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Chapter 751 Are you kidding me?

When Lai Yin heard Qu Jianlei's words, she shook her head casually, "It's not what you think. There is a saying in this land..."

This land was originally owned by a small family. Later, the government planned it as an office area, and the land price skyrocketed.

There were many disputes surrounding this piece of land. All the members of that small family were killed or injured, and the title deeds were also lost.

Later, the government's site selection was changed, and the popularity of this land subsided, but even so, there will be potential troubles in the transfer of this land.

Lai Yin is a local and knows the possible troubles here.

"You should treat this piece of land as given to our Haiyin family, and I will replace it with a manor for you...it will only be better than this."

Qu Jianlei nodded when he heard this, "That's okay, how much price difference do I need to pay?"

"The price difference is waived," Lai Yin smiled, "If I ask for a price difference from you, am I still considered a human being?"

"Just move in and leave the rest to me."

Xiangxue suddenly spoke, "Leave a few guards and tell them not to wander around. Is that okay?"

"Of course," Lai Yin smiled and nodded, "I know you are a difficult guy to deal with... Don't worry, no one dares to disobey me."

So that afternoon, the group moved to a manor.

This manor occupies an entire hilltop, and there is a spring flowing out of the top of the mountain. It is really a good place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

The paranoid spoke, "Niaosong Stream... this was once a battlefield."

Lai Yin has been wondering in her heart who this supreme being is. After hearing this, she couldn't help but ask, "Senior, have you ever been here before?"

But the paranoid ignored her and just said indifferently, "It's really good to practice here."

That afternoon, the estate was settled and transferred to Claire's name - her fake identity.

Then Qu Jianlei began to set up formations. After setting up defensive formations and the like, he also set up Qi gathering formations.

Bentley and others were already familiar with the Qi Gathering Formation. As soon as the formation was arranged, they began to practice step by step.

This was the first time Xiangxue saw that there were Qi gathering formations outside of the military, but she didn't show too much surprise.

After all, her supreme father is not a stickler for rules, so he really doesn't want to play too many side games.

So after the initial shock, she happily went in to practice, "The boss really has a way!"

As for hiding the Qi Gathering Formation privately, it may be a serious illegal act, but so what?

The general public is always bound by the law. It is not a big deal for a few privileged classes to occasionally go out of their way.

Seeing that everyone was starting to practice, Paranoid looked at Qu Jianlei, "Where is the formation for gathering spiritual energy?"

Qu Jianlei stretched out his hand and said, "Bring your formation... here!"

The paranoid hesitated for a moment, then took out a sign that was neither gold nor stone from the talisman. It looked like a shield.

Qu Jianlei glanced at it and his face suddenly darkened, "Half a piece...are you kidding me?"

"I..." The paranoid hesitated for a moment, but finally he was convinced, "I only have half a piece!"

"You can die!" Qu Jianlei didn't even know the secret, and sent out a series of spiritual attacks, "How brave!"

"No!" The paranoid snorted lowly, raised his hand and punched out a cloud of gray powder, "Listen to my explanation!"

Apart from anything else, this gray powder is really magical, and it actually absorbs a lot of spiritual power.

Paranoid's mental strength is slightly worse than Qu Jianlei's, but with the help of this gray powder, he actually blocked the blow.

His body swayed and his face turned a little pale, but he still shouted, "Don't you want the second half?"

"I would rather not play half of it," Qu Jianlei sneered, and launched another spiritual attack, "I would rather not accept the deception!"

"The second half is in the Divine Wen Society!" The paranoid man sprinkled another ball of gray powder, swayed, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose!

"I was plotted and had half of it taken away. I never said that I had a complete formation in my hand!"

After hearing this, Qu Jianlei thought about it carefully and realized that this guy really didn't say that the formation in his hand was complete.

However, does intentional misleading not constitute deception?

He sneered and put away the spirit gathering array, "I took away this half of the array and found the Body Seizing Body for you. I'm done with both!"

He was actually quite unwilling to be so clear-cut, but he saw too many familiar shadows in the paranoid.

Yes, once upon a time, he had the same feelings and reactions.

If you leave it to him, he is paranoid. If there is a chance to escape from the mud, is it possible that he will not seize it?

In the process of seizing an opportunity, you need to tell a little lie - it's not even a lie. You can't choose to tell the truth, right?

This is what the so-called empathy is. A while ago, he even wanted to give Kerry a chance, but it was a pity that the guy got on the pole and sought death.

Now he is willing to let the other side go. Cooperation is impossible, but there is no need to become enemies, right?

But if the opponent is reluctant to part with this half of the formation, then you can't blame him for not giving the opponent a chance.

