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Chapter 290 Centaur Tribe

 What is there in the Forbidden Forest, herbs, monsters, unicorns, centaurs, everything.

Some are highly toxic

Some are delicacies

Pinch off the head, dip it in some horseradish and bite it off.


Chicken flavor

Five times more protein than beef


Tastes good

Roasted Warcraft Fragrant and sweet Roasted Warcraft

Mom, I want to eat grilled World of Warcraft

Eat, eat big pieces

Two are enough

That's enough, thank you mom

When Garfield flew out of Hogwarts, the fat Scottish round-faced chickens who were delivering letters in the sky were so frightened that they scattered away.

They looked at Garfield with horrified eyes, as if recalling the coming of their ancestors' first bald eagle.

It is said that an eagle fell asleep on a branch, and a cat lay on it, and then the owl family came into being.

"Oh my God, it's an orange cat"

"Cats can fly"

"Run quickly"

"What are you running for?"

"Think about the stories told in ancient times about the origin of our owl family"

The round-faced Scottish fat chickens were so scared that their hair almost fell off.

Although they don’t know whether this story is true or not, as intelligent magical creatures, cats must do something.

When the fat Scottish chickens with round faces watched Garfield flying further and further into the Forbidden Forest, they gradually calmed down and flew back to the Hogwarts restaurant to deliver the goods in their paws to the target.

Grab some food along the way or charge for mail delivery.

After flying into the Forbidden Forest, Garfield did not fall directly to the ground, but landed on the top of the tall trees, overlooking the entire Forbidden Forest.




Except for a few hunters at the top of the food chain who can move freely during the day, most weak creatures choose to go out at night.

The same is true for the Forbidden Forest at this time

Garfield flew from one treetop to another, except for disturbing some of the birds that lived on the books.

Is it because it’s too close to Hogwarts?

For the safety of students, Hogwarts should clean up unsafe factors at the edge of the Forbidden Forest every year.

Thinking of this, Garfield, who originally planned to hang around for a while, decided to go deeper inside.

In the Forbidden Forest, according to the book, Garfield, a centaur tribe, planned to take a look, forget about the werewolves and so on. These guys are too smelly and violent.

There should also be bowtruckles and wild croakers.

Unicorns look good, so Garfield is thinking about getting a few and raising them.

The unicorns here are very different from the monsters in mythology or fantasy stories that have the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

They were killed by Quirrell, who was not very good at magic, and several of them were killed. It felt like they were just wizarding world horses with one horn.

Carefully recall what is in the woods.

Acromantula not yet

Thestrals, unicorns, centaurs, werewolves, Graup

It will be decades before the flying Ford Anglia comes out

Lu Wei, the three-headed dog from Hell, is not here yet

Hippogriffs, deer and roe deer.

Count the eight-eyed thestrals, unicorns, centaurs, and werewolves that cannot be eaten.

Graup doesn't know anything.

Hippogriffs, deer, roe deer, etc. seem pretty good.

Once you have a target, it will be much easier to handle. You can just wander around the Forbidden Forest, look at the edible things in the forest, grab them, tie them up and stuff them into your pockets.

Garfield was making a fuss all the way and knocked away dogs. During the flight, Garfield even saw a dragon flying past in the distance.

The dragons in the HP world are not even comparable to the chatty dragon Smaug, and are similar to the larger flying dragons in the WOW world.

It is said that dragon meat is very nutritious. Garfield did not say that he had never eaten the dragon meat that Newt brought. After thinking about it, he decided not to attack wild dragons first. There should be a complete food chain in the Forbidden Forest. He caught a lot, especially the food chain.

It would be bad if the powerful individuals at the top were captured and turned around, causing a butterfly effect that would lead to the death of Harry and Ron in the future.

When Garfield was flying around, he discovered a gathering of centaurs in the Forbidden Forest.

As they have entered a new era, the Centaur tribe has long lived a hunting life in ancient times.

Natural Selection If it weren't for the wizards hiding behind the scenes to control the development of ordinary human society and explore the Centaur tribe, they probably wouldn't have survived for a hundred years.

After going around the hospital and seeing that they had almost packed up all the edible food, Garfield randomly found a centaur camp and planned to borrow a place to light a fire and barbecue.

After flying for a few minutes, Garfield looked at a centaur tribe.

The Centaur tribe was built on the mountain, in the shape of stairs up and down. It looks like a circle with a diameter of 300 meters, with some stone houses and some tents made of animal skins scattered here and there.

A closer look revealed that these tents were all made of stones. It seems that this centaur tribe is not too primitive.

In the middle of the tribe is a large bonfire with some centaurs surrounding it.

Directly north of the fire is a stone building that is twice larger than the surrounding buildings. There are guards on the threshold and totems decorated with some animal bones.

It seems to be the residence of the centaur tribe leader or prophet.

There are some guard towers scattered around the centaur tribe, and there are several centaurs on the guard towers in the realm.

The whole tribe looks very clean, there is no mess, and overall it looks pretty good

The orange cat fell from the sky and opened its mouth to catch the fire and roast it, but it shocked the centaur tribe in the world.

Those who hold bows and arrows take bows and arrows

He who holds an ax takes an axe

The Garfield fence was immediately enclosed.


"Don't move"

"Where did the evil wizard come from?"

"Turn into a cat to trick us"

"Kill it"

Holding the stick and looking around, Garfield shouted at them without fear: "Meow!"

Realizing that his cat language might not be useful for communication, Garfield changed to Ingrid: "I am the new teacher invited by Hogwarts. If you have nothing to do, come and wander around the Forbidden Forest. If you don't believe me, you can ask Dippe.

"Special Principal"

After Garfield finished speaking, the centaurs whispered to each other, and then looked at Garfield with doubtful eyes.

One of the suspected ringleader centaurs questioned Garfield: "Are you really a teacher at Hogwarts and not some dark wizard who turns into a cat and harms people?"

"Why are you lying to you? You poor people have nothing to lie to. Why don't you just go to Hogwarts and ask?"

Centaur leader: "Although it's not far from Hogwarts, it still takes an hour to run back and forth at full speed."

half an hour

For Garfield, it’s a matter of minutes.

I raised my paw and drew a circle for the portal. On the opposite side of the portal is the door where I can clearly see Hogwarts.

The centaurs gathered around and whispered.

"That's Hogwarts"

"It's fake, wouldn't such a powerful mage know how to make fire?"

"It must be a scam by the dark wizard"

"But I seem to see Hogwarts students flying on broomsticks in the sky"


While the centaurs were still discussing what was true and false, they heard a centaur suddenly roar.

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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