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Chapter 736 Enemy Attack

Qu Jianlei did not tell Hua Xiezi whether there was a Supreme Being in the bunker.

He just said calmly, "Let's rest for a while and wait until it rains. Then we can go hiking during the day."

The rain started at 11 o'clock in the morning. It was neither too heavy nor too light, and the wind was not too light either.

The two rented a car in a small city and drove all the way to a place about five kilometers away from the manor.

Then the two stopped the car and got out, wandering around in the rain.

This situation doesn't feel normal no matter how you look at it. You don't take this kind of thing when traveling around, right?

However, Qu Jianlei really had a way. He restrained part of his aura, suppressed it to level C, and displayed the water attribute. Then he put on a water armor for himself, and another for Hua Scorpion.

With this change, it makes sense for the two of them to appear in the wild - you shouldn't play in the wild on rainy days, but water attributes are an exception.

In addition, the two of them are a boy and a girl, and Hua Scorpion has a backpack on his shoulders, making it a perfect couple's outing.

They passed due east of the manor, which was about six kilometers away from the manor. There was no post to the southeast.

The two were stopped twice on the way. Not only were their identities checked, but Hua Scorpion's backpack was also checked.

In the backpack are some food, water and tools for wild life, plus a tent, and not much else.

Even so, the inspecting city guard gave them a stern warning that this was an important military area and it was best to stay away.

Hua Scorpion even argued with the other party for a few words, looking aggrieved.

However, when they returned, they deliberately stayed away from the manor.

In this kind of weather, coupled with the public passing by, there are indeed many things that can be sensed.

Hua Scorpion discovered it, "There are a lot of people in that bunker, at least three B-levels, and there are a lot of shooting holes."

Qu Jianlei started to think divergently again, "I'm a little surprised, how do you think they dug this bunker?"

He felt that with his external pressure, the Norton family dared to openly dig the bunker. Is this reasonable?

Hearing this, Hua Xiezi rolled her eyes helplessly. She knew that her boss was in a daze again. Anyway, she had seen this kind of situation more than once or twice, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

"There is definitely something wrong with this bunker. I don't dare to feel too much... Is the Norton family's supreme leader really inside?"

"Yes," Qu Jianlei nodded. After the day's investigation, he finally confirmed this, "There is also an A-level."

Hua Scorpion thought for a while and muttered, "Then the strength is not very strong, it mainly relies on firepower?"

Qu Jianlei replied thoughtfully, "Maybe like Xiangxue said, they just want to leave a few people behind to look for clues."

"Haha," Hua Scorpion laughed when he heard this, a little proud, but also a little sad.

"Our genetic samples have not been entered into the empire's database at all."

Qu Jianlei glanced at her and nodded, "This is a good thing."

"But we still have to avoid getting hurt as much as possible. It's best if we never get our genetic samples."

After confirming that Qian Feng was indeed hiding in the bunker, the two quietly returned.

Late at night the next day, the two returned to the B&B and discussed with the other three how to deploy the battle.

After saying a few words, Xiangxue came in yawning, "Well, why didn't you call me? Why don't you take me with you for such a fun thing?"

Qu Jianlei shook his head speechlessly, and Bentley spoke in a deep voice, "It will incur the wrath of the Tianpin government. Are you sure you want to participate?"

He had a good impression of this little girl, but what he was doing was a desperate act. The other party's family background was so good, so why bother dragging her into trouble?

"I'm already considered an insider." Xiangxue replied casually, "If something happens, I won't be able to tell."

The six people discussed until midnight and finally finalized the battle plan.

At noon the next day, everyone went out to play again, but came back earlier. After a night's rest, early the next morning, Xiangxue drove off in an off-road vehicle and drove away with five people.

When they were almost there, Xiangxue stopped the car, and the six of them split into two groups, each renting a car and heading to their destination.

When they gathered again, it was the evening of the next day, and the six of them arrived at the woods seven or eight kilometers away from the manor.

This is a very sensitive place, but Xiao Qin has been wearing wooden armor for everyone to hide his own aura.

In the next battle, she will basically not be of much use, so she will help disguise it in the early stage. Anyway, the wooden armor she helped everyone put on was not for defense. It was a thin layer to cover up the aura, so it was of no use.

How much internal interest.

The waiting process was a bit boring. Claire would look at the sky from time to time and ask, "Why isn't it raining yet?" They came unhurriedly, hoping to take advantage of the rainy weather to launch an attack.

This request mainly came from Xiangxue. As the person with the second highest cultivation level in the team, she believed that the rain would help her performance. Fortunately, she did not think that she was the second most powerful person in the B-level peak.

He might be even more aggressive than her.

Xiangxue said that she was thinking about everyone, "At least I can protect you better, right?"

It is for this reason that everyone agreed with her proposal. It is not easy to be A-level at a young age and still be able to find your position on the battlefield.

