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Chapter 768: Get Away-69 Speechless (Two in one chapter, please double the monthly ticket)

Golf was so angry that he no longer cared about being polite, and even lost the basic courtesy.

"No!" Qu Jianlei turned around and walked towards the door, raising his hand to close the door.

"Haha," Golf sneered upon seeing this, "The majestic Rhodiola rosea doesn't even dare to admit its identity. Isn't it embarrassing?"

"I'm most annoyed by people like you who can't speak well," Qu Jianlei stopped closing the door and looked at him impatiently.

"You know who I am, but you still ask me questions. Is it difficult to talk about it directly?"

In any case, there must be a reason why the other party came under the banner of the Divine Wen Society.

If the other party is willing to talk nicely, he doesn't mind hearing the reason - after all, he also needs to have information about the outside world.

But if he really wants to keep making excuses, it's okay if he doesn't listen to the relevant news.

When Golf heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched. He really made a mistake in this operation.

The Shenwen Society has always been aloof and has developed some habits subconsciously.

Even when facing the Supreme Being, they are used to confirming the identity of the other party before talking about it.

Of course, as of today, it is not just a subconscious behavior.

Golf also wants to use this to imply: No matter you are famous or not, you just appeared out of nowhere, and it is normal for us not to know you.

Generally speaking, subconsciously, he wanted to humiliate the other party.

Unexpectedly, the other party is not only very skilled in his skills, but also very clever in his words.

Golf's tongue is also quite clever, but when faced with this situation, he really has nothing to explain.

Could it be said directly that you are the Supreme Being who just appeared and are not worthy of being known by us?

However, in fact, his words just now showed that he recognized the other party.

Anyway, it is a bit embarrassing, but golf has seen a little bit of the world and can turn a deaf ear.

Seriously, he didn't want to be led away by the other person's topic, so he simply said it straight to the point.

"I am here to inform you on behalf of the Divine Literature Society that you have been requisitioned."

"Get the fuck away from me," Qu Jianlei's expression changed upon hearing this, and he started to curse loudly.

"Conscripting me? No matter you or the Divine Wen Society, I just want to ask...why?"

"You guys, these arrogant people, only dare to bully an honest person and conscript me. You are not worthy of it!"

His voice was unusually loud, and because it was intentional, it could be vaguely heard almost a kilometer away.

At the top of the mountain is Niaomingjian Manor, but there are more than just these two groups of people around.

There are also some small manors and courtyards in the mountains, as well as many tourists.

Many people heard the shouting with such a loud voice, and some even started to take pictures here.

Golf is considered a well-established sport, but now his face is very ugly.

How can you say that you are also the supreme, but you actually curse like a shrew? What's the pattern?

He wrote down the other party's insult to the Divine Wen Society, but now was not a good time to show off.

Although the Divine Literature Association is powerful, in the final analysis, it is just an organization that studies divine literature.

They have the support of the empire and the assistance of the military, but no matter what, they are essentially a research institution.

The reason why they become more and more powerful, and generally have to deliberately curry favor with the Supreme Being, is simply because they have a lot of resources and achievements.

Analyzing it objectively from a development perspective, the flattery of the Supremes, in turn, allows them to control more and more resources.

This is like a snowball, the divine text will become larger and larger, and its influence will become more and more amazing.

Of course, a big tree will inevitably have dead branches. A big organization will not only become bloated and inefficient, but will also breed all kinds of corruption.

These are digressions. In any case, it is because of the permission and connivance of the empire that the Divine Literature Society has developed to this point.

As the only organization qualified to publicly research divine literature, it has formed a de facto monopoly, which shows the importance of system licensing.

But then again, when it comes to someone like Rhodiola Rosea who blatantly doesn't buy it, the Divine Wen Society won't be able to show off and deal with it harshly.

Although the Divine Wen Society is permitted by the empire, there are many other organizations in the empire, and they cannot blatantly trample on all the rules.

