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Chapter 199 The hurtful truth

Speaking of which, the camps of ordinary star thieves are not as orderly as those on Planet Zarif.

The monitoring and alarm network, as well as civil engineering and other construction here were completed by the four major Tian-level groups.

At the beginning, the pioneering group regarded this place as their base for management, planning and construction, and it was very methodical.

Not only is it convenient for living and defense, but it also prevents others from taking away your pioneering achievements. Unexpectedly, it also gives others an advantage.

According to Mu Guoguo, during the initial construction, in order to prevent accidents, each pioneering group also left some secret escape routes.

However, the attack by the Star Thieves was too sudden. Some pioneer team members were captured, while others escaped through secret passages.

Therefore, these secret passages have basically been exposed. It is impossible to sneak in through the secret passages.

Some of the secret passages were blocked by the Star Thieves, and some were not blocked, but maybe they were reserved for fishing.

There have been cases like this before. Someone tried to sneak in through a secret passage, but was caught by a star thief.

Qu Jianlei got this information from Captain Mu, so now he is hiding outside the core area.

Outside the core area, there is also the actual control area of ​​the Star Thieves, but the management is relatively less strict. It can be said that there is a mixed bag of good and bad things.

This is where the aborigines live, and there are also some production areas. There must also be spies from the pioneering group here.

However, the star thieves allowed this kind of area to exist, which is the need for development and growth.

If we want to develop the resources of this planet as quickly as possible, we cannot do without the support of the indigenous people.

The core area does not allow indigenous people to enter at will, so there needs to be a buffer area for effective communication and management.

To put it more seriously, the Star Thieves have spread out a large number of spies and spies, and they also need a relatively secret place for communication.

Qu Jianlei knew where Flagpole should go to report the situation, but he didn't rush there and found a hotel to stay in first.

After checking into the room, he took a nap first, and in the afternoon, he came to a bar called "Wen Yun".

When the pioneer group was here, many bars were opened.

The team members live a life of bloodshed all day long, and there is a real need to relax in their free time, and it can even be said to be a necessity.

This kind of place is also the most suitable occasion for exchanging information.

Qu Jianlei ordered a large glass of fruit wine and a plate of dried fruits, and chose an unoccupied table to sit down.

Immediately afterwards, he turned the small wine glass upside down on the table and placed two dried fruits in the shallow recess of the small wine glass.

Then he took a large glass of fruit wine and began to sip it.

The wine glass was about one liter in size, and he held it steadily, since he didn't use the small wine glass of about 200 milliliters anyway.

After drinking for about ten minutes, a short man walked over, with a sinister look on his face and a strong smell of alcohol on his body.

Seeing the two dried fruits in the shallow recess at the bottom of the wine glass, the man's eyes lit up slightly and he sat next to Qu Jianlei.

The man spoke in a low voice, smelling of alcohol, "What kind of information do you want?"

Information can be bought and sold here, and the star thieves tacitly allow this to happen.

The flagpole that Qu Jianlei impersonated had also bought and sold information in similar places.

However, the information he sells must be already in the hands of the star thief, and must be allowed to be sold by him.

As for the information he bought... he usually spent his own money, and it was impossible to apply for reimbursement.

As a spy, you also need to buy information? Don't tell me, there is really such a need.

Flagpole regularly reports information to his superiors, who will evaluate his performance.

It is impossible for the Star Thieves to supervise the spies who are released, but they will not be allowed to let themselves go. It is normal to have assessments.

For a period of time, if the spies cannot provide quality and quantitative information, they will be considered "lazy" or even "malfeasance."

But the appearance of things like intelligence... is very random, and it doesn't mean that it will definitely be there.

Flagpole is not even a reformed warrior, and his status among the Star Thieves is extremely low.

Once he fails to meet the standards, he will be severely punished - as an ordinary person, he will not even have a chance to defend himself.

Therefore, it is necessary for Flagpole to find out how to buy information.

In fact, he had done this before, and the above seemed to guess that his information was not original, but purchased.

But the superiors didn't care and chose to turn a blind eye - they had already paid for the information at their own expense. It was really not a lack of effort.

Therefore, even if someone sees through Qu Jianlei's current behavior, it doesn't matter.

He glanced at the drunken man and said simply, "We need information from the pioneering regiment."

"Isn't this nonsense?" The man murmured in a low voice, picked up a few dried fruits and threw them into his mouth.

"Those who come to buy information are either from looters or pioneers... To be more specific."

Qu Jianlei replied calmly, "Who said you can only buy information from these two parties? Do you understand?"

The man laughed when he heard this and said nonchalantly, "Hey, I'm still an expert..."

He knew what the other party was referring to, "I'm not interested in prying into other miscellaneous little things... Which regiment do you want to buy information on?"

