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Chapter 776 Its better to seek help from others than from yourself

After Qu Jianlei issued the order, more than a minute later, the anti-smuggling warship made a huge roar.

Before the people from the Anti-Smuggling Department had time to react, the battleship took off directly into the air and shot straight up into the sky.

In fact, Qu Jianlei never expected to escape through the power of public opinion.

The power of public opinion sometimes seems very powerful, but in the face of absolute strength, it is actually the most useless.

As the same saying goes, it is better to seek help from others than from yourself. If you want to break through the blockade, you still have to rely on your own strength.

He started a public opinion war before, simply to attract the attention of the government and distract the attention of the entire system.

There is no doubt that this plan worked, otherwise he would not have been able to drive away the anti-smuggling warship so easily.

Of course, this probably has something to do with the arrogance of the Anti-Smuggling Department.

Although they lack high-end combat power, they are an armed force equipped with battleships. In this regard, the Special Administrative Department is even worse.

So they believed rather arbitrarily that the other party was already at loggerheads with the Alien Management Department and the Divine Wen Society, so how could they dare to provoke us again?

In any case, Qu Jianlei successfully robbed a battleship and left openly.

When the battleship took off, its acceleration was a bit slow. During this process, the Anti-Smuggling Department finally figured out what had happened.

"Damn it, you actually dare to rob our warship. Where are our anti-aircraft weapons?"

The Anti-Smuggling Department only has a small number of anti-aircraft weapons, which are even far inferior to those of the City Guards.

The reason is also very simple. This department is mainly responsible for outbound inspections and does not have a planetary defense mission of its own.

The pitiful few defensive weapons are usually in a semi-storage state.

——If the entire planet’s defense relied on the Anti-Smuggling Department, how miserable would it be?

The headquarters soon discovered that defensive weapons could not launch an attack immediately.

The artificial intelligence also used its computing power and instantly concluded that this gap in reaction time was enough for the opponent to escape.

Almost at the same time, the Anti-Smuggling Department also notified the government and the military: One of our warships has been hijacked!

They made it very clear, but both the government and the military must verify this information.

——As soon as you mentioned hijacking, we opened fire, so what happened?

There must be authoritative certification before these two parties can respond. You must know that the anti-smuggling system has a very transcendent status in the government.

Whoever wants to attack an anti-smuggling warship without permission involves more than just attacking friendly forces.

This kind of thing is too easy to get carried out, and if you investigate it casually, it may develop out of control.

Is it rigid and dogmatic? Maybe a little bit, but there is no rule without rules!

The two parties would rather let Ran Bingluan's team go than attack the anti-smuggling warship rashly.

The former is just a matter of cooperating with the Alien Management Department, and mistakes are nothing. The latter is a challenge to the dominance of the entire empire.

Just as they were confirming, the battleship's speed had increased to a considerable level and it rushed into outer space.

The planetary defense system on the ground began to show its power, and various weapons were opened one after another, and the anti-smuggling warships began to be concentrated.

However, Xiaohu had made some tricks in the defense system, and his own ship maneuvering level was also extremely high. Those powerful ground weapons did not cause any damage to the battleship after all.

However, the ground weapons were dodged, and the military warships coming from a distance were not so easy to get rid of.

The warships of the Anti-Smuggling Department are also military-standard warships. Except for slightly different weapon systems, other functions are basically the same.

But the crux of the problem is that the battleships Qu Jianlei grabbed were only company-level ones, while the battleships he chased included battalion-level ones.

The speed of battalion-level battleships may not be very fast, and the advantage of being the first to attack is still obvious, but the defense of the pursuing troops is high and the firepower is fierce.

The most difficult ones are those attack ships. Although they have thin skin and short legs, they can't stand up to the speed!

Qu Jianlei adjusted the battleship's defense to the highest level and rushed left and right like a desperate move.

Xiaohu's ship maneuvering level is really high, but there are more than ten attack ships chasing her.

No matter how high the level of artificial intelligence is, there will eventually be an upper limit, especially when the numbers are seriously unequal.

It is not for nothing that ants kill an elephant. The firepower of more than ten attack ships formed a dense firepower network.

Even if Xiaohu tried his best to avoid it, he would still get a kick from time to time.

Fortunately, it can analyze which attacks are relatively fatal and which attacks can basically be resisted.

Therefore, even if it is shot repeatedly, it will only affect the energy of the protective shield, and there will be no damage to the hull.

But what's even worse is that the computing power of the anti-smuggling warship is really not that good at the moment.

Qu Jianlei bought a set of 80 million computing units a while ago. Because he was worried that Niaomingjian Manor was not safe enough, he put it in a storage ring and carried it with him - such a valuable item really cannot test human nature.

However, after setting off, this computing unit has not been used once. Not only is this thing large in size, it also consumes a lot of energy.

