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Chapter 937 Overfulfilled

Faced with Qu Jianlei's question, Paranoid replied in a deep voice, "According to our analysis, it is probably because of Tianyin."

After Lord Kongsai was in trouble, Tianyin once came to the paradise for help. This information has been noticed by many people.

But this time, the reason why the Empire was alarmed by the storm was probably because the secret room of the Lost Star was discovered.

Everyone on Paradise Star analyzed it and quietly left the B&B.

Sure enough, the day after they left, Iron Snake came to visit the paranoid.

Xiangxue, who stayed behind, said that the person who had been hired had left, and he was not sure when he would come back.

After Paranoid confirmed this, he quickly contacted Qu Jianlei and took people aboard the starship.

Qu Jianlei frowned, "This guy is a dignified Supreme Being. What are you going to do with Tianyin?"

Mu Yu frowned and replied, "Is it because we are both from Chaoyang?"

Qu Jianlei shook his head, "He shouldn't be that boring. There must be something worthy of him!"

Tianyin was a little panicked. She really didn't expect that she would bring trouble to the team again.

She timidly said, "How about we find an uninhabited planet and I can practice in seclusion for decades?"

She didn't want to affect the team, but practicing alone on a desolate planet... no normal person could bear it!

"It goes without saying!" Mu Yu said simply, "Since we are teammates, how can we give up on you?"

"Okay, let's not talk about this in advance," Qu Jianlei shook his head, and then looked at Mrs. Jia.

"I just have news to tell you...Congratulations first!"

"Congratulations?" Mrs. Jia was startled for a moment, then smiled, "Is there any news about the child?"

She has a carefree attitude towards Zi Jiuxian, but this does not mean that she does not care about her great-granddaughter.

"Yeah," Qu Jianlei nodded, "And it shouldn't be anything serious."

Qinghu was very clear about the whole incident. Hearing this, he couldn't help but sigh, "That nutritional supplement... really has a way of doing it!"

"Then let's go to Tianbi Star," Mu Yu looked at Qu Jianlei, "There's nothing to do in the short term anyway."

"Oh," Qu Jianlei sighed, "Fortunately, I disassembled the computer before leaving!"

A few months ago, he still felt that Paradise Planet was the safest, so he left Tianpin.

Unexpectedly, it seemed that Tian Bing was relatively safer now. This change also made him quite speechless.

During the following trip to Tianbing, they had good luck. They only encountered an interrogating warship once, but they avoided it early.

After teleporting to Tianshan, Qu Jianlei quickly locked the location of the nutrient—that guy was carrying the Forerunner with him.

What's interesting is that this person lives not far from the Avengers' contact point.

After dark, Qu Jianlei and Mrs. Jia came to this person's residence.

The two of them climbed over the wall very easily, and the nutrient in the room was pulling the Forerunner terminal to catch up on the show.

When he found two more figures in front of him, he didn't have any overreaction, but raised his head naturally.

The next moment, he grinned and said, "Hello, gentlemen, I have taken care of the things you entrusted."

Qu Jianlei nodded when he heard this, "Thank you for your hard work, we won't let your work go in vain... Where is Zi Jiuxian now?"

"That's easy to say," Nutrient smiled, "Am I qualified to join the team now?"

"You..." Qu Jianlei replied thoughtfully, "Our situation is not as good as you think. Can't we just take advantage and leave?"

"Sir, please wait a moment," the nutritional agent stood up and walked towards the door, "for safety's sake, there are some things that I don't have at hand."

Qu Jianlei nodded and said expressionlessly, "Okay, I understand."

However, although he said he understood, half an hour later, he was still shocked.

Nutrients drove an obviously older car, and after many twists and turns, they arrived at an abandoned factory.

There are many similar factories on the Sky Handle Star. After becoming a central star, issues such as pollution must be considered.

This place is located in the outer suburbs, and the city's development has not yet reached this place, so there are not many people at night.

No one lives in the abandoned factory, and the weeds have grown to the height of a person.

Nutrient took the lead and walked all the way, with Qu Jianlei and Mrs. Jia following closely, not worrying at all about an ambush.

To put it bluntly, after looking through the entire empire, there were only a few people who were qualified to ambush them.

The nutritional supplement entered the factory, avoided the few surveillance cameras and arrived at an inconspicuous room.

The room was only eight or nine square meters and empty.

The nutrient agent scratched a wall a few times. The next moment, the wall shook slightly and slowly opened a crack.

Qu Jianlei nodded slightly, "It's a pretty good cover-up, you almost hid it from me."

Behind the gap is a downward step, which turns out to be a secret room leading underground.

There was a faint light on the wall next to the steps, which was cold light and could only provide a blurry image.

Nutrient took the two of them and walked in front easily. Although he was short in stature, he walked not slowly.

Seeing this, Qu Jianlei subconsciously exchanged a look with Mrs. Jia.

