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Chapter 162 What about Loki?

 More than a thousand years

For more than 300,000 days and nights, Hela was imprisoned here, with nothing but sea creatures and the occasional passing human ship.

Looking at the seats and benches here, Hela was very emotional, then waved and burned all the things.

Seeing these things turn into dust, Hela felt instantly relieved.

A smile leaked from the corner of the mouth

Hela planned to leave here. Before leaving, she looked at the several colorful long worms in the sea cube and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad war weapons, little orange cat, you are really capable. I hope I, Hela,

There is no wrong choice”

Aimlessly, Hela wandered around Europe for a few times to experience Europe in this era, which was in a special period of economic crisis and nearby war. The tense and anxious atmosphere was very useful to Hela.


Although she didn't like this backward technology, she was very interested in the atmosphere. Within two days, Hela arrived at Hans Cat territory.

After Odin returned to the fairy palace, Frigga comforted Odin. Day and night for more than a thousand years, Odin had been paying attention to the situation of his eldest daughter, the jewel in his eye. Now she has escaped from her original destiny.

Odin and Frigga were both happy and sad. They understood Odin's inner thoughts. Frigga didn't say anything. She just needed to arrange the welcome ceremony.

After Ancient One took Garfield back to Karma Taj, Ancient One took out a book from his pocket and handed it to Garfield, and then threw the Time Stone to him.

"Master, what does it mean?"

"The book was given by Odin. It records how to use Asgard's divine power of light. I gave you the time stone because I am afraid that you will cause something irreparable when you use the spell."

Oh, so that’s what it looks like. Garfield scratched his head, hugged Gu Yi’s thigh, and moaned: “Master, it’s better that you treat your disciple well, and I will never repay you.”

Gu Yi pointed at the gate and said a simple word: "Go away, stop howling here, follow me like you are torturing a cat"


After rubbing the dirt on his fur against Gu Yi's thigh, Garfield quickly opened the portal and returned to his home in New York.

After saying hello to his family, Garfield entered his own lower space, went to the branch of a tree near the cabin where Grindelwald was educated in the underground space, and began his own research.

Taking out the book that Gu Yi handed to him, just looking at the golden metal shell, Garfield felt that a stick embedded in it could be used as a war hammer.

There were several golden Asgardian characters on it. After reading them, Garfield said he didn't recognize them. This was weird.

When you open it, you will find that the whole book only has one page on the left and one on the left. This is the ghost again.

When Garfield was puzzled, a projection of the entire system popped up on the page, and it turned out to be text options.

As an orange living around the world, I naturally chose Chinese.

Click in

A line of text "Basics of Asgard's Light Spell" began to appear on the page.

So advanced

Holding a reloadable tablet, Garfield waved his claws and began to flip through the pages. First, the first page was the table of contents, which recorded that there were magic horses in this book, and then there was an explanation of the element of light.

Then there are the applications of basic light spells, exorcism, cold exorcism, lighting, light shields, lightsabers, light arrows, light spears and light cats, light element conversion weapons, etc. I flipped through hundreds of thousands of words.

Coupled with some magic circles and runes, Garfield felt that he could not finish it in one day.

After a few casual pulls, Garfield thought it was better to forget it and go back to Asgard to become a son and ask Odin or Frigga.

As for Thor and Loki, they are not within the scope of consideration. One is a partial scientist whose mind is full of Meowth Hammer, and the other is an excellent melee spell, and he screamed when he was beaten.

I stayed at home for two days and lived a normal life. Except for my old friend Henry Morgan, who came over to have a meal with Garfield, the old cowboy Roy came over very diligently.

Every time we come, we end up talking about a period, which is the issue of joining the underworld police station.

"Brother Orange Cat, just admit it"

"Old cowboy, I firmly disagree with this. I will never succumb to the feet of a Godzilla."


Of course, the old cowboy Roy didn't know Pandora's name here in Garfield. Garfield pointed to his head: "That's the director you mentioned. She's called Godzilla here."

"Godzilla, well, this name is so strange, does it have any meaning?"

"This is the name of a super ancient behemoth that can destroy the civilization of an entire planet with just one head."

Come on, come on, Roy really can't imagine what a super ancient behemoth that can destroy the world looks like. Could it be the kind of beast that can stand up to the sky and be several kilometers long? It's like in a fairy tale.

Describe that kind of world-destroying existence?

So, the ancient myths and legends are true. Roy scratched his long beard and curiously asked Garfield: "Are those ancient legends that destroyed the world true? Once these creatures appear, will God destroy them?"



Garfield couldn't think of an answer to the question Roy asked. According to previous myths, most of the monsters that came out were cosmic creatures that accidentally broke into the earth. Those so-called gods would dispatch their own monsters when they were still alive.

Strength to eliminate them and ensure stability within their own sphere of influence.

But now, there is only one seedling left in Asgard. Most of the rest have left. Even those who have not left, like the moon god, just don’t know when to throw some divine power to bless them.

Some lucky kid.

Such as Moon Knight

"Generally speaking, if there are cosmic creatures that should not be on the earth, there will be supernatural beings who know them to destroy them. But now, the gods are almost gone. This job...

Someone took it over many years ago”

Saying this, Garfield suddenly remembered that Kama Taj's current role is to deal with these invading foreign creatures.

Sure enough, the cat's memory is a bit insufficient, so I have to find a way to upgrade myself later.

Roy curiously asked Garfield: "It doesn't mean much if you know this. I'm going to Asgard in two days. If you have any special dead ghosts that you can't deal with or if you find strange creatures, just come to the store directly."

, naturally someone will come forward to deal with it."

Roy didn't dwell on the issue anymore, hung out at Garfield's, got a good cigar box, and a glass of whiskey before leaving.

Half a month passed quickly, and on the streets of New York, Garfield could block the entire street for the same day, looking at the colorful rainbow that fell on time in the sky, and it was time to be a son.

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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