Qu Jianlei pondered for a moment and asked, "Do you have any information on the movements of the Tian-level regiment?"

"Hey~" The man's eyes lit up slightly, and then he laughed again, "Looks like he's a big customer."

Then, he looked Qu Jianlei up and down, "But to be offensive...it doesn't look like you can afford the fee."

Qu Jianlei's makeup is very ordinary, and this outfit also fits the character of Flagpole - ordinary ordinary people, how can they have so much money?

He nodded slightly, "That's true. I don't have much money, but I still want to buy information. Do you have any suggestions?"

Seeing that he refused to accept the provocation, the short man shook his head and said, "If you don't have money, what can you say? Let's go."

He staggered away, and Qu Jianlei didn't pay attention, nor did he have any intention of stopping him.

There was someone in the bar who remembered this scene in his heart.

Qu Jianlei sat there until dinner time. After drinking a large glass of fruit wine, no one came to ask.

He was not in a hurry, ordered a meal and finished it casually, ordered a large glass of fruit wine, and continued to wait there.

There is a gap between the afternoon show and the night show, and the intelligence dealers also have corresponding rules and regulations.

If someone sells information in the afternoon session and the negotiation fails, a sensible person will not try to solicit business to avoid being suspected of dumping at a low price.

After all, this is an industry that pays great attention to taboos. Those ignorant young people have already died in the ditch.

Not long after the nightclub started, someone else came over, but unfortunately, the agreement was still not settled.

Qu Jianlei was not in a hurry. He waited until it was close to midnight to leave and went to the hotel to rest.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed. He plans to keep it the next day and change the venue if there is still no harvest.

Unexpectedly, less than ten minutes after returning to the hotel, someone knocked on the door.

Star thieves are ruthless and easy to kill when they plunder, but they generally pay more attention to order on the land they manage.

Qu Jianlei already knew who was outside, so he stepped forward and opened the door.

Outside the door was a tall, middle-aged woman with a bag in her hand.

After seeing Qu Jianlei, she was slightly startled for a moment, then nodded, "I heard that you want to buy information. Can we talk in the house?"

"Okay," Qu Jianlei nodded and let the person in.

After closing the door, he walked back into the house and asked, "What do you want to drink, a drink or wine?"

"Let's talk business," the woman sat down on the chair, pressing the wooden chair to make a squeaking noise.

She looked Qu Jianlei up and down and said simply, "I know you...you want to complete the assessment, right?"

Qu Jianlei was really stunned. He thought about it before replying, "Who the hell dares to earn this kind of money?"

Although he is an ordinary person, as a long-term spy, his secret level is not low.

Obviously, his relevant information was leaked, which is why the other party was so straightforward.

So even though this woman was a reformed warrior and he was just an ordinary person, he still had an attack when it was time to.

"Don't take yourself too seriously," the middle-aged woman curled her lips disdainfully, "You can be a spy because you are ordinary enough."

This is the truth, but the truth... is very hurtful.

When Qu Jianlei heard this, his face suddenly darkened and the corners of his mouth twitched.

But the next moment, he still said forcefully, "I'm sorry, I will report this to the superiors...it's too vile in nature."

The middle-aged woman didn't care at all, "I dare say, I'm not afraid of you reporting it. Are you sure your boss wasn't involved?"

Qu Jianlei was stunned again, "My boss... was involved? I will also report this."

"Whatever you want," the woman became more and more casual, "but you'd better think about what the consequences would be if I didn't lie to you."

After a pause, she spoke again, "If I hadn't confirmed your identity, I wouldn't even bother to come to you to sell information."

This reason is not very persuasive.

Knowing that he doesn't have much money, he still wants to sell information door-to-door. This is the first time the two parties have met... This doesn't make sense at all, does it?

Qu Jianlei was stunned again. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said, "Can you still operate like this when you are together?"

The middle-aged woman replied disapprovingly, "This is because you are so rare. The possibility of duplication of information is very high, right?"

Qu Jianlei nodded, "That's right."

"It's not a loss to pay some money to pass the exam. No one else...including your boss will think the money is too much, right?"

Qu Jianlei was stunned for a while, then smiled bitterly, "That's true, but I still feel a little weird."

"After all, you are still too weak," the middle-aged woman didn't mind his reaction, "How much information do you want to buy?"

She didn't even ask about the other person's choice, and her contempt was palpable - I've got you.

However, the character played by Qu Jianlei really has no other choice. This is the tragedy of ordinary people.

He thought blankly for a while, then smiled bitterly, "Forget it, just think of spending money to buy peace."

"But I really don't have much money, a hundred silver dollars... I want to buy news that is not too repetitive."

(Updated, please vote for the last twenty-seven hours of this month.)

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