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Chapter 663 Be more confident

When the two armed merchant ships were initially silent, Xiaohu did not take the initiative to observe them in order to avoid alerting each other.

It can only sense the general situation of the other party through low light and passive energy induction.

Now the two merchant ships have started to accelerate. Although they are far away, they can be observed more clearly.

Qu Jianlei glanced at the image and curled his lips, "These are reinforcements invited from outside."

He had never seen this larger enemy ship in Lanyun Market before, and it was obviously greeted by the other party.

This made him extremely angry: They actually brought in warships from afar to block me. What kind of grudge is this?

Deployment of warships consumes energy blocks. Of course, it is even more needed during battle. The opponent is obviously determined to gain it.

That's okay, if you do it so skillfully, I won't have any psychological pressure when I kill someone.

After the starship traveled more than one million kilometers, the other party gradually caught up, and the distance narrowed to about 150,000 kilometers.

Seeing that the two merchant ships suspected of being enemy ships were still accelerating, Qu Jianlei could not continue to ignore them, as that would appear unreasonable.

"Turn, avoid in the 45-degree direction, and don't speed up."

To avoid is to get rid of the pursuit, and not to speed up is to show a posture: we have no intention of doubting you two, just don't interfere with each other.

Xiaohu faithfully carried out Qu Jianlei's instructions.

A stout middle-aged woman stood in the central control room of the slightly smaller of the two pursuing merchant ships.

She is the cook, an A-level awakened person with ice attributes. She not only does serious business, but also occasionally plays the role of a robber.

Seeing the other party turning around, she snorted coldly, "Don't pretend anymore? I thought you were so calm that you called the three butchers."

Not long after, a rough voice sounded, "Cook, what's going on?"

Why are you pretending to me? The cook snorted coldly, "Send out your attack ships."

"So far?" The third butcher shouted, "How many more energy blocks will it cost to call the other party first?"

Robbers also have to consider costs when committing robberies, and only fools will touch a deal that is obviously not worthwhile.

In space warfare, 150,000 kilometers is actually not that far, but wouldn’t it be better to save a little more?

The cook said expressionlessly, "I called you here specifically, not to ask you to sit and share the money."

It turns out that this merchant ship with a strange shape was specially brought in by her to help her.

It has been more than twenty years since the cook first became a robber.

It is precisely because he has tasted the sweetness and found that robbery can make money faster than doing serious business that he goes further and further on this road.

It’s not that the cooks never lost money during robbery, but generally speaking, they often made huge profits.

Therefore, she is very experienced in observing and identifying prey.

There was something wrong with the ship 8384. She also found out that the mechanical arm displayed by the ship was in very good condition.

However, this did not make her willing to let go. She had not opened the business for a long time and could not miss the possible money-making opportunities.

Qu Jianlei's series of purchasing behaviors were all discovered by her intelligence network.

What does the purchase of second-hand weapons and ammunition say? It means there is a shortage of weapons.

What does exchanging energy blocks mean? It means there are some problems with energy, and there is no stable exchange channel.

Raw materials? That’s for building and renovating, of course!

As for the computing unit...this one is a bit bigger and should only be used by professional institutions.

But the other party's prowess in purchasing computing units also made her completely determined to grab a shot.

She considered that the other party might be backed by a certain organization, otherwise it would be impossible to purchase such professional equipment.

However, this organization is short of weapons and the supply of energy blocks is unstable, so why not grab one?

Is it possible that the other party is fishing? She almost denied this possibility in the shortest possible time.

Who has ever heard of fishing with a computing unit? Even fishing with energy blocks is more reliable than this, right?

Moreover, the crew members of Merchant Ship 8383 have never appeared in the market at all.

What's great is that one person comes down to communicate. After the communication is completed, that person will return to the starship as soon as possible.

Therefore, she judged that the number of crew members on the other side should not be very large, and there might even be a serious shortage of crew members.

The cook herself leads a team and understands the character of the crew on the starship.

When sailing in space, the crew has no choice but to stay in the cabin. When they arrive at the dock, it will definitely be different.

After a boring voyage, who would want to stay in a cramped starship?

The environment of Lanyun Market is relatively poor, but no matter how bad it is, you can still come out and do some activities, right?

In fact, during the big market, in addition to temporary shops, there are also some entertainment projects in the market.

The cook was very sure that even in her own team, if she didn't let people go down to get some fresh air, there would be strong opposition.

Therefore, if the opponent's crew had not been too few, it would have been impossible to suppress this emotion.

It is completely against human nature!

Unless the merchant ship is in a hurry and is landing just to replenish supplies, in this case, the crew may not disembark from the starship.

However, how long did Merchant Ship 8384 stay in Lanyun Market? A full ten days!

The cook attaches great importance to risk control. She believes that she is not a money-minded person.

