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Chapter 772 Sit back and watch

At this banquet, the person with a similar status to Buckingham was Nelson.

When Yin Xiong said these words, his expression also changed slightly.

Nelson is a real man, how could he not hear Silver Bear's contempt?

He also has a very good relationship with Buckingham. When Buckingham arrived at Tianrui, he was the one who greeted him.

He coughed lightly and said, "Your Excellency Yinxiong, it's getting late, how about this ends today?"

Leng Mian also tried to persuade him, "It's almost the same. I have to go to work tomorrow. It's better to be careful in extraordinary times."

This is serious talk. News of Arc Light's death is sealed from society, but how could the Supreme Being present not know about it?

Silver Bear chuckled and said disapprovingly, "Leng Mian, you are worrying too much. Now we have set up a dragnet."

"Unless the other party is seeking death, they can only hide in the darkness...a group of timid and annoying rats!"

The Divine Literary Society and the Different Management Department have a cooperative relationship, but their operating styles are very different.

The Alien Management Department has strict rules and prohibitions, and it also has a layer of mystery. Giving out your name will make people shudder.

However, the Divine Literary Society relied on the power of large numbers of people to achieve great influence. The organization was relatively loose, and the execution ability was also poor.

After all, it is just a research institution. To say that the Alien Management Department has a strong military style, the Shenwen Society is more like a Jianghu gang.

Now all the habitable stars in the Sky Hook Star Territory are searching for Ran Bingluan's whereabouts, checking over and over again like a net.

The sum total of the Supreme Leaders of the Divine Literary Society and the Different Management Department alone is in the double digits.

Including collaborators, there are at least twenty or thirty supreme officials participating in the search operation, as well as the cooperation of the military and government.

Including places such as the asteroid belt and Tianhou Mi Mansion, additional forces have been deployed for defense and inspection.

Not to mention too much, just look at the Sky Hook Star and you will know that there are four supremes directly involved, and the guardian supreme Qingtian supports it at any time.

Yinxiong knew that Ran Bingluan's team was scary and arrogant - after all, they killed the Supreme Leader of the Alien Management Department in front of the guardian of Sky Hook.

However, after all, he is a sneaky person who can't see the light of day. He only hides his plans in the dark and dare not show his face in public.

How could such a thing, as long as he wasn't particularly stupid, jump out and cause trouble at this time?

The cold face moved his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

He was born in the Department of Foreign Affairs and was used to being cautious and meticulous in doing things. He was really not used to the rough style of the Divine Wen Society.

The Department of Alien Management has come into contact with too many extremely vicious people, many of whom have completely lost their minds. The madness of trapped beasts still fighting is truly terrifying.

However, the two companies are currently cooperating in a friendly manner, and the experts in the Different Management Department are limited and cannot do without the support of the Divine Wen Society.

Therefore, there is no need to say some things. If you say it, it will ruin the atmosphere. If you don’t say it, you will easily be looked down upon.

Buckingham and Nelson really wanted to leave, and the banquet among the highest officials should be stopped in moderation.

Hearing that Yin Xiong underestimated Ran Bingluan's team, Buckingham felt more and more that the other party was targeting him.

——Aren’t you just mocking me for being timid and not daring to participate in the arrest?

However, he was able to achieve the highest level and was also a man of perseverance. He was not affected by the other party's words.

He said calmly, "There are a lot of things to worry about these two days, so let's call it a day."

"That's not true," Silver Bear glanced at him, "I just made a quick comment, and I didn't mean to offend."

Will Supreme get drunk? If he doesn't deliberately indulge, there is no such possibility.

Silver Bear encountered a happy event and was willing to enjoy the feeling of being tipsy. He found that the atmosphere was not right and took the initiative to expel some alcohol.

The corner of Buckingham's mouth twitched, and he replied expressionlessly, "Am I the kind of stingy person? There is indeed something wrong."

"Drink a little longer," Yin Xiong said in a plea, his expression also very sincere, "My alcohol smell has dissipated a bit."

Just when the atmosphere had just calmed down, his body shook violently, groaned, and fell directly to the ground.

Leng Mian was a little wary just now, thinking that if Buckingham got angry, he could persuade him in time.

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased and he had just relaxed, something suddenly changed unexpectedly.

He reacted subconsciously and shouted, "Be careful, the enemy is attacking! It's Jingxi..."

He has already felt that the other party is using mental power to attack.

But he had just relaxed and wanted to respond in time. There was a short gap in response.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his head shake violently, and his whole body fell to the ground.

In the moment before he fell into coma, the only thought in his mind was: What a pity, he didn't use mental armor!

The entire story of Arc Light's murder has been carefully analyzed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and her body has also been scanned.

Various signs indicate that in addition to himself, Ran Bingluan's team also has at least one Supreme who is good at mental attacks.

The Blazing Sun Supreme at the scene also confirmed this guess, and said that the Supreme is most likely to be of water or ice nature.