We've seen so many strong winds and huge waves, but we can't capsize the boat in a small river ditch.

Normally there is no threat, but there is always something a little bit wrong about this feeling.

Normally there is no threat, but there is always something a little bit wrong about this feeling.

It can be seen that the function of this basement should not be simple, and the area is actually very large.

As the nutritional agent walked, he introduced in a loud voice, "This is the former warehouse of the factory."

"The main door has been sealed, but the small door can still be used."

Mrs. Jia said calmly, "You are really familiar with all kinds of information."

Half a minute later, Nutrients came to the door of a room, raised his hand and pressed a series of passwords.

After waiting for almost five seconds, several lights came on in the basement, and the light suddenly became much brighter.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and a figure appeared inside. He was tall, with long legs and a slender figure.

Judging from the figure, she looks like Zi Jiuxian, but her face is different.

But who is Mrs. Jia? She was stunned when she saw this, "Nine Immortals?"

"Are you..." The woman was stunned for a moment, and then asked in disbelief, "Are you my grandma?"

"Well, it's me," Mrs. Jia didn't show her true face, and then looked at the nutritional supplement, "Little guy, you are very good!"

"Haha, it's just a little effort," the nutritionist laughed dryly, "I've overfulfilled my task, right?"

"You are..." Zi Jiuxian showed her true appearance. She looked at the little man in front of her with confusion, "I haven't seen you before, have I?"

"I arranged to save you!" Nutrients replied calmly.

Even though he was very polite to Qu Jianlei and Mrs. Jia, he was really neither humble nor arrogant towards Zi Jiuxian, who was also in the A-level.

On the contrary, Zi Jiuxian was slightly startled for a moment, then nodded, "Thank you very much."

Think about it, it is impossible for outsiders to know where she is hiding, let alone the password to open the door.

Moreover, the other party brought his great-grandmother, how could he lie to her?

"You..." Mrs. Jia released her mental power, felt it a little, her face turned a little dark, "Has your left arm been injured?"

"It's been fine a long time ago," Zijiuxian replied nonchalantly, "Mainly at the beginning, it was a sneak attack..."

She took on a research project from the military, and her working location was right next to the military area.

The security around her was very tight, and the workload was not very large, especially since she was closely watched.

In fact, some people are already talking privately, saying that Professor Zi is being implicated by his family.

Zijiuxian didn't even need to think about it to know that they were referring to her great-grandmother.

She still knew something about her great-grandmother's disappearance - the old lady left a message to her, saying that she wanted to go shopping in her lifetime.

She would not have any objections to Grandma's choice. In fact, her thoughts were not important.

After that, the No. 2 Star government asked her twice, wanting to know the whereabouts of the old lady.

Zi Jiu Xian didn't deliberately hide it - she was just an A-level person who had just advanced to the level. How could she influence the Supreme's thoughts?

This time she was transferred to the military region for business, and it was because of her great-grandmother. She was speechless.

But... I'm used to it, so just cooperate honestly and she didn't do anything inappropriate.

However, an accident happened. One day she was attacked by a sneak attack and was captured before she could resist.

What's particularly egregious is that the military security guards seemed to have some activities that day, and their defense was very lax.

She was taken away directly from the military area.

Although Zi Jiuxian is an academic, he is not ignorant of the dangers of society, especially after encountering a panda, he also experienced a lot of things.

She felt that this matter was very strange. Occasionally there would be activities in the military, and someone would take action decisively at just the right time?

Later, she also learned that the attackers were the Avengers, a well-known resistance organization, and it was said that it was impossible for them to collude with the government.

But she really wouldn't believe this. She always felt that some crisis was approaching her.

So even though the kidnapper made it clear that he would not hurt anyone, she still secretly made various preparations.

Her hard work paid off, she seized the opportunity and took action decisively, finally escaping.

In fact, not many people thought that Professor Zi would explode suddenly.

Most of the awakened people in the academic sect are more or less bookish, and Zijiuxian is famous for being kind to others.

The government had disturbed her many times before, but she was very cooperative and was considered easy to talk to among the academic circles.

Her outburst was beyond everyone's expectation, which was also the main reason why she was able to escape smoothly.

After that, she just hid in hiding and really didn't dare to contact the government.

Fortunately, when her great-grandmother left, she left behind a memory that described various hiding and survival techniques.

In the past, Zi Jiuxian would not have been interested in this kind of content, but as the atmosphere became increasingly tense, she still read through it carefully.

Professor Zi is engaged in research, but the more this kind of person is, once he is interested in something, the deeper he will delve into it.

So when she first hid, she was a little unskilled and almost got discovered several times.

But the longer time went by, the easier it became for her to hide.

Until one day, a woman with an ordinary face appeared in the underground wooden house where she was hiding, "Zi Jiuxian?"

This chapter has been completed!
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