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Chapter 277 An unexpected surprise

 Qu Jianlei didn't worry about the camera issue, and opened the coat box as he had done.

There are very few things in this coat box. There is only one small bag, not much bigger than a wallet.

Qu Jianlei grabbed the small bag and put it in his arms, turned around and left as if nothing had happened.

When he arrived at the door of the cloakroom, he handed the card back to the waiter, and the mission for this trip was over.

He didn't leave in a hurry, but walked up to the second floor again.

Unfortunately, the position he had just taken was occupied by two men and two women, and the small plate of dried fruits that had not been finished was also pushed to the corner of the table.

Do you want to test my character? Qu Jianlei couldn't help but make a guess.

But I'm sorry, I really don't want to play with you! He held the wine glass and walked to an empty table on the other side.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind: If you dare to provoke again, don't blame me for being rude.

However, I don't know if the other party heard his thoughts, and there really was nothing wrong with him.

He sat there alone, drank for another half an hour, got up and left.

After Qu Jianlei left, the two men and two women occupying his place were still laughing and playing around.

After seven or eight minutes, one of them whispered, "It seems... nothing unusual?"

"It's like this every time," a woman murmured softly, "He lives a really hard life."

"Old Ivan gave me money," another woman whispered, "but he's just a bit stingy and likes to touch randomly."

"I'd rather he didn't pay, so we don't have to help," the previous woman said, "or just give more!"

"Don't underestimate old Ivan," a man said in a low voice, "When he was young, he was at least a B-level peak."

When the other three heard this, they were all stunned, "So powerful?"

We really can't underestimate the B-level peak. We can't think that just because there are so many B-level people on Planet Zarif, this kind of people are everywhere.

It was the selection of the best among the best in the pioneer team that brought together so many people, and the pioneer team members themselves were the best among their peers.

Without this ability and self-confidence, why would they dare to explore new lands?

They want to prove their worth - to put it more bluntly, they want to realize their abilities and are willing to take corresponding risks.

If it is too general to say this, then for example, Mu Guoguo, the leader of the Fire Regiment, is only a B-level person.

As long as your cultivation level reaches B level, you can form a prefecture-level pioneering group!

Of course, if you want to form a pioneer group, there are various constraints, and it doesn't just depend on your cultivation level.

In any case, Class B is enough to qualify to form a prefecture-level pioneer group. This is a final rule!

The total population of Qingyu City is just over 10 million. Are there a thousand B-classes? No! Are there a hundred B-class peaks? No!

There are only about thirty A-levels born and raised in Qingyu City, definitely less than thirty-five!

B-level peak is equivalent to being one in a hundred thousand, which is quite extraordinary.

So when old Ivan was young, he was definitely not someone to look down upon, but now...the hero is getting old and he needs to earn some hard money.

The person who broke the news couldn't help but smile when he saw the three friends were shocked and said, "It doesn't matter, just don't complain so much in the future."

While they were talking, Qu Jianlei was already wandering in a night market three hundred meters away.

Every prosperous city life circle is similar, whether it is in Blue Star or here.

Most of the bars will be bars next to them, and next to the casinos, there will probably be other casinos. This is what makes a metropolis and scale.

In addition, there are some supporting services that are also urgently needed and have emerged as the times require.

This night market mainly sells some food, which is a bit like the street skewers in China.

Qu Jianlei strolled over, chose a stall that pleased his eyes, and ordered a table of dishes.

He ordered a lot, at least enough for four or five young men, but to him... it was nothing.

He sat there and ate leisurely - the calories absorbed through eating and drinking could also improve his cultivation, but it was a little less efficient.

After Qu Jianlei ate and drank for more than an hour, he felt that "Ye Taimei" was about to have an extreme party, so he paid the bill and left.

At midnight, the little old man finally came out of the bar and staggered to a dilapidated off-road vehicle.

He opened the door and walked in. After waiting for about two minutes, the off-road vehicle roared and slowly started to leave.

It's not that he was drunk driving or anything, the old man set up automatic driving.

Twenty minutes later, the SUV drove through two blocks and stopped next to a four-story building.

The small building looks very shabby, it was built at least fifty or sixty years ago.

The car door opened and the old man got out of the car.

He stood there wandering for a long time, stumbled two steps, then turned around and got into the car.

After about ten minutes, the off-road vehicle drove to a relatively remote courtyard with not very bright light.

This time, the door to the courtyard opened and the car drove directly in.

The courtyard door closed, and the old man got out of the car again. This time, his body was still a little shaken, but his eyes were very bright.

He walked to the main room, raised his hand to press the door lock, and the fingerprint unlocked door opened.

Just as he was about to step in, his body suddenly stiffened, "Yes..."

