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Chapter 103 - Chapter 104 Mysterious Visitor

 Chapter 103 Causing Trouble (Third Update)

Why is the modified big truck the first to hit? Because...it has a searchlight on the roof!

This convoy carried more than three searchlights. Qu Jianlei knocked out three of them because only three were on at the time.

The convoy knew that there was a sharpshooter who specialized in using searchlights, so of course they would not continue to attract firepower.

Searchlights are not a common commodity that can be seen everywhere, and they may also cause casualties. Is it worth it?

But when the alert is renewed, it must be taken out. Even if it will be knocked down, it is still an early warning, right?

Qu Jianlei chose to destroy the truck, not only because of the searchlights, but also because the truck looked untouchable.

The vehicle has been modified, and it is not a normal modification. Ordinary bullets are really difficult to break through.

The level of trouble is second only to armored vehicles, and seems to be more troublesome than that heavy-duty truck.

Qu Jianlei discovered the car during his first sneak attack, but the car was in the shadows and it was difficult to aim at the fuel tank.

This time, he fired a direct two-shot, and the two shells directly destroyed the truck.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" someone shouted desperately.

Immediately afterwards, the second car also exploded, and Qu Jianlei didn't even bother to use the searchlight.

At this time, other vehicles had already started and rushed towards the settlement like frightened sparrows.

After all, the strength of a settlement is really amazing and cannot be shaken by just any force.

Especially Zhou Liu, which is stronger than ordinary settlements.

The Sai family's team can dominate and dominate, but it relies on the relationship between the general settlement and suppression through the system or favors.

Even if the non-staff guards do not give face, the investigators of the Sai family will not dare to do whatever they want. After all, this is not a Hongzi area.

So if you want to run, you must run to the settlement. This is something that has been secretly agreed upon.

They were sure that no matter how tyrannical Silqu was, they would not dare to attack the Zhouliu settlement area—not even outside the city.

First of all, he can't beat him, and secondly, the consequences are too serious. Even if he wins temporarily, he still can't escape the endless pursuit of Zhou Zi District.

Even in the Zhouzi District, there is no need to post too many bounties. It is enough to give out the identities of some residents of the settlements as rewards.

The reason why the convoy did not stay in settlements or outside the city before was because it was said to be afraid of disturbing the investigation, but in fact it was mainly due to concerns about safety.

Living alone in the wild, without being harassed by other people, and showing off one's own strength, wouldn't it be better to just pretend to be cool?

This is what the Sai family did when they were in Hong Yi - mainly because they also had opponents of similar size.

Now that we encountered a force majeure attack, we no longer had to worry about it and went directly to seek shelter outside the city.

But despite this, while the four vehicles and seven or eight motorcycles were running away, they did not forget to use firepower to suppress the attacking truck.

After all, elites and ordinary people are different. This is unacceptable.

"Is it difficult for you to hit on time?" An exasperated shout came from the console again.

The next moment, there were five loud noises in succession, and Qu Jianlei finally blew up the fleeing armored vehicle.

He has long been worried about this car, but he has never been willing to do it before. Considering the leakage of the fuel tank, he didn't care too much.

If you want to run now, that is absolutely impossible. If you defeat this guy, the opposing team will not be able to pursue him in the short term.

But looking at the other people who escaped, Qu Jianlei also felt his scalp numb.

The three cars were easy to identify, but the escape route also followed a zigzag pattern, making it difficult to aim.

There were also seven or eight motorcycles scurrying around among them, making them even more difficult to catch.

Moreover, the other party's actions may appear to be disorderly, but in fact they are not.

Their goal was very clear, which was to rush outside the city. Although they were broken up, they still knew how to cover each other.

Qu Jianlei found that he couldn't help but switch targets as he was taking aim. This happened several times in a row.

He couldn't help but sigh: These powerful forces really have a foundation.

The level of fighting may be a little stretched, but knowing how to escape is also a very impressive method.

