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Chapter 264 A crushing defeat

 The defeat of the Star Thieves happened very suddenly.

It was clear that one moment they were still attacking fiercely and advancing a lot, but the next moment, a group of star thieves advancing at a slower speed turned around and ran away.

The pioneers later learned that this was the third team of star thieves who were originally plundering in outer space and were recruited to fight against the pioneer group.

Their idea is very clear: I don't need to run too fast, I just need to run ahead of the other Star Thief teams.

The third team originally came here to join us, not counting the core team of Star Thieves. Now that something is going wrong, we still have to preserve our strength?

However, they were smart and others were not stupid. When they discovered that friendly forces were retreating, other star thieves followed suit.

The star thieves who attacked the most fiercely were immediately miserable and fell into a heavy siege by the pioneering group.

However, the pioneers did not launch a war of extermination. Instead, they sent a small number of troops to guard them, and the larger troops pursued them in tandem.

In an instant, the offensive and defensive positions were switched. As fast as the Star Thieves ran, the Pioneers chased them.

In a true "defeat like a mountain", a large amount of supplies were thrown by the star thieves on the roadside, just to make themselves run faster.

Some star thieves even threw away their guns and pretended to be indigenous people.

However, the trophies left along the way really have no impact on the pioneering group.

It’s not that the pioneers didn’t love money. They were all people who risked their lives to make money. How could they not love money?

The main reason is that at the beginning of pioneering, the four heaven-level groups made an agreement on how to deal with differences in the distribution of goods.

For the pioneering group, this kind of agreement is very important and very necessary, because if there is a fight like this, the group may really be destroyed.

Therefore, the punishment for violating the agreement is also very severe, which can almost be said to be zero tolerance - it doesn't matter if you are greedy, don't harm everyone.

As a result, the large forces of the Pioneer Regiment pressed hard on the retreating Star Pirates, and it took only two days to regain control of the security area.

In the end, four A-level star thieves showed up to respond, and the situation ended in a stalemate in the security area.

In most medium-sized military depots, the star thieves also began to retreat. Some military depots destroyed supplies, and some simply ran away.

Qu Jianlei and others did not expect that in just two days, 99% of the planet Zarif would be recovered.

However, if the pioneer team wants to continue fighting, the difficulty will not be as high as usual.

The star thieves shrank, and the defense strength and thickness were greatly improved.

However, the pioneering group's ammunition, fuel and energy blocks are still a bit insufficient.

Even if they have captured a lot, they are not afraid of spending it at this time, but they lack heavy firepower and are really unable to attack.

However, even so, the pioneers were still launching attacks, but in a piecemeal manner.

Although the star thieves were a mob, facing this predicament, they also launched counterattacks in many directions.

It's just that the energy and spirit are gone, and the effect of the counterattack is really not very good.

Especially when the pioneers know that victory is in sight and find that the momentum is not right, they will decisively run away - if you have the guts, go out and fight.

The star thief's attack will use A-levels to open the way, but there are not all A-levels in the pioneer group.

For example, Zheng Ziyang, the leader of the Quantum Regiment, came to the front line to support the pioneering team.

While he was responding, he also made a special trip to the burning field hospital.

Zheng Ziyang first confirmed Bai Yi's death. When he faced Heitian, his face looked quite ugly.

Fortunately, there was Linghu as a witness. Although it was not convenient for him to tell the fourth master, his identity and cultivation were enough.

Not to mention the collapse of the relay tower, he also played a role.

However, Zheng Ziyang's face still looked bad. He looked at Hei Tian and spoke coldly.

"They say you have outstanding military exploits and are so powerful that my ears are almost calloused... So, which force do you belong to?"

This is the thinking of those in power in the empire: behind a strong individual, there must be strong support from powerful forces.

Otherwise, it is just an information barrier that ordinary people cannot break through.

It's actually not surprising that Zheng Ziyang asked this - many people were speculating on Heitian's origin.

However, everyone is very careful to avoid taboos, and it would be a bit impolite to ask directly.

Therefore, Zheng Ziyang's behavior cannot be said to be malicious, but it cannot be said to be well-intentioned, and there is also a hint of arrogance.

Qu Jianlei was stunned when he heard this: Did I provoke you? Bai Yi's death was due to his own lack of strength, how can he blame me?

He is really a little confused, why do all of you in the Quantum Group have objections to me?

Qu Jianlei even wanted to answer directly - Anyway, I am not a fat fox person!

But before he could speak, Fangcao spoke directly.

"Zheng Ziyang, you're right. If I were you, I would first think about how to explain Fei Hu's defection to the empire."

Whether it's a slap in the face or not, her words were really harsh, but she didn't care: I obviously told the truth.

Anyway, the relationship between Black Rain and Quantum is just that. There is competition in cooperation, which is an indisputable fact.

When Zheng Ziyang heard this, his face became darker and darker. You, a mere deputy leader, dare to talk to me like this?

He looked at Fangcao and said coldly, "Hei Tian's origin is unknown. Do you, Hei Yu, have to protect this person?"

