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Chapter 77 There are rules in the sixth chapter - 78 This is it? (Chapter 2 in 1)

 Chapter 77 Zhou Liu has rules (5th update congratulations to Bai Yin Meng Bangzi Brother 4/5)

Cindy's late husband once helped her with some help, and she did behave well later.

But after her man died, she faced all kinds of oppression, but nothing could be done to help her.

It's just that he didn't follow and bully her, which is already very rare.

However, she did not issue a move-out certificate that day, so the other party asked her to think about it again.

Originally, she wanted to work hard to handle it, but Hua Xiezi gave her a hand.

After walking out of the office room, Hua Xiezi said, "It would be a dereliction of duty on his part if he issued a move-out certificate to you today."

Although she is just an adventurer in the wild, she is somewhat sophisticated and sees things more clearly than the residents of the settlement.

Cindy's IQ wasn't too bad. She suddenly realized after hearing this, "The certificate will be issued tomorrow. At least it can be said that he has tried to retain her."

"They're just a bunch of scavengers," Hua Scorpion said nonchalantly, "so our identities will never be exposed."

Cindy thought this was a matter of course, "Then I won't mark the moving location tomorrow."

The move-out certificate generally must state the destination of the move. If not, you will have to pay an additional fee.

At that time, the place of relocation may also charge an extra fee. For a single mother, it is not an easy decision to make.

But the two adults didn't want to expose their identities, so she gritted her teeth and paid for it - anyway, the one hundred yuan banknote was enough.

The two adults were silent.

The next moment, Cindy was in distress again, "It's going to get dark soon. Should we go out of the city or stay in an inn?"

"It will be trouble again if we enter the city again," Qu Jianlei said calmly. Not only did he not check his identity when he entered the city today, but cars and weapons were also brought in.

He didn't think that tomorrow would be so smooth. Sometimes people's memory is not as strong as that of fish.

"Sleeping in the car," Hua Xiezi said without hesitation, "Cindy, you and your daughter have to adapt!"

"That's right, I have to adapt!" Before Cindy could say anything, Claire expressed her stance first, with an excited look on her face, "I'll just sleep in the car!"

Cindy looked at her daughter helplessly and sighed in her heart: It's up to you.

In fact, those who can drive an armed truck into the city are definitely not inferior in strength, and sleeping in a truck is not much worse than sleeping in an inn.

But the comfort is definitely a bit worse, but as a college girl, what can I do?

That night everyone found a parking place and dealt with it all night.

Qu Jianlei had slept comfortably before, so he was responsible for guarding that night. Of course... nothing happened.

After he meditated, he felt very energetic. He took out the book he bought and flipped through it, and then he realized why the energy blocks here were expensive.

It turns out that the Zhouzi settlement area is very different from the Hongzi settlement area. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are worlds apart.

The general temperature here in Zhouzi District is much lower than that in Hongzi District. Most of the time, it is in the frost and snow.

In other words, when Qu Jianlei first came to Zhouzi District, he felt right. The temperature here was indeed low.

This caused the adventurers and beasts here to become more accustomed to the low temperature here, and they continued to fight in winter.

Especially because the Endless Mountains block some pollution, most of the wild water sources here are drinkable!

Of course, factors such as parasites must be taken into consideration, and they must be boiled and drunk. Those containing chemical toxins must also be learned to identify.

But no matter what, there are many drinking water sources in the wild here, and the living environment is really very different!

And the winter here is not too cold, the heat is not very hot, and the cold is not very cold.

Probably the difference between Europa and Northeast China...the latitudes are similar, but the temperatures are much different.

Because winter is so long, many wild animals here have the ability to come out to look for food in winter.

Correspondingly, many survivors also go out to hunt in winter.

Not being too cold is only one of the reasons. The main reason is that the winter is too long and too many supplies need to be consumed.

No one can survive the winter hiding at home, so he must go out and hunt.

But for winter prey, regardless of size, rough skin and thick flesh are the basic requirements.

