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Chapter 266 Screening

 The second boss was not the only one who was unlucky. The star thieves in the same area as him also experienced the feeling of being targeted by artillery shells.

However, it didn't take long before the star thieves fired back.

It's just that the cannon was damaged a bit, and the star thieves didn't target the elements beforehand, so their reaction was still a little slow.

The initial artillery fire was sparse, but when it gradually became intensive, most of the pioneer team members had successfully escaped.

The responding artillery pieces of the pioneer regiment quickly moved their positions after firing briefly.

They have been fighting with the Star Thieves for more than a day or two. They have learned the true meaning of guerrilla warfare and are very good at "hit and run".

During the artillery battle between the Star Pirates and the Pioneer Regiment, many of the Pioneer Team members who jumped back again were accidentally injured.

However, there is nothing they can do about it, they can only blame their bad luck.

In fact, many star thieves were accidentally injured by their own artillery fire, so that they became increasingly reluctant to pursue them.

However, what Qu Jianlei was most concerned about was not this, but whether there would be A-level star thieves flying in to hunt him down.

Because many of the intercepting artillery pieces had already moved their positions, they had to be repositioned to shoot at the elements, and it was impossible to rush into battle.

If the opponent wants to create a time difference, this is the best opportunity.

Although the responding team also has a large number of laser sniper rifles, etc., if there are many A-levels coming, they may not be able to withstand it.

If the second boss continues to take action and put rock armor on those A-level star thieves, the situation will be even more pessimistic.

Fortunately, after becoming the second master, no second A-level star thief appeared.

After a long time, Qu Jianlei found out why no A-level star thieves continued to appear.

It's not that the Star Thieves no longer have A-levels, it's that they don't want to fight too hard, lest they completely force the Diamond Group to the opposite side.

What’s more, everyone is already planning to run away. Is it worth risking their lives for a little dispute of spirit?

The Star Thieves have all seen the consequences of the Second Master's pursuit. Who would bet on whether the Pioneer Group has prepared more artillery?

Therefore, the response this time was still very successful - if we do not count the accidental injuries to some pioneer team members.

But those pioneer team members who didn't have time to escape were in dire straits. After daybreak, the star thieves began to arrest them.

On that day, more than 500 pioneers were shot and killed, and the scene was extremely bloody.

In fact, these pioneers who did not escape had one thing in common - they were all members of small pioneer groups.

Diamond's people have passed the news to most of their family members, and even if some people don't want to go back, they hope to keep it quiet.

They agreed that once launched, they would kill people, create chaos and escape, and the route was clear.

Those members of the small pioneer group did not have such conditions and could only flee for their lives along with the crowd.

The star thieves killed the members of the small team without any pressure, no matter how brutal the killing was, they were not afraid.

Even if it is a Xuan-level group, the highest cultivation level in the headquarters is only A-level. Do we need to worry about their revenge?

The reason why the star thieves refrained from killing people in the past is not because they have switched to vegetarianism, but because they feel that the price they pay will be higher.

The bloody killings on this day once again reminded everyone that a star thief is a star thief after all, and there is no word "mercy" in the dictionary.

But this is none of Qu Jianlei's business, as long as he completes the assigned tasks.

As for those who failed to rebound successfully for the second time, but lost their lives instead, what does that have to do with him?

No matter how fastidious people are, few are willing to take responsibility for their work.

Seriously, Qu Jianlei is very concerned about whether there are any spies from the Star Thieves among these returning pioneers?

Success was just around the corner, and he didn't want to cause the pioneering group to suffer unexpected losses because of his carelessness.

The total number of returning pioneers this time exceeds 20,000. If you want to screen them one by one, the workload will be huge.

Fortunately, the leader of Agni Fire, Mu Guoguo, had seen the magic of Krishna and was the first to express his full support.

As soon as he expressed his support, many pioneering groups announced that they would follow up: It is really necessary to investigate the spies.

This is not only because everyone hates the Star Thieves, but also the spies, but also because many team members are recuperating in field hospitals.

After all, everyone owed Agni and Krishna a favor, and the spies investigating the Star Thieves were doing the right thing, so why not?

It took everyone three full days to check on the returning pioneer team members.

There were as many as twenty teams responsible for the investigation, but there were too many people who could not bear to return, more than 20,000!

Each team has to investigate more than a thousand people, with an average of at least 300 people being interviewed every day.

Calculated using a twelve-hour working day, an average of thirty people need to be surveyed per hour!

Averaged over each person, that is a two-minute interrogation per person... This kind of examination is simply a false story.

After three days, there were nearly a hundred people in the twenty teams responsible for the investigation, and each one was as tired as a dead dog.

As for the review results, no one has much confidence.

Although we have tried very hard to analyze and judge, there are too many people reviewing it and too little time to think about it.

