Zhong Changtong was sitting on the banquet. On a hillside in the distance, there was only a small grave.
Duke Xing rested here. There was neither a grand funeral nor the cries of many capable ministers and talents. He just slept here. This was according to his wishes. Otherwise, the officials should have sent him away long ago.
Return to Hejian, or be buried in Luoyang. In these days, not many ministers came to bid farewell. Only one Chen Deng came, but there were still many people coming. Some people came all the way, only
In order to spend a while in front of Xing Gong's tomb.
Zhong Changtong looked at these people thoughtfully. These people came spontaneously, without anyone forcing or manpower. Perhaps, this is the treatment of the so-called virtuous ministers.
Mr. Xing didn't have much property, so he spent all his property on Chidao. Occasionally when he saw poor people, he would give his salary directly to them, and he would eat a big pot of rice with these people every day.
He never enjoyed it. After his death, all that could be found in his study were countless memorials about the situation in various places. Zhong Changtong bought a decent piece of jade before burying him.
He really couldn't bear to have Mr. Xing sleep like this.
After sitting there for an unknown amount of time, the sky gradually turned dark. Zhong Changtong raised his head and looked up at the night.
Sure enough, the night view here is so beautiful.
In the Hall of Houde, Liu Xi closed his eyes. He was equally grief-stricken. He really loved Xing Ziang inexplicably. For Emperor Xiaokang's request, he could devote his whole life to it without enjoying it at all.
He also wanted to have a minister. Now, he is gone. The spirit of Jianning finally bloomed in Xing Gong. Just like those martyrs, he also fell asleep. In the future, the spirit of Jianning will only be
You can see it in the history books.
Alas... Liu Xi couldn't help but let out a long sigh.
Several officials around are immersed in writing a new memorial. Regarding the posthumous title of Xing Gong and the condolences to Xing Gong, they are to be sent to various places. They are extremely busy and write carefully. When they finish writing, they will
Officials from the Di Mansion came to take these memorials and went to various places. The so-called Di was also a residence of local officials in Luoyang. There were officials such as Qingzhou Residence and Xuzhou Residence, who were responsible for conveying the government's decrees.
Delivered to all places.
While everyone was busy, Qi Yue walked in and whispered: "The great craftsman of the country is coming!"
Liu Xi was stunned. Didn't this Uncle Ma stay in his mansion all year round and rarely go out? Why did he come to see him as a rare person today? Could it be that he had come up with something new? Liu Xi nodded.
, said: "Hurry up and invite him in!" Qi Yue quickly took Ma Jun into the Houde Hall. After all these years, Ma Jun has not shown any sign of aging, and he still looks tough, especially that
His two arms were so thick that they almost crushed his clothes.
Ma Jun entered the Houde Hall and immediately wanted to salute Liu Xi. Liu Xi saluted first and said, "Mr. Ma is my elder, so I don't dare to accept it!" Ma Jun smiled and was pulled by Liu Xi to sit down.
Liu Xi sat opposite him on the Hu chair. Ma Jun saw the sadness on Liu Xi's face and asked with some confusion: "Your Majesty? But what happened? Your Majesty seems to be a lot more haggard?"
Liu Xi shook his head and said sadly: "It's because I miss Mr. Xing."
Ma Jun's eyes widened and he asked: "Mr. Xing? Since I miss him, wouldn't it be enough to call him back?"
Liu Xi's eyes widened and he looked at Ma Jun in front of him. Could it be that this man had created something that brought the dead back to life? Liu Xi said in surprise: "Mr. Xing has passed away, why recall him?"
"What?? Mr. Xing is gone?!" Ma Jun's reaction was even greater than his own. He almost jumped up, his face full of shock.
"This matter has spread all over Luoyang, but Mr. Ma doesn't know about it?"
"I've been busy in the house for a long time, and I haven't gone out for two months... I really don't know... Alas, he's gone too... gone..." Ma Jun said, his voice a little...
He was depressed and slowly sat on the chair. Ma Jun covered his face with his hands and said nothing for a long time. Looking at his appearance, Liu Xi also lowered his head and was speechless. After a long time, Ma Jun still raised his head.
"Your Majesty, I have been in the mansion these days, receiving orders from Duke Situ to develop new ships..."
Liu Xi looked at Ma Jun with some confusion, "Building a ship?" Why didn't I know?
Ma Jun did not see the surprise on Liu Xi's face and continued: "Now the Han Dynasty's building ships are the most advanced ships. No matter how much I think about it, I can't develop a better ship. However, I
Starting from the movement of ships, we have already made a breakthrough... Your Majesty knows about wheels. The reason why carriages can move is because of wheels, and I also added wheels to the ships..."
"The ship can also add wheels??" Liu Xi was shocked. Could this ship be able to land on land??
