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Chapter 172 Insider

 Qu Jianlei knew Youyou's plan, and with a thought, he took out twenty nutritional supplements.

Then there was the water bag, and he also took out four A-grade crystals, two for each person.

Youyou didn't care, and took five nutritional supplements first. The energy tolerance of B-level warriors was far higher than that of ordinary people.

Then she drank almost three hundred milliliters of water before looking at Qu Jianlei with her eyes: Don't you want to eat some?

Qu Jianlei shook his head slightly, feeling a rare space jump. He wanted to do some experiments in the process.

What he was paying attention to at the moment was the unknown guy, wanting to see when he would take nutritional supplements.

Although his cultivation level is already higher than that of the other party, he still observes very carefully.

Never underestimate others at any time, otherwise you may regret it - the liaison office almost made a mistake, and the lesson is enough to serve as a warning.

And this person who dared to sneak across the border openly was obviously not a fuel-efficient person.

However, after paying attention to him for almost an hour, the other person had not yet swallowed the nutritional supplement.

He was a little impatient in waiting, and asked Youyou in a low voice - Didn't you say that before the jump, Class B must take nutritional supplements to replenish their physical strength?

When Youyou heard that the man hadn't taken nutritional supplements, she was a little puzzled, "It's impossible for him... not to understand this, right?"

Anyone who has ever flown on a spaceship or experienced a jump cannot fail to know this common sense!

Otherwise, this person is a native of the base, but there are really too few such people!

However, even if you are a native who never leaves your home base, you can't grow up without mastering relevant knowledge at all, right?

Youyou was kind-hearted and suggested in a low voice, "How about... let's remind him?"

In comparison, when Xiao Moshan met Youyou, his first reaction was to kill someone.

Qu Jianlei shook his head. He had no intention of reminding the other party, "If you are not fully prepared, he deserves to be unlucky!"

The final result of the other party is that he cannot survive and starve to death at most. He really has no intention of rescuing him, even if the other party may be a traitor to the base.

Before I knew it, another half hour had passed.

Youyou couldn't help but frown, "Is this... not planning to jump, but choosing sub-light speed navigation?"

Jumping uses more energy, but it saves time. Sublight navigation uses not much energy, but it takes time!

Qu Jianlei couldn't help but ask, "If we choose sublight speed navigation, how long will it take to reach Hope 3?"

"That depends on the speed," Youyou replied in a low voice, "The fastest would be one month, and the slowest would be three months."

"The most economical sailing speed should be about two months, but I'm curious...why did you choose this sailing method?"

That guy should know something! Qu Jianlei finally understood why that guy stopped taking nutritional supplements. He co-authored it because he knew how to navigate.

But he really didn't bother to ask, if strangers met in this situation, it was better to keep a distance.

The key is that even if he asks clearly, can he still change the way he sails?

They didn't react, and the other one hid himself very securely, basically not doing anything.

Two days later, the man took four tubes of nutritional supplements, drank some water, and did not move at all. He was obviously saving calories.

Qu Jianlei was so bored that he even started meditating.

There are some books that he has not finished reading, especially those from the Secret Pavilion, but this kind of place is not a place for immersive research.

On the fifth day, Qu Jianlei took two tubes of nutrient solution, took out a Grade A crystal and was about to practice, when suddenly the alarm sounded loudly!

The target of the alarm should be all passengers, but there are also loudspeakers in the cargo hold - useful when transporting soldiers.

"Star thief!" Youyou's expression changed and she whispered, "This is the alarm sound of encountering a star thief!"

Sure enough, a deep voice sounded, "Dear passengers, please pay attention. Dear passengers, please pay attention..."

"There are three unknown ships ahead, and there are also spaceships ambushing next to us. We may have encountered star thieves!"

What happens in the passenger cabin is unlikely to be transmitted to the cargo hold.

But Qu Jianlei has the ability to sense, so he released it directly. At this time, I believe no one will care about this fluctuation.

It was really a mess in the cabin. Some people expressed their intention to be tough, while others wanted to pay for the passage.

Some people even complained that I had asked you to make the leap a long time ago, but you just didn't listen - am I the one who lacked the money?

It's great now, I encountered a star thief, and all my insurance was in vain!

The insurance company has regulations. If there is an accident during jump navigation, the compensation rate will be very high and the upper limit will also be high.

But when you encounter star pirates while sailing at sub-light speed, it is called force majeure!

Sublight speed navigation does not have various hidden dangers during jumps, and the insurance premium is relatively low, but force majeure is not covered by the insurance.

In short, if you choose a cheap sailing method to save money, you will have to bear the corresponding risks.

Qu Jianlei listened for a while and asked Youyou curiously, "Doesn't this spaceship belong to the military?"

