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Chapter 29 They are so wise

 Newt knew about Garfield's conspiracy and was very moved after the meal. Garfield successfully borrowed the Sniff and left a note to Newt telling him that I had taken his little blackie away without asking.

When you go there, don’t ask what you did. If someone asks in the future, just say you don’t know.

Newt had an ominous premonition in his heart. However, Garfield's portal was an indiscriminate teleportation across the entire universe. He could leave at any time and would not be able to catch up.

An orange cat who wants to cause trouble

A recidivist Sniff appears on the streets of Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

Looking at the wooden houses in a circle

Surrounded by Japanese people wearing kimonos and clogs, Garfield looked at each other and couldn't help but lose interest. The girls from Japan nowadays obviously don't have long hair.

They still have the habit of putting on makeup and powder when they go out, as if they were piling balls into bowls of noodles.

And he is very short and depressed.

As for the rest of the civilian class, their lives are not that good. For such a big-ass country that doesn’t want to develop itself properly and only fantasizes about disturbing its neighbors, it is really a mouse trying to swallow a dragon.

Looking for trouble

Garfield and Sniff watched for a long time on the roof

Xiu Xiu couldn't help but ask Garfield

"Boss, this place is so poor and I have no desire at all. Why don't we go back?"

"That's because you didn't come to the right place. Let's take you for a walk."


Garfield and Sniff found a high-rise building to stay for a long time, waiting to start working after dark.

Garfield used magic to locate the location of the vault. He opened the portal again and threw Xiu Xiu in. Before entering, he gave Xiu Xiu a disembodiment spell and an anti-detection spell. As for how to do Xiu Xiu, he knew clearly.

After entering the vault, Xiu Xiu was like a dragon entering the sea. He rejoiced for a while and started to play with the gold nuggets crazily stuffed in his pocket.

After stuffing, Sniff Xiaohei sends a signal to Garfield, and Garfield opens the portal and takes Xiaohei out. Garfield packs them and throws them into his prepared pocket, then Sniffer goes in again, and does it again and again.

In the middle of the night.

Xiu Xiu was very tired, and Garfield's last mental energy to maintain the teleportation array was gone. It looked like it was almost over, and Garfield just took Niu Xiu with him.

Take a dip in Tokyo's last hot spring to recuperate.

Since it was late at night, and there were not so many wild queens in this era, the hot spring was empty. Garfield and Sniff were floating on the water, enjoying the hot spring.

So comfortable

"Boss, Xiuxiang, this is the first time I discovered how refreshing it is to soak in a hot spring."

"It was very enjoyable, especially the mixed bath"

'Boss, what is a mixed bath?"

"You are still young and don't understand"

"Boss, I am already an adult Xiu Xiu. I can find a Xiu Xiu girl to breed offspring."

"Oh, since you are an adult, let me teach you what a mixed bath is"

Garfield's vivid insights made Sniffing Black suddenly realize it and admire Garfield even more: "Boss, you are so knowledgeable, can I have this kind of life in the future?"

Garfield patted his belly: "Don't worry, we have a great harvest tonight, and we guarantee that you will live the best life in the history of Sniff, but you have to know, be careful of being chased by the Ministry of Magic, remember to be firm

I can’t admit that even if there is a magical image, you can’t say that Sniff is you,”

"What do you say?"

"Just push it on Grindelwald, saying that he urgently needs funds for his comeback"

"But I'm just a Niffler"

"Leave this matter to me"



Garfield and Xiu Xiu soaked in the hot spring for a long time. There was a sound of footsteps in the mixed bath next door and then the sound of hess hess pulling carrots. Garfield was very angry and gave them a punishment.

No longer in a good mood to rest, Garfield took Sniff back to Newt's residence in London, and sent Little Black back to his nest. Garfield returned to the barn at Carl Manor, where the harvest was poured out.

After a lot of tossing, it was smelted into a gold ingot with the mark of a cat's paw.

Two days of tossing

Garfield is very tired

He rested for another two days before sending him the labor fee for Xiu Xiu. In order to prevent Newt from discovering it, Garfield specially made a small treasury wallet for Xiu Xiu. The wallet was hidden directly in the deepest part of Xiu Xiu's pocket.

The most difficult place to find, in order to prevent it from being opened after being discovered, Garfield used spells and magic to double-layer reinforcement to ensure that even someone of Dumbledore's level may not be able to open it easily.

The Japanese island country was disturbed by Garfield, and when the vault was opened early the next morning, Manager Kameda, the security guard of the vault, who was mostly free, was stunned on the spot.

Security manager Kameda woke up and immediately called the police. The matter was quickly spread, and the entire Japanese island country was shocked. This was steel they had used to annex the huge warship that they were overly prepared to use to buy aircraft and cannons from the United States. Now

What if most of it is gone!

As a result, in the next few years, due to insufficient funds, the Japanese island country's aggressive neighbors were affected in the middle and late stages. It reduced a lot of military and civilian losses in the war of resistance. Garfield did good deeds and added a lot of moral aura to himself.


There was trouble in the Japanese island country, and naturally their special troops came to check, the so-called onmyojis. The onmyojis came over and did a lot of tossing, except to find out the time when the gold disappeared and a certain date.

In the middle of the night in the hot spring, the two men were frightened and couldn't help themselves. There were no other clues.

The matter was reported to their Tianhuang, who said that you should take care of it yourself, I am just a puppet.

The navy and army of the Japanese military headquarters began to fight with each other. Both sides quarreled and cursed each other for a long time without coming up with an answer. In the end, the two families reached a consensus: those onmyojis are useless.

The Onmyojis had no other choice. After some discussion, they agreed on the same approach. The first ancient dragon in the West awakened from the volcano on the seabed. It took a fancy to the gold and brought them back to its lair in the West.

People from the Japanese military headquarters asked why we had to go back to the west after waking up from the bottom of our sea

The Onmyojis said: We don’t know either, so go and find out in the West.

The military personnel asked again: Is this kind of creature something ordinary people can find?

The Onmyojis said: How about you give us some funds and we can investigate?

Give money?

We have all suffered heavy losses. Is it possible to give it to you?


Then Onmyoji, who had no money to go, said he wouldn't let us go, and we wouldn't go if he didn't. Let's just leave it at that. Anyway, the ancient dragon is very powerful, so we might not be able to defeat it if we go.

After some wrangling, the vault theft incident was sealed as a confidential file.

Garfield didn't know about this at first, but later he found out after seeing a secret document in James Carter Sr.'s study that the people from the Emotional Japan Island Country didn't come to cause trouble because they had deceived themselves.

How nice

Knowing that they were so good and wise, Garfield went there again.

After melting the gold and making it into a gold nugget with a cat's claw mark, Garfield took the time to go to Kama Taj and found out that he was his master Ancient One. He acted coquettishly and cutely for a while, and then in Ancient One's I Know What You Do.

"Master, can I take Pema away?"

Ancient One looked at Garfield meaningfully: "Garfield, there are some things...

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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