It wasn't until about one o'clock in the morning that it began to rain. It wasn't very heavy, and it was much worse than the rain two days ago.

Everyone waited for more than an hour, but the rain was still sparse, like an old man suffering from severe prostatitis.

"Do you want to keep waiting?" Claire couldn't hold it any longer. "If we wait any longer, it will be daybreak."

Xiangxue glanced at Qu Jianlei lightly, "Do you need me to increase the rain?"

"No need," Qu Jianlei shook his head and said simply, "The fluctuation of the water element may cause the other party to be alert."

"But it's raining now," Xiangxue said a little confused, "and it's night again."

"You have to be more careful at night," Qu Jianlei replied in a deep voice, "People are more likely to lower their vigilance during the day."

"And giving it away will reduce the air humidity, which may cause the rain to stop early... It's better to use it at critical moments."

After another half hour, the rain became a little heavier, and five figures quietly moved forward, leaving only Xiao Qin behind to respond.

Xiao Qin didn't feel aggrieved at all. Part of her inner energy had been consumed, and this response was not idle.

Strictly speaking, it is considered as scheduling in the play. At the same time, she also has to observe the overall situation, detonate some traps at the right time, and distract the opponent's attention.

However, seeing her companions moving forward silently, including the little girl Claire, she couldn't help but feel a trace of envy in her heart, "How did you develop such high combat skills?"

In fact, the attacking combat unit was more than five people, and there was also an inhuman being.

Qu Jianlei issued a command in his mind, "Xiaohu, start blocking their communication channels."

There are many wireless connections between the bunker and the manor, as well as a hidden wired connection.

The bunker must remain silent, and normal communications must be completed via wires to avoid exposing the target.

When the big-headed butterfly indicated that everything was ready, Qu Jianlei opened his palm and shook it regularly in one direction.

In his palm, there was a cold light pill the size of the thumb's belly adsorbed.

Bentley was located five hundred meters away. Although he was older, Class B's eyesight was extraordinary and he could see the signal in the rain.

He made a hand gesture with both hands, "Endless Thunder!"

The Endless Sky Thunder is somewhat similar to the Thunderbolt Technique, but the former is a range-based technique that emphasizes thunder, while the latter is a single-target technique that emphasizes electricity. In terms of power, the Endless Sky Thunder is much smaller, but it is better in covering a wide area.

Seeking damage, only seeking electromagnetic interference.

A few rays of light flashed in the sky, and then there was the sound of thunder, rolling in and out.

There are four people on night watch in the bunker at the moment, one B-class and one C-class two transformed warriors.

The people on duty in the bunker are actually from a pioneer team, the Norton family.

I have invested before.

This time the Norton family also hired them at a high price, because of their style of seeking money at the expense of their lives. Anyway, the money has been spent, so the pioneering team will naturally be highly vigilant.

No one is willing to accept the regret of "the money is still there, but the people are gone".

This sudden series of thunderstorms shocked the four people on duty, "How did it turn into a thunderstorm?" It should have been a continuous rain of medium or small, so why did it turn into a thunderstorm?

At the same time, the city guards also paid attention to these lightning bolts, "Hey, why is there thunder?"

Because it was raining, no one thought that this was a man-made magic.

There are quite a lot of electromagnetic group attack spells, but except on special battlefields, spells specifically used for electromagnetic interference are rare. It's not that no one knows it, but it's that they can't do it - who can live without electromagnetic interference bombs?

As long as you are well prepared, you can have as many electromagnetic interference bombs as you want, but the awakened person's inner breath is limited.

When the thunder and lightning came down, the pioneer members in the bunker realized something was wrong, "It's broken, the wireless communication system is interrupted!"

"The interruptions are all good. My terminal is burning. I see the nurse about to give an injection. Whose terminal is not being used temporarily?"

"I'm still getting a nasty injection. This may be electromagnetic interference. Please call us and ask about the situation!"

"There is non-physical congestion on the wire, and the phenomenon is huge data packets, but this is impossible!"

"Preliminary analysis shows that it is a false digital image caused by the destruction of the ray particle flow vector, causing a protective misjudgment of the control system."

At this moment, a voice shouted desperately, "Enemy attack! A bunch of bastards, this is an enemy attack!"

The bunker was already in chaos, but the city guards were still watching the excitement. "It rained for a long time before thunder, which is rare."

"It's in the southeast corner. By the way, what's the origin of the southeast corner?"

There is an ambush in the southeast corner, and few people in the city guard know this news.

The Norton family doesn't know who their opponents are, but at least two of them have taken action. They are definitely not small forces. Isn't it easy for such a force to bury some nails in the city guard?

On the surface, the government sent city guards to guard it, but in fact, it was impossible for the Norton family to completely trust them.



This chapter has been completed!
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