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Chapter 927 Blood River Butcher

Mu Xuxu talks about the "Avengers", but in fact his purpose here is very simple, which is to rescue his eldest brother Banwa.

As for Qingshi? He said he was very sorry - I had never heard of this person at all!

But he never dreamed that his most trusted elder brother would slap him hard.

Fengtang Zhigao has the attribute of wood, and Half Watt has the attribute of metal. Logically speaking, metal overcomes wood.

However, the cultivation level of the former is much stronger than that of the latter. The so-called "shengke" refers to the premise that the conditions are roughly the same.

However, Fengtang did not take precautions, but his elder brother had accumulated strength for a long time and took action with all his strength.

Fengtang was directly hit and flew dozens of meters away.

While he was still in the air, he spurted out a large mouthful of blood. This scene stunned everyone nearby.

After landing, Fengtang Supreme still couldn't accept this reality.

He spit out another mouthful of blood, opened his eyes wide and asked, "Brother... why?"

Banwa closed his eyes and spoke expressionlessly, "Fengtang, going against the empire is really a dead end."

"I really don't believe in this evil," Feng Tang smiled coldly.

"You can still live without being tolerated by the empire...Isn't it the same with pandas?"

"What kind of thing is a panda? Can it be compared with you and my brothers?" Banwa's face darkened.

"Listen to Big Brother, if you surrender now, Big Brother will save you from atonement...better than that Bushang!"

"I'm so fucking grateful to you," Bushang heard this and immediately ducked out of the square.

He did not continue to attack the fire attribute supreme, "If you are better than me, then you have no need for me. Say goodbye and leave!"

This time, it was indeed a fishing operation organized by Star No. 2, and Bushang knew this very well.

As the supreme guardian, of course he has the obligation to cooperate. There is nothing more to say about this.

But a guy who hopes to get rid of his crime and meritorious service dares to make irresponsible remarks about his abilities - who is so used to this bad habit?

If you just leave the battlefield, some people may twist their lips, but so what? Labor and management are unhappy!

But Banwa didn't care. He dared to say this, so he had the confidence.

"Tell your people to stop immediately. My brother advises you to give me the last word. Really...this is the last chance."

"The last chance?" The fire attribute supreme in the distance laughed.

"Imperial lackeys, we dare to come like this, you don't think that this is the only preparation, right? Where is the response team?"

"The response team is here!" Countless voices sounded instantly, so majestic that they seemed to be everywhere in the world.

But in fact, the sound came from only three small attack ships.

After responding, the three small attack ships turned their guns, pointed at the official supreme, and began to attack crazily.

Although the scene was chaotic enough, many people were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

This attack ship is obviously from the military, right? Why did it attack people from the government?

After realizing this, many people who were fighting stopped to take a look at this rare spectacle.

So a strange scene happened. When the attack ship started to attack its own people, the chaos was actually under control!

Qu Jianlei sighed softly after seeing it, "This force... is very powerful."

"It's certainly great to be able to bury nails in the military," Qing Hu, who rarely spoke, spoke up.

"I always thought that the resistance force was just a term, but I didn't expect it to actually appear in front of me."

"It has always existed," Mrs. Jia said in a sullen voice, "but...it is also a disease caused by ringworm and scabies."

As if to confirm her statement, the next moment, a voice sounded, majestic and mighty.

"Is this the only hope? The Rebel Alliance...is really disappointing."

"Blood River Butcher!" Someone couldn't help but screamed, "Run!"

Not only were everyone running, but the three attacking attack ships in the sky also turned on their afterburners instantly.

However, the next moment, the voice sighed again, "Frozen~"

The vast sky and earth instantly became extremely cold, and everyone's bodies became heavy and sluggish.

What they are fighting against is not only the stagnation caused by the strange cold, but also... the power of heaven and earth!

However, the three attack ships reacted quickly enough. One of them escaped, and the other struggled twice and escaped from the Qihan force field.

"It's something that was expected," Qu Jianlei muttered in a low voice.

This is his own analysis, but he doesn't mind if someone on his side can hear it - it just confirms his guess.

Hua Scorpion heard this and said, "Boss, why is this expected?"

"Because the goal of these three attack ships is not to kill the Supreme Being," Qu Jianlei replied calmly.

"Their mission is to assist the kidnappers to escape. Their main purpose is to escape."

"Just like this Feng Tang Supreme, even if he successfully robbed half a tile, would it be possible for him to escape amid heavy siege?"

"Hmm," Hua Scorpion nodded heavily, "I don't even have the confidence to escape, let alone bring anyone with me."

"So there must be support," Qu Jianlei replied calmly, "This is the purpose of the three attack ships."