To put it more bluntly, as a research institution, even if it is backed by the military, whether it is qualified for "requisition" is a matter of two opinions.

The reason is that after many smooth experiences, it is difficult not to develop arrogance.

Including golf, he never thought before coming here whether the Shenwen Club was eligible for requisition.

Strictly speaking, he did not expect that Rhodiola Rosea would express its disapproval so blatantly.

He knew that this guy was difficult to deal with, and he was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect that he would be so unruly.

Who gave you the courage to insult the Divine Literature Society so loudly?

However, it is very regrettable that Golf does not have a good response method. Does he want to announce loudly that Shenwen will have the power to expropriate?

Using force to suppress someone is a good choice. In the world of the Awakened, big fists are the truth.

But golfers know very well that they may not be able to beat the opponent - in fact, this is all to put money on their face.

Strictly speaking, he cannot be an opponent at all. There are more than one Supreme Opposite, and Rhodiola Rosea is just one of them!

He could only say with a dark face, "We were ordered by the Department of Foreign Affairs, and it was the Department of Foreign Affairs that issued the requisition order to you!"

The Divine Literary Society is a research institution, and the Alien Management Department is a violent organization. I am asking if you are afraid.

"Bullshit!" Qu Jianlei raised his hand and closed the door without saying a word, "Did the Special Affairs Department give me a silver dollar?"

To be honest, the Alien Management Department is really qualified to recruit local awakened people.

But whether the awakened ones are willing to buy it is another matter.

This department involves many secret matters. Some awakened people don't like trouble, and they really don't want to deal with them.

However, if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs really has a top-down recruitment order, it is an authoritative request from the empire, and no one can refuse it.

But in that case, the people who came with the notice were either people from the government or the military. How could they be related to the Divine Wen Society?

Of course, it is also possible to follow the authority in emergencies.

However, the Divine Wen Society must also consider something. If you do this, you will be suspected of violating a taboo - this organization is already too big to lose!

In short, as long as the military's warships are not suppressing the formation and Qu Jianlei refuses, no one can force him.

The highest privilege is really not for nothing.

In fact, Qu Jianlei didn't think that much, and he didn't have such a clear understanding of the empire's official system.

What he thought was very simple: I am just a wild supreme being, and anyone who wants to commandeer me is just dreaming!

If you don't accept it, just fight. Even if you can't fight, you can still run away, right?

Anyway, after so many years, he has long been accustomed to hiding here and there, and he might as well run away again.

"You!" Golf narrowed his eyes angrily, then turned to look at his companion.

The female Class B whose arm was torn off was receiving first aid from her companions. She was already unconscious, but the wound... was difficult to bandage.

Everyone is lifting her to the car so that she can be sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

Then he saw the city guards not far away, happily watching the fun.

——Don’t look at the city guards of the central star, the mutual hostility between the supreme ones is usually not seen.

He was so angry that he stamped his feet and snorted, "What are you waiting for? Enter by force!"

As long as the other party dares to take action against the government's security forces, he will naturally find the right person to help.

The city guards really didn't expect that they could tell something by watching the excitement.

——The opponent is the Supreme. The strongest one in the team is only C-level, not even B-level. You want us to enter by force?

This is not how you seek death!

After a moment of silence, the squad leader spoke up, "Sir, this is the place of Count Haiyin and is protected by the government."

The ownership of this manor has actually been transferred, but regardless of whether he knows it or not, he just pretends not to know.

Besides, even if the place is given away, it must be given to a friend. Entering by force will still not give the Earl of the Empire face.

Just as Golf was about to continue speaking, another wave of coercion descended from the sky.

It is still the breath of the supreme, but it is slightly different from the breath of Rhodiola rosea.

A dull voice spoke, "Don't instruct others to sacrifice their lives. If you are brave enough, try forcing your way in."

This is actually a paranoid man who was practicing, and after receiving Bentley's reminder, he had to stop practicing.

