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Chapter 827: Restrained

Lao Qi had his own considerations, but Mu Yu was so angry that he laughed, "Do I look easy to bully?"

"That's not true," Mrs. Jia looked at her and spoke weakly, "They think we are both easy to bully."

Now that we have controlled the opponent's starship, we no longer need to be polite.

——The opportunity has been given to the other party, but unfortunately these days, there are too many people who don’t know how to cherish it.

Hearing what she said, the two crew members frowned, raised their guns, and pointed them at the two women warily.

Lao Qi's hand also pressed on the handle of the knife at his waist, but he did not pull it out.

He waved his hand to stop his people from being impulsive, looked at Mrs. Jia, and spoke thoughtfully.

"You two are not worried about becoming hostages...don't you think your status is high?"

It is true that kidnapping is not popular in the Empire, but there is still talk of having hostages, especially in this situation.

There are only five people in the opposing team - let's just say there are only five people. Losing two people is also a big loss.

"You don't need to test her anymore," Mrs. Jia said expressionlessly, a chill suddenly surging around her body.

At the same time, Mu Yu beside her moved her hands, and a wave of energy surged across her body.

"Instant armor?" Lao Qi, who had a wood attribute, stared at Mrs. Jia, his eyebrows furrowed, but his heart couldn't help but sink.

Those who can cast armor instantly are at least A-level awakened ones.

And judging from the aura analysis, these two women should also be A-level.

He has an intuition that if one fights two, he will definitely not be his opponent.

Besides, is this a place for fighting?

On a thick-skinned armed merchant ship, you can still fight to a limited extent inside the cabin. This is a small attack ship.

Let alone three A-classes, a battle between three B-classes is enough to destroy the entire ship!

So he said simply, "Since we can't reach an agreement, let's leave."

Neither of the two women spoke, they just looked at him strangely, as if they were looking at an idiot.

Qu Jianlei didn't say anything, even though he wanted to say something - now that he's here, where can it be so easy to leave?

It's just that this line is too much like a villain's, and he's a little embarrassed to say it.

But they already made their attitude clear without speaking.

At this moment, a voice came from the channel, "Old Qi, you don't need to say anything."

"A few friends from the Purcell Consortium, we don't have any ill intentions, it's just that the enemy behind us is pursuing them too closely, and we're in a bit of a quandary."

"In this case, this small ship is sent to you, can we leave?"

"It's too late," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "They've all landed, don't make me say it a second time!"

"This..." the voice on the channel pondered for a moment, and then spoke, "The pursuers are very difficult to deal with."

He was answered with silence.

"Oh," the voice on the channel sighed softly, "Okay, everyone is getting ready for landing."

In fact, there is no need to prepare for landing. With the control of the small lake, how can they be left alone?

But so far, Big-headed Butterfly has not shown this ability to the other party.

Just like Mrs. Jia and Mu Yu did not release the supreme aura, one was to hide their clumsiness, and the other was to see how the other party chose.

The broken starship landed slowly, and about twenty people got off it.

Big-headed Butterfly reported to Qu Jianlei in time, "Everyone in the starship has come down, and no one is hiding."

It can be seen that the other party is still quite single. Now that they have chosen to surrender, everyone came out.

Two of them are still in the nutrition warehouse and are obviously seriously injured.

There were three other people with relatively minor injuries who were being supported by others.

There are only two A-level people among these people, except for the seventh one, and the other one is the man who talked to Qu Jianlei.

Seeing this, the paranoid muttered regretfully, "Unfortunately, it's a bit too sensible."

His meaning is very clear. If the other party dares to continue provoking, we can kill everyone and silence them.

Fortunately, he said this on the internal channel, otherwise if the other party heard it, he wouldn't know what he was thinking.

The man who was having the conversation stepped forward and asked politely, "Who is in charge?"

Paranoid and others turned their attention to Qu Jianlei.

The man faced Qu Jianlei and raised his hand to salute. Apart from being surprised, he also felt secretly lucky.

He already knew that there were at least three A-levels on the opposite side, but they couldn't even make the decision. This person... was probably not the supreme one, but almost the same.

This kind of hierarchical division may also have some deviations in daily society. For example, people with backstage can hire bodyguards.

But if you are in trouble in space, you really have to rely on your own strength. If you don't know how to respect the strong... do you need to talk about the consequences?

Accompanied by Qu Jianlei and five others, the group walked into the second settlement.

In fact, when passing by the energy block extractor, these people could see clearly that it was really... a very crude device.

After entering the settlement, the vacuum door was closed. Everyone looked at the neat stone chamber and were shocked again.

They are not trapped in space, but they have heard a lot about it. What kind of trapped people can have such a comfortable environment?

But thinking about the rough extractor outside, it seems that it can only be explained by the castaway.

Everyone took off their spacesuits and helmets. Qu Jianlei looked at the square-faced man in the lead and spoke in a deep voice.

