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Chapter 782: Stupid people have too much money

In fact, Qu Jianlei had not thought about what choice he should make in the possible future war.

But now that so many people have found him, it makes him realize that he really cannot be completely absent from this battle!

The asteroid belt is not only a place for him to store supplies, but also a necessary springboard for him to contact normal society from the chaotic zone.

Even if the abandoned ore planet is stolen, it will still be a suitable contact medium if something goes wrong for quite some time in the future.

This decided that he could not completely withdraw from the matter.

Even if he is standing by and watching the two sides not helping each other, he still needs to show some sense of presence.

Otherwise, when the reshuffle is completed, the forces that control the new pattern will undoubtedly suppress those uncontrolled forces.

An emperor and his courtiers are like this in the court, in the rivers and lakes, and in shopping malls.

It is precisely for this reason that the Star Territory Government is worried that other small and medium-sized forces will be involved in the battle.

In the face of the mighty trend, too many people and forces will be passively involved, and this does not depend on human will.

Not to mention, the Rhodiola rosea team is already outstanding and has attracted the attention of so many people.

Qu Jianlei did not choose a camp. In fact, he did not want to get involved in this matter at all.

However, the tree wants to be calm and the wind does not stop, but people really cannot help themselves in the world.

Even if he wants to stay out of the matter, he still has to make a gesture. If he doesn't say anything and pretends to be transparent, he will only be looked down upon.

He analyzed these situations, and Bentley and others also expressed their support.

As for how to intervene in this matter, Qu Jianlei also listened to what they said. Some people suggested watching and paying for it.

But after thinking about it, he felt that charging only a "spectating fee" did not show much of his presence and was a bit petty.

So he put forward a general idea, it is best to charge in steps to show that we are not afraid of trouble.

He didn't bother to think about the specific details and simply left it to others to perfect.

After a discussion, Bentley and others actually sorted out some detailed rules.

The lowest level is the "concealment card" - if we participate in the war, we will pretend that we have not seen you and will not attack you.

The second is the friend card - even if you are from the opposite camp and someone designates to attack you, we will reject it in the name of a friend.

The asylum card is even simpler. People with this card are protected by the Rhodiola team and can not be involved in the melee.

The revenge card is...if you buy this card and suffer losses in the war, you can invite us to take targeted revenge!

Of course, different levels involve different costs, which goes without saying.

The people in the Titan Group were a little stunned for a moment after listening to Claire's story.

They knew that the Rhodiola rosea team was arrogant, but they really didn't expect to be so arrogant - was this an attempt to openly challenge the two camps?

The silent A-level thought for a moment before asking, "Asylum card...are you really not planning to end up?"

"We don't rule out the possibility of ending up," said Claire, who participated in the formulation of the plan and didn't hesitate at all.

"But even if we end, as long as you are unwilling to participate, we will ensure that you are not disturbed."

This answer is relatively reasonable, but it still makes people a little doubtful: Do you really have this strength?

But think about it again, this team dares to promise to help in revenge, so it's not a big deal to do this.

Level A thought for a moment and then asked, "If I don't buy any cards...will it be considered unfriendly by you?"

"No," Claire shook her head and replied, "We never force others, but if we are paired up, we will not show mercy."

Level A asked again, "Can the revenge card... be used against the opponent's entire camp?"

He has already thought about it. If the Rhodiola Rosea team really dares to promise this, he really wants to buy a Revenge Card. It doesn't matter how much he spends.

"How is that possible?" Claire shook his head again, "If we really want to do that, we might as well get out of here."

"Only those who have caused your losses will be targeted."

After Class A thought about it, he replied in a deep voice, "We have to think about this matter carefully, and we can't answer you for the time being."

"It doesn't matter," Claire said calmly, "but we can only stay for ten days at most, so hurry up!"

The people from Titan left, but then, representatives from another force came.

Most of the forces are not very familiar with the Rhodiola rosea team. Although they have heard about the name for a long time, they are not sure about their style of doing things.

The Titan Group is considered a powerful force. They dare to come to you, but others may not dare to do so.

Only after seeing them leave safely did someone have the courage to contact them.

This force really didn’t want to get into troubled waters this time. After hearing this, they asked what the prices of these cards were.

Claire said it is very cheap. The lowest shield card is only 1 million, and the friend card is not expensive at 1.5 million.

The asylum card is more expensive, 5 million, and the revenge card is 30 million.

However, Claire emphasized that one card only corresponds to one starship, not one force.

If a force has many starships, then each starship will be counted in this way.

In fact, it's a bit similar to having insurance. If the starship is insured, he will take care of it. If it's not insured, it doesn't matter.