He has been adjusting the fit and cherishes this opportunity very much. Now that he is interrupted, he is really angry.

Sure enough, there is a second supreme! Golf regained his composure and spoke calmly, "May I ask what your name is?"

"Ask me what my title is? You don't deserve it!" The paranoid's voice was very calm, "If you dare to force your way in, I'll tell you!"

He answered calmly, but Golf clearly felt that there was a vague murderous intention in the other party's thoughts.

He thought for a moment, snorted coldly, turned around and left, "It seems that the planet's government will still need to come forward."

The Supreme Being was cowed, and when others saw this, they could only follow and leave.

"Tch," the paranoid snorted disdainfully, "these people from the Divine Literary Society are really worse than the last."

These words are very insulting, but anyone with a brain will understand: This person is definitely no stranger to the system of the Divine Wen Society.

Sensing their departure, Qu Jianlei also shook his head and walked into the yard.

Seeing Claire's eyes shining, he smiled and said, "Isn't it because I took it out on you?"

"Yes," Claire nodded with a smile, "He is indeed our boss."

Then, her expression changed again, "Boss, it wasn't me who was rude first, it was that woman..."

"No need to explain," Qu Jianlei waved his hand and said calmly, "I believe you."

"Besides, this is the doorstep of our home. Even if our people do something a little outrageous, it's not their turn to make irresponsible remarks!"

When Claire heard this, he shouted, "It's not that they took action."

Xiao Qin shook his head when he heard this and said with a smile, "You can't even say anything, and of course you can't do anything."

Obviously, the boss took action to regain the situation, which made everyone's emotions very high.

However, Hua Xiezi asked aloud, "Boss, are you ready to leave?"

Hua Scorpion asked this not because he was timid, but because he had experienced too many similar things.

This is called preparing for a rainy day, and it has nothing to do with how brave you are. In the wasteland, those who don't have this kind of awareness will usually die quickly.

Qu Jianlei glanced at her and smiled slightly, "You guys should prepare a little bit, I would like to touch them."

"What are you preparing for?" The paranoid man calmed down, with an angry look on his face, "Just kill them and it's over!"

He didn't understand Rhodiola's thoughts before, so it was inconvenient for him to express his position. Since the other party was determined to be tough, of course he would support it.

He has always refused to accept anger, not to mention that he is now using the spirit gathering array to fit his body, and it is also at a critical moment.

Qu Jianlei glanced at him and shook his head speechlessly, "It's easy for us to say, but their cultivation levels are a bit different."

Paranoid is good at everything, but he doesn't pay much attention to low-level awakened people. Is it really comfortable to be alone?

However, considering that this person had been betrayed by Pierre, it was hard for him to say anything.

On the other hand, Bentley raised his eyebrows when he heard this and said simply, "I promise not to hold you back."

Hua Scorpion raised his eyebrows when he heard this and wanted to speak - when it comes to risking one's life, who is afraid of whom?

"Oh," the paranoid man sighed in a rare voice, "I'm really a little envious that you have such a team."

This emotion comes from the heart. Although he is also a genius, he has grown up smoothly in the system.

He has not been fighting on the front line, so naturally he has no comrades on whom his life can depend.

The paranoid can feel that these awakened people with low cultivation level speak sincerely, and inevitably feel some envy in their hearts.

So he made another suggestion, "If that's the case, why don't you ask Lai Yin for help?"

I don’t know if this guy’s mouth has been opened, but not long after, Lai Yin sent a message.

She has already heard about what happened just now. In her own territory, her information is really not very good.

Lai Yin took the initiative to contact her because she also wanted to know what plans Rhodiola Rosea had. She could take the initiative to cooperate.

As for Qu Jianlei tearing off the other party's arm, she didn't mention it at all.

Of course Qu Jianlei had to pretend to be innocent, "Let's not talk about my plan, what is this requisition going on?"

Lai Yin had more information than him, so he explained that a supreme leader from the Alien Management Department had died on Skyhook.

