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113 - 114 The Way of the Old Ben

 Chapter 113 A clear conscience (first update congratulating the cute master Shark)

Qu Jianlei said it tactfully, but Hua Xiezi was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

"You designed it for me based on his practice. Isn't it your practice method?"

Qu Jianlei remained silent for a while before replying, "The exercises I practice are not suitable for you, and I won't tell you why."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Hua Xiezi's eyes, but in the end he nodded, "Okay, thank you for not lying to me."

If the boss gives a high-sounding reason, she can accept it.

But the words "I won't tell you the reason" are what battle partners who depend on each other for life and death should say.

Qu Jianlei nodded slightly, "We will figure out some things in the future, and there may be changes. Now let's work hard to become stronger!"

Hua Scorpion nodded simply, "That's right, work hard to become stronger."

That evening, Bentley came back with a big bag.

He handed the big bag to Qu Jianlei, "I found it for you. Are you interested?"

Qu Jianlei opened the package and was immediately overjoyed. It was full of books and journals on mechanical maintenance. "Where did you get it?"

"Where can I get it?" Bentley replied casually, "I must have borrowed it from the library."

"Library..." Qu Jianlei was stunned when he heard this, "There is actually a library in Tianzi District?"

"You really know the library," Bentley raised his hand and touched his forehead, wondering how could this be an orphan from the Hongzi District?

However, it is useless to dwell on this matter. He said sternly, "Most people are not qualified to go to the library to read, let alone borrow books."

However, Qu Jianlei's focus was rather strange, "Since you have this condition, why are your maintenance skills so bad?"

Bentley rolled his eyes speechlessly, "You want me, the ultimate warrior who has awakened his attributes, to learn mechanical maintenance?"

"Is there anything I can't do?" Qu Jianlei asked seriously, "There are so many arts that don't weigh you down!"

Bentley was stunned for a moment before replying, "See how many you have seen."

Qu Jianlei was immediately led astray and began to read the book.

Bentley glanced at Hua Scorpion, raised his finger and pointed at his head, giving him a questioning look.

Hua Xiezi understood what he meant and couldn't help but reply, "The boss said that in two days, the deduction will be almost completed."

"Oh?" Bentley was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, "The method of transformation?"

His eyes suddenly brightened, "In this case, I have to contact all kinds of materials... Thank you for informing me of this news."

The next moment, his eyes darkened again, "But...well, I heard that he is more absorbed in reading?"

Qu Jianlei, who was looking through the book, spoke without raising his head, "I'll give you three days..."

"Okay, thank you very much," Bentley was overjoyed when he heard this. "Pick out the journals you have read and I will borrow new ones for you tomorrow."

There are only four complete sets of journals that Qu Jianlei has read, and the others are scattered journals and various books.

Bentley was also very attentive and borrowed a lot of books back the next day.

For him, borrowing books is not a big problem, except for the necessary identification and a little extra deposit.

Anyway, he carries a lot of belongings with him, and when the team takes action, Qu Jianlei pays the bills.

But soon, he regretted paying the deposit so lavishly, because Qu Jianlei's efforts in modifying the exercises were so great.

First of all, Qu Jianlei asked him how you have cultivated over the years, and then he took out other cultivation methods and understood them one by one.

To say that Bentley is also a ruthless person, he has obtained three sets of cultivation methods for the five main attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Don't think you're not awesome if you haven't collected five sets. In fact, these cultivation techniques are strictly prohibited from being taught outside the Central City.

Even if they are as close as father and son and brothers, and dare to teach privately, they still can't live with it.

Bentley racked his brains and tried all means, but he still couldn't find a way to practice thunder and lightning or electromagnetism, which is clear evidence.

But he is really not simple. He actually has three sets of main attributes, namely metal, water and earth.

If the main attribute cultivation method is not particularly rare, he also got two sets of miscellaneous attribute cultivation methods.

The number of human lives involved is at least double digits.

