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Chapter 231 Misunderstanding

 Knowing that her efforts were ineffective, Padmé thought about it and decided to rely on herself.

From what Binks said, Padmé knew that their underwater clan had some fighting power. Although they could not defeat the Trade Federation head-on, they could still do well by containing the opponent's head-on fighting power and then raiding the flagship.

Once you have an idea, the next step is to take action.

Qui Jinn knew that Garfield was controlling everything on the Trade Federation's spaceship, so he resisted telling Padme the actual situation about her plan.

In order to draw out the imprisoned Palpatine and let him reveal the truth so that they can capture the evidence, it is best not to let Padmé know about it for the time being.

With their secrets in hand, Qui-Jin Jin and Obi-Wan boarded Padmé's spaceship on the pretext of helping others to the end and followed them back.

Along the way

Qui Jinta began to educate Anakin on some philosophies of life, hoping to maintain his kindness in Anakin's subconscious through his tireless efforts.

In his office, Palpayan watched the silver shuttle fly away from Coruscant, and then opened a secret communication channel to connect with his apprentice Darth Maul.


The messy signals gave Palpayan some bad premonitions, but fortunately, his disciple appeared after a while.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Why didn't they give me a reward if you didn't stop Padmé? And where are you now?"

"Zhizhizhizhi, Master, I encountered a cosmic storm, and the communication equipment was seriously damaged. I just arrived at the wàiwéi on the planet Naboo...zhizhizhizhi..."

Looking at the communication he had interrupted, Palpatine felt an unknown rage in his heart.

After venting his breath into the air for a while, Palpayan calmed down his mood and contacted the group of cannon fodder from the Trade Federation that blocked the planet Naboo.

The communication will be connected soon

The big bat spirit saluted Palpayan: "Lord Sidious, what are your orders?"

"Has Das arrived?"

"The fleet's radar discovered a small spacecraft approaching, but the communication connection was not successful. According to the identification code sent by the other party, it may be Lord Das"

After hearing the evidence from the Trade Alliance, Palpayan felt more at ease. There is only one true master and apprentice in the Sith. The only way for an apprentice to become a master is when the master dies. In other words, they have the chance to kill their master.


Palpa was deeply involved, so he worried whether Darth Maul was doing something behind the scenes.

With doubts in his heart, Palpayan already had the idea in his heart that he was going to deceive his backup candidate, Count Dooku.

On the planet Naboo, within the warning range of the Trade Federation's spacecraft, Darth Maul's spaceship was surrounded by a group of drones and landed in Nagku.

Darth Maul opened his eyes. After staying up for three days, he slept soundly along the way. He didn't wake up until the spacecraft landed.

Looking at the group of robots and Destroyers in front of him, he felt a little confused. Could it be that the navigation of his spaceship was wrong and that he did not come to the cowardly rat hole spaceship of the Trade Federation?

Or is it: Sidious is ready to get rid of himself?

Those timid rats in the Trade Federation must not dare to treat themselves like this on their own, so it must be Sidious who wants to get rid of him?


I, Darth Maul, know that Sidious is a very bad guy.

Seeing that he was surrounded by an army of robots, especially since he was familiar with the Destroyer's power, it was obviously impossible for him to kill him with his lightsaber.

Several robot team captains said to Darth Maul in the small spacecraft: "Hand over the lightsaber, raise your hands and surrender to meet our great master."

great master

This stinky name must be Sidious. Darth Maul opened his eyes wide and roared: "Sidious, I hate you."

He was escorted by four Destroyers and countless war robots along the way. He didn't have the lightsaber on him now. If he dared to mess around, he would be shot by the laser.

g into roasted meat.

Darth Maul was not without a chance to make a comeback. He felt that when he entered the control room and used the pair of robot soldiers, most of them would leave. At that time, he would only need to use the Force to regain his lightsaber, then chop randomly and finally kill the Trade Federation's.

Just keep those bat spirits in check.

Then he can in turn make them loyal to him, and then naturally take revenge on Sidious who abandoned him.

Everything was planned perfectly

Darth Maul arrived at the main control room swaying.

In the main control room, except for a big bat spirit governor wearing a red robe, there was no bat spirit he was familiar with.

Several robots with unique shapes are busy in front of the console, and a large ball of food is placed on the console.

Darth Maul saw an orange dumpling rolling back and forth in the pile of food.

None of this is important

Escorting Darth Maul to the main control room, the robot team leader threw the lightsaber in his hand in front of the food pile: "Master, the prisoner is about to be delivered."

Then turned around

Main control room

Only the Big Bat, Darth Maul, and a few robots are left.

Darth Maul stared at the lightsaber that he didn't want to see in the distance, then looked at the red bat spirit, and threatened him: "If you kneel down and surrender now, it's not too late, otherwise I will make you look good."

The big bat spirit held his head high and raised his head: "Our great master will let you know what Jiao Zuren is like"

"Bah, that coward Sidious has never dared to show his true face to others, so how could he be so great?"

The big bat spirit also had a look of disdain: "What is Sidious? He is just an ant. Only our great master Garfield Pando Godzilla Pendragon is the greatest being in this universe."
Darth Maul, part-timer, couldn't believe his ears. That timid and obedient rat spirit actually dared to say that about Sidious, and who is that Godzilla?

"Governor, are you awake? And what the hell is that guy?"

Big Bat: "Darth Maul, maybe it's not too late for you to kneel down and pay allegiance to our great master Garfield Pendo Godzilla Pendragon?"

"Humph, he's just a scumbag, what's the use of him?"

Darth Maul heard the sound coming from the pile of food. He turned his head and saw an orange cat holding a piece of meat in his mouth, holding his own lightsaber in his paws and playing with it.

Press and hold the red switch

The red lightsaber pops out

Garfield carefully probed the Sith lightsaber, and then revealed his disdain: "Forcing the Kyber Crystal to surrender to the dark force, although increasing the lethality of the lightsaber can lead to extreme instability within the crystal."

"The Sith has been a Sith for so many years, but they don't know how to study the improved lightsaber or something. It's like those decadent Jedi knights who can't change the way of fighting when they see the decline of the Force."

"You two are equally rotten and degenerate. I originally wanted to keep you, but I thought you were useless."

Darth Maul took advantage of Garfield to speak and activated the Force

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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