This is the core concept emphasized by great men: Only by knowing how to protect yourself can you better destroy your opponents.

At the same time, Qu Jianlei's side received a counterattack, and the car driven by Hua Xiezi also swerved and bumped.

If a mover fights a mover, it will be very difficult to win.

Qu Jianlei fired two more shots, only overturning one motorcycle, but the movement of other vehicles became more coquettish.

In desperation, he simply fired up the vehicle-mounted machine gun and started shooting straight ahead.

The minigun has actually been installed on the car, but... there are too few bullets, so I can't bear to use it.

The key is that all three of the opponent's most heavily protected vehicles have been destroyed, so there is no need to use such a powerful weapon.

Moreover, it is best to use a vehicle-mounted machine gun to deal with the scattered small motorcycles.

However, the opponent's camp in the wild is too close to the settlement. It is only more than three kilometers away from the settlement, and it is also close to the highway.

So within five minutes, they rushed into the market outside the city.

In the process, the machine gun destroyed three motorcycles and left a truck riddled with holes.

However, the truck still rushed into the camp, and its vitality was not as tenacious as usual.

Seriously, the other truck was not hit by a few bullets, but two of its occupants were killed. This really makes no sense.

There are no obvious gates outside the city, but there are guards. In addition to supernumerary guards, there are also formal guards.

Seeing a large group of vehicles roaring towards them, and the chasing vehicles behind them still pouring bullets wildly, the guards could no longer sit idly by.

In a fort on the roadside, a Gauss machine gun spit out a long tongue of flame into the sky, and a sound like exploding beans rang out.

Then the loudspeaker shouted, "You have entered the settlement area, you have entered the settlement area..."

"Stop shooting, stop shooting, one last time... stop shooting, otherwise we will judge it as a hostile act!"

In fact, the guards had also received the greeting. Otherwise, it was almost dawn in the middle of the night, how could they have responded in such a timely manner?

Hostile to the settlement? Qu Jianlei decisively stopped shooting. This hat is indeed quite big.

The racing team's eyes were raised above its head, and someone still pulled the trigger to fight back, but was slapped in the face by his companion, "Are you crazy?"

This person covered his face with a confused look on his face, "What's the matter?"

"Didn't they say? Stop shooting!"

"Isn't that the one at the back?" This person was still confused, "We help the settlement clean up the intruders, is it wrong?"

"What the intruder," the man wanted to slap him again, "Siqu stopped shooting, how can I call him the intruder?"

If you don't understand the rules when traveling in the world, you will really get killed.

At this time, Qu Jianlei's shout came, "If someone shoots and provokes again, don't blame us for fighting back."

The rules of the river and lake actually belong to the category of morality. He came after him and stopped shooting first, which was regarded as maintaining respect for the settlement.

If the other party still shoots, they are ignorant. Self-defense is allowed inside settlements, let alone here.

Seriously, the Sai family's team is suspected of bullying others, and Zhou Liu's guards will be unhappy because of this.

So the guy who got slapped in the face really deserved it. He dared to continue to pull the trigger, and Qu Jianlei really dared to chase him into the city.

The gunfire on both sides stopped, but it attracted a large number of onlookers, even though it was still some time before dawn.

Zhouliu is a place where rules are followed, and everyone's safety can basically be guaranteed, so... why not watch the excitement?

The morning light was already dimly visible, and under the gaze of everyone, a man's voice came from the distant mist.

"Are all the Sai people in Hongzi District a bunch of cowards? It's very exciting to fight more and less. If you can't beat them, you have to hide in the settlement. Where's your face?"

"Hongzi District...what is that?" Someone couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

For most residents of the settlement, this topic is beyond the pale.

Some guards know the Hongzi District in their hearts, but they can't stop them - this topic is stuck in the middle between whether they can cross the line or not.

But the people of the Sai family knew that they had to fight back at this time, otherwise they would never be able to see anyone again in the future.