In addition, he also obtained a lot of cultivation experience and recorded a lot of it himself - this is why the bag is heavy.

Qu Jianlei felt that if this man didn't have hundreds of lives on his hands, he wouldn't be able to do this.

Bentley did not say how many people he had killed, but said calmly.

"That's what you said. You have a clear conscience...many of them are from the hostile camp!"

It is normal for someone who can replace him in 985 to know some ultimate warriors.

Qu Jianlei was just surprised by his cruelty, but he really didn't mind how many people he had killed.

Seriously, this information has greatly enriched his knowledge and enriched the data of the ultimate warrior training system.

He knew nothing about the Ultimate Warrior before, but after careful analysis, he had a vague feeling.

The Ultimate Warrior's training and his "Unknown Qi Refining Technique" are very different in concept.

He thinks this is not a big surprise. They all want to explore the potential of the human body, and it is normal for similar concepts to be born.

It would be more normal if fighting spirit was popular in the wasteland - it is somewhat rare for different civilizations to develop similar systems.

However, although the concepts are similar, there are obvious deviations in the development directions of the two.

That feeling... how should I put it? It's as if we are all disciples of the Huashan Sect and will eventually split into the Air Sect and the Sword Sect.

When the strength is average, it is possible to switch between airbending and swordsmanship. If you choose one path and run wildly, it will be difficult to turn back.

Therefore, this information can help him better improve the basic chapter of "The Nameless Qi Refining Technique", but it cannot help him go further.

Instead, he wanted to remind himself not to take the path of the ultimate warrior easily.

His nameless Qi Refining Technique can also help lay the foundation for the ultimate warrior, but if you want to be a good warrior, you must ultimately emphasize attribute cultivation.

Relying on Xiaohu's calculations, he roughly calculated more than two hundred ways to help Bentley practice.

But he couldn't decide which method was most suitable, and Xiaohu didn't have the ability to make a decision.

Qu Jianlei could only choose a stupid way...try them one by one!

At first, in order to prevent Bentley from resisting, he said before telling the other party the truth, give it a try.

Bentley practiced for less than an hour before a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"The blood is dark black, and the old wounds are healing," Qu Jianlei was beating his heart, but his face was calm, "Just continue."

Bentley was a little worried at first, but after hearing what he said for sure, he could only bite the bullet and continue practicing.

Another half hour later, he spat out another mouthful of blood, "Jian Lei, this time it's bright red."

Jian Lei is Qu Jianlei's new name, and this is how his temporary identity is handled.

He nodded, "Then stop. You take a rest...and try another approach after an hour."

Bentley started to act in astonishment, "After an hour, do you think my injury will be healed?"

"Isn't the physical fitness of the Ultimate Warrior very good?" Qu Jianlei was also surprised, "The notes say that he has strong recovery ability."

"That's a young person, okay?" Bentley was a little annoyed, "I'm ninety years old!"

Qu Jianlei spread his hands and looked at the other party calmly, "Reformation is a process of trial and error. How long will it take for you to recover?"

"How do I know," Bentley muttered helplessly, "I feel like my lungs have been injured. I'm going to buy medicine."

He was dissatisfied, but he couldn't complain. As a maintenance engineer, even if he was a half-assed person, he knew that it was normal to make mistakes during renovations.

However, his physical fitness was really good and he was active again the next day.

So Qu Jianlei asked him to test the second method. This time he made an insulated disc cushion.

Magnetic poles are set up on both sides of the cushion. After power is supplied, the disc begins to rotate slowly.

He wanted to try to see if he could strengthen the opponent's body through the force of the electromagnetic field.

The equipment is very rudimentary, but it looks a bit like a fake scientific research.

Bentley is very interested in this plan and does not reject it at all.

He swallowed the salted water with big mouthfuls and expressed it boldly.

"I'm really not afraid of electromagnetic fields... Just apply voltage. You can also apply electricity to the metal pillar under my butt."

