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Chapter 188 Surrounding

After Qu Jianlei came to Liehuo, he was indeed guaranteed food and drink, especially after he designed the hydroelectric generator.

His food standards even exceeded those of the Mu brothers and sisters. The key was that he ate a lot.

Even though he has been quite restrained, one person's appetite is at least as much as that of four or five strong men.

This time Mu Huahua invited him to hunt, but he was a little embarrassed to turn it down.

After staying in the camp for so long, he became a little restless and wanted to see what the wild animals on this planet were like.

He left some supplies in the house. There is no need to bring too many things for hunting. It is inconvenient not to mention, and it is also difficult to carry prey.

I did bring my backpack and folded it a little, so it didn't look too big.

There were a total of six C-class and more than seventy reformed warriors who went out with them.

Mu Huahua knew that Heitian didn't like it, so she didn't select Xi Difei and Gordo into the hunting team, and the two stayed in the camp to guard them.

The worst part of the hunting team is that they are all reformed warriors, and they can travel very quickly.

They were coated with medicine to prevent insect bites, and they moved very little while walking to avoid unknown dangers.

But even so, the seventy kilometers only took two hours.

After arriving, the two people responsible for watching came over and pointed to the distance.

Qu Jianlei had already felt that there were hundreds of animals that looked a bit like cows in the grass three kilometers away.

The size of this animal is a little larger than the ordinary cattle of Blue Star, and is almost the same level as the American bison.

What surprised him was that these cows had thick exoskeletons, more like crustaceans.

He couldn't help but ask aloud, "The outer carapace looks very thick, can't it be eaten?"

Mu Huahua replied, "What can be eaten is some meat wrapped in the exoskeleton, not a lot, and the brain..."

The internal organs of armored cows are somewhat toxic and cannot be eaten.

But then, she said that now we have electricity and can extract nutrients from the exoskeleton.

Before the Star Thieves came, the pioneer group had made such an attempt, and it was successful, but they gave up later because they felt it was not efficient.

Now that I picked it up again, I actually feel a little happy, which shows how much the quality of life has been affected.

Others were a little surprised that Qu Jianlei didn't even understand such "common sense".

Fortunately, no one showed it, but they were just wondering: The technical memory is still retained, but the common sense of life is not?

"Come closer and take a look," Mu Huahua ordered, "Be careful and step down the wind outlet."

The armored cow has a bad temper and is very sensitive to smells. Moreover, this guy is an omnivore, eating both grass and meat.

In those days, the pioneer group could easily deal with the herds of cows, and they would treat them as extra food if they encountered them.

Set up multiple machine guns and shoot with laser weapons, and even the most ferocious herd of armored cattle will have to flee in panic.

But now we not only have to fight hand-to-hand, we also have to consider the advantages and disadvantages.

When they came to a place close to 800 meters away from the cow herd, everyone stopped. No matter how close they were, they would be easily discovered.

Everyone began to discuss the attack method, and Qu Jianlei suddenly said, "Are there other animals that also feed on armored cattle?"

Someone next to me is holding a telescope and looking around carefully, but nothing has been discovered so far.

Mu Huahua asked, "What did you find?"

"There are several unusual places," Qu Jianlei pointed in several directions, "We can explore them."

Immediately there was a C-level wood warrior who controlled the vegetation to sense it according to the direction he pointed out.

There is no way, Godot is not here, so we can only use the wood attribute, which is not much different anyway.

Not long after, the wood attribute warrior withdrew his senses, looked at Qu Jianlei with a strange look, and then gave a thumbs up.

"Lord Black Sky is really powerful. He has a poisonous lizard, two sharp-toothed tigers, and a land-based crocodile."

Mu Huahua knew that Qu Jianlei had very little common sense, so she explained that these three animals could kill armored cattle.

Gila monsters have sharp tongues that can pierce weak points on armored cattle, inject venom and then turn around and run away.

It runs very fast on land, and it is difficult for an ox to catch it.

Gila monsters only need to wait for the armored herd to leave, and then they can slowly enjoy the poisoned prey.

This process may take a day or two, but it doesn't care because it is a scavenger.

The sharp-toothed tiger is much more powerful than the armored ox. After killing the armored ox in a sneak attack, if the armored ox herd dares to fight back, it will circle and run away.

In the process of escaping, if it can seize the opportunity, the sharp-toothed tiger will sneak attack on the next armored cow.

The land-walking crocodile is extremely large in size, has strong combat power and a tough carapace. It is not afraid of armored cattle, and even sharp-toothed tigers have to go around it.

However, predators are relatively slow and their hunting efficiency is extremely low. Most of the time, they can only rely on camouflage and wait for the prey.

At this moment, the sharp-toothed tiger is hiding, and it has more choices. It can wait for the sharp-toothed tiger to hunt the armored cow, and then come forward to snatch it.

As for the armored cattle that Gila monsters may hunt, predators will not come forward to snatch them away - they are so poisonous that they would not feel comfortable eating them.

Mu Huahua explained the relationship clearly and concisely, and couldn't help but sigh.

"This group of armored cattle is not very lucky. They were targeted by hunters from three parties."