Before he could finish speaking, his head was shaken and he fainted.

When he woke up again, he was already in the wild, with the bright starry sky above his head.

A vague figure stood not far away. The old man thought about it and recognized the person.

He sighed softly and muttered in a low voice, "I knew I shouldn't have taken this order... I was just greedy for money."

The figure chuckled lightly and said, "People die for money. I heard that you have a strong faith?"

"I just make a little money," the old man replied immediately, but his heart kept sinking - this time he was in big trouble.

However, he still tried his best to defend himself, "I will never dare to earn money that I shouldn't earn."

The figure walked up to him and squatted down, his eyes so bright that he said, "Haha, I heard that's not the case."

"I promise not to reveal your secret," the old man shouted desperately, "you have to believe me."

"Also, I have a back-up plan. If I die, your information will definitely be leaked!"

The next moment, he felt a stinging pain on his shoulder, then his head shook violently, and he fainted again.

Qu Jianlei knocked the opponent unconscious in order for the truth-telling potion to work better.

If the injection is done while awake and the other party has received corresponding training, the effect of the truth potion will be sharply reduced.

He brought the potion from Planet Zarif, and he didn't think it would be useful at first. He just wanted to be prepared.

Frankly speaking, Qu Jianlei doesn't like killing people and silencing them.

But when Linghu separated, he found that Youyou had been taken away, so he specially marked Ivan temporarily.

"Like money, strong faith" is not a good thing - this person will betray you when faced with a huge bounty!

In other words, Linghu believes that this person has bad credit, so there is no harm in using a fake identity. If something happens, he must keep silent!

The boss of Linghu specifically reminded him, so how could Qu Jianlei not take it seriously?

As for whether he encountered anything? Youyou's incident may have nothing to do with him, but Zheng Ziyang's death will definitely concern him.

On the way to Qingyu, Qu Jianlei carefully analyzed the term "electromagnetic body technique".

He was very sure that Zheng Ziyang had never seen him perform his movements, and he must have heard about it from other members of the Quantum Group.

Since there are still people in the Quantum Group who know about his special movement skills, it is a high probability event that he will be exposed.

Qu Jianlei is not sure how much covetation the electromagnetic body technique will arouse, but it is necessary to show leniency to the enemy.

In this case, silencing old Ivan became a choice he had to consider.

Tonight's contact was his last observation of old Ivan.

Unfortunately, the other person did not show any qualities that made him feel worthy of letting him go, and he even felt a little disgusted with this person.

He injected three doses of truth serum into the other party. Even though he didn't know old Ivan's cultivation level, it was right that the dose should be larger.

As for whether the other party can handle it, that's not what he has to consider.

Qu Jianlei didn't even expect to get any decent news from old Ivan.

As for the possibility of information being leaked? Only the devil knows whether it is true or not. Anyway, those who engage in this kind of gray business have many intimidation tactics.

In fact, to take a step back, even if it is true, it doesn't matter. It only proves that the old man was unreliable in the first place and that he was right to kill.

However, old Ivan really gave him a surprise.

Not only did the old man not become an idiot, he also revealed some private information - including his identity information, which is still on file.

The yard where old Ivan parked his car was one of the parts of his workshop. Not only did he process fake identities, but he also had secret compartments to hide information.

The secret compartment is built on the wall and is covered by a picture frame on the outside. It only looks like about one square meter and requires a password to open.

Old Ivan was a little reluctant in his subconscious and refused to reveal the password, but he admitted that there was no self-destruct system.

For Qu Jianlei, this was easy. He directly used metal cutting techniques to cut a large hole in the wall.

The secret room not only contains various information, but also guns and ammunition, as well as some banknotes and house deeds.

Qu Jianlei couldn't help but think of the fact that he had also obtained many house deeds in the treasure chest in the Junxing Hongzi settlement.

Unfortunately, the interests related to the house deed were misappropriated by unknown people, and he was still a little grudge at the time.

Thinking about it now, he didn't even have the inclination to go back and look for trouble - if there was a chance in the future, he could handle it on the way.

In addition to these, Qu Jianlei also discovered some crystals containing energy in the secret grid.

These crystals were a little different from those of mutant beasts, but after sensing them, he could confirm that these crystals could also be used for cultivation.

The quality of the crystals is very average, with eight crystals close to Grade B and two crystals close to Grade A.

This was the most useful thing to him, and it was not a waste of time.

In addition, he also unexpectedly found a small book, which recorded some black market information on various planets.

The small book has been around for a long time and is almost torn through. I don’t know how much information is still available.

But it was an unexpected surprise after all.

(Updated to double the last three hours, please vote for me.)

This chapter has been completed!
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