair, this persistence may not last long.

But it is precisely because of this attitude of fighting for every inch of land that it has greatly delayed the Asura invasion.

But at this time, the Wild Wolf Merchant Group finally picked out the thorn in the side and quietly informed the patrol ship on the opposite side.

The patrol ship's level was too low and its number was too small. It was already calling for support, but when it was heard that there was a thorn in the side, the call was stepped up.

Not long after, a battalion-level ship arrived with two company-level ships, and then released several small ships to board the ship for inspection.

Qu Jianlei's starship is undoubtedly a thorn in the side in the eyes of the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce.

So a small ship approached, and three soldiers entered the starship.

Although he is only a B-class warrior, his momentum is still quite powerful. This is the confidence of the violent machine.

In fact, among battalion-level armies, B-level troops are already considered high-end combat capabilities.

This man walked into the merchant ship aggressively and was about to speak. When he saw the two people standing against the wall, he was stunned and said, "Huh?"

When the A-level supervisory team saw the soldiers, they immediately became excited, "Sir, they..."

"Did you let me speak?" Hua Scorpion raised his hand and pointed at the wind twice, beating the person to the ground again.

Then she looked at the B-class soldiers, then at the two supervisors, and said coldly, "If you dare to say one more word, you will die!"

The B-class soldier frowned when he saw this, and spoke calmly and powerfully, "Friend, you don't take us seriously, do you?"

"So what?" Hua Xiezi looked at the other party calmly, "Are you worthy of my respect?"

The B-class soldier was immediately choked. He was assigned to inspect the starship because he knew there might be a thorn on the starship.

However, he did not intend to make things difficult for the other party. The Wild Wolf Merchant Group was indeed well-known, but what did it have to do with him?

The base of the Wild Wolf is located on a few habitable stars such as Musters, and it cannot reach such a far frontier.

They do have contact with high-level military officials, but what do they have to do with him, a B-level soldier at the grassroots level?

So he just wanted to put on some symbolic airs and try to manipulate the other party a little bit.

Who would have thought that the other party wouldn't buy it at all, so he just slapped an A-level guy on his knees in front of him.

He even issued death threats in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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