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Chapter 725 A few rookies

Xiao Moshan was silent. After seven or eight seconds, he stood up and walked towards the rescue cabin.

"Throw me out. I will send a signal for help in ten hours... Have a safe journey!"

He is truly a soldier, without any pretense or sloppiness at all.

After ejecting from the rescue capsule, the attack ship turned around and accelerated with all its strength. It didn't take long before it had traveled more than 20 million kilometers.

"We can't be found anymore?" Bentley grinned, "Where did it take ten hours?"

Hua Scorpion said worriedly, "I don't know what excuses he will find."

"No need for words," Bentley said coldly.

In his eyes, the three people currently on the attack ship are the real iron triangle, and even Claire is a little bit worse.

"If he wants to, there's no way he can hide it... If he doesn't want to, the most he can do is remember the attack ship."

Then he looked at Qu Jianlei, "Do you know that Cheng Qingshan...?"

Sure enough, it was the real Lao Jianghu who discovered something unusual about Qu Jianlei through observing his words and expressions.

So in the end he told Xiao Moshan that he would inform Cheng Qingshan if there was any news.

Qu Jianlei smiled and thought for a moment before replying, "I know a little bit about him, he is a good person."

It's not that he can't trust his comrades, but many things are too heavy and he can just carry them by himself.

The attack ship successfully returned to the cargo hold of 3344, and the three of them entered the control room.

Xiao Qin and Claire were chatting sentence by sentence, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Hua Xiezi is actually a little worried, worried that B-level Xiao Qin will be detrimental to Claire, who has just advanced.

Although Qu Jianlei said that it would be difficult for others to take away control of the starship, she still felt uneasy.

Seeing this scene, she felt relieved and asked, "Where to go next?"

Qu Jianlei thought about it carefully and realized that there was really no place to go, "Let's go to the Sky Hook Star Territory first."

"Sky Hook Star Territory?" When the people who were doing it heard this, they were all stunned, "Isn't it the Hope Star Territory?"

It's a pity that these four people have never been out of the garbage star. They know about the hope star field thanks to Xiao Moshan's popular science.

Qu Jianlei spread his hands and answered helplessly.

"The empire's management is very strict. Starships cannot land casually, and... you all have no identity!"

Speaking of identity, everyone is familiar with it. Central City relies on identity to trap people in the residential areas below.

Ben Lit knew this best. He nodded simply, "You can go wherever you want."

"Then I'll find a place to jump," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "I'll show you the exotic scenery."

Bentley rolled his eyes, "I have never seen the scenery in this area."

This is true comrade-in-arms who don’t care whether the other party is supreme or B-level, and they can complain whenever they want.

Flower Scorpion is concerned about something else, "What is a jump?"

Qu Jianlei was really defeated by them and couldn't help rolling his eyes, "You guys should study hard and make progress."

"I'm very motivated!" Claire raised her hands, "I know a lot of words!"

This... is really a rare achievement. There are only a handful of literate people in the settlement.

Hua Scorpion and Claire are both semi-literate. Fortunately, Bentley is literate and has been teaching them both.

Xiao Qin does not have this problem. She and Bentley are both from Central City. They are educated and qualified to inject transformation drugs.

One day later, the four of them were shocked again, "Is this...another battleship?"

"It's from our family," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "Don't worry, I'm not attached to anyone, it's me who has the final say."

Bentley leaned back and said casually, "You have the final say."

You know, this old man will never trust anyone, he can only trust Qu Qu

Jian Lei is an exception.

Even if they are fighting against each other, they only have the camaraderie of fighting side by side.

He could give his back to Hua Scorpion, but if Qu Jianlei said "I want your head", he could cut it off himself.

Leaving aside the two life-saving graces, Jian Lei helped him destroy the Douglas family and was reduced to ashes.

Bentley is not the kind of person to boast, but he has already made up his mind that the most important thing for the rest of his life is to do two things.

One is to see more and more exciting worlds, and the other is... to protect the simple fortress.

Hua Scorpion should be more lively, "Are you one of your people on that battleship? When can we communicate?"

"Let's talk!" Qu Jianlei glared at her fiercely, "You should learn more about ship maneuvering first."

Under the watchful eyes of the four people, the anti-smuggling warship arrived under 3344's belly, and the two merged into one.

The combination of the two starships can effectively reduce the energy required for the jump.

"Okay, the jump is about to begin. Claire, you are only C-level. Enter the life-saving cabin."

"Everything else is Class B. You can feel it, but don't look out the window."

"Hey, Claire, stop being curious. I'll wait for you to reach B level. There's plenty of time to see."

"I'm telling you, Ben, you're not young anymore. Just feel...feel! Don't look out the window."

