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Chapter 446 Tips

 Qu Jianlei usually cleans the battlefield very quickly. This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

But this time, he wanted to search to see if there was any information about the Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce, so the speed would inevitably be a little slower.

He still had to collect some bodies, such as those with Class A metal properties and Class B electromagnetic properties.

The A-level wind attribute corpse was outside the yard, and it was too late. However, the guy didn't have a holding talisman on him, so a little money would be fine.

What's rare is that even though the awakened person with electromagnetic attributes is B-level, he actually has two talismans.

Qu Jianlei couldn't help but pay more attention to this guy's identity - is he a related household, or is he the focus of Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce's training?

In short, the consequences of killing this person will definitely not be lighter than killing Comet.

But, so what? Originally, it was the Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce who took the initiative to trouble him. If it didn't work once, it would happen again and again.

Besides, this guy also participated in the kidnapping of Xiangxue. Drowning in water is the destiny of a good swimmer.

Just when his perception was fully activated, Qu Jianlei also sensed a secret room.

He rushed in and took a look and found that the door to the secret room was made of alloy. He was thinking about how to break it open, but the city guard had already arrived.

He roared angrily and rolled around, casually applying a rock armor to himself.

The next moment, the golden flame knife had condensed in his hand, and then he slashed hard at the wall next to the secret room door.

It wasn't like he hadn't thought that this secret room might have a self-destruction device, but he didn't believe how powerful self-destruction could be.

After all, this car repair shop is located in an urban area. If the A-level rock armor cannot withstand it, the surrounding area will be in trouble for one kilometer.

The Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce is indeed ruthless in its actions, but it is simply crazy to pack too many drugs just to protect the secret room!

Sure enough, when the knife fell and opened the secret room door, there was a muffled sound.

Immediately afterwards, a huge shock wave caused Qu Jianlei to take two steps back.

However, the power of the explosion...is just that.

It's almost equivalent to receiving a hard hit from a metal A-level one - it's not the peak A-level one.

But after the explosion, flames spurted out from the door again, colorless ones, which must have been at least 4,000 degrees Celsius.

Qu Jianlei's rock armor could withstand it in the short term, but he didn't intend to bear it forcefully, so he ducked to the side.

When I sensed it again, there was already fire everywhere in the secret room. Even if there was something, it probably wouldn't be able to stay.

This explosion shocked the city guards outside.

Everyone knows that the people inside are not easy to mess with, but some people really can't stand this "get out".

In any case, the bounden duty of the city guards is to maintain public order in the town. This kind of lawsuit is not afraid of being brought before the Supreme Court.

Someone was already yelling and cursing, and was about to rush in to get someone, but he never expected that there would be a muffled sound right after.

The sound was indeed not very loud, but the fire explosion was so powerful that it destroyed half of the house and half of the courtyard wall.

Immediately afterwards, what everyone saw was blazing fire.

"I'm sorry, that fire explosion just now was worthy of an anti-heavy machine directional mine. Do you want to die if you do this in the city? "...

"What's an explosion?" The knowledgeable man snorted, "See that the flames are not... colorless!,

While the city guards outside were having different opinions, Qu Jianlei searched around and directly used the wood attribute spell to burrow into the ground and leave.

The wood element's aura stirred, and someone outside sensed it, "Stop talking, they're afraid they're leaving!"

Everyone was just waiting for the people inside to leave. The city guards were brave, but they could withstand such a fire explosion, so there was really no need to provoke them.

Anyway, the fire explosion and flames that appeared here are definitely not a trivial matter, and it is not the little city guard's turn to worry about it.

If the sky falls, there will naturally be people to hold it up. Little people can just do their part.

After Qu Jianlei left, he emerged from the ground three hundred meters away and quietly disappeared into the night.

On the way back to the academy, he just took out his watch and found that it was vibrating.

It was a message from Camili. She didn't say anything else, just sent a thumbs up emoticon.

Qu Jianlei replied casually, "Are you spying on me?"

Before taking action, he had already considered this possibility: the scavenger could provide the location of the comet and could also spy on me.

Of course he knows what the labels on his body are - mysterious!

In order to find out the secrets about him, the scavenger will definitely be willing to pay a high price

When it came to this specific matter, they didn't have to do anything tiresomely, they just stood guard in front of the car repair shop.

In view of this consideration, Qu Jianlei really carefully perceived the environment around the car repair shop - including but not limited to the commanding heights.

When he first arrived, during the battle, during the peak period, and when he left, he carefully sensed his surroundings and found nothing unusual.

Otherwise, he would not take action decisively. You must know that he is a master who lacks a sense of security.

However, he was not sure whether the scavenger people were monitoring it, after all, they had such powerful tentacles and networks.