As for the attack ship changing its purpose, that's easy to understand. It's just forced by the situation.

That voice didn't care about the two attack ships escaping - in fact, it didn't matter. The Supreme's ability was limited after all.

"Is this all you have to resist? It really disappoints me... Isn't there a little mouse that overestimates its capabilities?"

These words are very provocative, but of course Qu Jianlei and his party will not care - do I have the ability that needs your recognition?

"I will give you thirty to accept your surrender, especially you...Fengtang!"

"You're dreaming!" Feng Tang snorted coldly, and the next moment, a series of sounds like popping beans sounded.

His body expanded rapidly, from about 1.65 meters to two meters, three meters...

"Turned into a wooden giant!" Someone exclaimed, "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Giant transformation is a means of burning essence and blood, at the expense of overdrafting life, to greatly increase combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

This method has very strong sequelae. No matter how much you improve your cultivation in the future, it will be easy.

Usually, as time goes by, the cultivation level will decline significantly. In extreme cases, the cultivation level may be lost or even bedridden for life.

However, even with so many negative effects, giant transformation cannot be performed by just any awakened person.

First of all, there are extremely high requirements for the elemental convergence of awakened people.

You can imagine that if the convergence is not enough and the flesh and blood body cannot be transformed into the corresponding elements, why should you care about becoming a giant?

Therefore, those who can transform into giants must at least start from the highest level.

In fact, most supreme beings cannot transform into giants.

It is not too rare for the Empire to have a self-inflicted fire. Qu Jianlei once forced Sigel to go into a self-fire rage.

If there are three options, who would be willing to get angry? But they would rather get angry than use giant transformation.

It’s not that you don’t want to use it, but that you really can’t use it – how many supreme beings are infinitely close to the natural convergence of elements?

In other words, those who can transform into giants are almost always unrivaled geniuses.

Then the question comes again, who is willing to force such a genius to become a giant?

Therefore, many people know about the method of giant transformation, but it is really rare to see it with your own eyes.

In addition, if you want to become a giant, it is best to take the corresponding medicines in advance to facilitate stimulation.

Fengtang Zhigao finally rose to a height of about four meters, and was just over 1.5 meters thick.

Mrs. Jia shook her head slightly when she saw this, but didn't say anything.

Qing Hu knew what she was thinking and smiled helplessly, "It's not that high anymore. Thirty meters... it's just a legend!"

After Fengtang transformed into a giant, the wooden armor on his body became obviously stronger, and even attacks with high metal properties could not hit him.

His eyes were bloodshot, his arms were waving, and he was charging outward crazily, like a rampaging mecha.

Despite the extreme coldness caused by the ice, his impact speed was not slow. The chaotic crowd had no time to dodge, and blood and flesh flew everywhere in an instant.

But it was useless, the battleship in the sky had locked him, and after the initial shock, the battleship fired at him unhurriedly.

None of the weapons fired were of large caliber or high power, and even the large-caliber machine guns were not fired.

Such an attack could not break through the defense at all, but each warship took turns to shoot, which clearly meant that his internal energy would be consumed step by step.

The fire attribute supreme followed behind him, also wanting to take the opportunity to break out of the encirclement.

But the cannonballs fired by the battleship effectively prevented him from following up.

The fire attribute supreme struck several times and was hit one after another. Finally, he sighed, "What an idiot!"

Although he was not injured, he still stretched out his right hand and covered his chest, "I give up!"

At this time, there was a cold snort, but it was from the Blood River Butcher who did not show up, "Panda team...that's it?"

When Feng Tang heard this, he turned his head and glared at the fire attribute supreme with his blood-red eyes, his eyes full of madness and violence!

He shook his hand, threw out a large object the size of a button, and shouted again.

"Divine spells... are only for those who are destined to do so!"

What he scattered was countless memories!

"Get ready to take action!" Qu Jianlei said simply, "No need to save people, just grab things!"

In fact, the fact that the other party pretended to be a panda team made him very unhappy, let alone being laughed at again.

This big tent was related to the memory of divine spells, which completely moved him.

——It may be false, but since it may be true, he has a reason to take action.

As for Feng Tang... Qu Jianlei said that the two of them had no friendship.

He was betrayed and looked pitiful? Who knows what this guy has done.

Is he a genius? Then don’t be joking. Our team lacks everything but genius!

The most important thing is that there is an organization behind this guy, and it seems that this guy is quite loyal.

Qu Jianlei could tolerate Xiao Moshan's former loyalty, but this guy... why?

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Jia chose a person without hesitation, "The Butcher of Blood River...Leave it to me."

Qu Jianlei glanced at her thoughtfully, "Familiar?"

This chapter has been completed!
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