High returns come with high risks, and she must be responsible for herself and her team.

She considered all the situations before finally making the decision to rob.

But the feeling this merchant ship gave her was really a bit uneven.

So she thought over and over again and invited partners to help out in order to share the risks.

The Third Butcher has had a thirty-year relationship with her, and they have collaborated on similar matters many times. Either she came to the other party, or the other party came to her.

Generally speaking, the fact that the two parties have been able to cooperate so many times shows that the cooperation is quite pleasant and the concepts are relatively close.

Now the cook's idea is: I discovered this business. If you want to participate in sharing the spoils, you have to work harder.

The Third Butcher knew her logic and could understand it.

However, there is a problem that must be faced. The two teams are cooperating, but the related business costs are calculated independently.

So he laughed dryly and said, "Cook, I suggest you observe for a while. Didn't you notice... that the other party didn't speed up?"

"What's so strange about this?" The cook thought that this guy was mentally ill. "As long as we turn around, he will definitely speed up."

"Maybe it's a warning," the third butcher replied seriously, "What they want to say is probably, 'I'm not afraid of you two chasing me!'"

In fact, he was looking for reasons to save energy blocks. What he saves is what he earns.

If Qu Jianlei had known that his intentions had been misinterpreted in this way, he would probably be dumbfounded.

However, the cook was furious when she heard this, "If you don't send out the attack ships, I will adjust the distribution ratio!"

"Okay," the third butcher sighed, having no choice but to say, "The first attack ship squadron, move on! The second squadron is ready!"

Three attack ships emerged from the top of the merchant ship and rushed toward the dilapidated merchant ship in front of them like lightning.

This is why the cook asked the third butcher for help. This guy's merchant ship is a space carrier!

The firepower of the mothership itself is not bad, but in order to facilitate the entry and exit of attack ships, the firepower system has been weakened.

There are three attack ships in a combat squad, with a total of two squads, and a reserve squad, with a total of nine ships.

Nine attack ships are not too many, but it must be understood that the mothership is only a merchant ship, not a warship, and it must be used for commercial purposes!

When the cook saw the attack ship dispatched, she snorted with satisfaction, "The initial speed is obviously very high, how many energy blocks are used?"

The third butcher sighed heavily and spoke through gritted teeth, "Cook, please find out, they are still going to fight!"

Qu Jianlei and Xiaohu noticed the abnormality immediately, "I'll... connect

Take off again, it’s actually a space carrier?”

Qu Jianlei felt that his outlook on life was a bit shattered, "Is this an armed merchant ship?"

Xiaohu said calmly, "This is an assault-type attack ship, which is different from the assault-type ships that Titan encountered."

To put it simply, the assault type they encountered last time was small, fragile, and had good agility.

In formal combat, you can attack battleships or "dog fight" with the opponent's attack ships.

The attack type is larger in size, relatively sturdier, less agile, but has powerful attack power.

The latter is to attack large targets, and its melee dog fighting ability is relatively poor.

If the Three Butchers could change all the attack types to assault types, there would be at least one more attack ship squad on the merchant ship.

Qu Jianlei's mouth twitched a little when he saw it, "Are you bullying my unescorted assault ship?"

This is really the case. The cook has already analyzed it. Judging from the size and loading capacity of the opponent, it is very likely that there is no small escort ship.

Even if there are one or two ships, she is not afraid - do you have the manpower to operate the attack ships?

Even if the opponent has attack ships and manpower, she is still not worried - I called the Third Butcher to help, is it because he is handsome?

After all, the cooperation between her and the Three Butchers was particularly effective against this kind of lone battleship.

Qu Jianlei increased his speed, but the next moment, six attack ships chased him at an extremely fast speed.

Three ships in front and three ships in the back are two standard battle formations.

Immediately afterwards, a call came from the public channel, "8384, 8384, we have no ill intentions. We have no ill intentions."

"I am the captain of a space carrier. I have two computing units worth 80 million, which can be sold cheaply."

"Eighty million computing units, two?" The central control system of Merchant Ship 8384 started to get hot again, "You're not going to fool people, are you?"

Qu Jianlei snorted coldly, "Be more confident and remove the word 'no,'... But it's okay, you are not a human being."

Seeing that Merchant Ship 8384 did not answer, the other party said again, "I hope you will not refuse our kindness, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

Qu Jianlei snorted without answering the transmitter, "Xiaohu, are you feeling a little more confident?"

Xiaohu was thinking about something else, "I'm not a human being...you actually said I'm not a human being?"

Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes helplessly, "Well, I was quick to talk for a moment, so work hard. I think you are not far away from having an independent personality."

Immediately afterwards, the person on the other side spoke sharply again, "8384, I order you to stop!"

"Okay, now it's robbery. If you are willing to give up resistance, we will ensure the safety of all crew members."



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