So when he asked this question, he was just trying to deceive the other party. It would be good if he gained something, but it didn't matter if he didn't.

But these words really startled Camili, and she responded very simply, "Don't scare me!"

I really want to spy on you, but I don’t have the courage, I can’t afford to offend you, and I don’t want to cause more misunderstandings.”

"Oh, I'm not your person," Qu Jianlei said casually, "Contact me now. What can you do?"

"I just want to ask something," Camili replied. "There is a Class B with electromagnetic properties. Was it killed by you?"

"I didn't," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "Just kill such a small person."

Camili was silent for a full five seconds before she asked in a deep voice, "Electromagnetic Class B, is this an insignificant little person?"

"Little people often feel that they are extraordinary," Qu Jianlei answered casually, "But they are still little people after all."

Camille has decided not to be serious with him, but when she heard this, she always felt that the other party was insinuating her.

She couldn't help but ask, "So you are a big shot?"

Qu Jianlei shook his head, "I dare not say that I am a big shot, but there is no doubt that I am better than that guy."...

How many little people like this do you have? I want them all! Camille curled her lips and said, "I mainly want to tell you a piece of news."

"A Supreme Being is coming from Star 3. The B-class you killed was her forbidden concubine...are you afraid?"

Supreme? Qu Jianlei snorted indifferently, "I'm afraid, will she stop coming? The worst is to dig another hole."

Camili was a little uncomfortable with the rebuke, "What if the two Supremes come together, is that okay with you?"

"Well, I didn't say...this news is for sale."

"Then you can sell the money," Qu Jianlei subconsciously wanted to hang up the communication. This kind of person who talks half and hides half is a bit annoying.

So what if there are two supreme beings, who has never seen the world to bully?

When I killed Kushnir, there were two supreme onlookers nearby. What did they do?

But in the end, he didn't give up - I want to hear what you want to say.

Of course Camille also knew that. The other party did not hang up and was too lazy to say more for a while. "The relationship between these two supremes is very good."

"No matter how good the relationship between the two of them is, they can't bully others casually," Qu Jianlei hung up the communication.

He worked hard all night, and it was already after five o'clock when he returned. If it hadn't been winter, it would have been daybreak.

However, just when he wanted to enter the small courtyard, he was shocked to find that the lights in the small courtyard were actually on.

It's late winter now, and there's about an hour and a half until daybreak, and now there's someone in his room.

However, he didn't find anything surprising. Those he dated were not considered normal people.

When I walked in and took a look, as expected, not only Xiangxue and Aunt Liu were there, but Professor Zi was also there.

Seeing that he was back, Xiangxue asked aloud, "What did you do on Disisi San Street just now?"

That car repair shop was indeed located on the street of Disisan. Qu Jianlei had no intention of hiding it. He nodded, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Awesome!" Aunt Liu gave a thumbs up first, "You have taken out the Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce's response point so directly, I admire you!"

Take action. Qu Jianlei frowned and thought about it, then looked at her, "Did you know earlier?"

"I don't know," Aunt Liu simply waved her hand, "In the past we only thought that there was a contact point."

"Oh," Qu Jianlei nodded, and then looked at Xiangxue, "That A-level wind attribute is gone."

"I knew you were the best!" Xiangxue gave a thumbs up, "That guy is so bad!"

The A-level wind attribute was the culprit who captured her, and she was very impressed by this.

But then, she frowned and said, "Is it really the Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce that is behind this?"

"This is none of your business," Qu Jianlei waved his hand, and then asked, "How much do you know about the Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce?"

While asking, he took out the two talismans harvested tonight and felt the contents inside with his heart.

"That talisman is mine." Xiangxue's eyes lit up and she raised her finger to point at one of the talismans. "It has my secret mark on it."

"Then I'll give it back to you," Qu Jianlei handed back the talisman. He would not perceive a woman's collection.

He just warned, "If there is any information in it, remember to tell me."

Aunt Liu frowned and said, "The Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce is really difficult to deal with."

Qu Jianlei knew that this chamber of commerce was not easy to deal with, but Aunt Liu's statement still surprised him.

Do all the local masters have a headache? "Can't touch me head-on?"

"We will not confront each other head-on," Aunt Liu shook her head, "The other party will not attack head-on, unless they are in the Blade Star Territory."

Qu Jianlei thought of Camili's words, "Is the Blade Star Region their base camp?"

"The Blade Star Territory was originally where the rebels were entrenched," Vanilla answered while sensing the holding talisman.

"Three hundred years ago, there were three consecutive rebellions. Later, they were suppressed and pacified through both suppression and pacification, and they were finally pacified."

As expected of a teacher who can teach history, he can actually tell so many things.

Qu Jianlei was a little surprised when he heard this, "Don't the empire always kill rebellions without mercy?"

This chapter has been completed!
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