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Chapter 263 Harold Cooper

 The Force can control the thinking of most carbon-based creatures

The dark force is better at this

John Gartler, who had been accompanying Palpatine for a long time in preparation for rejecting him and capturing him, felt dizzy in front of his eyes, and an idea flashed in his mind.

He's right

Promise him


John Gartler resisted instinctively, and Palpatine watched the other person struggle, his eyes full of displeasure.

"I'm a little police detective. I've been acting with you for so long, but I didn't expect you to still reject me, so I can only give you something cruel."

The dark force spurted out from Palpatine's hand, and John struggled for several minutes before finally falling completely.

Looking at the other person who had mixed up, Palpatine smiled and ordered his subordinates lurking beside him: "Put him on the bed and let's go."

"Yes, Lord Sidious"

The next day, John woke up from his sleep and rubbed his head, feeling a little groggy.

What's going on? What happened yesterday?

Oh, by the way, help Chancellor Palpatine clear the opponent's grievances and defeat the evil Jedi Order and the thankless orange cat.

He always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't explain it. He vaguely ordered his smart butler to prepare breakfast for him, and then took his speed car and rushed to the headquarters.

After arriving at the headquarters, the service robot guarding the door greeted him: "Hello, Agent John Gartler"

"Hello, c92, how are you today?"

"Oh, it's not good. The speeding incident a few days ago caused a lot of negative news. The director is trying to find a way to deal with it. Since the director is not in a good mood, I suggest you not go to him."

"Thank you for your suggestion, c92"

John Gartler walked up and walked in, and c92 reminded him again: "Detective Gartler, everyone is waiting for your good news."

Good news

"Oh, damn it, I almost forgot about it"

John Gartler helplessly covered his forehead. It seemed that he didn't get an autograph yesterday. What should I do?

As a mature detective, he knows that he can't just sit in the office when handling cases, so after punching in, John is ready to yo-yo.

When Hong Kong turned around, he saw a big man over 2.5 meters tall and looking like a rhinoceros. Such a huge thing blocked the way in, and John felt nervous.

It's his own director, Harold Cooper

"Hello Director, I'm just going to report to you"

The other party held a palm like a super big cattail leaf fan and patted John's shoulder. John felt that his shoulder bones were about to break.

"John, come to my office"



In fact, John wanted to refuse in his heart, but his body still followed him involuntarily.

After entering the director's office, the opponent's huge body pressed against the specially-made seat, and John could even hear the overwhelmed scream of the all-metal seat.

"Director, what do you want from me?"

"John, you know how much this case has affected us. The media from all over the universe have come to Coruscant to wait for news of solving the case. All kinds of rumors are spread every day. You are the only hope for our village."
The whole village?

Okay, let’s take the whole village.

"Director, don't worry, I already have a general direction in mind"

The burly Chief Harold Cooper was overjoyed after hearing this and asked John happily: "Oh, can you tell me which direction?"

John Gartler pointed outside: "I think it's Jean Gray who knows that Orange Cat Garfield, the owner of Hi Claw Group, is plotting to steal the Galactic Republic.


They were killed and silenced by the other party."

Director Harold Cooper raised his head and glanced at John: "You are joking, right?"

In the eyes of the other party, John shook his head: "No, am I joking? The Jedi Order is also involved."


Before John could finish speaking, the other party slapped him with a big mouth, and John flew up from his seat and landed heavily on the window.

With his face pressed against the window, he slowly slid to the floor.

After watching John Gartler stand up, Harold Cooper walked up to him and said seriously: "John, do you know what you said?"

There were strange circles in John Gartler's eyes, and he was in a trance, as if he had entered another world.

My eyelids are a little heavy

John Gartler closed his eyes and passed out.

Seeing that the other party fainted, Harold Cooper scratched his head. He had a good grasp of his strength. The other party looked miserable at best. Could it be that John, a brat like John, had made a mistake today and was pretending on purpose?


Thinking of the other party's naughty appearance, Harold Cooper thought that the other party was just pretending, so he ignored him and returned to his seat, calmly waiting for John Gartler to wake up.

About ten minutes later, Harold Cooper watched John's fingers move, and became more sure of his idea. Sure enough, the other person was pretending to be dead.

These subordinates of mine are so naughty, especially this John Gartler, who is extremely smart. He solved a special case as the youngest person in history and was promoted to detective. Over the years, he has solved many cases.

There are also quite a few, and they are hailed as future stars.

Why did I slap him today? It was actually very simple. When I was young, I went on a mission. It was originally just a simple arrest mission, but I accidentally encountered fierce space pirates. In fact, what seemed to be a simple case was actually disguised by these pirates.

Their thumbnails are not small.

What to do if you encounter danger? Harold Cooper, a young police officer, can do nothing. At the moment of life and death, a pair of Jedi masters and apprentices hold lightsabers and descend from the sky, killing everyone.

Killed all the enemies and saved his name.

Later, with the help of his Jedi master and apprentice, Harold Cooper went on a series of adventures and finally investigated everything thoroughly. He was rewarded with a promotion and formed an indissoluble bond with him.
Over the years, I have maintained a good relationship with the Jedi Order, and with the help of the master and apprentice pair, I have successfully solved many sensational cases. I have also risen through the ranks to the position of director of the General Administration.

Unfortunately, some time ago, the Jedi Knight I knew passed away unexpectedly. Unfortunately, I was not a member of the Jedi Order. I could only see him for the last time at Huo Huo's funeral, and now I can only remember his photos.<


Thinking of his gas consumption, Harold Cooper turned his head and looked at the photo of himself and the other person at work, as well as the following paragraph.

Friendship lasts forever

Harold Cooper, Count Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn

{The author was a little dizzy. Only now did he realize that he had been using the wrong name. He will change it here in the future}

John Gartler stood up and looked at his director Harold Cooper with a blank look on his face and said: "Director, why am I here?"

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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