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Chapter 58

 Hua Xiezi was not surprised by Qu Jianlei's question - he probably didn't know what kind of person he was targeting.

So she said in a deep voice, "I think you should care about yourself first. You don't know how cold-blooded those people are."

Qu Jianlei nodded slightly when he heard this. Judging from the other party's reaction, this should not be a trap.

That's right, the questions he asked Hua Scorpion contained answers - this was something he learned at Blue Star.

So he asked casually, "How cold-blooded?"

A trace of panic flashed across Hua Xiezi's eyes, "That's not just killing people casually after a disagreement..."

"Just to establish their authority, they can kill many people without blinking an eye. You will understand that kind of aloofness only when you see them."

I've actually seen it! Qu Jianlei asked again, "What's the name of that important person? I'll see if I can make use of it."

"It's called Silly Qu. It used to be near the Hong Si garbage dump," Hua Xiezi replied simply. She could understand the other person's thinking.

Sure enough, this is what happened! Qu Jianlei sighed inwardly, "I haven't heard of it, what a pity... Where is my companion?"

"The one named Crack is dead," Hua Xingzi replied calmly, "He wanted to protect that child too much."

"As for the child... his right arm was chopped off on the spot."

"I don't know what happened next, but according to the behavior of those big people, there is no way he is alive."

Qu Jianlei's eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

He had already guessed that the result would be bad, but when the guess was confirmed, he still couldn't accept it calmly.

After being silent for a while, he finally spoke, his voice trembling obviously, "My belongings..."

Hua Xiezi sighed softly, she could understand the other party's feelings, "They can do anything, no one can stop them."

She didn't answer the question directly, but it was equivalent to answering it.

Qu Jianlei was silent for a long time before asking, "Why are you telling me this?"

He doesn't believe that the other party will fall in love with him at first sight, so... aren't you afraid of death if you leak this information?

Hua Scorpion smiled bitterly upon hearing this, "Because if they find you... I don't want to be silenced."

She may not necessarily be silenced, but it is a matter of personal life and death. Who would bet on that "maybe"?

She only hoped that if Hei Tian could escape smoothly and she could not find him for one day, she could live one more day.

As for whether Krishna is stupid or not, it doesn't matter anymore, she just wants to live.

Qu Jianlei was stunned for a moment, and then he realized the logic - people in the main settlement do things without any taboos.

But having said that, he still couldn't guarantee that this was not a trap.

What if the other party wants to do something extraordinary and get a lot of benefits?

It's not that he has a dark mind, it's that his sense of security is too low and his obsessive-compulsive disorder cannot be cured.

"Then you went into the mountains alone to find me. Aren't you afraid of being discovered by someone?"

"Who told you that I came in alone?" Hua Xiezi rolled his eyes when he heard this. This guy's thinking is really careful...

After the convoy she was in arrived at Hongyi, they began to quickly investigate.

Qu Jianlei changed his name to Fugui, which was somewhat useful, but not of much use.

The three of them are new here, there are also one big and one small in the team, and they are also not short of money.

The most important thing is that the casino that traded gold with Qu Jianlei was the white glove of a big shot in Hong Yi.

Knowing that he has traded gold, and looking at the style of the gold bars, I can basically confirm it.

When I came to the yard, I saw that the off-road light truck had been modified again, but... it still had the original features.

In the process, the cracks were dried out - his reaction was too intense.

Speaking of this, Hua Scorpion couldn't help but sigh, "The crack...that's Hunting Wind!"

"He is among the top twenty hunters in the entire Hongzi settlement!"

"If his female partner hadn't betrayed him and the entire team was wiped out, if most people wanted to fight him, they would be asking for trouble!"

Qu Jianlei was a little stunned when he heard this. He really didn't expect that the desperate guy in the crack had such a big background.

So it’s not hard to understand why people try to influence my choices - who hasn’t led a wave of coquettishness?

Hua Xiezi spoke highly of Liefeng, "He killed three people before he was recognized. Xiao Jing was also implicated by him..."

Xiao Jing's reaction was also very intense at the time, but he was still a child after all and was eventually taken down.

The big shots in the general settlement were very angry about this battle and wanted to execute Xiao Jing as a warning to others.

However, someone said, "He Tian can recruit Hunter Feng, maybe he has some background. How can we find him if we kill this kid?"

It is conceivable that Xiao Jing will definitely have to endure a lot of hardships in the future, and there will be no chance of survival.

In fact, Xiao Jing didn't know the origin of Brother Heitian, let alone that he was that stupid boy.

But Qu Jianlei's mood did not become lighter, but instead became heavier.

He has very complicated feelings about cracks, but Xiao Jing... really suits him.

Such a living life, not even ten years old, actually...

The convoy that was being followed sent out a lot of manpower to search for Krishna.

