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Chapter 844 Suicide and Murder

The commander on the opposite side came to his senses a little late - he didn't think it was possible!

Are you kidding me? This combat system came from the Department of Alien Management, and the military didn't even have time to vigorously promote it.

In fact, the "Exception Management Department" is not only responsible for management, but also for the research and application of exceptions.

For example, the artificial intelligence of the Alien Management Department is different from the Anti-Smuggling Department. It is not done privately, but with the permission of the empire!

Just when the commander was surprised, Xiaohu had already completed control of the damaged space carrier and concentrated his computing power on the other one.

Big-headed Butterfly attaches great importance to the fight for this mothership.

In addition to the anomalies in the electromagnetic waves, various signs also indicate that the commander of the opposing fleet should be on this mothership.

Previously, Qu Jianlei adopted the strategy of "it would be better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten of his fingers", to cause effective damage to the opponent first.

Therefore, Xiaohu's priority is to attack those that are easier to attack. This mothership is difficult to deal with, so let it go first.

It can be seen from the opponent's response that they have not considered the possibility of failure at all, and naturally they will not consider escaping.

Nowadays, digital warships are more difficult to deal with, and frigates are of little interest. Of course, the target is this mothership.

However, as Qu Jianlei judged, the digital defense of this mothership is indeed much stronger.

At the same moment, many manned small ships were still attacking desperately.

A small ship moved close to the Paranoid battleship and found that the attack was difficult to achieve, so it actually ran into it and got angry.

None of the crew members on the ship had time to escape.

This may be the captain's own choice, but I have to admit that some of these people are indeed not afraid of life and death.

This self-inflicted firestorm did not cause much damage to the armed merchant ship, but it completely angered the paranoid.

He shouted on the channel, "Boss, be cruel, I've had enough of these things!"

Qu Jianlei was also a bit dissatisfied. Are you going to fight me hard? "Xiao Hu, allocate your power to invade those two armed merchant ships."

He originally wanted to deal with the two merchant ships by focusing their fire, but the other party's violent outburst also made him realize how difficult his opponent was.

Upon hearing this, Xiaohu could only separate his threads again and invade the last two armed merchant ships.

Armed merchant ships don't have decent logical barriers, so it really shouldn't be too easy to invade.

In fact, this is a bit unnecessary. With the addition of 3344 and anti-smuggling warships, the balance of victory and defeat is quickly reversing.

Not long after, one merchant ship was blown up and another merchant ship was seriously injured. At this time, Xiaohu had not yet completely taken over the opponent's mothership.

Some mechas and life capsules floated out of the exploding merchant ship, and the two sides in the battle had no time to pay attention.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaohu finally succeeded in controlling the space carrier flagship, but it was still a little distressed.

"The other side is still resisting, and the small manned ship is also resisting my control!"

"Then try to activate the self-destruct device," Qu Jianlei said coldly, "Don't you like to get angry with yourself? Then let's help!"

The next moment, several small ships burst into flames one after another, turning into balls of fireballs.

Compared with being damaged by being shot, the self-destruction of a starship is very obviously different, and everyone on the other side can see it with splitting eyes.

"You bastard," someone screamed loudly, as if Du Juan was crying blood, "This is murder!"

Because Xiaohu gradually controlled every system of the opponent's starship, Qu Jianlei actually heard this scream.

However, his face was as dark as water, and he was not moved at all - Are you kidding me, am I begging you to ambush me?

He takes the initiative to ambush first and unreasonably fights for his life in the back. He doesn't think he is committing murder - it is basically you who are committing suicide, right?

So his behavior can be regarded as helping the other person fulfill his wish. Isn't it wrong to ask for kindness and get kindness?

As he controlled the opponent's flagship bit by bit, Xiaohu was finally free to deal with frigates and digital battleships at the same time.

The frigate also fell quickly, but before it fell, someone shouted, "Escape each other!"

Obviously, the deputy of the fleet is on this battleship. Otherwise, he would have no authority to issue such instructions.

It's a pity that the order came a little late, and it was a luxury to escape at this time.

Indeed, many people ejected and tried to escape, but Qu Jianlei coldly ordered again, "Don't let anyone go!"

"Don't let me go..." Xiaohu repeated mechanically without saying anything more.

Next, it also faithfully carried out Qu Jianlei's instructions, and did not kill blindly.

Most of the time, it will use artillery fire to block it and try to prevent the other party from escaping.

But if the opponent insists on running away, death and injury are inevitable, and killing is normal.

After all, it is using ship-based weapons to attack individuals. A little carelessness can cost a life, and it is not willing to waste computing power on these people.

At this time, the advantage has been completely transformed into victory, and it is only a matter of time before the opponent is eliminated.

However, this digital battleship is really difficult to get. It seems that it is within easy reach, but it has been difficult to get it.