"I will," Qu Jianlei nodded, "but you should master the pressure process yourself."

Bentley was really not afraid of this, and soon he turned the voltage to the maximum.

He shook his head, feeling fine, and raised his hand to press the power button on the metal pillar.

"No!" Qu Jianlei shouted, but it was already too late.

The next moment, Bentley flew up on the spot, hit the roof heavily, and fell to the ground again.

Fortunately, he only pressed the power button and did not immediately turn it to the highest setting, otherwise the roof would be damaged.

Qu Jianlei slapped his forehead helplessly, "Do you think of yourself as a Gaussian cannonball?"

Bentley was hit hard this time. Even though he was the ultimate warrior who had perfected his attributes, he was no longer young after all.

He sat up, shook his head, and asked in a daze, "Didn't you say you should let me control it myself?"

Qu Jianlei replied angrily, "I let you control how to pressurize the electromagnetic field on your own, I didn't ask you to electrify."

"You can't explain it clearly," Bentley muttered softly, "My head is fine, but my waist is probably quite tight."

It didn't matter when it hit me, it actually fell down, and it was really hard.

"What about two hours of rest?" Qu Jianlei asked tentatively.

Bentley looked at him angrily, "I can't do it today, I have to take medicine and rest, maybe tomorrow..."

The next day, there was still no success.

When Qu Jianlei increased the speed of the seat cushion, he discovered that Bentley's body was obviously magnetized!

The method was good, but unfortunately it couldn't be used at this stage. He regretfully stopped the experiment.

But Bentley had more troubles. Just walking around in the yard, he would find a pile of iron filings all over his body, which he couldn't even shake off.

"I'm talking about the simple barrier. Is there any follow-up attempt? If not, I can degauss it myself."

Fortunately, it has electromagnetic properties, so degaussing is very convenient. You don't need to ask for help, otherwise it will be troublesome.

"Cancel it if you want," Qu Jianlei frowned and replied thoughtfully, "The follow-up method... let's make an alternative for the time being."

(First update, He Meng’s "Atlantic Shark")——————

Chapter 114: Lao Ben’s Connection (Second update to greet the cute master Shangguan Miyuki)

For Bentley, the first few days of the transformation experiment were an absolute nightmare.

However, what is even more devastating is that the nightmare is not just for these few days, but every day in the future.

After a month, he couldn't bear it anymore, "Jian Lei, how many other plans do you have?"

"How many plans..." Qu Jianlei thought for a moment and felt that this question could not be answered directly - the other party might go berserk.

So he said seriously, "The conceptual basis of my test today is frictional electrification. How about you listen to my reasons first?"

After a while, Bentley muttered in a low voice in despair, "Can friction between a leather bag and a glass rod really generate electricity?"

Qu Jianlei didn't care about this. Anyway, no matter how much he said, the other party couldn't understand it - the technology in the wasteland was not bad, but it was a pity that all the information was blocked.

"Since you agree with this basis, I will discuss it with you. My plan is as follows..."

Previously, he had done all the calculations alone because the existence of Xiaohu was too sensitive and could not be known to outsiders.

People with slightly higher intelligence like him are regarded as aliens by the world, let alone Xiao Hu?

But now that Bentley has become afraid of difficulties, it is not appropriate to operate like this anymore.

Qu Jianlei not only wanted to help Bentley solve the problem, but also wanted to find a way out for Hua Scorpion.

And he also needs relevant information to supplement his database.

Bentley was overjoyed when he heard this. He kept nodding, "Yes, you should have discussed it with me earlier."

To be honest, he still has a considerable psychological advantage against Qu Jianlei.

Although he was not sure whether he could beat the opponent, he finally improved his attributes.

The other party may have inheritance, but he has enough connections and experience, so he is not far behind.

So he always felt that he could make some suggestions on reforming the exercises.