"Every starship must have one?" The person on the other side was a little stunned, "Your charges are too expensive, even comparable to those of insurance companies."

"We don't force you to buy it," Claire replied casually.

Then she asked back, "I'm a little surprised. Have you ever heard of any insurance company that undertakes war insurance?"

Needless to say, this is war, and no insurance company will cover war insurance.

Claire's attitude is very clear: This is similar to war insurance. Only I sell it. You don't have to buy it. Don't think it's too expensive.

After discussing for a while, the person on the other side expressed that he wanted to buy a masking card and a friend card, "...can I get a discount?"

"Of course... you can!" Claire nodded with a smile, "You are the first buyer, and you will get a 20% discount!"

A 20% discount on 2.5 million, but it’s actually only 2 million. Is it expensive? It’s really not expensive!

Needless to say, it goes without saying that Qu Jianlei and seven people took a private starship, and it cost a total of 2.8 million to travel from Smurf to Tianrui!

The asteroid belt is such a magical place. Whether you call it chaotic or barbaric, the key is that you can actually make money!

This power is not very big, but spending two million to buy some insurance for yourself is relatively cost-effective.

Claire walked back to the 8384 ship, and soon came out with two cards, "You guys keep it safe, we only recognize the cards."

It's said to be a card, but it's actually something like identification. It's made by Xiaohu, so you don't have to worry about anyone counterfeiting it.

The person who came to contact me thought about it for a long time, and finally said, "Forget it, how about another asylum card, which is also a 20% discount?"

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

Claire smiled when he heard this, then nodded, "Okay, I'll give you four million."

Even though she suffered a lot as a child, she was still quite generous in her behavior and would not deliberately make things difficult for others.

This small force is also interesting. They are probably worried that the Rhodiola rosea team will not take it seriously and will publicize the matter after leaving.

Of course, we do not rule out the possibility of deliberately showing good intentions, and they also specially displayed the relevant cards.

As a result, the attitude of the Rhodiola rosea team quickly spread, causing quite a stir.

Some people must have felt uncomfortable hearing the news, but the 8384 ship was parked there, and no one dared to go up and find fault.

However, some other forces came and bought some cards in the same way.

Each card has a different number, which looks not only exquisite but also quite formal.

Generally speaking, the best-selling card is the "Friend Card", followed by the "Shelter Card", and the "Shadow Card" at the bottom.

This is not surprising. The friend card is only half a million more expensive than the shield card. It costs one million, so why not spend half a million more to be safer?

The hardest thing to sell was the ‘Revenge Card’, none of which was sold.

At first, Claire thought that the Revenge card was too expensive, and it was indeed too luxurious to pay 30 million for a card that might not be used.

She was really upset. There was no way this thing could be made cheaper. To avenge someone... shouldn't it cost money?

But later she realized that it was not that the cards were too expensive, but that only those who planned to defeat their opponents would have such demand.

Those who are passively involved mostly think about how to catch fish and how to paddle. Even if they suffer some losses, they are more likely to admit they are unlucky.

But for those who want to fight against their opponents, why do they need rhodiola for revenge? It seems like they have no backing.

If someone who is passively involved buys a Revenge Card, wouldn't that be a hint to others that he or she is going to be deeply involved?

So Revenge cards, which may seem to be popular in Claire, have not been sold at all.

However, on the ninth day, when they were all planning to leave the next day, someone came to buy revenge cards.

The person who came was a supreme official, and he did not embarrass Claire. Instead, he asked directly, "Has Rhodiola rosea come?"

Claire really didn't dare to be disrespectful to the Supreme Being, so he could only reply respectfully, "May I ask what you call me, sir?"

"Tell him that Gothel is here," the supreme leader said calmly, "I'm here to buy a revenge card."

Qu Jianlei has discovered that the Supreme Leader of the Purcell Consortium is here.

Originally, he wanted to pretend to be dead and not take sides between the two camps, but as the opponent was so direct, he couldn't hide anymore.

But this time, it was impossible for him to hide in the cabin to see the other party, but walked out directly.

In full public view, the two supreme beings met. There was no sense of mystery about the supreme beings at all, and naturally they attracted everyone's attention.

Qu Jianlei curled his lips helplessly, "Supreme Gothel, do you still need a revenge card? Don't bully children."

Needless to say, those who knew Gothel, but those who didn't know him couldn't help but be in an uproar when they heard that this was the Supreme Being of Purcell.

This time the two major camps are fighting, and the Purcell Consortium is one of the major forces.

"Of course I need it," Gothel replied seriously, "Really, if I lose the fight, I will take revenge on you."

He knows more about the Rhodiola Rosea team and knows that there are at least two Supremes in this team!

This chapter has been completed!
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