The Department of Alien Management kept this news strictly sealed, but Lai Yin even knew that the dead Supreme was Arc Light.

This shows that her intelligence ability is really not in vain.

However, what surprised Qu Jianlei was that the Special Affairs Department concluded through analysis: the murderer was probably Ran Bingluan's gang!

This made him really dumbfounded, "If I remember correctly, this team has been wanted for a long time, and they still dare to act?"

"It's hard to say," Lai Yin replied in a deep voice, "The Supreme Guardian of Skyhook was also at the scene, but he was knocked unconscious."

After all, she is only an A-level peak person. Even if her backer is very strong, it is not convenient for her to call Chi Yang by her name.

Chi Yang... Qu Jianlei is really speechless. Do you want to be so cruel to yourself?

He was very sure that Chi Yang was awake when he and the paranoid left the scene.

So this guy pretended to be unconscious and wanted to shirk responsibility, but he actually did such a thing... Where is his moral integrity?

As for Chiyang not leaking the news about the teleportation array, Qu Jianlei was only stunned for a moment before he came to his senses.

If Chi Yang dares to report truthfully, then the Department of Alien Management can conclude that he was involved in Arc Light's death.

Moreover, Chiyang must be very aware of the sensitivity of the teleportation array. Once it is leaked, he may suffer brutal revenge.

So not only did this guy not tell the truth, he also tried to find ways to seduce Ran Bingluan's team.

It's not that he and Ran Bingluan have much hatred, but that in the entire Skyhook Star Territory, the only ones with the strength and courage to kill Arc Light Supreme are probably Ran Bingluan's team.

There are indeed many desperadoes in the asteroid belt, and there are also some supreme leaders, but who is brave enough to poke into the hornet's nest of the alien department?

What is even more convincing is that Ran Bingluan's team has the motive to deal with the Alien Management Department!

After Qu Jianlei figured out the key, he was a little bit dumbfounded. He really didn't want to arouse other people's attention to Ran Bingluan.

For this reason, when he and the paranoid took action, they first chose to show up publicly - this was completely inconsistent with the style of Ran Bingluan's team.

Because there is a treasure called the teleportation array, and it happened fifty years ago, he is willing to pretend to be another force.

With this force coupled with Ran Bingluan and Rhodiola rosea, the Skyhook Star Territory will surely be very lively in the future.

Qu Jianlei is not worried about being incapable of hiding. There is no big force that is not good at hiding.

Only by fully muddying the water can we better ensure the development and growth of our own team.

As for wanting to reduce Ran Bingluan's attention, the main reason is that the events involved in the Thunder Tribulation are too big and may even attract the attention of the Supreme Being.

It is strictly necessary to suppress this hot spot, otherwise it may really attract an invincible being.

Qu Jianlei once felt that his calculation was pretty good.

The performance of a paranoid and paranoid character also shows the arrogant acting style of a strong team.

But after all the calculations, he accidentally missed it. The dignified Guardian Supreme Chiyang actually told a big lie.

It's understandable to be selfish, but the reappearance of Ran Bingluan in the sight of the empire's senior officials really gave Qu Jianlei a headache.

This time, it is likely to attract higher-level attention from the empire and recruit a higher-level team.

In addition, Qu Jianlei also thought that he might be able to find time to help Luo Hanshuang vent his bad breath, but now it was impossible.

Another point that is also very important is that the intersection between Ran Bingluan and Luo Hanshuang mainly occurs in Tiangou Mi Mansion.

With Ran Bingluan showing up again, the empire will definitely step up its investigation and attention there.

In Qu Jianlei's plan, Tianhou Mi Mansion is a key part to be conquered, and its importance is even more important than that of the Maiden Star Territory.

After all, he had only heard about the magic of the Maiden Star Territory, but he had personally experienced the extraordinaryness of the Mi Mansion.

After all this trouble now, he won't have to consider entering there again for a long time in the future.

I'm really speechless.