"Xiao Qin, what are you looking at? Damn it...this team is so difficult to lead."

It's really difficult. Although he is used to wandering among the stars, he can't stand up to his teammates who are all newbies.

In any case, under his arrangement, the jump was completed without any danger.

The jump destination he chose was not far from the asteroid belt and even closer to the abandoned ore planet.

He exposed this base camp not only to reassure his comrades, but also because these rookies didn't even know how to read a star map.

Speaking of this, he was able to quickly master the knowledge of interstellar navigation mainly because he had enough brains and had Blue Star's knowledge system for reference.

I’m not bragging. Although Xiaohu helped a lot during that process, it would have been impossible without the support of the last two factors.

Two battleships landed on the abandoned star, and five people disembarked from No. 3344.

Claire was wearing a spacesuit and jumping happily on the ground. Hua Xiezi and Xiao Qin looked at the anti-smuggling warship that landed shortly after, with some anticipation and some caution in their eyes.

Who will get off that starship?

Bentley paid no attention to the surrounding situation, but was looking at the surrounding environment and made a series of gestures towards Qu Jianlei.

"Is this the base camp? The place you chose is no better than the Junk Planet."

Qu Jianlei gave him a dumbfounded look and did not explain. The next moment, the stone door in the mine opened, and soft light came through.

The five people entered the mine first. Although it was more than ten kilometers deep, they were all awakened and moved very quickly.

Immediately afterwards, two battleships also came in, and then the thick stone door closed, and air was sprayed out from the other side.

"Okay," Qu Jianlei said, "You can take off your space suit and feel the free air."

Hua Scorpion was the first to take off his spacesuit, "The air is really good...much better than the garbage star."

Immediately afterwards, the stone door on the other side opened, and the space inside was even larger, and there was a starship staying in the deepest part.

Claire looked at the starship in astonishment, "Boss, why does it look like a garbage dump in Hongzi District?"

Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes at her, "Disguise, understand? This starship is very famous in this area!"

Amidst the commotion, everyone began to become familiar with this environment. They had been floating in space for nearly two months since leaving the junk star.

Although there is the excitement of "being free", staying in a cramped starship for such a long time does not feel good.

This place is also very desolate, but at least...it's spacious enough, isn't it?

I feel like the world has become bigger.

Immediately afterwards, two starships entered the warehouse and stayed in the depths.

Everyone has so many questions to ask, but the most important thing is, "Why don't the people on that starship get off?"

"That battleship is autonomous," Qu Jianlei replied in a deep voice, "There is no one on it."

"Autonomous driving?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Is it so high-end?

Their knowledge of interstellar navigation is still very lacking, and they have not thought about artificial intelligence or anything like that, but it is still shocking enough.

Claire's eyes blinked twice, "Then once I'm B-level, can I be the captain?"

The little girl's thoughts are really extraordinary!

Qu Jianlei glanced at her, then smiled, "Concentrate on your practice first. By the way, don't tell outsiders about autonomous driving."

He seemed to be admonishing Claire, but in fact he was informing everyone. Hearing this, Hua Scorpion asked straightforwardly, "Why can't you say, is the level of technology too high?"

"This is just one aspect," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "The key is that there are only five of us... we can't let others know."

"I understand," Hua Scorpion nodded simply, "it is indeed very necessary to keep it secret."

Even if she doesn't know the value of the starship, she definitely wants to get it. This thing is definitely not cheap.

Owning a starship for five people should be enough to ensure their livelihood, let alone the three currently seen.

Of course, the simple barrier is the highest, and protecting these three starships should not be a big problem, but... why bother yourself?

It has been more than ten years since the boss disappeared. Every time Hua Scorpion thinks of him on the garbage planet, he not only misses him, but also complains a little.

Now that she saw that he had earned such a large fortune while practicing, she couldn't help but sigh.

It's really difficult to conquer the world with bare hands in an unfamiliar place. "Thank you for your hard work, boss."

Xiao Qin's eyes were a little weird, "In other words, you will drive two battleships by yourself to the junk planet to save us?"

She knew very well that the target of the simple fortress rescue did not include herself, but she did lose some benefits, and she had to recognize this.

This is also her attitude, and she is willing to actively integrate into this circle. The vast starry sky has a very good therapeutic effect on her.

Thinking about how she had been so worried about a man on the junk planet before, she suddenly realized that it was really not worth it!

"The problem is that I can't find anyone I can trust," Qu Jianlei replied angrily - Do you think I am willing to be a loner?

He didn't want to talk about it anymore, so he raised his hand and released a bunch of things. "Okay, let me let you experience a more effective cultivation method... Qi Gathering Formation!"

(Updated to summon monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions and recommended tickets.)



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