A female transformation warrior next to her answered with a smile, "Where is the three parties? It's obviously the four parties."

Everyone laughed softly after hearing this, but Qu Jianlei asked again, "Which one can be eaten by the Gila monster, the sharp-toothed tiger or the crocodile?"

"You can't eat Gila monsters, and it's hard to eat sharp-toothed tigers," Mu Huahua answered simply.

But then, someone next to me cautiously reminded, "The venom glands of Gila monsters are still useful."

Mu Huahua shook her head, "Okay, I'm already very depressed. There's no need to say it anymore, right?"

People used to look down on poison glands, but now they feel like "mosquitoes are also meat".

Qu Jianlei thought about it and said, "Then... take the initiative to expose the Gila Monster first?"

The C-level wood attribute hesitated for a moment before answering softly, "But my vines...can't last long."

Another earth-attribute warrior said, "I want to save my earth sink to deal with the armored cattle herd."

C-level warriors have poor endurance, and good steel must be used on the blade. They don't want to waste their inner breath and energy.

Otherwise, it would not have been Qu Jianlei's turn to discover these predators in the first place.

The soldiers are all old hunters, and what they say is true.

But Qu Jianlei had other ideas, "The vines only need to hinder it a little. If you don't want the Gila monster to escape smoothly, there's no need to tie it up, right?"

The wood attribute warrior hesitated for a moment, then found that Mu Huahua had no objection, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I'll give it a try, but I can't guarantee the accuracy."

The next moment, the grass trembled, and the Gila monster noticed something strange in the grass under its feet.

Just when it was about to carefully take two steps back, the grass under its feet suddenly tightened and wrapped around its soles.

For a moment, it was frightened, jumped up to its height, turned around and wanted to run away.

It is true that the Gila monster is a predator, but it is also on the menu of other predators, so it is not bad at all to be vigilant.

However, the next moment, its body stiffened and it found that it was unable to exert any strength in the air.

Such a loud noise caused the cows to turn their heads and look over.

Finding it was a Gila monster, dozens of strong armored bulls roared low, lowered their heads and rushed over with red eyes.

Each armored ox weighed more than one ton or two tons. The running of dozens of armored oxen shook the earth.

Even the two sharp-toothed tigers and the land-walking crocodile were all shocked when they saw this.

They couldn't imagine what could scare a Gila monster like this.

After the Gila Monster landed, he turned around and wanted to run away, but the grass under his feet suddenly became tightly entangled.

Furthermore, it feels that there is always an indescribable sense of restraint on its body, which greatly affects its actions.

After stumbling for a few steps, the herd of armored cattle behind them had already rushed towards me, and the ground was shaking so hard that I couldn't even run steadily.

In desperation, it wanted to turn around and intimidate the opponent, but this usually easy action was a bit distorted.

Qu Jianlei watched this scene with half-squinted eyes. Godot, who had the wind attribute, did not come, so he did not have to have any scruples in using the "Wind Binding Technique".

In the blink of an eye, the Gila monster was trampled into a puddle of flesh by the furious armored bull.

Regarding its ending, the two sharp-toothed tigers and the land-walking predators didn't show much concern, and they must have seen it too much.

These three have been looking around vigilantly, and one sharp-toothed tiger even straightened up from the grass, looking for danger around it.

Its shoulder height is a little lower than that of a cow, but its body length is not much inferior.

Almost instantly, the armored cattle discovered it and roared softly.

More than a dozen strong armored cattle had just trampled the Gila monster to death, and then turned around and charged over in a menacing manner.

However, these armored cattle did not run as fast as before, and they seemed to be mainly for intimidation.

The sharp-toothed tiger didn't pay attention to their threats at all. He lazily turned around and took a few steps, continuing to look around.

It wasn't until a dozen armored cattle were getting closer and closer that the sharp-toothed tiger trotted a few steps, still not paying much attention.

This is the self-confidence of an apex predator. Just keep an appropriate safe distance. There is no need to be surprised.

The armored cow continues to approach, and the sharp-toothed tiger continues to move away, still taking his time...

"Can we take action?" Qu Jianlei was not interested in the sharp-toothed tiger, "Are we going to deal with the giant crocodile or the armored ox?"

"Deal with the armored cow first," Mu Huahua made the decision, "The predator... don't be in a hurry."

Qu Jianlei made a seal, raised his hand and pointed forward, "Silver Snake Dances~"

Of course, the electromagnetic attribute also has group attack spells. He also made slight changes to this spell.

Anyway, with his A-level cultivation and no electromagnetic warriors around him, it was impossible for anyone to sense the abnormality.

More than a dozen silver snakes fell down and hit more than a dozen armored cattle. The armored cattle group exploded in an instant.

Mu Huahua was also prepared. When she saw this, she said, "Rain~"

Just as the herd of cattle was running around aimlessly, a light drizzle fell.

Mu Huahua is only Grade B, but the rainfall range this time does not need to be very large, nor does the rainfall need to be very heavy.

As long as it can wet the body of the armored cow, it will be better to use the lightning effect.

This chapter has been completed!
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