However, Qu Jianlei is not a blaming person. Since this has already happened, he should face it calmly.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the reappearance of Ran Bingluan's team is not entirely a bad thing.

At least the suspicion of the Rhodiola Rosea team has been reduced a lot.

Isn't this? The Alien Management Department and the Divine Wen Society convened people to search for Ran Bingluan, and they actually targeted the Rhodiola rosea team.

In the end, Qu Jianlei couldn't help but ask, "Ran Bingluan... seems to have something to do with Qinghu Supreme?"

"It won't affect her," Lai Yin replied with certainty, "She has very strong support, so there is no need to worry about her."

"Do I have to worry about her?" Qu Jianlei replied disapprovingly, "By the way, is this requisition legal?"

"It's for you to handle."

"I don't want to at all," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "Then I'll bother you, how much does it cost?"

"Haha," Lai Yin let out a laugh of unknown meaning, "give it whatever you want, if you think this can be solved with money."

"Money can't solve it...then I won't trouble you," Qu Jianlei said simply, "I don't like free ones, they're too expensive!"

Lai Yin was silent for two seconds and then replied, "You don't have to do anything. Just come up with the modification plan for the ordinary version of the Qi Gathering Array as soon as possible."

This was not a condition, but for Qu Jianlei, he at least had an explanation.

So he answered simply, "Don't worry, the effect will be better than imagined if you have an environment where you won't be disturbed."

After this call, no one really bothered them anymore.

In the blink of an eye, another two months have passed, and there is peace in Niaomingjian Manor.

Except for Hua Scorpion, who is holding back his energy to rush up the stairs, everyone else has entered a state of combining work and rest.

Even the paranoid man has relaxed a little, his fit with the body has been completed.

Although it has not yet reached perfection, the next step is hard work. There is no need to stay in the spirit gathering array all the time.

Qu Jianlei has also made great gains. The analysis of the teleportation array has achieved phased results.

The next step is to enter the experiment, but it is still roughly directional and is still far from the final result.

At the same time, news from the outside world also continued to come.

The Alien Management Department was furious because of Arc Light's death, and sent four more supreme officers one after another.

Four supremes may not sound like a small number, but spread across the entire Skyhook Star Territory, it's really nothing.

However, these members of the Special Affairs Department from the center of the empire can really mobilize the power of the military to help track down the suspects.

Therefore, during this period of time, the entire Skyhook Star Territory was in a state of chaos.

Under the strong suppression of the Alien Management Department, even the Divine Wenhui Association has restrained itself a lot.

They are both institutions under the direct control of the empire, but one is a violent institution and the other is a research institution. You can imagine which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

The influence of the Divine Literary Society is indeed great, and its local foundation is much stronger than that of the Department of Foreign Affairs, but its functions are really far behind.

However, when one thing comes down to another, the Divine Wenhui Society doesn't care much about the local nobles, but the Foreign Affairs Department does.

The reason is very simple. Some nobles have amazing energy and can really reach heaven.

So the turmoil outside was earth-shattering, but Lai Yin came forward and firmly protected Niaomingjian Manor.

However, the paranoid man became a little restless and thought, "We stay in the manor every day, and it feels like we are just hanging out and waiting to die."

In fact, except for Bentley who seems to be more patient, the others are also a little ready to take action.

They can go shopping in the city, and they feel like they are gradually beginning to integrate into society, but... they have been staying in the manor for half a year.

Think about the situation in China. There are so many people traveling during the two long holidays every year, and you can feel this feeling.

Hua Scorpion said, "If this continues, people will become useless. It's time to get some exercise. Towering trees won't grow in the greenhouse."

"Kill a wave of guys from the Divine Literary Society," Blair said viciously. "It's annoying to see them."

Qu Jianlei exchanged glances with the paranoid: These people actually don’t know that the Alien Management Department is also the enemy!

(The third update is here, please ask for monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions and recommendation tickets during the double period.)

This chapter has been completed!
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