Even now, there is simply not enough space to install it in the stolen anti-smuggling warship.

——Even if it can be installed, in this environment, he cannot install and debug it with peace of mind.

The current central control system is still maintained by the modified anti-smuggling terminal.

Frankly speaking, among terminals of similar size, the anti-smuggling terminal is already quite powerful, but... it's really not enough.

With almost extreme computing power, the terminal was already so hot that it could be roasted, and Qu Jianlei had to physically cool it down.

Being beaten all the time, Xiaohu couldn't stand it anymore, "Can't you fight back?"

"Wait a minute," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "Didn't you realize that the other party also intends to capture us alive?"

It can be seen that more than a dozen attack ships are rushing one after another, attacking in different ways, but the intensity is obviously controlled.

The other party does have plans to capture him alive. One person can guess it. Ninety-nine percent of the people who dare to do such a thing are members of Ran Bingluan's team.

There is no doubt about the importance of this team, even the hateful alien department said that they would try to capture them alive as much as possible.

It should be noted that these people have killed more than one supreme leader of the Alien Department, and their arrogance is extremely arrogant.

However, even if these people are ultimately sentenced to death, efforts must be made to keep them alive during the arrest process.

The meaning of this statement is obvious: there are huge conflicts of interest in this team, and it will be worthless if it dies.

Of course, the military will not strictly abide by the requirements of the Department of Foreign Affairs. In the face of extremely vicious gangsters, safety is the first priority.

The main reason why they chose to stay is that their side currently has a huge advantage!

There were four capital ships in pursuit, one battalion-level ship, three company-level ships, and nearly twenty small attack ships.

The opponent is just a company-level battleship, a castrated version with low firepower.

There is even news that the opponent has almost no ammunition. Facing such an opponent, it is really difficult to lose!

The pursuing soldiers also admitted that the opponent's crewman's ship maneuvering level was extremely high, even comparable to the elites of the military.

But so what? You can only dodge and run away, but you don’t even have the ability to fight back. How can you make people feel threatened?

However, someone said that there is probably a Supreme in the opponent's team, and there should be some holding talismans!

In other words, the opponent's failure to fight back may just be a strategy to mock the opponent.

The proponent believes that we should be prepared to prevent them from suddenly counterattacking at a certain moment and catch our own side by surprise!

This reminder is not completely unreasonable. It is a basic military quality to be lenient when expecting the enemy.

But the soldiers responsible for the pursuit were somewhat arrogant - or a little overconfident.

"Amateurs like them, facing the pursuit of so many of our warships... I really don't believe they can be so calm."

"After all, if you are not a serving soldier, how much actual combat experience can you have? Just because your ability to operate a ship is great does not mean your combat effectiveness is also strong."

"This team is famous, but can anyone tell me...how many known successful air combat cases do they have?"

"Even if there are talismans, the space is limited. They can't possibly hold all the Star Wars ammunition, right?"

No one can imagine how much space the storage charms and storage rings in Qu Jianlei's hands have accumulated.

However, some people maintain a cautious attitude, "No matter what, it is always right to be careful. It would be embarrassing if there is any damage!"

All in all, most soldiers maintain an optimistic attitude and only pay lip service to words such as caution.

No wonder they are so arrogant. It is very necessary for the army to maintain high morale.

However, there is really no way to strictly distinguish between pride and arrogance.

Fearless spirit is often regarded as synonymous with recklessness.

And some real reckless advances may become "courageous and knowledgeable" success stories.

After all, there are times when the military measures actions in combat by results.

There was no shortage of ammunition in Qu Jianlei's hands, but he understood that he only had one chance to catch someone by surprise, so he had to seize it.

During the pursuit and escape, the anti-smuggling warship would send out a signal from time to time to warn the other party not to pursue further.

"We have plenty of ammunition. I hope you will give up the pursuit and don't make mistakes!"

Seeing this kind of light signal, the military was a little wary at first.

However, the signal was turned on many times and the other party did not fire back. The military became a little numb and said, "You should just open fire. It's really boring."

The military was impatient, and so was Xiao Hu, "Boss, the energy shield is like a roller coaster, going up and down all the time."

Qu Jianlei, however, was unmoved and looked at the opponent's attack with a blank expression.

He didn't issue a new order until four or five attack ships had almost used up their energy blocks and returned to the battleships to replenish supplies.

"Speed ​​up and release decoy bombs... It's a pity that it's inconvenient to invade the opponent's system."

After all, artificial intelligence is inconvenient to show off, unless it plans to keep all the warships in the military.

Seeing the anti-smuggling warship releasing decoy bombs, the seven or eight attack ships immediately became energetic and said, "Run away, get close and shoot!"

At the same time, Qu Jianlei spoke up, "We must ensure that we attack at least four attack ships. We only have this one chance!"

"Don't worry, boss," Xiaohu replied confidently.



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