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Chapter 882: Dont drift away (1st update, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket for August.)

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed since Qu Jianlei and others returned from space.

During this period, no one found any abnormalities, and the process of safely mining the energy stone was also extremely smooth.

However, Shanshui Xiaozhu did not relax his vigilance, especially Qu Jianlei, who also purchased a considerable amount of various early warning equipment.

Various calculations are also being carried out in an orderly manner, especially for the Super Spirit Gathering Array, with phased results appearing frequently.

It's just that it's still much more complicated than an ordinary spirit gathering array, and it will take quite some time before it can be transformed into results.

One day two months later, the big-headed butterfly started turning, "the backdoor data showed abnormal weak fluctuations."

In the age of interstellar navigation, data protection has become very strict.

However, there is no absolute thing in the world, and some accidental factors can still affect the data and cause fluctuations.

However, Xiaohu's data monitoring level far exceeds that of high-precision equipment. What it considers to be abnormal fluctuations are really abnormal.

Qu Jianlei had been on guard against this backdoor, and when he restarted the computer group, he specifically told Xiaohu about it.

It's just that the unit has been on for two months and there has been no abnormality, so his focus is no longer here.

Now that he heard that Xiaohu had made a new discovery, he was stunned for a moment, "These guys haven't given up yet?"

The next moment, he was suddenly startled, "Could the military's embarrassment to me be caused by this back door?"

Qu Jianlei never understood why the military suddenly appeared to make things difficult for him.

If he said it was because it might involve "the traveler's wealth", he wouldn't believe it even to death.

You know, in the Sirius Territory, this is a character that everyone can access, without any restrictions on identity.

Because there are fewer and fewer people accepting the mission, it has even become a redemption mission for the awakened.

Once there is progress in this task, the official will give out a large amount of rewards, and it is absolutely impossible to show a cold attitude.

If people in the outer space make any progress, they will most likely receive considerable rewards.

The possibility that the military would ignore the distinction between military and civilian affairs and take over coldly and forcefully is so low that it cannot be logically consistent.

Xiaohu also secretly invaded the military's internal network many times in an attempt to find clues, but to no avail.

It can only judge one thing: this decision was issued from top to bottom by the military department, and the star field military just took over hastily.

Until this moment, when Qu Jianlei heard that the back door had moved, which had been unresponsive for a long time, he suddenly felt enlightened.

——These two phenomena must be quite closely related!

There has been no action on the back door before. I am afraid that the military is still coordinating or avoiding something, so it has not been launched.

It has been more than two months now, and the limelight has passed a bit, so I started to make small moves again.

Thinking of this, he frowned in distress, "Damn, having a formal identity is really useful."

The big-headed butterfly turned twice, "Boss, with my current computing power, I can also use the relay tower to track down clues in the outer star field."

"Are you a little too carried away?" Qu Jianlei replied angrily, "Here you are at home, but when you go to outer space, you are away!"

The big-headed butterfly replied nonchalantly, "I mean, I have this ability now... Well, if the enemy can go, I can go too!"

Qu Jianlei was also a little moved when he heard this. Yes, it makes no sense for me to passively accept harassment instead of harassing others.

But in the end he chose to be prudent, "Forget it, this is a critical period for development and a golden period. It would be a pity to miss it."

"That's it..." Xiaohu replied angrily, "I really want to show him some color."

"There will be a chance," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "To be honest, I can't swallow this breath."

At this moment, Hua Scorpion walked over, with a face full of joy, "Boss, the first batch of energy blocks has been shipped back!"

In fact, Qu Jianlei already extracted tens of millions of energy blocks from the abandoned stars.

But this time is different, there is an energy block with a very clean origin following the empire's formal mining procedures.

Of course, if these energy blocks want to fall into Qu Jianlei's hands, they still have to work through various channels.

Although these processes are inherently troublesome, they are much simpler than money laundering procedures.

All in all, this is Qu Jianlei's first large, clean and sustainable income after entering the imperial society.

Hua Xiezi and the boss came from the same place, and their feelings are basically similar, she said with a smile on her face.

"The gross profit is more than 60 million, and the net profit is at least 30 million. Boss, this has only been two months."

"People from Ping An said that if everything goes well in the next year, the gross profit can reach 500 million and the net profit will be at least 200 million."

"Our dry shares have reached 63%. Not to mention more, the profit of 120 million is stable."

"This is only the first year. Gilt said that when things stabilize, we can make at least 200 million a year. If it's not enough, he will make up for it!"

Qu Jianlei shook his head and said casually, "He said so, that 200 million is the upper limit."

It's not that he can't trust Gilt, but he should not be too greedy as a person. He can't tolerate Ping An being too greedy in doing things, and he can't be too greedy in the same way.