The kinetic energy of the Gauss gun is very strong, and its power is much greater than that of the laser gun, but it is a little helpless when encountering a beast with such characteristics.

A single shot will cause the opponent to do somersaults a dozen times, but...the damage may not be severe.

There are also some small beasts. If you use a Gauss gun to shoot them, half of their bodies will be destroyed with one shot.

Seriously, the laser gun has strong penetrating power and can create a hole with one shot.

Let’s not talk about whether the kinetic energy is strong or not. In the winter, it was beaten until it bled, and the insulation system was destroyed.

For example, in Northeast China, wearing less clothes when going out in winter may not be fatal.

But when you go to those extremely cold places and a hole appears in your otherwise foolproof leather jacket, it's really deadly.

Therefore, in the Zezi gathering area, laser guns are more popular than Gauss guns. This is the main weapon for hunting in winter.

Of course, in the situation like the day before yesterday, fire suppression was still the first priority, and the weakness of the laser gun's poor lethality was clearly visible.

But in normal times, even the laser pistol is more popular than the Gauss gun.

Because the laser gun has a high inventory and is used frequently, the energy blocks will naturally be used more.

With such urgent support, how can the price of energy blocks become cheaper?

In the second half of the night, someone quietly approached the vehicle. I couldn't figure out where they were coming from or what they were going to do.

Qu Jianlei looked over with a cold look. When the other party saw him with his face covered and the gun in his hand, he left without saying a word.

In the morning of the next day, after the four of them finished eating, they came to the cold storage.

Seven or eight people were already waiting there. After seeing the corpse of the Wolf King, they started to quote.

The base price quoted by Hua Xiezi was 12,000 yuan—less than this amount, she would rather pass up the auction.

The scene was a bit cold at first, after all, the price was really high.

But in the end, someone still raised the price, but he made a request that he also buy the knife that killed the Wolf King.

Or he offers a knife of the same type and replaces it with the other person's knife.

As soon as this proposal came out, the price suddenly skyrocketed, and it was finally sold for a high price of 18,000 yuan.

However, instead of the actual income of 18,000, the settlement will charge a 10% tax and some agency fees will be paid to the residents.

It is precisely because of this that Hua Scorpion quoted a base price of 12,000.

In any case, it’s not bad to actually get 16,000 yuan. To sell luxury goods, you still have to go to a big place.

Then everyone went to the energy block store again. This time Qu Jianlei purchased 180 energy blocks for a small cost of 20,000.

The remaining banknotes were less than 7,000, and then it was time to purchase various supplies - including a three-wheeler.

Water, ammunition, and oil had to be replenished, and a water purifier had to be purchased. Qu Jianlei also replaced some guns.

By the time the purchase was over, there was less than two thousand dollars left in the banknote.

The light truck was almost completely packed, and then Cindy and her daughter went to go through the move-out procedures again.

Claire even has an overclocked oscillating dagger on her waist, which she bought after pestering her mother.

This time the staff did not hesitate any longer. They confirmed that the other party decided to move out, collected seven and a half silver dollars, and issued a certificate.

The vehicle drove out of Zhou San again, went to the small room Cindy rented, and loaded the mother and daughter's few daily necessities into the vehicle.

The packed light truck still attracted a lot of people's attention. In fact, some people knew that there were a lot of energy blocks in the car.

But those who know the latter will know how difficult Qu Jianlei is to mess with.

Killing the Wolf King is the next best thing!

He can be surrounded by wolves and kill his teammates without hesitation in a desperate fight. This is a truly ruthless person.

In fact, the one-eyed man he killed was notoriously difficult to mess with in the Zhou San neighborhood.

How can someone who dares to steal other people's ammunition during a battle be a good person?

At that time, the one-eyed man also had two companions present, but the two men didn't dare to find their way back to the scene.

Therefore, Qu Jianlei's reputation is not only for his strength, but also for his fearsome ability to get angry and risk his life!

It was also a truck full of supplies. When he left the Hongwu settlement last year, he was frantically chased by multiple forces.