When they learned that Krishna had entered the mountain, everyone came to search the mountain. The order they received was that if they couldn't be caught alive, they could be dead!

Hua Xiezi did not come quietly to report, she was one of the mountain searchers.

However, she had fought face to face with Qu Jianlei and knew how difficult he was to offend.

The key is that she didn't want to be silenced, so she had already made plans to tell the truth.

"This is... what a coincidence," Qu Jianlei said calmly, "it allows you to meet me."

He never believed in coincidences. From a probability perspective... a small probability event meant it was impossible to happen.

"I know you fought wolverines," Hua Scorpion replied calmly.

She could sense that the other party acted very cautiously, so she answered very frankly.

"I was lucky enough to discover the scene of the battle, so I helped you clean up the traces."

"There are many people in the main settlement who are good at tracking, but my level of tracking is not bad..."

Qu Jianlei sat there and thought for a while, and found that there was no obvious error in the logic.

So he chose to believe the other party, "Where is Xiao Jing currently being held?"

"I don't even know whether he is alive or dead," Hua Xiezi's eyes flashed with strange light.

"If you really have the conditions, just kill those high-ranking guys...can you do that?"

"Killing them... is necessary," Qu Jianlei muttered softly, "but now, the conditions are not met."

There was a hint of disappointment in Hua Xiezi's eyes, but he still suggested softly, "Then just run away."

Qu Jianlei looked at her calmly, "Where to run away?"

"You think about it yourself, there is no need to discuss it with me," Hua Scorpion replied simply, "I don't want to know either."

Qu Jianlei drooped his eyelids, and after a while he suddenly asked, "Where do you rank among the hunters?"

"It's beyond two hundred," Hua Scorpion replied frankly, "It's incomparable to Hunting Wind."

After a pause, she added, "But in a life-and-death fight, he may not be my opponent... I don't care about the ranking."

In the wasteland, survival is the only real thing. What does ranking mean?

Qu Jianlei raised his eyelids to look at her and nodded thoughtfully, "You are mainly afraid of death."

People who are afraid of death usually cannot exert their full fighting power.

"Who is not afraid of death?" Hua Xiezi admitted frankly, "Lying Feng is stronger than me... that is, he is not afraid of death."

There is no particularly detailed ranking list in the wasteland. At most, there are some recognized strong ones.

It's really nonsense to talk about who is first and who is second.

Encountered in different scenarios, the top ten counter-killers ranked over 100 were not once or twice.

In fact, the motivation for this ranking is... We are all good people. Once we meet, we should respect each other.

Hua Xiezi admitted that Hunting Wind was very powerful, but...she was really not that convinced.

Qu Jianlei waved his hand, "Okay, you can go."

"Can you leave?" Hua Xiezi was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but ask, "Don't you want me to do anything else?"

"What else can you do?" Qu Jianlei felt helpless, "Betray those big shots?"

"You can tell me what you plan to do," Hua Xiezi replied seriously, "Maybe I can provide some help."

"I hope you can believe me. If you fail, I will most likely be silenced."

"Of course I believe you," Qu Jianlei didn't say this casually.

Through two contacts, he was able to get a feel for some of Hua Scorpion's character.

This person's ability is indeed not bad, but he lives too cautiously and has too many worries.

So he raised his chin and said, "You can go, just pretend you haven't seen me."

Hua Scorpion was startled when he heard this, but did not leave in a hurry, "If you want to cross the endless mountains, count me in."

Qu Jianlei was speechless upon hearing this, "Is my purpose really that obvious?"

He did not deny his thoughts, but he only revealed his plan to cross the Endless Mountains to Xiao Jing and Rift.

"Everyone in Hongyi knows this," Hua Xiezi looked at him strangely, as if looking at a retarded person.

"This guy from Crack..." Qu Jianlei realized where the news might have been leaked.

He was a little confused. He was already a veteran. How could he leak the news by asking for information?

I'm afraid you still don't want me to cross the endless mountains? This guy is really not an ordinary independent thinker.

But it's useless to think about it now. The person is gone, so the dead are the most important.

What he didn't know was that Liefeng was good at survival and fighting in the wild, and his ability to gather information was not very strong.

If this person is really good at dealing with people, he will not be betrayed and disliked by him.

Moreover, the aura of the people coming to the general settlement is too strong, and some people will take the initiative to send information in order to avoid being angered.

The next moment, Qu Jianlei took back his thoughts and looked at Hua Xiezi, "Why did you leave Hongzi?"

After thinking about it, Hua Xiezi replied uncertainly, "I feel like this time... the movement was a bit too loud."

He was still afraid of death, Qu Jianlei understood, and then he thought of another question.

"That stupid song...any news?"

(Updated, please help me during the new book period.)

This chapter has been completed!
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