They actually don't care about the feelings of those at the bottom, otherwise they wouldn't have acted so unscrupulously.

But the settlement here not only has the lower class, but also the middle and upper class, and it is also outside the Hongzi District.

The Sai family can be shameless towards others, but the family reputation must still be maintained, otherwise, they will lose their way.

Then the loudspeaker sounded again, "Silly Qu, if you hadn't broken the contract, why would our Sai family have chased you here?"

"Broken the contract?" Qu Jianlei sneered, "In order to control us, your Sai family forcibly injected us with @¥#&%¥..."

He really wanted to go out of his way to say the next words, but at this critical moment, the sound of "sizzling" electric current sounded from the loudspeaker.

Hua Xingzi, who was in the driver's seat, raised his hand and slapped his forehead heavily. Now that they were shrouded in light mist, they didn't have to dodge around in the car. "Boss, what you said will definitely cause directional interference..."

Directional interference...speaker? Qu Jianlei was in a daze for a moment, and then he remembered that this was really said in the mechanical maintenance books.

But this is a bit ridiculous. Can you interfere with the tweeter and also interfere with my speech?

He spoke out from his Qi Luck Dantian, his voice as loud as a bell, "You guys from the Sai family, if you can, keep hiding inside, I'll wait outside!"

The loudspeaker on the opposite side sounded, "We will be out soon, just wait for the endless pursuit of my Sai family!"

"Friends of Zhou Liu, listen up. Across the way is the murderer for whom my family has a reward, worth five thousand silver dollars."

"Don't ask where we come from. It's hard to explain. Everyone just needs to remember that the bounty is approved by the Zhouzi General Settlement!"

"I'm going to fuck you!" Qu Jianlei pulled the trigger and fired a series of cannons at the place where the sound came from.

This string of machine cannons fired out more than ten shells, followed by a series of firestorms.

Qu Jianlei couldn't see what happened to the person who called out, but after the fire burst, Zhou Liu's guards roared angrily.

"Boy, you are dead! You dare to attack our guards!"


Chapter 104 The mysterious visitor (fourth update)

Qu Jianlei's series of cannons destroyed another Sai family car, and the one who shouted was also killed.

But this is not the point. The point is that the cannon is strafing, and the range it covers is too large.

Although the main coverage area is the Sai family's fleet, it has also affected the guards in the outer city.

Others were seriously injured and could not be saved.

Under such circumstances, it was normal for the guards to roar. They just attacked us and killed my brother?

Qu Jianlei snorted coldly and shouted at the top of his voice, "My speaker is being interfered with by directional interference...Are you blind?"

The guard was speechless again. This kind of thing really cannot be hidden from the discerning person.

But does directional electromagnetic wave interference count as an attack? This question... depends on the opinion of different people.

You can say it counts or you can say it doesn't count. It mainly depends on the say of both parties in the conflict.

But now it's the guards who are implicated, and some people are dying.

So the guard was just stunned for a moment, and then continued to roar, "Your shells killed our brothers!"

"What you said is wrong," Qu Jianlei replied loudly, "the one that killed your brother was the Sai family's cannonball, not mine!"

"Asshole!" the Sai family members shouted, "all our people are here!"

"You dare to do it or not, what the hell!"

"Who dares to say that it's not the Sai family's cannonball?" Qu Jianlei's voice was louder than theirs, and it was also unusually loud.

"It was obviously carried by your impact mecha, but I destroyed the mecha. Do you not recognize the captured shells?"

Damn...the guard's face changed when he heard this: Did the other party destroy the Sai family's mecha?

They all heard the game of ping-pong all night long, and even later found out that a force was arresting the fugitives.

As for that earth-shaking explosion, it had spread outside the city, and it was unknown how many people were awakened from their sleep.

They all knew that there was a fierce battle in the wilderness outside, but no one dared to watch, otherwise their death would really be in vain.

