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Chapter 258: Jean Gray’s Boring Day

 HiZhao Group Headquarters

The top of the towering building, above the clouds, overlooking the earth.

Garfield did not buy the entire building, because there was no need, there were not that many employees, and there was no need for that many people, except for a group of necessary maintenance personnel and event personnel recruited later.<


There is no public relations department

No planning

There are also no artists and a large number of people that a normal game company should have.

In addition, now is the interstellar era, there is no need for you to go to the company in person, you can complete most of the work at home.

The so-called office has mostly a symbolic meaning. With the popularity of the game, the rent of the entire building has also increased. However, the rent of the Hipaw Group has not increased too much. The landlord is very friendly to the people. As long as he gives out some special skin every year.

It’s OK if he does it all.

As a good and considerate cat, Garfield naturally meets the needs of others.

In fact, Garfield has the funds to buy not only one building, but also ten buildings. After all, real estate on Coruscant is more expensive, but not as expensive as a Star Destroyer.

Joan Gray lazily got up from the bed. She played too late last night. She didn't go to bed until about four o'clock in the morning. As for what she was playing, she was naturally playing games. As the main person in charge of the company's permission,

Although she is not involved in the internal design and management of the game, you have to understand, right?

To play a game, you need to have a real game experience, so she didn’t buy herself any GM suits or special equipment decided by the boss, but she was swimming in the ocean of the game as a handicapped person.

Although it is common to put boxes on the floor and deliver express delivery, she never gets tired of it.

Being woken up by her robot butler in a daze, Jean Gray rolled back and forth in bed and refused to get up.

In the end, it was the high-rise mansion in Genting that finally made her get up because of the ancient sunshine.

Getting up from the bed, Joan Gray perfectly showed off her proud S-shaped figure. This mansion was bought by her boss as a reward for her performance.

I have been unemployed for so long, my resume has been lost in the job market for more than a year, and I have been living a miserable life every day. Suddenly, I was valued by an unknown boss, and then I started to form and run a company.

The establishment of the company can be handled by anyone with some skills. As for the current development and growth of the group, it is also based on the game and the boss's gāozhā

Yuan Yan, in fact, she knew very well that she was able to achieve what she did today because of good luck.

It's not like she hasn't been ridiculed by others, especially those who went bankrupt and her colleagues scolded her behind her back, and even hoped to replace her. However, they unfortunately didn't share the boss's contact information, and they were ridiculed a lot.



I thought you were bankrupt~!

HiZhao Group is doing well.

It’s not that no one has tried to imitate one. After all, it’s just some codes and pictures. In the era of Star Wars, robots replaced humans to complete tasks too quickly.

However, there are no eggs

Galaxy Survival, which has covered the entire universe, is the mainstream. You can also play in the niche, but not many people will play it.

Jean Gray knows that she is hated by people, so the security level of her own place and office building is no less than a military restricted zone.

It's not for the sake of confidentiality. After all, there is nothing to keep secret. The server is inside their building. For safety, Garfield has mobilized two Star Destroyers right above their heads. A large number of Hornet fighter jets and robot soldiers patrol around the clock. If anyone dares to mess around,

Just send them back to nature.

It’s not like there are no such people, some lunatics, greedy losers hire some desperate space mercenaries, thieves, robbers and the like.

Then the robots will beat people into gags or turn into fireworks in mid-air.

During the safety period, three layers of protective layers were installed near the Hijaw Group's building, especially underground, to prevent casualties caused by falling metal fragments.

There were still very few people inside Hipaw Group before, but now due to the popularity of the game, many fans come here hoping to visit it. For this reason, Garfield specially built an exhibition hall on a certain floor for them to visit.

But the real office building will not be opened.

After getting up, Jean Gray did a little exercise, took a shower, and walked to the dining table to eat the breakfast prepared by the robot chef.

Then ask your secretary about today’s work schedule.

In fact, there is not one secretary, but a team, consisting of 10 people and robots, each with its own division of labor. At least 4 of them are on call by Jean Gray's side every day.

Joan Gray: "What are the work arrangements for today?"

Secretary: "Except for not going to the boss to report the work, there is only one thing. Yesterday the housekeeper sent a message saying that it was the new tax officer who wanted to chat with you."

Tax officer?

Her company has always been transparent about its income. She didn't know why she did this at first, but she later understood.

Financial transparency, all income is on the bright side, you can check it at will, and you don’t need to share part of your energy to deal with anything.

When taxes are high, naturally no one will come to you, especially since Garfield still holds the title of Jedi Elder, even in honorary terms.

What do the Jedi elders represent? They are the high-level law enforcement powers of the Galactic Republic. They are only responsible for security and peace, but this does not prevent them from getting rid of some moths.

New tax officer?

Jean Gray scratched his head and said to himself: "When will there be a new tax officer?"

Secretary: "I checked that it is an official communication"

She always felt that something was wrong there, so Joan Gray still followed the formality: "Ask the other party when it is convenient for me to arrive, and I will go to their headquarters to talk."

The machine recognition secretary came in handy, and I connected to the Internet and sent the reply email.

Not long after, the robot secretary's internal email program replied again: "The other party replied to the message and the new tax officer will come over personally and go to the headquarters of our group."


Go to headquarters

Jean Gray didn't want to go. She didn't have much work today. She wanted to go to the Jedi Temple to repay the work, and by the way, she could suck the cat and have a hearty lunch.

Although she is rich now and her living conditions are very good, she still feels that the same ingredients taste best at her boss's place.

Maybe it’s because the orange liquid-like cat body of my boss has a special electromagnetic wave that makes me feel that the food is delicious.

The secretarial team all knew about Joan Gray's preferences. Once she had a boss, Joan Gray's room was filled with orange cat toys, which the cats in the family disliked very much.

But I don’t know what they think, whether they like it or not. They never go back to mess with those toys, and they won’t be as close to Jean Gray as before. If Jean Gray hadn’t taken the initiative to hug them, they would have snatched them away.

Far away.

The secretary reminded Jean Gray, who was looking in the direction of the Jedi Temple and was eager to try: "Ma'am, work comes first."

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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