While everyone was complaining, Mu Guoguo came over with a piece of paper and said, "Arrest these one hundred and ninety-five people. Anyone who resists will be killed!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and someone had the courage to speak, "Commander Mu, are there problems or suspicions about these people?"

"Just catch it," Mu Guoguo said lightly, "If something goes wrong, I will bear the fire!"

Although Li Huo is not as good as the Xuan-level group now, he is already the most handsome boy in the prefecture-level group!

This is a very responsible statement, but some people still have doubts, "The decision was made so quickly, which team analyzed it?"

"Captain Mu, it's not that we can't trust you, it's mainly that human lives are at stake... we must be cautious."

"I said, the fire will bear it," Mu Guoguo said seriously, "We can understand if some of you have objections."

Having said this, he smiled slightly and said, "But since you have your own opinions, if something goes wrong, it has nothing to do with the fire."

Captain Mu knew that Black Sky was not allowed to be publicized, so he spoke like this, otherwise wouldn't it be cool to just raise the banner?

But what he said is a hidden secret - if you dare to question me, you must take responsibility.

However, who dares to promise this kind of responsibility? Even if we don’t talk about responsibility, just a preliminary screening will make everyone exhausted.

Someone smiled and said, "Old Mu, we are not outsiders, where do you get the confidence?"

The person who said this is really an old acquaintance. He is an alumnus of Mu Guoguo and is three years older than him. The relationship is not far or close, but there is indeed a connection.

This person is currently also a Class B, a member of the Yanyang Group, a little worse than Mu Guoguo who is in charge of the group alone.

But from another point of view, it is understandable to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade. Some people would rather be a chicken head, and some would rather be a phoenix tail.

Mu Guoguo frowned slightly, then laughed, "It's better not to know some news. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

As expected, the man's face turned pale and he was obviously frightened.

He is keen on inquiring about information, just to get some secrets to satisfy his curiosity. If it may harm himself, then it is better not to ask.

After being stunned for a moment, he laughed dryly and said, "Then I don't dare to ask. Lao Mu, you are really developed and your momentum is impressive."

"Do you have any objections?" A Class B sitting not far away was dissatisfied, "Captain Mu is so prosperous, are you not convinced?"

When Mu Guoguo heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: Are you speaking for me, or do you want to harm me?

Captain Mu was very sure that he had never seen this Class B before.

But before he could say anything, the schoolmate first expressed his dissatisfaction, "Who are you? What's wrong with you while we chat?"

"I am Qian Duoduo's Suohun," the man said calmly, "Are you brave enough to repeat it again?"

"Soul..." The schoolmate's face changed when he heard this, he hesitated for two or three seconds, then turned and left without saying a word.

Qian Duoduo's group has gathered many geniuses, and their skills are so great that even the four heaven-level groups can't match them.

Strictly speaking, each of the four heaven-level groups has its own background. To be honest, it is impossible to catch up with a lot of money.

But in Zarif, the cost of investing a lot of money is indeed very high.

Suo Hun is one of the most famous geniuses and is known as the "Seven Little Masters".

Yes, he is also a wind attribute, just like the Seventh Master of Star Thieves.

Although he is only B-level, he is good at killing people silently, and his murderousness is much worse than that of Su Dafeng.

The seventh leader is also very murderous, but his main task is to create panic through harassment and contain the main combat power of the pioneer group.

This is a strategic consideration, and Suohun doesn't care about strategy - or in other words, he rarely thinks about strategy. What he is best at is killing people.

In the eyes of B-level star thieves, he is more terrifying than Su Dafeng, but his influence is only limited to B-level, and has not risen to A-level.

Anyway, Qian Duoduo is really too arrogant. He was able to recruit a B-level wind attribute and use it as a killer.

Even the four major heaven-level groups may not be willing to part with such a gesture - everyone comes to Zarif to pioneer the wilderness, not to engage in team battles.

Seeing the noisy guy leaving, Suohun glanced at Qu Jianlei and narrowed his eyes again.

In short, Qu Jianlei did a good job this time, but the follow-up work took a little longer.

Of the one hundred and ninety-five suspected spies, fifteen tried to resist and were killed on the spot.

The remaining one hundred and eighty people honestly accepted their fate.

However, Mu Guoguo did not arrange to continue the investigation. He followed Krishna's instructions and stated directly.

"All of these people have their legs broken. Whether they are guilty or not, we will wait until reinforcements from the empire arrive."

If you break your legs and leave them on Blue Star, even if they are only slightly broken, the consequences will be serious and may lead to lifelong disability.

But in the Empire, this is not a serious matter. The Empire's technology can achieve perfect resurrection.

But there is another problem. These treatments are not cheap. The treatment is easy to say, but where does the money come from?

There are basically no restrictions on the regeneration treatment of amputated limbs in the empire, and there is no need for military merit or anything like that.

The only characteristic is that it is expensive! Only a few people can afford treatment.

Therefore, Mu Guoguo's instructions are basically qualitative.

This chapter has been completed!
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