The net profit of 200 million per year is not too small, at least it is enough to repay the loan, and there is still a considerable surplus.

If it's 200 million this year, and expect 250 million next year... this is too much!

In the final analysis, they only occupy the dry shares, and the other party is responsible for the actual production and transportation.

Even though Ping An’s people have already said that they just want to practice through this project and at the same time deeply bind their relationship with themselves.

Qu Jianlei believed that the other party was thinking the same thing when he said these words, but times have changed and people's hearts will change.

In short, they are people who sit and collect money. Although they will really get things done when things happen, they are not responsible for production, so don't expect it randomly.

Unless they also send people to go deep into the front line to participate in production, transportation and even sales.

Alternatively, it is also possible to send out separate supervisory personnel, which can at least grasp the relevant data more accurately.

But in fact, Qu Jianlei couldn't send anyone out.

Even if Clay has the lowest cultivation level and Xiao Qin has the worst sense of presence, he will not let them take risks.

It is extremely irresponsible for a team that is ready to run away at any time and send people out at will.

Therefore, don't point fingers and don't have too high expectations. It's enough that the other party can maintain the corresponding level in the later period.

As for whether there might be any evil inside? That's not what he has to consider at all...as long as it doesn't shortchange him.

Those who eat the hero stocks only fight with their fists, and really don't want to get involved in specific affairs - after all, there are specialties in the art industry.

You obviously have a stake in the company, but if you insist on taking care of everything, you are not positioning yourself accurately, and the cooperation will not last long.

However, even Hua Xingzi couldn't understand his logic. He was startled when he heard this, "The upper limit is only 200 million?"

"I'll explain it to you later," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "Did Ping An say anything else?"

"No," Hua Scorpion shook his head, "But if you tell me more, Gilt means that there will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"There are so many..." Qu Jianlei smiled silently. If Gilt really thought so, it can only be said that he was also confused.

But generally speaking, as the helmsman of the big ship of Ping An, Gilt cannot be so shallow.

A mere A-level person, wandering among many supreme forces, can actually not fall behind.

Gilt may have other trump cards, but this alone is enough to show that this person's ability to deal with things is definitely not bad.

Thinking of this, Qu Jianlei smiled slightly and said, "The first batch of energy blocks has been transported back, which shows that all links have been connected."

"Since this is the case, let's clean up and go."

Hua Scorpion was stunned when he heard this, "It's time to go?"

"It's time to go," Mrs. Jia, who seldom spoke, said, "If we don't leave, there will be a lot of trouble."

As soon as her words came out, even Paranoid and Mu Yu fell silent.

Although these two have high self-esteem and are older, they both know very well that when it comes to dealing with others, they are really not as good as this junior!

Although Jia Shuiqing is slightly younger, she is still in her 200s and spends her days in a down-to-earth manner.

And when she was in glory, she was also a representative figure from the top to high school, and she really didn't see too much of the world.

To put it bluntly, she is no different from the paranoid person she once was. She also has no eyes left, and her eyes are in the sky.

This is a common problem among geniuses, and has little to do with character. It is simply a matter of not being able to find anyone to talk to among the common people.

But the paranoid is more extreme than her in doing things and has a more surly temperament.

As a relatively normal person among geniuses, Jia Shuiqing really doesn't come into contact with too many things in society.

This is not surprising at all. As a powerful and aloof being, one does not need to be polite and virtuous.

As long as you don't exclude others and give others the opportunity to contact you, then you are approachable!

So once her words came out, almost no one refuted them.

In the end, Qinghu asked straightforwardly, "Then shall I stay?"

She is relatively rigid in her work, or rather principled - we all agreed to be safe and leave a supreme housekeeper.

Qu Jianlei shook his head and said simply, "There is no need for the Supreme Being to stay here in the short term."

"Then you have to leave someone alone," Qinghu looked at Hua Xiezi and then at Tianyin, "If you don't get through safely, you won't be able to contact us."

"They can't stay either," Qu Jianlei shook his head.

Tianyin is also related to the ownership of the gold mine of Qingsha Star in the next step. Since we are involved, we must strive to win it.

As for Hua Scorpion, she has suffered enough, and a woman left here alone is not reassuring.

After much deliberation, Qu Jianlei discovered that he couldn't find anyone suitable to stay here.

He glanced at everyone and said, "Do you have anyone you can trust? You can recruit a few over."

Everyone shook their heads when they heard this, then looked at each other and laughed.

All of them are lonely, and speaking of it... that's pretty much it.

"Tsk," Qu Jianlei frowned. Hundreds of millions of profits are at stake here every year. It's impossible not to send someone here.

There is still a shortage of manpower.

(First update in August, please support with guaranteed monthly tickets.)

This chapter has been completed!
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