And now that he has emerged from Zhou San, few people dare to take a second look at him.

Qu Jianlei did not let down his guard, but stood in the carriage with Hua Xiezi, glanced around, and slowly left.

Claire also wanted to stand in the car, but Cindy pushed her down on the passenger seat and said, "Fasten your seat belt."

On the way outside, Hua Xiezi asked Qu Jianlei, "Should we go to a residential area with better order?"

Qu Jianlei thought about it and answered, "Ask Cindy what she thinks of Zhouliu Community?"

Hua Xiezi picked up the newly purchased mobile phone and called.

Cindy, who was driving, was also a little confused. Now that she had left Zhou San, she didn't know where to drive next.

After receiving the call, she simply slowed down the car, lowered the window and looked out, "Zhou Liu... it's more prosperous there."

The Zhouliu settlement area is very large, with many hunting grounds around it and a lot of transactions.

Qu Jianlei read the book for a long time, many of which can only be bought by regular residents, and he has a little understanding of the Zhouzi settlement area.

So he asked in a deep voice, "My impression...the order there should be okay, right?"

At least that's what the book said, the order in the Zhouliu settlement was acceptable, and he also believed that order in a prosperous place shouldn't be bad.

"The order there..." Cindy said with a strange look on her face, "it's a bit repulsive to outsiders."

"Exclusion..." Qu Jianlei was a little hesitant. He was interested in the hunting grounds there and the order was acceptable.

"It should be understandable to guard such a geomantic treasure and exclude outsiders."

Hua Scorpion was about to say something, but after hearing what he said, he immediately shut up.

Cindy thought for a while, then nodded, "With the strength of the panda boss, you don't need to worry about this."

Qu Jianlei blinked his eyes, feeling that she was hesitant to speak.

However, he believes that Zhou Liu is indeed suitable for him, as he can make money hunting and purchase a lot of supplies.

As long as he can survive for a few years and his cultivation continues further, he will have to consider revenge.

Unexpectedly, on the first day he arrived at Zhouliu, he learned what xenophobia meant.


That’s it Chapter 78? (Sixth update congratulations to Brother Baiyin Mengbangzi 5/5)

The distance from Zhou III to Zhou VI is quite far, almost three thousand kilometers.

The four of them spent nearly twenty days on the road and really learned what it means to have many prey.

It was late summer and early autumn, but it was already quite cold in the wilderness, and the temperature at night often dropped below freezing.

There are many animals wandering in the wasteland. At first, the flower scorpion would kill one from time to time, hoping to improve the food.

But later I found that there were more prey, but many of them were inedible, and many of them rushed over to attack.

Then we can only focus on defense, and the right way is to rush on the road seriously.

She is good at using laser guns, and Qu Jianlei doesn't compete with her for business.

Because it is cold at night, they usually find a campsite or supply station to spend the night around evening time.

The prey caught was used to offset the expenses, which was basically more than enough, and I even harvested some silver coins of various colors.

The edible prey went into Qu Jianlei's belly. It was the first time that Cindy and her daughter discovered that someone had such a big appetite.

The off-road vehicle finally trekked to the Zhouliu settlement area one morning.

In the afternoon, they discovered a wild camp. It was quite large, with at least three to four hundred semi-underground houses.

Just when they were about to enter the camp, a white object suddenly jumped out from a slope beside the path.

Cindy had already slowed down before entering the camp. When she saw this, she suddenly stopped and Claire's body suddenly fell forward.

However, with a muffled "bang" sound, the white object flew out and rolled twice on the ground.

Only now did the people in the car realize that it was an animal that looked like a wolf and a dog, almost one meter and two meters long.

"Snow mastiff," Cindy narrowed her eyes and recognized this animal.

Snow mastiff? Qu Jianlei frowned slightly. This is a relatively common domestic animal in the Zhousan settlement.

The Snow Mastiff has a high IQ and an excellent sense of smell. Many hunters keep it to facilitate hunting prey in winter.

At this moment, an old man in ragged clothes rushed out from behind a house not far away.