If the spacecraft belonged to the military, there would be no need to argue about whether to fight or pay tolls. What should be argued was how to fight.

The military pays tolls to the Star Thieves...that's a big joke!

However, this judgment may not be accurate. Qu Jianlei is really not sure what the empire's military style is.

In the wasteland, he has seen too many strange things, probably due to the differences in civilizations, some of them are really unbelievable.

If there are serious deviations in conceptual understanding, it is not surprising that something will happen.

In fact, even on Blue Star, there have been cases where the military paid protection fees to bandits.

However, Youyou's answer was a bit unexpected, "It definitely does not belong to the military. The spaceships that go to the base rarely belong to the military."

Qu Jianlei was stunned when he heard this, "You wouldn't tell me that the base doesn't belong to the military, right?"

Youyou gave him a strange look, "Of course the base does not belong to the military. Who gave you this illusion that it belongs to the military?"

Qu Jianlei was completely speechless. He blinked several times before asking a question.

"Such a big base, but it doesn't belong to the military... Didn't you say that you came from border defense?"

"I am indeed a soldier," Youyou replied without hesitation, "but I protect not only the military, but also civilian assets."

"Wait a minute," Qu Jianlei heard news that shattered his outlook again, "The base is a private asset?"

A mere civil society group actually dared to conduct a large-scale human evolution experiment, which resulted in numerous casualties and appalling cruelty!

"It's not a private asset either," Youyou wanted to explain in detail, but found that she really lacked words.

"Let's put it this way, the base does not own the planet, they just help the empire manage it... and earn reasonable profits."

Qu Jianlei's expression became increasingly weird, "But they filled the wasteland with killing. Who gave them the power?"

Youyou shook her head, "Various measures in the wasteland are officially decided. Where does the base have such power?"

"They only help with official supervision. With so many people dying in the wasteland every day, which non-governmental organization can handle it?"

Qu Jianlei somewhat understands this model. In fact, he is an agent, or contractor.

There is still something I don’t understand here, but there is no need to pursue the details for the time being.

What he cares most about is, "You are a soldier guarding the border, and a civil society organization...can they wrongly accuse you?"

Youyou's face suddenly darkened. Obviously, these words touched on her pain points.

"The organization that built the base is also a very powerful organization. The military is only responsible for guarding it and does not participate in specific affairs."

Qu Jianlei pinched his eyebrows, thought for a moment and asked, "Then if I don't talk about you, they still dare to accuse Xiao Moshan unjustly?"

"Mo Huaitian..." Youyou also found it difficult to answer this question.

In fact, she didn't know much more about Mo Huaitian than Qu Jianlei, and she only communicated about many things a while ago.

After much deliberation, she could only tell what she knew, "The one that has full authority to handle base affairs is the largest security company in the empire."

Qu Jianlei finally understood, "So, this company is good at force?"

"That's right," Youyou nodded. She didn't want to say more about it. "By the way, which group of star thieves were intercepted earlier?"

"Oh, Star Thief," Qu Jianlei finally reacted.

I was only obsessed with the so-called truths, but I forgot about the biggest crisis now.

Feel it, his expression is a bit weird, "Actually... you want to fight?"

In Youyou's words, this is an ordinary cargo company's spaceship. The entire cargo company may not be able to collect 5 A-level ships.

Five A-levels can crush Central City, but they are not enough in the canyon. Against the base... they are like scum.

However, such a company actually dares to take on the task of interstellar transportation.

Therefore, although the wasteland is ruined, it is not as ruined as everyone thinks. There are three A-level cities in Central City.

The A-level in the canyon is double digits, and there are supreme beings, while the A-level in the base is even more.

After all, it is the management of a planet, and there cannot be too few high-end combat capabilities.

But this transportation company mainly deals in human connections, so there is no need to place too much emphasis on force value.

Of course, it won't work if you don't have any force value, so there are a few A-level warriors.

Qu Jianlei felt that there might be something wrong with his perception. How dare such a company dare to take action against the Star Thieves?

But others didn't see it that way. Some people immediately said, "Just fight. If there is any cost, my Sha family will pay half of it!"

Qu Jianlei really didn't know how strong the Sha family was, but no matter what, it was always better than the Sai family in Hongzi District.

If someone is willing to cover up the war, it will be easier to handle.

The key is that there are still more than thirty people from the base in the spacecraft, mostly technicians, but there are also seven or eight military soldiers on rotation.

There are one A-level and two B-level, and the others are all C-level.

In addition, the spacecraft is jointly protected by the base military and Hope 3 officials.

Qu Jianlei had a feeling of déjà vu. Why did this transportation company look a bit like the escort agency in Blue Star's history?

At this moment, the cargo hold shook violently, and someone screamed, "The other party fired!"

This chapter has been completed!
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