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Chapter 112 The giant dragon is coming again

 It’s been seven years

He has never been to that island country. Compared with the gold they are preparing to harm the whole world, they have hoarded a lot of gold. These are things obtained by squeezing innocent people. Garfield decided to use these ill-gotten gains to give back and help.

This rogue and evil nation oppresses people all over the world.

"Howard, please continue to design weapons for the new era. Oh, by the way, let me remind you that the era of cannons and giant ships will pass in the future world. In the new era, the super fleet headed by aircraft carriers will be the main force. Let's develop aircraft carriers and aircraft."

Howard thought for a while, and then told Garfield with a very embarrassed look: "I am developing new tanks and infantry fighting vehicles according to the requirements of the American Army. Do I really want to give up now?"

Garfield told Howard: "Look at 70% of the entire earth's oceans. There are oceans between the continents. It is true that the current army and tanks are the kings of land warfare. They will also play a lot of roles in the future. Aircraft carriers

and aircraft are the future, tanks and land warfare weapons are the present, just grasp the present and look forward to the future."

"I also got a super metal here that is more than ten times more valuable than the same amount of gold. Most of the conventional weapons on the earth can't cause any harm to him."

Hearing what Garfield said, Howard's eyes glowed with dazzling light and he hugged Garfield: "Boss Cat, let me take a look. Many of the epoch-making technological products I researched have appeared in clean bottles due to the strength of the metal."

Garfield stretched out his paw and held Howard down: "Don't worry, according to the current level of your laboratory, it can't be smelted very well. I'm just telling you that I have it as your future reward, or for the New Year."

Gifts are also acceptable, but you have to promise me something and you must make a round shield."


Howard agreed to Garfield's request without thinking deeply. Garfield looked at Howard's current appearance. Sure enough, he was still young. He was only in his teens. He didn't have the foresight and foresight of the future. He hadn't even reached the age of residence yet.

The era of coquettish playboys, young and immature.

Anchoring the coordinates of a certain island country, Garfield opened the portal: "I'm going out to do a good deed first. Oh, by the way, are there any foundations or charities under the name of Stark Industries?"

Howard: "Yes, but not on a large scale"

"Forget it, I'll go back to the Hi-Zaw Group to take care of things. I'll leave first and you can come to my store tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Howard: "Okay, I will definitely go." Watching Garfield open the portal and leave, Howard took a look at the scene on the ground of the portal and the intensity of the sun. He was so smart that he instantly guessed where his magical cat boss had gone.



To be honest, he didn't like that island country either. Those people looked very polite, but in fact they were a group of perverted scum at heart. They even tried to buy and acquire Stark Industries, and even filmed some Onmyoji to plot against him.

Kama Taj's mage broke the dog's head and ran away in despair.


In the end, they had to rely on pressure from foreign policy and Congress to sell them some products. Howard was also a grudge-bearing person, and he firmly remembered Garfield's advice not to sell the production line of their equipment.

In the end, due to Howard's insistence, Congress did not force Howard to purchase. In fact, they were mainly the force behind the guilty and mysterious Hi Claw Group.

These individuals in Congress were more or less involved in carving up the Hi Claw Group during Garfield's absence. As a result, the individuals they sought either hid or were beaten and called daddy. After this series of actions, they

Only then did I realize that Hipaw Group is the real father.

On the other side of the portal, Garfield came to the Japanese island country and after seven years of exploitation, they successfully gathered some gold and obtained some Midi weapons through operations. Their original plan was to build a production line.

But Stark Industries of Midi is very stubborn and doesn't even look at them for making money.

For this reason, they even offered three times the price to buy the other party, but they still ignored it. Helplessly, they sent their most powerful Onmyoji combination in the hope of showing the power of their island country through mysterious power to get what they wanted.


As a result, after their powerful Onmyoji left, only one came back alive, and he was the messenger left behind to let them know that the Stark Group was not something they could mess with, and that if they came again, they would be able to defeat their country.

Divine toilet.

When I came to the island country, the old place where Garfield appeared, I looked at Kyoto in the Japanese island country. It was still like this. There were wooden houses everywhere. There were not many high-rise modern buildings. To be honest, the people of the island country were really not doing well.

The crooked melon is still short, so he will stay here for a while, and then Garfield casts the illusion spell to blend in with the surrounding welcome, buys the unpredictable ghosts and gods, and walks to the vault to check it out.


I found that there was not much inventory, which was annoying. It seems that they have used separate storage methods again.

After a few days of unannounced visits to Garfield, he said that he had found everything he could find. Garfield also found the text of the island country's plan to conspire to harm Asia. He made a copy of it and asked Old Carter to pass it on.

Save the innocent people of the world

After several days of searching, Garfield anchored all the storage locations, and then carried out his fixed discussion.

In the sky of the island country

Trends have been falling from the void for half a month in a row

Then the gold they prepared for launching a war of aggression disappeared, and many Onmyoji of the Japanese island country were killed or injured.

The mysterious power of the Japanese island country has been hit hard again.

After finishing these things, Garfield went to the Imperial Palace of Japan as usual before leaving. He transformed into a super-white 100-meter-long body covered with barbs and scales, and wandered around Tianhuang's head in Japan for a few times.


Ao Ao Ao

Roar for a while

Then he summoned a large meteorite and smashed it down

Seeing that he was panicking and begging for mercy on his knees, his legs were trembling, and his crotch was moist and yellow, Garfield left very satisfied.

The dragon is coming, and the reserves for the invasion of Asia are lost again. What should I do?

The Japanese military headquarters and the Onmyoji sect once again quarreled with each other, shirking the responsibilities of both parties.

Onmyoji: Even if you don’t give us money to go to Europe to slay that ancient dragon, look at it coming again.

Military: You are a bunch of trash. Didn’t you say it was foolproof last time when I gave you so much money and resources? You are trash and scum. That’s not true. You secretly found the dragon and almost captured it, right?

You have offended it, otherwise why did it take seven years to come?

Naturally, the Onmyoji would not admit this, so a dispute arose within them again, and the conflict between the military and the mysterious side became more serious.

Garfield returned to Carter Manor with his trophies, and began to prepare for refining in a familiar place and familiar position. When he was about to start work, a fat Scottish round-faced chicken dropped to Garfield from the barn with a letter in his mouth.

in front of.

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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