Manned small ships are still being destroyed one by one.

They have turned off the self-destruction device, but the authority to control the system has been deprived bit by bit, and the opponent's firepower is getting stronger and stronger.

When an uncontrolled warship encounters concentrated fire, the consequences can be imagined.

Just when there were only two small ships left, Xiao Hu suddenly muttered, "Hey, that's strange!"

Immediately afterwards, another small ship flew out from the mothership and rushed straight towards ship 8384.

"This attack ship is very weird," Big-headed Butterfly spoke quickly. "It's difficult to seize control!"

The next moment, the attack ship showed flexible positioning and avoided several attacks.

There is actually no shortage of tracking weapons on Qu Jianlei's battleship.

However, with Xiaohu's precise judgment and attack, there is no need to use tracking weapons, otherwise it will be too uneconomical.

——If you can use machine guns to accurately shoot down airplanes, who will use missiles?

But now, the precise shot was actually dodged by the opponent, which is amazing.

Qu Jianlei frowned slightly, but he had already guessed the whole story, "Can you connect to the other party's communication?"

The battleship he encountered this time was different from the past. It was difficult not to mention data intrusion, and the various systems of the battleship were relatively independent.

It is difficult to take over the overall control of the battleship, but it will be much easier to connect to the communication alone.

The next moment, an additional communication link was displayed on the communication channel, "Connected!"

Qu Jianlei frowned slightly, so fast?

However, before he could speak, a sinister sneer came from the channel, "Haha, we finally have a conversation?"

"I thought you would keep hiding, thinking that you had won, so you dared to show your face?"

"Hang up," Qu Jianlei recognized the other party's voice, it was Baron, so he didn't want to say anything more.

Until now, he had never understood how he had offended the other party and aroused such hatred.

But now, he is too lazy to ask. It's enough to confirm the opponent. Why waste time with a mentally ill person?

"Haha, are you scared?" Baron smiled softly, sounding in a pretty good mood.

"Don't you have artificial intelligence? Can't you seize control by force? Let's try and see if you can seize mine..."

The channel was finally disconnected, and the voice of muttering suddenly stopped.

"It's really sick," Qu Jianlei shook his head in confusion. At this moment, he understood the abnormality of this small ship.

It really has nothing to do with the starship, the key lies in Baron!

Xiaohu's invasion of this small ship was difficult because Baron was inside.

Even if it was so difficult to gain control of the space carrier later, it was probably because of this.

This is the magic of mental attributes. Again, the characteristics of mental power are very similar to electromagnetic waves.

However, Qu Jianlei did not expect at first that the potential of mental attributes was so great that it could actually increase the strength of the logical fortress.

While control of the mothership was taken away, the small ship could still fly out freely. It was obviously Baron's fault.

Being able to withstand the invasion of Xiaohu, even though it is only a small part of the computing power, is... really rare.

As for avoiding those precise attacks, it's child's play.

Next, he ignored the small ship and informed Xiaohu to postpone the invasion of it.

Because it is really unnecessary. You know that the opponent is difficult to chew, so why not take down the soft persimmon first?

As for whether the other party might take the opportunity to escape? Don't be ridiculous. If such a small ship dares to escape, it will naturally trigger Xiaohu's vigilance.

Once Xiaohu increases his computing power, it will not be so easy for Balon to resist. At the very least, he will find more firepower.

However, Baron didn't even think about escaping. He just chased 8384 and kept beating him, as if he was crazy.

"I guess he has an obsession," Qu Jianlei didn't take it seriously. This guy's mind was not normal to begin with.

Anyway, although 8384 is scarred, his basic defense capabilities are still there.

The strength of the protective shield is indeed relatively low, but it also has strong parts that can withstand a brief attack by a small ship.

The key is that the battleship is under the control of the small lake, so Baron cannot attack the weak spot.

Yes, it is a little more difficult for the big-headed butterfly to snatch control of the small ship from the opponent, but that is because the opponent is at home.

There are no obstacles to controlling your own starship, and the computing power required is very small.

In short, it is more cost-effective to use 8384 to endure a few attacks in order to end the battle as soon as possible.

Xiaohu accepted his order, but in fact it also had its own goal - to use the maximum computing power on the digital battleship.

Not only does it want to seize control, Big-headed Butterfly also wants to capture the artificial intelligence inside.

Although it doesn't think highly of the opponent, it can learn a little bit from it through devouring it, and it can also better improve itself.

Who says artificial intelligence doesn’t need practice?

Soon, the battle came to an end, and Qu Jianlei's side paid a heavy price and finally annihilated their opponent.

As for total annihilation, we can't even talk about it. There are still many rescue capsules and lifeboats scattered in all directions.

But Qu Jianlei was a bit unable to catch up.

This chapter has been completed!
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