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Chapter 313 Educating Little Voldemort

 "Garfield, can you bring me a bowl?"


"Your Majesty, what does this smell like?"

"Cat food mixed with rice"


Horace did not expect Garfield to answer him like this. Thinking carefully about Garfield being a cat, there is nothing wrong with the food he eats becoming cat food.

Watching Garfield shoveling the spoon into his mouth, Horace instantly felt that the steak in front of him was no longer so fragrant.

After all, Dumbledore had known Garfield for a long time, so Shrek pointed at Garfield who was pulling mutton steamed buns: "Is there any more of this food?"

Shrek nodded: "Yes, His Majesty the King prepared a lot of ingredients during the demonstration. If you need it, I will make it for you now."

Dumbledore: "The difference is, a big one"

Horace stopped Shrek and said, "I want one too."

Mag on the side looked at his fried eggs and sighed, turned around and told Shrek: "I'll have one too, a small bowl."

Armando Dippet looked helplessly at the sweets on his plate. He regretted that he had eaten dinner early and his stomach was already full.

Dumbledore: "What happened to the Headmaster?"

Armando Dippet: "I regret eating so much"

Dumbledore suggested: "Why don't you try it as a midnight snack?"

"Looks like a late night snack is also a good choice, thank you Aberforth"

After receiving the teachers' orders, Shrek quickly returned to the kitchen and started a new round of cooking.

As house elves who have worked in the kitchen for many years, their ability to control heat is much better than Garfield's.

The delicious mutton steamed buns served for three nights were served. Dippet chose to leave as soon as he tasted the aroma. He knew that he couldn't eat anymore, and he couldn't stand the lack of delicious food. He would have to bear the stomach discomfort if he went back to eat.


The teacher's table here is just a daily episode. If Snape and Harry come to school in the future, they will find that their Hogwarts will be even more different, especially when they eat together.

Garfield recovered, oh, it shouldn't have suddenly come back, which made Tom very excited. His good performance in the past two days made Horace look at him differently. If he performed better, he might be able to enter the legendary slug club.


Once he enters, he thinks that it will not be a dream for him to enter the upper echelons of the wizarding world or even become a minister. Then the entire wizarding world will fight for him...


Tom, who was sitting at the Slytherin table, saw a cat's eye staring at him, which frightened Tom. After he came to his senses and looked at the orange cat in front of him, Tom said hello respectfully.

"Hello Professor Pendragon"

Garfield crossed his arms and looked at him with a serious expression and said: "Little Tom, I noticed that you have some bad thoughts in your mind."

"No, what do we think? Professor, the more you feel that you are wrong."

Just kidding, I, Tom Riddle, will not admit that I have given any more bad attention. If I get fired, my dream will not be realized.

Knowing that our little Voldemort would not give in so easily, Garfield glared at him and then waved to little Voldemort to follow him out.

As Garfield was flying in the air and walking towards the outside of the auditorium, Tom Riddle was thinking about whether he should follow him, what kind of punishment he would receive if he followed him, and whether the punishment would be more severe or even serious if he didn't go.

What about being fired?

Although Tom now knows more than Harry who has been in school for half a year, and knows what circumstances will lead to expulsion of students. He is ambitious and smart, but after all, he is still an 11-year-old child, and there are still many things that children do not understand.

For example, he was worried that he would be expelled by Garfield if he didn't listen to Garfield. You have to know that Garfield is not only a professor, but also a member of the school board and a king who has established diplomatic relations with the Ministry of Magic.

Under the curious gazes of a group of Hogwarts students, Tom Riddle stood up from his seat and followed Garfield out tremblingly. At this moment, he forgot that he had become a great man.

The wizard has also forgotten his fantasy ambition to trample Garfield under his feet. His only worry now is how Professor Pendragon will deal with him.

I hope he won’t be expelled, even if it is stricter, he is willing to do so.

Walking out of the auditorium, Garfield and little Voldemort walked out of Hogwarts Castle and came to the frozen lake in the cold wind.

The sky was overcast and the wind was freezing. Some of the snow on the edge of the lake was blown open by the wind and leaked out of the ice. Under the ice, there was a bottomless lake. Occasionally, a black shadow flashed.

And pass.

Standing by the lake, Tom's face was a little hurt by the cold wind. He couldn't bear the cold. He shrank his neck and looked at Garfield, who was floating in the air without any movement at all. Even the cat's hair didn't change at all.


So powerful

It will not be disturbed by the external weather at all

"Tom, do you know why I called you out?"

Naturally, our little Voldemort classmate didn't know that Garfield wanted to educate him. He thought it was because his ambition had failed, and he lowered his head silently. At this time, he was thinking about whether he would be expelled if he admitted his ambition.



He lied: "I don't know Professor"

Garfield didn't need to look back to hear that our little Voldemort's heartbeat was a little faster and his breathing was a little heavier because he was lying.

"Little Tom, it's wrong to lie, especially in front of people who think you are strong. Some of your subtle changes are as conspicuous in their eyes as an ink stain on this white lake."

"Now I will give you one last chance to express your truest thoughts."

After letting out a little bit of the aura of the ferocious beast from the universe, Tom Riddle's young body could not withstand its pressure and fell to his knees in an instant.

Tom, who was kneeling on the ground, looked down and saw that the weak sunlight reflected on the snow was so powerful and terrifying.

"Professor, I... I want to become stronger. I want to be respected by people and make them fear me. I want high status and power."


In the end, I couldn't resist Garfield's pressure and expressed my inner feelings


Hearing the words of the little possessed classmate, Garfield slowly took away his pressure, turned his head and flew in front of him.

He lowered his voice and warned him in a more serious voice: "Little Tom, remember that it's okay to pursue power, and it's okay to pursue power. Power and power are both external things. You must have a strong heart, otherwise you will end up

Swallowed by darkness and turned into a monster"

Raising his hand, Garfield summoned thunder that filled the sky and draped it on the lake. In an instant, all the snow and ice on the lake turned into powder.

"If you bring harm to the world, I will personally kill you, just like this lake"

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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