Fangcao had already offended someone, so naturally she was not afraid of being more upright, so she smiled coldly.

"The origin of Fei Hu is quite innocent... Heitian is my Black Rain's man, what does it have to do with you Quantum?"

Zheng Ziyang sneered back, "Okay, I hope you can take on the subsequent responsibilities!"

The responsibility behind it...who are you trying to scare? Fangcao smiled indifferently, not even bothering to argue with the other party.

Forget it for others, if they say that Heitian has ulterior motives, she doesn't believe it - just look at Heitian's record and you will understand.

Even Hongyun couldn't stand it anymore, "Captain Ziyang, Feihu has brought too much passivity to everyone, and he is very resentful."

It's now like this, and you're still looking for bad luck from Krishna. Can you be more clear about it?

Zheng Ziyang also didn't expect that Hongyun, who was known as a good old man, would make fun of Fat Fox, so he could only snort angrily and say nothing.

The three A-levels present were all supporting Krishna. No matter how much he obsessed, he could only let it go in frustration.

At midnight that day, two B-class warriors escaped from the Star Thief camp—both members of the Diamond Regiment.

They came to contact the settlers outside, indicating that the Diamond members intended to surrender.

Since the beginning of the counterattack, hundreds of people from the Diamond Regiment have surrendered.

Diamond's initial rebellion was led by two regiment leaders. Now that both of them have died in battle, there is no A-level in the regiment.

The remaining hundreds of B-class warriors were divided into small teams. They didn't agree with each other, and no one could make a decision.

These two B-class warriors united two small teams and wanted to return to the pioneering regiment camp.

After all, although the pioneers were bloody, no one wanted to live their whole lives with the name of "taking refuge in the Star Thieves".

Of course, there is another point that is also very important, that is, the Star Thieves have a clear target against the pioneers who jumped back.

So everyone is crazy, waiting for the Empire's attack with the Star Thieves?

They met a team from the scarlet camp. When the team members heard that they were from Diamond, they didn't beat them up on the spot. They were very restrained.

However, one of the scarlet captains was killed in battle and the other was captured. They couldn't handle such a big matter.

You can definitely make a decision by looking for Zheng Ziyang, but... Scarlet People really don't want to find this person.

If it weren't for the quantum exploitation of Fat Fox being too ruthless, would people have surrendered to the enemy?

If Feihu hadn't rebelled, could the remaining A-level deputy leader, Elder Gui, be captured?

Moreover, in the night attack a few days ago, Quantum only sent one A-level person to participate in the battle.

Zheng Ziyang said he was stationed at the rear, but the two regiment commanders Hei Yu participated in the battle, one was seriously injured and the other was captured.

As Hong Yun said, the human heart is a steelyard. Although Quantum did not surrender to the enemy, the other members of the pioneer group all harbored resentments.

So after everyone discussed it, they directly contacted the field hospital in Liehuo - there were three A-level hospitals there!

As for the A-level people who are injured and have difficulty responding to Diamond... this is not important, the important thing is that it represents the power of the three parties!

Qian Duoduo and the Engineer Battalion are both Xuan-level regiments, but who dares to underestimate these two Xuan-level regiments?

Anyway, the man in Diamond... deserves to die, he really caused everyone so much misery.

After the field hospital received the news, Linghu first expressed his position: I am not interested in this.

Qian Duoduo was hired by Diamond, but Diamond's rebound put Qian Duoduo in an impossible situation.

However, Hongyun knew that the pioneer team members were innocent, and although Fangcao was filled with hatred, she was also from a heaven-level group after all.

Once the leader makes a decision, the soldiers below cannot resist it.

They both agreed that they could consider accepting the other side's surrender conditionally.

It is impossible not to hold people accountable, let alone participate in the counter-offensive and earn meritorious services. The right way is to honestly lay down their weapons and be imprisoned!

As for those Diamond members who have helped others commit crimes, they will not escape the punishment of the law.

Qu Jianlei, on the other hand, is all-powerful. He made it very clear: You A-levels can make the decision, I’m not worthy!

The information was fed back through the mobile phone, and the two B-levels didn't find the requirements of the pioneer group to be harsh.

The pioneers all took risks. They could take risks and accept failure. They were just willing to accept defeat.

However, they couldn't agree for everyone, so they still said that they would go back to discuss it and give an answer tomorrow night.

The scarlet man could accept this answer and let him go directly.

Negotiations on the front line are simple to say, but field hospitals also have to consider subsequent operations.

The biggest question is, if the Diamond people rebound again, who will be responsible for responding?

The three A-levels were all seriously injured and it was impossible to respond, so the three of them looked at Heitian again.

Hongyun is a good old man and has a thick skin. "I have to ask you to take the lead in the coordination. After all, you have a fighting strength that is not inferior to that of an A-class."

"No," Qu Jianlei waved his hand and replied simply, "I'm also injured, don't count these messy things against me."

Fangcao sighed faintly, "Heitian, the fate of you and Heiyu has been tied together, and I won't let your actions be in vain."

Hongyun frowned, "You can't go to Zheng Ziyang for this kind of thing, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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