However, Qu Jianlei didn't mention this issue at all, and he didn't dare to forcefully suggest it.

When it comes to your own future, you must be careful. After all, they are the professionals - would any patient dare to provoke a doctor?

Now Qu Jianlei invites him to diagnose his own problem - well, that's a little problematic, but it's true.

He immediately participated enthusiastically, and then discovered that there were really many things worthy of discussion.

After discussing for a while, he readily accepted the other party's suggestion, "I think the changes here are almost enough."

"How about giving it a try first..."

The result of trying it is that the nightmare continues again.

It's just that this time Bentley personally participated in improving the plan, so he couldn't complain.

The miserable days continued, and after another two months, the old man couldn't bear it anymore, even though he had been participating in improvements.

"Jian Lei, tell me the truth, how many other transformation plans are there?"

At this time, Qu Jianlei really had to answer, "This... there are more than eighty kinds."

"More than eighty?" Bentley looked at him suspiciously, "More than eighty...how much more?"

Qu Jianlei became more and more embarrassed, "Well, more...one hundred more?"

"Speak carefully," Bentley looked at him with a dark face, "How many types are there? I want to hear the exact number."

"It can't be precise. There will always be temporary plans. Well... there are more than 180 kinds of them, pretty much the same."

"More than one hundred and eighty kinds..." Bentley's face turned darker and darker, "How many years do you plan to try?"

"It depends on your recovery speed," Qu Jianlei replied confidently, "It would be better if you were younger."

"No, it depends on how fast you make money!" Bentley said with a dark face, "Do you know how much it has cost me to heal my injuries?"

Qu Jianlei spread his hands helplessly, "I can't help you with this. As you know, we are doing something unprecedented."

"No, you can help," Bentley looked at him solemnly, "the money is spent too fast, you can't sell the crystals, right?"

Even for an ultimate warrior like him, it is not easy to obtain the crystal.

When he first met Qu Jianlei, he had thirty-two B-grade crystals and nine A-grade crystals, which was considered to be his life's savings.

Currently, the A-grade crystals are still there, but two of the B-grade crystals have been used.

In addition, he gave Qu Jianlei two more pills to help him deduce, and now there are only twenty-eight pills left.

The word "only" sounds a bit unflattering, but this thing is really one less.

It is very difficult to purchase crystals in the Tianzi settlement area and the price is also very high.

Including Hua Xiezi, no one among the three was willing to sell the crystal.

Qu Jianlei looked at him helplessly and said feebly, "It seems you have found something for me to do."

"That's right," Bentley nodded, "it's still your old profession, just mechanical maintenance."

Hearing this, Hua Xiezi couldn't help but speak out, "Will you attract people from the Sai family?"

"Not very likely," Bentley replied seriously.

"This is Tianzi District, and not just any small family can do whatever they want."

Hua Scorpion shook his head, "That's not necessarily true. Didn't you suffer from the Huangzi District back then? It was still Central City."

Bentley rolled his eyes helplessly, thinking that it was the top forces in Huangzi District who tricked me.

After they were dismantled in Huangzi District, they brought a large amount of belongings and moved to Central City.

But it was really pointless to explain this matter, so he answered in a muffled voice.

"There is a high probability that the Sai family will not be able to do anything. The reason why I did not say it clearly is because I am not sure whether a small probability event will happen."

Hua Xiezi wanted to say something more, but he thought that this person had been hiding in Zhouliu for more than ten years, so it was normal for him not to be well-informed.

Qu Jianlei asked thoughtfully, "Actually, they don't want others to know about my abilities?"

"That's right," Bentley nodded, "You still have to understand that even if they can do something, they don't dare to blatantly do it."

"This is best," Qu Jianlei nodded slightly.

He no longer cares much about the threat from the Sai family. As long as the opponent doesn't come out in force, even if he can't defeat him, he can still run away.

The issue he is more concerned about is, "Maintenance work... is too difficult to make money, and it is still hard work, and it will delay cultivation."