"I'm sorry that we would treat the rescuers like this, but...it was you who didn't follow the rules first."

"So now I ask and you answer. Let me briefly introduce your situation first."

The square-faced man frowned and sighed, "Sir, we were reckless, but the pursuers are coming soon!"

Qu Jianlei said calmly, "I don't want to repeat what I said, you won't have a second chance to answer the wrong question!"

"Okay," the square-faced man saw that the other party was completely indifferent and could only sigh, "We were originally..."

The big-headed butterfly started spinning in Qu Jianlei's mind, "Boss, this is the Tianhe Star Territory!"

It took control of the opponent's control center, and by looking up the star map, it knew where its own side was currently.

"Tianhe..." Qu Jianlei touched his chin expressionlessly. The teleportation was really far enough this time.

Tianhe is a star field on the edge of the inner circle. Its prosperity is no worse than that of the Warhammer star field, and its coverage is also larger.

The man was still introducing the situation. They belonged to a large comprehensive business group called "Ping An".

The Ping An Merchant Group is a local force in this star region. There are two supreme leaders in charge, and everyone has to give up some face.

This time, four of their starships teamed up for transportation, but they suddenly encountered star thieves halfway. When negotiations failed, they started a battle.

At present, this armed merchant ship is the most powerful in the team, and it has been beaten like this. The other merchant ships will be even worse.

However, according to the man named Kadin, there should be another merchant ship that escaped, but the two sides have lost contact at present.

Their merchant ship originally had seventeen people on board, but they rescued four escapees from other merchant ships, and now there are twenty-one people on board.

Qu Jianlei snorted coldly, "There are star thieves in Tianhe...are you kidding me?"

He wasn't sure whether there were star thieves in Tianhe, but these people had suffered a loss and they definitely wanted to regain their place.

Qu Jianlei was not interested in meddling in other people's business, especially the way these people behaved, which he didn't like very much.

Carding smiled bitterly when he heard this, "There are still star thieves, but this time, they are probably disguised... Sigh!"

It turns out that the Supreme Leader of the Ping An Merchant Group was involved in a dispute five years ago and was sent by the government to atone for his sins.

It's just a matter of atonement. Sooner or later, he will come back.

The business group's business has shrunk partially, but its core business has been able to maintain itself, and the impact is not too great.

But two years ago, the supreme atonement died unexpectedly—actually it shouldn't be an accident.

There is still a supreme leader in the Ping An Merchant Group, but he is old and can only sit at the headquarters and maintain the most basic tasks.

Because of that supreme death, other business partners who had some connections quickly distanced themselves from them.

The left and right sides are just the same as the red top and white, no different from ancient to modern times, Chinese and foreign.

In fact, among the forces coveting the business of Ping An Business Group, there are still former partners.

Anyway, even with these trivial matters, it goes without saying that the business of the business group is currently shrinking sharply.

So Cardin believes that the other party is a competitor under the banner of Star Thief.

On their way to escape, they received a distress signal, and they just wanted to come over to collect some victims and enhance their fighting strength.

Of course, it would be even better if you could replenish some energy blocks.

They also have the caution they should have, and they show it.

Especially knowing that the other party belongs to the Saier Consortium, I don't dare to neglect it.

——The other party may be fake, but since it is a victim, we have armed merchant ships, so we should be able to deal with it.

At this point, Kadin sighed and smiled bitterly, "We are already cautious enough, how could we have thought of..."

I really didn’t expect that when trying to rescue people in distress, I would encounter such a bunch of perverts.

After listening to this, Qu Jianlei was a little speechless. He thought about it and waved to Hua Xiezi, "You can ask."

Hua Xingzi was not polite, walked over and sat down, and then spoke aloud, "How many starships are following you?"

"At least two ships," Cardin answered honestly knowing that she was wearing a helmet just now, "it carries at least four small ships."

"At least..." Hua Scorpion rolled his eyes, "How long will it take to arrive?"

As for whether the other party would attack her after arriving... she didn't even bother to ask.

No matter how true what Cardin said is, Flower Scorpion knows one thing very well: the order in space is no better than that of a junk star!

Only dead enemies are good enemies. It is normal for some passers-by to be affected.

"About four hours," Cardin thought for a moment and replied in a deep voice, "We can launch an attack within five hours."

After a pause, he emphasized one more point, "The other party will not be lenient just because you are scientific researchers."

Although the opponent was powerful, he also behaved a bit pedantically at the beginning - otherwise he would not have offended the opponent.

So regardless of the other party's true identity, he felt it was necessary to remind him, "You will not have the opportunity to introduce your identity!"

Hua Scorpion looked at him with a strange expression, "You have caused us trouble, and now I still want to thank you for reminding me?"

(Updated to summon monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions and recommended tickets.)

This chapter has been completed!
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