However, the guards really didn't expect that the wanted man would destroy the mecha carried by the Saijia team.

There is really no point in arguing about whose home the cannonball belongs to. Who pulled the trigger is the most important thing.

But now they have to face a problem: the force that pulled the trigger has the ability to destroy the mecha!

As an extremely prosperous settlement, Zhouliu naturally has no shortage of mechas.

But because of this, everyone knows how difficult it is to provoke forces that can destroy mechas.

Some people even heard the details, "It's actually an impact mecha?"

There are more people who cannot identify the type of mecha in detail, so they have to ask someone again what an impact mecha is.

Then I got the answer, which can be summed up in one sentence: It is the most expensive and hardest to destroy mecha.

The guards' faces became darker and darker as they found the remaining members of the racing team, "Is it really an impact type?"

Not many people in the Sega Racing Team can understand the news. The key is that most of the main characters are dead.

The old man, the woman and the young man in charge were all dead.

Fortunately, one of the people who came to inquire about the news last night was a member of the Sai family. He asked back with a dark face.

"What's wrong with the impact mecha? Are you afraid?"

"You are so talkative!" The guard was furious when he heard this, "You guys are messing around and it's caused our brothers to die!"

He knew that the other party suffered heavy casualties, but he couldn't help but be angry because he knew very well that the person who died probably died in vain!

The reason is very simple. The Sai family may be very powerful, but their opponents are definitely not weak either!

The dying man was actually a supernumerary guard and only had the identity of a resident of the settlement.

For an ordinary person in the city, to defeat a force that can destroy impact mechas?

As long as the managers of Zhou Liu are not crazy, they will definitely not be so hot-headed.

To put it more bluntly, the lives of a hundred people are not worth an ordinary mecha, let alone the most expensive mecha.

Moreover, in the eyes of the guards, there was no doubt that the Sai family's convoy made an emergency withdrawal outside the city with the motive of "stirring trouble eastwards".

Not to mention that after the ceasefire, Saijia actively provoked the opponent and initiated electromagnetic interference.

As for the wanted criminals, the guards didn't consider this reason at all - who knows if it's true or not?

As long as the power is strong enough, how big a deal is it to confuse right and wrong?

However, the Sai family members shouted again, "That's the criminal who has issued a wanted order in the main settlement. Do you blame us?"

"Now you should rush out and fight back!"

The guards were stunned again. They really didn't expect that the murderer outside had such an identity.

However, some people said coldly, "If you say he is a wanted criminal, then he must be? Isn't it enough that he has caused us enough harm?"

Others instantly understood that this racing team had a criminal record and had just lost one of their teammates.

So everyone no longer cared about the identity of the person outside, but began to concentrate on defense.

Anyway, they will not take the initiative to attack without instructions from the higher-ups of the settlement.

Qu Jianlei did not leave in a hurry. Seeing that the guards did not attack, he turned on the tweeter again.

"Listen up, you bastards of the Sai family. Our feud has become so big that we have the guts to hide in the settlement forever. Don't let me meet you in the wild."

As for his grievances with the Sai family, he almost spoke out out of righteous indignation before, but was disturbed for a while and now he is too lazy to speak about it.

It’s already a never-ending situation, so what do you say about those who have something and don’t have it? The wasteland has never been a reasonable place.

And after hearing what happened to him, Hua Scorpion asked the question "Will he be dissected?"

It can be seen that the reason why he is wanted is indeed a bit sensitive.

It turned out that he wanted to fight back and leave, but now that he has blocked people near the settlement, he is not in a hurry to leave.

He wanted to see what the other party would do next so that he could plan his response.

After a moment of silence, someone suddenly asked through a loudspeaker, "Friends outside, have you left?"

"No," Qu Jianlei replied coldly, "Those bastards from the Sai family will hide away for the rest of their lives if they have the guts."

The person who asked the question was a little depressed, "Would it be in the way for us to get in and out?"

