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Chapter 361 Sequence

 Qu Jianlei couldn't figure out why the killer hired by the Starr family targeted him.

He did punish Robin Hood, but that was only the teacher's duty.

Later, the other party invited Xiaomian and Schreck to deal with him, but they were blasted and promised not to do anything again in the future.

He just couldn't figure it out. What kind of hatred was this? Why did he actually invite a killer from the outer space to kill him?

However, if you can’t figure it out, let’s stop thinking about it. Since someone wants to deal with you, it’s because he killed someone wrongly and didn’t let it go.

Qu Jianlei never liked to be sloppy when doing things, so he immediately made up his mind to wait until the other two fell asleep to start.

He must kill the man. Although the woman is also A-level with water attributes, he can consider capturing her alive first.

After you capture him, ask him about his purpose. If he can't find out... then it doesn't matter. In the worst case, he can just kill the Starr family.

As for how big a disturbance would be caused by exterminating families in a city like this? Qu Jianlei no longer wanted to think about the consequences.

He gave in again and again, not wanting to cause trouble, but the other party kept tossing him, so don't blame him for being cruel.

I never thought that at midnight, the woman said something.

"Go to bed early and get up early tomorrow. I'll keep an eye on that swindler and try to get it done on the same day."

Cheating? Qu Jianlei perked up when he heard this: He's not talking about...Gwendren, is he?

He has already determined that these two people were recruited by the Ster family, so it is easy to guess who is the swindler.

I have never heard of anyone from the Ye family or Pollyanna family being very good at defrauding.

Seriously, this guy Gwendolen is a bit deceitful in his actions - it's not that he has no strength, but he always takes crooked ways.

The key is that there is indeed a rift between this person and the Starr family.

Qu Jianlei believed that the man had offended the Starr family more severely than he had offended himself.

However, to directly target the brother-in-law of the second-in-command captain of the bodyguard, not only is the government under great pressure, but is it also a bit neglectful?

After all, the Ye family and Pollyanna are the ones who have the toughest fight with the Starr family, and other conflicts are secondary.

Qu Jianlei was confused again, what was the order in which the two men acted?

But no matter what, if the other party wants to attack Gwendelen tomorrow, he won't be in a hurry to kill him.

Wouldn't it be nice to kill someone with a borrowed knife first, and then kill the murderer later?

Waiting until midnight, Qu Jianlei quietly checked the check-in records of these two people and found that they had stayed there for five days.

As expected, he was very cautious and did not move. Changing places every day is safe, but it is also easy for others to detect abnormalities.

Qu Jianlei was sure that he could find the other party again, so he left without hesitation.

When he came out the next day, he borrowed Bellani's car and slipped out at noon.

Anyway, the renovation of the library hasn't started yet, so he has nothing to do all day.

It's more difficult to keep an eye on the Sky Bow visitor, but if you want to keep an eye on Gwendolen, it's much easier.

A reformed warrior born out of gold and gold, coupled with a C-level, his perception can be a little more unscrupulous.

However, considering that the two killers might also be staring at Gwendren, he still carefully controlled his perception.

Belani had classes in the afternoon and had already gone back. He was riding a motorcycle, wearing a helmet, and observing from a distance.

Needless to say what happened next, he watched Gwendlen enter the hotel with his own eyes.

In the process, Qu Jianlei discovered the spiritual perception of the male counselor.

This guy used an unknown method of element manipulation and was able to conduct and release spiritual power through the ground.

The mental power was still very weak, but he was still discovered by Qu Jianlei, so the difficulty of searching for the opponent's location was greatly reduced.

What was especially rare was that when it got dark, it started to rain lightly.

Now Qu Jianlei is at ease, his attributes can be switched freely, and Yusi is the best cover for him.

He even borrowed

Covered by the rain, they approached each other.

The female counselor was also of the water attribute, but her perception was weaker than that of a man, and she did not notice Qu Jianlei's approach.

After the two set up the sniper rifle upstairs, the female consultant played with the gun for a long time and made various settings.

Only then did Qu Jianlei realize that this woman might be better at supporting.

In addition, he also heard some news that he wanted to know.

After shielding their sniper rifles, the two men entered a car parked on the roadside.

This car was not rented, maybe... it was provided by the Starr family?

After getting into the car, the man turned on a portable screen and looked at the hotel entrance.

The woman said, "Control yourself. Injury is enough. You must not kill anyone."

"I know," the man snorted and said impatiently, "First deputy planet commander, it's not a big deal."

Qu Jianlei hid behind a tree not far away and sensed these conversations.

Not killing Gwendren? He was a little surprised: this is not the style of a killer!

But soon, he realized that the second-in-command captain of the No. 4 Star was only an A-ranker.

