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Chapter 128 What power

 "Bah, if conditions permit, I would also like to be a healthy and happy ordinary person"

Steve's words silenced Baji. As their contact with society increased, they gradually realized that the world seemed more complicated than they imagined.

Silent for a long time

Thanks to the tacit understanding of being good friends for many years, Baji did not continue to persuade Steve. He just patted Steve on the shoulder: "Good brother, no matter what happens in the future, I will be with you, even if it is hell or hell."

The two looked at each other

Full of gay love

Garfield, Queenie, Xiao Hei and Xiao Jiu who happened to be outside the window couldn't help but get goosebumps all over their bodies.

Garfield was so envious that he said: "What a deep brotherhood."

Xiaojiu: "You are envious and jealous, you stinky cat. If you go to hell, there will be no man to save you."

Garfield thought for a while: "That's right, after all, my current cat life is a bit hateful."

Xiao Hei on the side came over and said seriously: "Don't worry, hell won't accept you like this."

Queenie hugged Garfield and said nothing. Only she knew what she was thinking in her heart.

After observing Steve and Baba some more, Garfield took the others away after eating some lemons. At the same time, he noticed something, He Hui's hand was stretched out, and he needed to do something.

After thinking about it along the way, Garfield decided to let Quan Nai take Xiong Da and Xiong Er to deal with them.

Quan Nai's intelligence is much higher than that of Xiong Da and Xiong Er, and can be used as a nail in the hand and meeting. Lin takes Xiong Da and Xiong Er to be responsible for the safety work of Hipaw Group. If Quan Nai is in any danger, he can be punished.


After settling this matter, Garfield asked Quan Nai to talk to him about being an undercover agent. Quan Nai said he had no objection.

Izuna: "I also want to experience their so-called ninjutsu"

Garfield: "You will be disappointed. Their power is much worse than that of your world. Infiltrate them, gain a high position, and then accumulate strength to destroy this cancer."

Quan Na nodded: "Understood, Lord Garfield"

Here we need to use the Ninja Cat Clan. Garfield returned home and told the story of the Ninja Cat Clan. He recruited five Ninja Cats and signed a contract with Quan Na, Lin, and Xiong Daxiong. One of them signed a contract with Queenie who stayed at home.

For communication.

Once one thing is done, another will follow, and Howard came as scheduled the next day.

Looking at the increasing number of people in Garfield's shop, Howard didn't look envious. He was keenly aware that each of these newcomers was much more dangerous than Lin.

Especially the very small fox with nine tails, Howard felt a little scary. According to legend, the fox with nine tails is a very powerful monster and can eat people~!

"Howard, why are you shaking?"

Howard pointed at Xiao Jiu lying next to Xiao Hei: "Nine-tailed fox, big monster"


Garfield rolled his eyes and looked down on Howard: "What do you know? Xiaojiu is not a cannibal like those dwarf legends. She is a super creature born from the power of tailed beasts. Although she also eats meat, she does not eat people."

Force Geometry?

Howard's curiosity aroused. He stared at Xiaojiu for a long time and made a gesture: "She is bigger than an apple. What kind of aggregation of power?"

What power?

Garfield was also a little unsure. What is ten tailed beasts? It's just a tree. The power of the extracted world is also very complicated. According to the five elements, nine tailed beasts are obviously not enough.

Rubbing his chin, Garfield thought for a long time before giving Howard an improvised answer: "It is a kind of power that destroys the world. It was separated by a world boss after he dismantled a world-destroying creature.

The specifics have nothing to do with you, let’s talk about something serious”

Doesn't matter?

The world has been destroyed, but things in the other world don’t really seem to matter much.

Write it down in your own notebook and study it later. Now let’s talk about the matter in front of you.

"Stark Industries' current orders, quantities and trends" handed Garfield a large pile of reports and data. Howard sat on the small bench and waited for Garfield to read.

As a cat, especially an orange cat, would you look at these seriously?

Of course it won’t happen

Garfield just looked at the quantity of the order and the corresponding country, and ignored the rest. Anyway, there is professional personnel management. As for their loyalty, a Loyalty Charm plus a salary sufficient for their status and status is enough.


There is one thing in the report that makes Garfield very wary, that is, those people from the island country want to buy a large-tonnage forging press.

Garfield thought for a moment and realized that the large-tonnage forging press should be used to make large surface ships. The goal is simply to expand the maritime military power of their island country and challenge the United States in the future.

Originally, Garfield didn't want Howard to give it to them, but he turned around and thought again. If they don't go crazy, they will provoke the behemoth of Midi, so that they can control the nine heads of Midi's top management.

Being unable to stop the Japanese from participating in the war gave the arrogant El Chapo a hard lesson, and also saved certain countries and people from suffering disasters. What’s more, the island nation’s El Chapo navy and army are notoriously at odds with each other.

Hey hey hey

Although he couldn't directly intervene, Garfield was still happy to do something like saving the country through curves. He pointed to the island country's request for purchase: "Sell this to them, but at a high price, and the core components are made into a combination. Internally

If the safety device is installed and they dare to disassemble it for research, it will be automatically damaged."

Howard was a little curious: "Garfield, don't you like them? Why are you still like this?"

Garfield told Howard with a serious face: "Actually, the thing is like this. More than 90% of all the wars known in the world are instigated by some evil organizations with evil minds in order to achieve their ulterior motives.

The purpose of people, and the Japanese island country is one of them. Behind them, there are several organizations with bad minds who are planning these things."

Howard looked shocked: "Is that possible?"

Garfield asked him: "Why is it impossible? Did you know that cats could talk before? Did you know that there were mages? Right?"

Howard: "Yes, then you know why these organizations don't eliminate them?"

Garfield: "When it comes to evidence, if I kill some of their senior officials and family members without any reason, I will be regarded as a madman and a wanted criminal. Besides, even if I kill those people who are on the surface,

What do people behind the scenes do?"

"So, in order to completely dismantle their conspiracy and attack their power, what we have to do is to push them when they are not paying attention, disrupt their layout, and let them follow their plans.

A prepared state becomes an unprepared state, and then we use our advantages to defeat them...."

Howard fell into deep thought after listening to thousands of words. He was thinking about whether what Garfield said was feasible.

a long time

Howard shook his head and objected: "I think there should be a different approach."

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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