Qu Jianlei was silent, and after a while he asked, "What do you think?"

This person didn't ask any more questions. He just put down the loudspeaker and muttered, "This road won't be possible in the short term."

He didn't say the reason, but everyone who should know understood it.

Someone said angrily, "It's just a walk in and out, so he thinks we will definitely launch a sneak attack?"

"If you're not convinced, you can give it a try," someone next to you said sarcastically, "Maybe you can reason with the other person."

What a nonsense! Too many people understand this. They are not afraid of accidentally injuring the guards. How could they be so kind and soft-hearted?

However, someone muttered softly, "It's very inconvenient to get in and out now."

"There are so many intersections," someone said feebly, "Let's take a detour. It will be a little troublesome at most, but no one will die."

Qu Jianlei waited until daybreak, feeling that it was almost time and he should leave.

Otherwise, if the guards sneak in from all around, it will really be over.

At this moment, Hua Xiezi, who was in charge of the alert, said, "Someone is coming from the left."

Qu Jianlei looked sideways and saw that it was a man riding a motorcycle. He was not in a hurry to take action, but just looked at the other person calmly.

The visitor stopped and walked, looking around with a telescope. After spotting the truck, he headed straight for it with a very clear purpose.

Next, the motorcycle did not stop at all and did not start to slow down until it was more than 200 meters away from the truck.

When it stopped, the motorcycle was only more than a hundred meters away from the truck.

The visitor sighed softly and shook his head helplessly, "It turns out to be Master Panda, which surprised me."

Qu Jianlei also recognized the visitor, and he smacked his lips, "It turns out to be Bentley. Wouldn't it be nice to live in peace and enjoy your old age?"

Bentley is a half-baked maintenance man who sells some materials part-time. He is about sixty years old.

Cindy and Spencer have bought materials from him many times and found him to be a very nice person to talk to.

He also asked Cindy to consult Qu Jianlei on some mechanical issues, but the two had basically no communication.

As for him being able to recognize Qu Jianlei wearing a hijab, it was purely because he recognized the modified truck.

In the eyes of the maintenance technician, every truck is different, and it is impossible for him to admit his mistake.

Bentley didn't pay attention to the other party's murderous words, but asked curiously, "You killed an impact mecha?"

"That's right," Qu Jianlei nodded, and then said calmly, "You have half a minute to give your last words."

He didn't touch the opponent's path, and it was really weird to appear at this moment. It was most likely a delaying tactic.

Bentley stared at him with his cloudy old eyes, "Can I trade the news for my life?"

"Sorry," Qu Jianlei replied sternly, "I can lie to you, but it goes against my bottom line."

For some reason, killing an innocent person has become his bottom line, and he will no longer deceive others.

Even though the information the other party tells may be useful, he can't get over the hurdle in his heart.

Bentley was not angry when he heard this, but laughed, "Is it because of the third and fourth children?"

The third and fourth children are not in the car, which means they are probably still around the settlement. This information is really important.

Qu Jianlei looked at him helplessly, "You still have fifteen seconds."

"I'm here to defect to you," Bentley said simply, "I have information about the Ultimate Warrior...don't you think about it?"

Qu Jianlei and Hua Xiezi exchanged glances, and then nodded slightly, "Okay, you've convinced me. Come ride over here."

Bentley did not hesitate to ride close to him. There were many large and small bags in his car, and he did seem to be seeking refuge.

Hua Xiezi was on guard, while Qu Jianlei jumped out of the car, reached out and put the motorcycle into the bed of the truck.

Then Hua Xingzi went to the cab, leaving only Bentley and Qu Jianlei looking at each other in the cab.

The truck started and slowly drove away.

Bentley stared at the other person for a while, and then asked aloud, "Is your magical power... a mutation?"

(Another two-in-one chapter, the fourth update is here. Please vote for me and subscribe later.)

This chapter has been completed!
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