He ran over quickly and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Xue'er, Xue'er... what's wrong with you?"

"Xue'er," Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes speechlessly, but put his hand on the trigger of the machine gun.

A dog called such a name is a bit anti-human, right?

Hearing this heart-wrenching cry, a few people looked over, and in about half a minute, more than ten people gathered around him.

Some people watched indifferently with their hands folded, while others raised their fingers and pointed with a look of gloating on their faces.

Immediately afterwards, two men came over from a distance, and one of them spoke loudly.

"Outsiders, this snow mastiff is old Spencer's livelihood tool. Winter is coming soon, and you are in trouble."

Touching porcelain... Qu Jianlei has already reacted. This is not a random guess, but he has already calculated it.

The snow mastiff rushed out at a very precise time, just when the vehicle was not able to stop.

It must have been a collision, but the snow mastiff's body is also very rough and thick, so it is impossible that it could not withstand the collision.

And the parabola it took when it fell was extremely suspicious... How could it fly so far?

"Blackmail?" Hua Xiezi also narrowed his eyes and raised the laser gun in his hand.

Both of their attitudes were very blunt, but the old man seemed not to notice and pounced on the snow mastiff on the ground.

He hugged the snow mastiff and kept wailing, "Xue'er, you can't just leave like this. How am I going to survive this winter?"

The Snow Mastiff was not completely dead, and occasionally trembled its hind legs, like a muscle spasm before death.

The others remained silent and just stared blankly. Some even had expressions on their faces that were half-smiling but not smiling.

More and more people came to watch the excitement.

"How could it be blackmail?" The big man who just spoke was not satisfied.

"Foreigners, this old guy blames the snow mastiff for his winter. You drive too fast, but you blame others?"

When the other man saw this, he also snorted coldly.

"Don't think that just because you have a few guns, you can run wild in the honest camp... If you don't want to abide by the rules, we can teach you!"

When Qu Jianlei heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. How dare he call such a camp "honest?"

Hua Scorpion adjusted his laser gun slightly and aimed at the snow mastiff, "Old driver...how much is this kind of snow mastiff worth?"

"Old Driver" is the nickname Cindy gave herself - since she broke into the wilderness, she naturally had to behave like an adventurer.

She replied in a deep voice, "Depending on the bloodline, it usually only costs five to ten silver dollars, and there are even cheaper ones...the meat is not too unpalatable."

Her answer was actually vaguely threatening. With two powerful people around her, her energy and energy were completely different.

Hearing this, Hua Scorpion said calmly, "Put down the snow mastiff, we bought it!"

Her left eye narrowed slightly, as if she was about to take aim.

"How come my Xue'er is only worth five silver dollars?" the old man replied in a timid voice, "It is very smart."

Then he looked around and shouted loudly, "Neighbors, please help me speak a fair word!"

A middle-aged woman coughed lightly and said, "Xue'er is indeed very smart and is very good at tracking prey."

The two men also spoke, "Xue'er's bloodline must be the same... Spencer, do you have her bloodline certificate?"

"Originally, it was there," the old man cried loudly, "but then it was lost... Xue'er, Xue'er, you can't die."

"Don't talk about this," Hua Scorpion said calmly, "People never give way to animals. It's because you didn't take it seriously!"

"It also hit our car and caused us losses, so today, I bought it for five silver dollars!"

The big man narrowed his eyes and spoke sinisterly, "Are you determined to bully us locals?"

"Old Spencer wants to spend the winter on it," another woman said. "It's really not about money!"

In fact, it's still a matter of money, but I can't stop it with five silver dollars.

Anyway, there were a lot of people talking, some singing red faces, some singing bad faces, and some singing bad faces.

Even if you have some conscience, I would like to emphasize that it is right for old Spencer to point out snow mastiffs to spend the winter.

Just when everyone was talking about it, a figure flashed, a sword flashed by, and then there was a soft "ding" sound.

But it was Qu Jianlei who discovered that someone had approached the truck intentionally or unintentionally, and his sleeves had been put up on the manger unexpectedly.

