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Chapter 184 Star Ring

 The bridgehead of Rainbow Bridge

Garfield is wearing pale golden armor. The armor covers 99% of Garfield's body. It is folded in multiple layers and has leather armor inlays inside. The key parts are made of unknown soft metal. The dwarf king Ai Cui is on the star ring.

Custom-made for him.

He wore the magical costume for the first time. With the blessing of the divine costume, Garfield felt that his mana seemed to have become more powerful, and it was easier to mobilize the power of the heavens. As for the style, it was a bit modern and fairy-like. If it weren't for the head

If the ring on it could emit light and generate electricity, Garfield thinks the effect would be better.

The story starts five days ago. After Angela returned, Thor went to find his father Odin and applied for punishment on the Kree shortly after his conversation with Garfield, which was less than ten minutes.


In order to train a qualified successor, Odin naturally readily agreed, and the time was set in seven days.

Then Garfield was approached by his lover, Craftsman Hammer, who had been waiting for him, and he hurriedly took Garfield to the dwarf's workshop, above the star ring.

In that movie, in the huge ring factory surrounding a processed white dwarf star, three hundred dwarves were busy. Some of them were making Asgardian armor and weapons, and some were working on it.

Make some weird things.

The hammer leading the way told Garfield: "We have accepted orders from several special races in the universe, and some powerful weapons require the permission of the God King."

Garfield saw an elf with pointed ears on the road. Don’t the two families have a bad relationship?

"You still have close contact with elves?"

Hammer: "Some weapons that require enchantment and magic materials can only be found in elves. Many races can enchant them, but elves are more practical and beautiful."

"So that's how it is"

Garfield greeted the elf, and the elf knew who Garfield was the first time he saw Garfield. It has long been known that Odin adopted an orange cat as his godson, and also found his long-lost cat.


Some people say that Odin has been very lucky recently, and they hope to shake hands with him and get some luck.

Elf Dream is not too cold about this, and luck is not something they can't do. They just need to make some special potions and combine them with magic. As for the cost.

I'm sorry that you have changed your original destiny. The price you will pay in the future will exceed your imagination.

Passing by the dwarf's workbench, Garfield saw the dwarf king Ai Cui, who was over three meters tall. Ai Cui was wearing smoky makeup, which was caused by the gases involved in the metal when the furnace was heated.

"Hello, Your Highness the Prince"

"Hello Ai Cui"

"You're welcome, we are honored to be able to undertake the production of your magical costumes"

"Oh, Eitri, you are so polite. Dwarves and Asgard support each other, right? Your gang leader, Asgard, makes weapons to protect your homeland, and the Asgardians use these weapons to protect you."

"Yes, His Highness the Prince is right, but being able to serve the great Odinson family is an honor in itself"

Looking at Eitri's dog-licking look, Garfield could imagine that the dwarves who were able to open a factory in this place to make artifacts admired the Odinson family so much. This shows how powerful the Odinson family was back then.


After following Ai Cui for a while, Garfield came to a large workshop. The workshop was very spacious. On the screen projected by the projector, there were listed some armor production styles. There were more than ten different styles, and there were a pair of specific ones that he agreed with.

Pointy cat ears.

Ai Cui pointed at the screen and said to Garfield: "This is our design for your startup. There are fifteen templates in total. I don’t know which one you like."

After checking it carefully, Garfield shook his head: "It's not to my liking. Look, this set of protection is enough, but it looks too bulky. It doesn't look like a cat anymore, but more like Steel Garurumon."

This one is humanoid, and I am a four-legged beast. This protection looks too little. I don’t need a bikini..."

All the armors had been picked over by Garfield. Ai Cui scratched his head helplessly and apologized to Garfield: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, the design of our dwarves is lacking."

"Hey, everyone has different ideas. Don't you have a few elf enchanters here? If they are not busy, call them over and let the three of us discuss it together."


If it were someone else, Eitri would definitely let him take it wherever he likes. The things made by dwarves are all marketable and priceless treasures. In other words, only the talents of the Odinson family can bargain with the dwarves.


Of course, you don't need Ai Cui to go in person to call people. The dwarf technology that can forge artifacts is naturally not available. A communicator can do it. Soon an elf girl came over.

Before she came, she had been told to redesign the armor for the third prince of Asgard, the orange cat Garfield. As an elf girl who follows the dwarfs and has a lot to talk about in terms of aesthetics, she was very happy, and she was more able to slap in the face.

Their time is short.


"Hello, Prince, my name is Fu Nuowan, an enchanter from the Elf Kingdom. I am honored to be able to help you. Your fur is very smooth. Can you let me hold you for a while? The environment here is very bad for my family.

Even the little flowers can’t come over..."

The elf girl's extraordinary enthusiasm reminded Garfield of Angie and Fran, and her talkativeness far exceeded the former. Garfield felt that this girl must have talked too much and was sent here.
After trying to break free from Fu Nuowan's arms, Garfield decided to give up. At the same time, it was certain that these long-eared elves all liked furry creatures.

Ai Cui was helpless. His dwarves looked much worse than the elves. If he hugged His Highness like this, he would probably be scratched and bleed.

At the same time, I am also a little sad that the dwarves’ aesthetics have been denied.

With the efforts of Garfield, Ai Cui, and Fu Nuowan, it took less than an afternoon to design the appearance of the new armor, and then the functions were conceived.

The reason why artifacts are called artifacts is that they are not only powerful, but also able to change with the growth and physical changes of the user.

While changing, the artifact must not have any impact on the user's comfort or mana strength, and the defense must not be reduced. It can even be said that with the blessing of energy at certain specific moments, the artifact must be able to grow on its own.

I don’t know whether Ai Cui was trying to save face in front of the elves or was rich, so he actually took out some of his treasures.

Dying Star Compressor

Rare metal creatures


A long list of rare magic materials traded from the elves

Garfield was shocked and took out a large amount of vibranium.

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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