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Chapter 424 Feasting and feasting

 The person who stayed up most of the night and sneaked into the academy quietly must not be a serious person, and he is also a level A fire attribute.

What surprised Qu Jianlei was that this Class A did not approach the staff dormitory, but parked far away.

Could it be someone sent by Professor Four? He remembered the last meeting between the two parties.

So he didn't rush to take action, and just silently sensed the other party.

The fire attribute A-level stayed for almost half an hour before taking out his watch and sending a message.

Qu Jianlei subconsciously checked his watch and found that there was a delay, but no message was received.

But text messages will not pass through the data center. Is this a diversion caused by center congestion, affecting normal communications?

Just as he was wondering, he found someone not far away opening the courtyard door and walking out.

It turned out to be Aunt Liu?

Aunt Liu walked slowly along the road, looking here and there with nothing to do. After walking for a while, she took out a mobile phone.

Compared with the wrist watch, the mobile phone is much cruder, but the confidentiality effect of calls is very good.

Turns out he is from Tufuzi? Qu Jianlei thought about it and sent a message to Aunt Liu on his watch, "Does it have something to do with me?"

Not long after, someone knocked on the door, and the fire attribute A-level and Aunt Liu came to the door.

Aunt Liu said apologetically, "He mainly wanted to contact me and didn't want to alarm you, but as expected he still couldn't hide it from you."

Qu Jianlei nodded, "I didn't mean to do it. It's mainly because I don't feel safe personally. I apologize for that."

The fire attribute A-level doesn't seem to be very good at words, "I'm so careful because I'm worried about misunderstandings!"

It can be seen that there is a certain consensus among archeology enthusiasts that pandas are scary, so this person is so cautious.

He came here to inform Aunt Liu that someone in the organization had revealed that there was a super artificial intelligence in Panda.

It's no secret that Panda has encountered an enemy recently, and Aunt Liu asked the organization to investigate.

But when it came to scavengers, archaeological enthusiasts did not want to get involved anymore and took a stand.

But the person who leaked the news now is definitely not the scavenger, so the panda who contacted Aunt Liu has new troubles.

The archeology enthusiast has not decided whether to participate in this matter, but it concerns his most important daughter, so he must inform him.

After listening to this, Qu Jianlei thought for a moment and asked, "Can the person who spread the rumor be found out?"

The fire attribute A-level really doesn't like to talk much, "Just try hard, it's not that difficult."

Qu Jianlei nodded when he heard this, "Okay, I have no intention of dragging you into trouble. Can I buy information?"

The fire attribute A-level hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Theoretically, it's possible, but it's likely to involve a scavenger..."

Qu Jianlei shook his head when he heard this, "The scavenger doesn't need to worry about the two hundred thousand. I want news during the day tomorrow. Is there any problem?"

The fire-attribute A-level fell silent upon hearing this, but Aunt Liu spoke up, "Just do your best, it's hard to guarantee this."

"Three hundred thousand," Qu Jianlei raised the price, "If you give me the news the day after tomorrow, it will be two hundred thousand, the day after tomorrow...one hundred thousand!"

The fire attribute A-level hesitated and asked, "Have you found out the origin of the scavenger?"

"Blitz," Qu Jianlei answered simply. Sooner or later, he would have to encounter the scavenger.

By that time, everyone will know. Even Heltmann knows about it now. There is really no need for him to hide it.

The fire attribute A-level was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then muttered, "So it's them."

Qu Jianlei blinked and asked aloud, "Looking at your attitude, do you have something to do with Blitzcrank?"

The fire attribute A-level shook his head, "It doesn't matter who it is, the scavengers are all one."

I went to Qu Jianlei and pouted helplessly. How could a person remind me that scavengers are not to be trifled with?

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Aunt Liu stepped in to smooth things over, "Okay.

Just don’t ask about the scavenger, let’s give it a try.”

The ability of the archeology enthusiasts organization was indeed impressive, and news came in the evening of the next day.

The person who released the news about super artificial intelligence was actually a company that both Qu Jianlei and Xiaohu had ignored: Bida Freight Company.

At the same time, Tufuzi also sent a piece of news: There may be another scavenger who has taken over the commission, and they will take action as soon as tonight.

The other party's words were very vague, but Qu Jianlei already understood that the one who accepted the commission should be Blitzcrank.

The channels of this team are ready-made, and there is no reason for Bida Freight to find another team.

And he understood that it was not that Tufuzi had uncertain information, but he just didn't want to have too much to do with the scavenger.

It is already a great honor for someone to send this news.

Is the evening coming? Qu Jianlei thought about it and felt that the battlefield could no longer be held in the academy.

After dinner, he drove out of the college and came to a luxury bar.

The name of the bar is "Adventurer's House", which sounds like a rough place.

In fact, it's quite rough. The people who come here are a mixed bag, and there are all kinds of people.