With his level, if he concentrates on maintenance, he will definitely make a lot of money. If he has a few apprentices, he will definitely live a winner in life.

However, compared to the huge expenses required for cultivation, it is really not worth mentioning.

"The job I'm looking for must be easy," Bentley said simply. "If you're not satisfied, we can only go out and rob."

Qu Jianlei thought about it and shook his head, "Forget about robbing. Once you develop a habit, it's not a good thing."

Bentley nodded slightly, "Those who cannot control their own desires will not go far on the road of cultivation."

Then your obsession with revenge, doesn’t it count as hope? Qu Jianlei curled his lips, but was too lazy to say anything else.

Bentley's ability to do things in Tianzi District should not be underestimated. Three days later, he found his first business.

It's a door-to-door service, and the price is quite high. The carriage fee is 200 silver dollars. If you find out the problem, you'll have to pay more.

The request to visit made Qu Jianlei a little embarrassed. Not only was he a homebody, he also didn't want to reveal his true colors.

Tianzi District is different from the residential areas below. It is rare to see people wearing face coverings.

Under normal circumstances, there are only two times when someone may wear it, one is in windy weather, and the other is in the wild.

Even if I wear a hijab in the wild, it usually only means one thing - I might do something not so good.

As for wearing a face scarf in Houjing in normal weather, you are waiting for someone to come and check you.

However, Bentley was very considerate and bought an animal mask directly for Qu Jianlei to wear.

In addition, he also bought some high-end testing instruments, which are expensive.

He thinks very openly, "If you want to make a lot of money, investment in equipment is necessary... This is a serious business."

Hearing this, Qu Jianlei couldn't help but smile, "Those unfair businesses... need more investment."

Bentley knew what he was referring to and said disapprovingly, "Guns and ammunition are also useful for self-defense."

The two of them rode a tricycle out. At the checkpoint entering the city, the guard asked, "Why are you wearing a mask?"

Bentley replied simply, "It's annoying."

The guard glanced at Qu Jianlei and raised his hand to let the two of them go - after all, they both had documents.

It can also be seen that the acceptance of masks here is indeed higher than that of face coverings.

The three-wheeler drove all the way and stopped next to a five-story building with a huge plaque hanging on the roof - "Gold Industry Center".

Bentley had already explained on the way that this was not a gold trading center, but simply a very developed business building.

From Blue Star's perspective, this is an office building that rents out rooms to various companies.

Even in Houjing, five-story buildings are rare. The decoration here is quite luxurious, and it is still in the CBD area.

The rental price is also very beautiful. The general meaning is - "You poor guy who has no money, get out of here!"

The owner of the building invited Qu Jianlei to come for repairs this time - there was something wrong with the equipment in the building.

There were armed guards at the entrance of the Gold Industry Center. After seeing the two of them, they looked at Qu Jianlei very warily.

A guard said in a stiff tone, "What are you doing? Take off the mask!"

Given the size of this building, how could it be possible to allow a hidden guy to approach?

Before Qu Jianlei could respond, Bentley spoke slowly.

"I made an appointment with Manager Shana... Just invite her out."

The guard looked at him suspiciously, picked up the walkie-talkie and started calling.

Not long after, a slightly plump middle-aged woman hurriedly walked out.

When she saw Bentley, her eyes lit up and she greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Terry is here?"

She smiled very enthusiastically, and Qu Jianlei glanced at Bentley suspiciously: Is this... using a beauty trick?

It's difficult, but with your dignity... I guess it depends on your physical fitness, right?

Bentley seemed to have guessed something and gave him a helpless look.

Manager Shana followed his gaze and looked at Qu Jianlei, and couldn't help but be startled.

Then she looked at Bentley and asked hesitantly, "What's going on with this mask?"

(Second update, He Mengzhu "Shangguan Shenxue".)

(End of chapter)

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