This was really xenophobic. Qu Jianlei ducked out of the way, unsheathed the long knife on his back, and chopped it down directly.

As long as you dare to steal something, I will chop off your hands!

But to his surprise, the other party just put a steel cable on the manger.

And with one slash of his sword, he easily cut off the steel cable.

This was all thanks to the rich man who bought the body of the Wolf King and used the high-quality long knife he had on hand to directly replace it with the knife that killed the Wolf King.

Then Qu Jianlei ducked again, to the other side of the manger, and slashed with his knife, followed by another soft "ding" sound.

It's not surprising that thieves come in groups.

The two turned around and ran away. Qu Jianlei put his sword into its sheath, pulled out his laser pistol, and fired two shots.

The matter of touching porcelain has to be argued, and some data analysis needs to be cited, but petty theft is a fait accompli, and there is no need to consider it at all.

Two deep holes suddenly appeared in front of the two robbers, less than one meter away from their bodies.

One of the robbers stopped in time, but the other one couldn't stop, so he simply kept running wildly.

The next moment, there was another flash of white light, and the bandit fell straight away.

Then he clutched his thighs and kept rolling on the ground, wailing.

Qu Jianlei's shot opened a gash on the outside of his thigh. If he ran away after being warned, don't blame him for being rude.

If he hadn't considered staying here for a long time, he would have been shot in the leg with the first shot.

After three shots, he looked towards the front of the car, raised his hand and threw out five silver dollars, then raised his laser pistol and aimed it at the snow mastiff.

After all, the snow mastiff was held in the arms of the old man, so it was better to be cautious.

Who would have thought that when the snow mastiff saw this, it struggled hard, jumped directly to the ground, and took two steps back and forth.

Obviously, it has realized that if it continues to pretend to be dead, it will really die.

But this guy is really a showman, and he even pretended to be limping with a slight injury to his right hind leg.

Spencer was stunned for a moment and then his face changed instantly. His old face was full of information, "Haha, haha... Xueer, are you okay?"

Then he wanted to leave with the snow mastiff. As for the five silver coins, he would not dare to pick them up even if he died.

He really dared to shoot, and whether it was sword or gun skills, he was extremely amazing, and his perception was also strong.

Old Spencer has been in trouble all year round and knows best who can and cannot be provoked. The man in front of him is definitely ruthless.

Seeing this, Qu Jianlei coughed lightly and said indifferently, "Stop, or I'll break your legs."

Spencer's whole body shook violently, stopped, and then turned around.

He rubbed his face, and when he put down his hand, he was already smiling, "My lord, it was a misunderstanding just now."

Then he raised his leg and kicked the snow mastiff, and replied with a smile on his face.

"This little guy is ignorant and likes to play pranks sometimes... Your Excellency, please spare him this time."

"Exactly," Hua Xiezi snorted coldly, "I really won't shed tears until I see the coffin. I have to force my boss to take action."

"Your beast hit our car. The kid in the driver's cab has a little chest tightness. How much do you plan to pay?"

"My lord, I really didn't mean it," Spencer said with a smile on his face and wanted to quibble.

Qu Jianlei raised his hand and fired, hitting one of the robbers in front of him. I bet he wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape.

Seeing another shot, the robber's whole body was shaken, and he replied with a smile, "Sir, I just want to bandage him."

Qu Jianlei raised his hand and fired another shot, hitting the guy rolling on the ground on the shoulder.

The guy's arm shook, and a laser pistol rolled out of his arms.

"As expected, he is quite xenophobic," Qu Jianlei sighed softly, then looked at the standing bandit, "You still want to save him?"

"It can't be saved," the man replied seriously, "stealing is an art, robbing is a bad thing."

I'll kill you! Qu Jianlei laughed out loud when he heard this. Is this order acceptable?

(Two-in-one 6K big chapter, the addition of Bai Yinmeng’s “Selling Lollipops” has been completed.)

This chapter has been completed!
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