"Liang Qing?" The paranoid rolled his eyes at him, "Are you looking for an opportunity to silence yourself?"

"Quiet?" Qu Jianlei was startled when he heard this, and then he actually laughed, "I really forgot!"

To be honest, the other party has a lot of his secrets, the most important ones are the spirit gathering array and artificial intelligence, as well as the non-attributes.

He had already thought about it. If the other party dared to leave voluntarily, he would definitely silence him.

It's just that this half of the teleportation array's information was a bit beyond his expectation, which made him ignore it.

In anger, he just wants to cut off from the other person - in fact, it is also the subconscious of empathy that is at work.

It's good now that the other party actually reminded him: If you want to let me go, you have to keep silent!

Paranoia is just paranoia, not stupidity!

"Really forgot?" The paranoid looked at him suspiciously, "Why do I think... you are setting a trap for me?"

He thinks very highly of himself, and he has once set foot on the highest level, so he will not take the highest level lightly.

But facing the attributeless Supreme, he had to admit that this person could indeed bring him a lot of trouble.

Not to mention that now that he has a body, the opponent has a target to strike with precision, which makes it even more dangerous.

It seemed that it was really difficult to give up casually! Qu Jianlei shook his head helplessly.

"Then I'll give you another chance. Where is the remaining half of the formation in the Divine Wen Society?"

"One of my assistants took him away," the paranoid replied through gritted teeth, "his name is Pierre."

The reason why he didn't tell Qu Jianlei about this in advance was that he was worried that he didn't have enough chips, and it was because it was embarrassing.

But now, he had to hand over half of the formation. Even if his underwear was exposed, there was no need to cover it up.

Pierre was his assistant at the Divine Literary Society, and he had some other connections. The young man was also smart and trusted him very much.

He has no official status in the Divine Literature Association, he is more like a consultant or something. He just wants to get more exposure to the Divine Literature materials when he joins the association.

Therefore, after meeting Qu Jianlei, he said that he was from the Divine Literature Society, which was not a lie.

When he found that the Divine Wen Society was of little help to him, he left there without even having to go through the formalities.

At that time, Pierre was already at the peak of A-level, young and promising, but he left the Divine Wen Society with him.

The paranoid looked at Pierre as if he were seeing his younger self, and he took great care of him.

But generally speaking, he still doesn't know how to express concern for someone.

Because his character is very self-centered, he would like to be nice to someone based on his temper, and he would even hit or scold him frequently on the outside.

Does beating and scolding necessarily mean torture? That’s not necessarily true. The people of the Empire value iron-bloodedness and don’t like to cultivate flowers in the greenhouse.

The mentality of "beating and scolding is for your own good" is really common.

The paranoid didn't realize this problem at the beginning. Anyway, he thought he had good intentions.

But the four hundred years of silence underground...the two hundred years were enough for him to think carefully about his life.

Why did Pierre, whom I trusted and cared about so much, betray him?

He guessed it was because of this, but until now, he wasn't sure.

Because Pierre had always been very respectful, he called this person to protect the law when he attacked the Supreme Being.

Generally speaking, if the A-level impact is the highest, the highest level should be invited to protect the law - if there are no conditions, hiding in the military training room will count.

But for the supreme impact, you basically have to find a place where no one is around to retreat silently.

The reason is very simple. Being supreme is only a theoretical realm, and there is no recognized path to take.

The process of exploration and impact is a very personal matter in itself.

I have invited other Supreme Protectors. If I fail, death is not the hardest thing to accept. It would be embarrassing to survive by luck and be laughed at by others.

What if it succeeds? Come on, you have gone through so much hard work to figure out such a way, why should others benefit in vain?

This has nothing to do with selfishness or not. This is the ethos of the empire. Building information barriers is a basic understanding.

Therefore, attacking the highest level is a very private matter, and it is not appropriate to seek the protection of a high-level awakened person.

However, at the same time, this is a long process, and it is not appropriate to have no one to look after it.

The paranoid believes that it may take several years for him to reach the top.

So he arranged for Pierre to take care of him, so that if he needed some outside help, he would be able to help.

Facts have proved that what he thought was right. It took him more than three years to complete that impact.

In the beginning, Pierre took really good care of me. Many times, the other party would make arrangements without him having to speak.

But when he reached the highest point and began to gather his body to stabilize his state, Pierre had a problem.

This person waited for about a month and tentatively asked what happened.

The paranoid man was troubled at that time because the body was so difficult to wrap up.

He wasn't even sure he could succeed, so he didn't answer.

As a result, after waiting for another seven or eight days, and seeing that he was becoming increasingly silent, Pierre actually tentatively put away half of the formation.

(Updated to summon monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions and recommended tickets.)

This chapter has been completed!
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