——At that time, Paranoid did show off his water-based magic, but neither Blazing Sun nor the Alien Department could fully believe it.

In fact, to the Alien Management Department, the opponent's true attributes are not important, what is important is that the mental power is too strong.

The mental attacks are so terrifying, extremely fast and silent, making them almost impossible to guard against.

What's especially bad is that the mental damage caused after an attack is very difficult to treat.

For this reason, people who come to Skyhook try their best to collect armor to prevent possible mental attacks.

Leng Mian also tried his best to obtain a piece of armor. After his own testing, the protective effect was quite good.

The armor is a half-mask that covers the nose, eyes and forehead. It looks very ancient.

The Empire is not a man without a mask. The Supreme has some weird behaviors that ordinary people can understand.

But one thing is still eye-catching, that is, the mask is too old.

Except for entertainment such as masquerades, most people in the empire wear masks because they don't want to reveal their identity, especially in chaotic places.

Of course, there are also behaviors such as COSPLAY, which Qu Jianlei and Sophia also did at the beginning.

But Leng Mian usually wears a mask, and everyone knows who he is, but they wonder why he wears such an old mask.

He was embarrassed to explain, because doing so would make him seem a little afraid of death, and it would also damage the image of the Department of Alien Management.

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Someone can guess that this is probably to prevent mental attacks, so I asked him if he could help us get some armor too?

This makes it very difficult to be cold-faced: Do you want my armor?

Of course he doesn't have to give it, but he must understand that in the process of inspecting Ran Bingluan's team, he is asking for help from local forces.

Even if you refuse, you can't do it coldly - it's best to be tactful.

Later, Leng Mian always felt that when he was wearing a mask, others would always look at him strangely.

Although no one said anything, this feeling was really not good, so he simply put away the mask and only used it when necessary.

He came to Silver Bear's banquet today. Of course, he couldn't wear a mask during the banquet.

I believe that no matter how crazy Ran Bingluan’s team is, they will not attack the five supreme leaders, right?

However, just such a moment of carelessness led to his tragic end.

Seeing Silver Bear and Leng Mian fall to the ground one after another, the remaining three Supreme Beings were horrified for a moment.

Qingtian stood up violently and shouted, "How brave!"

At the same time, his breath surged sharply, expelling the smell of alcohol, and at the same time he raised his hand and punched out a ball of powder.

This kind of powder can effectively affect electromagnetic waves and also interfere with mental power to a certain extent.

When Paranoid resisted Qu Jianlei's mental attack, he used similar powder.

With his status, it is not difficult to get better armor, but he is extremely conceited and energetic, so it is enough to have this reserve.

Unexpectedly, he was beaten violently by Qu Jianlei, which made him feel extremely angry on the spot.

Honestly speaking, this kind of powder is rare enough, but as Qingtian is the supreme guardian, it is not difficult to raise some.

There was a fight inside, and there were slight noises and screams from outside. It was obvious that someone was taking action.

"Haha," a chuckle came, the voice was very erratic.

"Every wrongdoer has his own debtor, Qingtian, you are a competent guardian, don't force me to use my exclusive poison to deal with you!"

"And you two, Buckingham and Nelson, it's none of your business. Don't get involved. You've done a good job before!"

Buckingham and Nelson looked at each other. They didn't have any extreme reaction just now, and they didn't even shout.

The reason is very simple. The other party is obviously from Ran Bingluan's team, and they should know their attitudes.

At the highest level, except for a few crazy people, generally speaking, no one likes to make enemies casually.

The older you get in the world, the less courageous you become. Only after you have reached the highest level can you feel that there are people outside the world and there are mountains beyond the mountains.

The more you know, the deeper your awe will be. Only the ignorant will be fearless.

The two of them did not think that the attacker really had the guts to attack them - this would offend even the neutral forces.

It can be seen from the death of Arc Light that Skyhook's guardian, Supreme Blazing Sun, was knocked unconscious but was not killed.

It can be seen from this that although Ran Bingluan's team is arrogant and arrogant, they are not the crazy type.

Of course, this is just their speculation, and relevant defenses still need to be made.

Buckingham immediately put on ice armor for himself - the ice element also has a slight protective effect against mental attacks.

But when he saw Nelson, he hesitated - mainly because this guy had fire attributes.

When ice and fire elements are mixed together, trouble is more likely to occur.

Nelson did not hesitate and put on himself a layer of flowing fire armor.

This kind of armor has almost no defense against mental attacks, but at this time, it is impossible not to be alert.

After hearing each other's words, Buckingham and Nelson both raised their right hands and covered their left breasts in an OK gesture.

Does this action seem familiar?

That's right, when Hua Xiezi expressed to Qu Jianlei that he had no hostility, this was what he did.

The two supreme leaders did not speak out, but expressed with practical actions: We have no intention of getting involved in this kind of dispute.

As for the attacker who may not be able to see this action? Don't be ridiculous, his mental power is ridiculously strong, okay?

This chapter has been completed!
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