However, this kind of place is in line with the current situation of No. 4 Star. Although there are fights every night, it is still the most popular.

Qu Jianlei came alone, but asked for a dark booth, and then asked the waiter to serve drinks.

The most expensive drink in the bar is worth nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

Doesn’t sound very expensive? But it is already sky-high.

Such a bottle of wine can buy ten square meters of house space in the downtown area of ​​Lushui City.

Qu Jianlei rented a luxurious villa in Lushui City for only 2,000 silver dollars a month.

So the consumption in this bar is really not low.

Qu Jianlei didn't make any big claims, he just ordered two bottles of 999 drinks, which was worth a month's salary of Beanie.

Then he ordered dried meat, fruits, etc., which were also ridiculously expensive, costing more than 2,800 in total.

The consumption level is not low, but in the adventurer's home, he is not particularly outstanding, and he can barely be considered a wealthy person.

The waiter recommended charging the card, but he refused without hesitation, "I don't know whether I will live or die tomorrow."

The waiter was not surprised by this answer. Many of the high-rollers here are really just trying to make ends meet with their heads high.

People who have no tomorrow today are the ones who are most willing to live in a dream and die in a dream.

After the drinks and snacks were served, naturally the warblers came over.

Qu Jianlei didn't refuse anyone who came. If he wanted to drink, he could drink. If he wanted to sit down, he could sit down. Just don't sit in his arms.

As for those who were in contact with each other, it was inevitable. Although he didn't like them, he didn't want to act too different.

After sitting there for less than two hours, a fight broke out, but it was relatively far away from him.

Qu Jianlei didn't care about that. When he saw that one bottle of wine had been finished, he ordered another bottle.

This bar was open all night, and he just wanted to see how the scavenger would deal with him.

After another three hours, the two bottles of wine were bottomed out again. I had to admit that these Yingying Yanyans were really drinkable.

Qu Jianlei asked for two more bottles, and already spent more than 5,000 tonight.

He was wondering when the communication would be blocked, and another woman dressed in a gorgeous dress came over.

Not only was the woman dressed coquettishly, she was also dressed very coolly, but her figure... wasn't Qu Jianlei's cup of tea.

She sat down next to him and raised her hand to get the wine glass, "Handsome man, can you buy me a few drinks?"

Women have a smoky voice that sounds a bit hoarse and lazy. I feel it is caused by having a rich nightlife and staying up late.

Qu Jianlei glanced at her, twitched the corner of his mouth, and laughed dryly, "You can't afford it?"

"It's free, who wants to spend money?" The woman poured herself a glass of wine, then picked up the glass, "Is that okay?"

Qu Jianlei stared at her for three seconds, then shook his head

Shaking his head, "No!"

The woman put down her wine glass, looked at him sideways, and asked with interest, "Why, am I not beautiful?"

Qu Jianlei shook his head and said indifferently, "I don't like others to impose their wishes on me. Have you considered my feelings?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "What else do you want to feel? Don't you want to take me away?"

Qu Jianlei picked up the wine glass and turned it slowly without looking at the other person, as if there was a more beautiful beauty in the wine glass.

After about ten seconds, he spoke in a deep voice, "I don't want to take you away, I want to keep you here today..."

"It's a pity that your partner is not here, Ms. Camili?"

"Oh? Haha," the woman was startled for a moment, then covered her mouth and chuckled, "You recognized me, you are indeed a special consultant."

"I'm a little curious," Qu Jianlei picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, savoring it for a while before speaking again.

"Who gave you the courage to sit next to me?"

The woman blinked twice, then smiled again, "I think you may have misunderstood us."

Seeing her bring the wine glass to her lips, Qu Jianlei said in a deep voice, "After drinking this glass of wine, you may not have the chance to explain the misunderstanding."

"Huh?" Camili looked sideways at him and blinked twice, "What do you mean?"

"Maybe the poison won't kill you," Qu Jianlei waved his hand, "You can try it."

The woman looked at him with a strange expression and was stunned for almost three seconds before placing the wine glass on the table.

At this moment, another Yingying Yanyan came over, but was stopped by the waiter.

Camille ignored this and spoke in a deep voice, "When was the poison administered?"

"I have no obligation to tell you," Qu Jianlei replied calmly, "Don't make your own decisions too much, or you will die."

Hearing this, Camili chuckled again, "I thought you already knew what I do."

"What about the scavenger?" Qu Jianlei took out a cigarette and lit it.

After blowing out two smoke rings, he said leisurely, "Thank you very much for giving me a chance to defend myself."

Scavengers are indeed very united, but they are not unkillable.

When executing a commission, if you are killed by the target person, then you have to accept it - what can you say if your skills are not as good as others?

Team Blitzcrank certainly has the right to retaliate, but other scavenger organizations will not come forward for this.

Camili smiled nonchalantly and said, "You care about the right to self-defense? I thought you were not afraid of anything."

This chapter has been completed!
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