For two A-level killers, the deterrent effect is indeed not that great.

So what are these men and women afraid of?

The next moment, Qu Jianlei had a flash of inspiration: It's not that they don't dare to kill people, but maybe there will be other moves next?

Once the captain of the guard becomes angry and launches a large-scale search, it will hinder the follow-up actions of the two people.

Following this line of thinking, he understood a little bit why these two people didn't attack the Ye family and Pollyanna first.

These two families are the rivals of the Starr family, and if something unexpected happens, the situation will quickly intensify.

Therefore, these two families should be left to be dealt with last.

These two killers have quite a plan.

Immediately afterwards, Qu Jianlei was shocked to realize another question: So, after Gwendren, whose turn is it?

Panda is just a small transformation warrior. Although he was sent by Star 2 to support him, he is only a technical worker, not even a teacher.

He has faded out of the battlefield of "Three Families' Melee" and no one is paying attention to him. Isn't it normal to accidentally have an accident?

When some people realize that the accident is more than just an accident, the killer kills two more times crazily and then leaves!

Qu Jianlei was not sure whether the killer planned this, but logically, he thought his speculation was correct.

Are these two guys really so cruel? He was a little unsure.

If this series of operations were to be carried out, it would definitely be an earth-shattering case.

However, suspicion is suspicion, and it is always right to show leniency to the enemy. If he did not increase his vigilance, Zi Jiu Xian and the other three might encounter something unexpected.

Qu Jianlei made up his mind to keep an eye on these two people today.

Later, he watched the whole process from when Gwendlon left the hotel to when he was shot.

That guy might have thought that it was because of the rain that he had escaped disaster, but little did he know that they didn't want to kill him!

As for Gwendelen being unable to contact Qu Jianlei, that was completely normal. He put his watch into the storage ring.

A watch can not only send and receive communications, it can also do many things, one of which is locating and recording whereabouts.

The two killers achieved their goal, drove the car, and left slowly.

The car stopped at an open space two kilometers away. The two got out of the car, holding umbrellas and looking for a taxi.

On a rainy day, it was difficult to find a taxi. They walked slowly for a kilometer under umbrellas before finding the car in a parking lot.

Qu Jianlei followed the car from a distance, only to find it heading out of the city.

When they arrived at the outskirts of the city, another resort hotel appeared. They parked the car and checked in.

Obviously, these two people have changed their residence. There is a good scenic spot and an amusement park here, which is suitable for tourism.

customer behavior.

Qu Jianlei had a fight with these two people today, just to find out what their next move would be.

His luck was really good, and he actually overheard a more important conversation.

The man took the initiative to ask the woman, "Shall we go to the college tomorrow?"

"We'll go out tomorrow," the female consultant replied naturally, "let's see the reaction first... aren't you unsure about that person?"

The man was silent for a while, then nodded, "Indeed, please check first to see if we are being searched."

The female consultant took out a palm-sized instrument and several wires, and connected them to the cable socket in the room.

She fiddled with the instrument, and an image was displayed on the three-dimensional projection of the suite.

She manipulated it for a while, then nodded slightly, "Four inquiries, two of which are parents of mecha trainers..."

"The remaining one is from the immigration administration department, and the other is... from that family."

The male counselor nodded upon hearing this, "Fortunately, there are no unknown searchers."

When Qu Jianlei heard this, he couldn't help but secretly exclaimed that he was lucky.

When he first followed these two people, he used mental power perception, which was all supported by his cultivation.

He is a bit stupid, but if he borrows someone else's authority to retrieve tenant information through taxis, the secret will definitely be exposed.

He listened for a while and found that there was no more content, so he quietly left.

Early the next morning, Qu Jianlei took out his watch and received a communication request.

Because it was an unfamiliar number, he hung up immediately, but the other party called again tirelessly.

He picked up the phone and asked angrily, "Who is it?"

The other side replied in a deep voice, "I am Gwendren's guard. We have met... I want to know where you were last night."

"You must be sick," Qu Jianlei muttered, how could you doubt me?

However, he didn't want to be too fussy and answered simply, "I'm reading and resting in the dormitory."

The C-class soldier continued to ask, "Who can prove it?"

"You are really ill," Qu Jianlei hung up the call without hesitation.

However, the next moment, the other party sent another connection request, and he answered angrily and said, "I have to contact the nursing school team in advance!"

Don't tell me you're not a patrol officer. Even if a patrol officer wants to ask me, he doesn't have the right to ask me so directly.

The C-class soldier said without hesitation, "Last night, Mr. Gwendlen suffered a sniper attack."

"Sniper?" Qu Jianlei laughed out loud, "Haha, that's such a pity... From your tone, it seems like he's not dead?"

This chapter has been completed!
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