Ma Jun frowned and said seriously: "Your Majesty, it is not a round wheel. Your Majesty knows the water slurry. I have designed a new slurry. The soldiers can make the ship faster and faster by pedaling.
Walking, turning, and going to sea now depend on the weather, and sailors are extremely tired from paddling. The emergence of new ships like this can make ships no longer dependent on the weather, and can be faster, even faster than horse-drawn carriages!"
Liu Xi thought about it in his mind. Nowadays, overseas is becoming more and more important. According to what Fazheng said, the Han Dynasty Navy even encountered Kushan ships sailing from a long distance. This shows that through overseas, the Han Dynasty can also reach Kushan.
Dahan has more and more shipyards in Yangzhou and Ningzhou. In Yangzhou, Dahan has a large fleet with a total of 7,000 ships, of which building ships account for the majority. In Ningzhou,
Taishi Ci also had a fleet with more than 4,000 ships.
Of course, these ships are not all warships. Many of them are used for commercial purposes and external exploration. Only some of them are responsible for escorting them. After all, the Han Dynasty does not have any strong enemies overseas that can threaten these merchant ships. Even,
These merchant ships, filled with thousands of people, can also carry out wars of annihilation against the indigenous countries on some islands along the way. The two sides are not equal at all.
However, in order to increase the number of resting places for the Han Dynasty overseas, it can also be regarded as a transit point for ships. The main purpose of warships traveling on these seas is to protect these islands.
If the new ships developed by Ma Jun are really useful and can indeed have an important impact, at least Dahan will be able to explore more areas. You know, in these years of exploration, Dahan's fleet has come from outside.
He brought back a lot of things, including gold, gems, slaves, various animals that the Han Dynasty did not have, and even plants, new grains, etc. Many of the things he brought back are now playing a major role in Yangzhou.
If you can explore more areas, you can bring back more things.
Liu Xi couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. He nodded and said: "Uncle Ma has great achievements. This thing is important and should be regarded as a national weapon. Therefore, I asked my uncle to send someone to Yangzhou to inform Fa Zheng of the new technology."
Zhou Yu, how about it?"
Ma Jun said: "I'm sorry... However, Your Majesty, I think that the new machinery cannot be kept secretly, but should be vigorously promoted. There are many capable people in the Han Dynasty, and I am not the most outstanding one. If you are a person in the world,
If everyone knows the principles and tries them, there may not be more outstanding ones... As for the national weapons, it is enough not to pass them on to foreign countries... I wonder what your majesty thinks?"
Liu Xi smiled and said: "What my uncle said is very true..." He knew Ma Jun well in his heart. This person never kept anything secret. Even with a sharp tool like printing, he would always use his methods and ideas.
Although not many people are truly curious or like to delve into this topic, Ma Jun still firmly believes that there are more outstanding people among the people who may do better than himself.
Liu Xi had nothing to say about Ma Jun's thoughts. Ma Jun just finished speaking and said hurriedly: "By the way, it's still the same as usual. If a powerful family wants to learn this kind of technology, it's best to let them pay."
The corner of Liu Xi's mouth twitched. He was indeed the apprentice of the legendary Wen Renggong.
Ma Jun placed the design drawing in front of Liu Xi, and then stood up to leave. Just after taking a few steps, Liu Xi was still looking down at the design drawing, but he came back and sat on the emperor's bed again.
In front of him, Liu Xi looked at him in astonishment, and Ma Jun asked solemnly: "Your Majesty, is it possible that only officials from various places can know the news of Duke Xing's death?"
"This... naturally isn't."
"The people can only hear about it, and some don't even know about it. The people know nothing about the major events in the court, whether they are government decrees or such sad things. Your Majesty, I think it's time for improvements to be made in this mansion. I think,
Instead of letting officials from all over the country copy the memorials in Luoyang, it is better to set up a mansion to be responsible for the affairs of the house. The main private government orders are naturally transmitted by the post, and these news need to be announced to the world... Why not let Luoyang come?
Woolen cloth?"
"Set up a residence in Luoyang to sort out the major events of the month and announce them to the world. Now the world is running around, and the south is also convenient. There is still the printing technology. If there is a residence in Luoyang,
, inform the world about major events, set up branches in various places, accept these newspapers, redistribute them to the world, collect money, the temple can make money, and it can also let the people know some important events, so that the officials will not deceive them.
As Ma Jun said, Liu Xi gradually opened his eyes.
Ma Jun's idea was very simple. He set up a Di newspaper to publish important news and make money so that officials could not deceive the people. However, in Liu Xi's eyes, these were just trivial matters. The main thing was to control public opinion. Liu Xi suddenly woke up. If he pressed
Follow what Ma Jun said and do it. Aren't all the affairs in the world left to the temple to arbitrarily comment on? Which ministers do you want to put pressure on, what kind of policies do you want to implement, or even get the support of the people...
Liu Xi took a breath. It seems that this newspaper must be firmly controlled by me.