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Chapter 316 Display

 Merlin’s beard

After things became more and more outrageous, Garfield received hundreds of letters every day from people who either admired him or wanted to become his disciples, and some even hoped to do something with Garfield.

Oh my god, I'm just a cat, you can't do this.

So cruel.

Why am I a cat

When Queenie got the news, she came over first with Pema. After some discussion, she decided to ask the Ministry of Magic to suppress the matter first. In the name of the Ministry of Magic, wizards were stopped from mailing letters to Garfield.< /p>

Not even gifts

The dried fish and cat food received by Garfield are enough to open a cat food store.

In fact, Garfield himself really wanted to tell the world that he was not a real cat. For the sake of so many dried fish, he finally thought about it and let it go, not to let down the love of others.

As for the final destination of this batch of dried fish, Garfield left them to Aberforth to deal with.

This batch of cat food and dried fish was carefully tested by Aberforth and confirmed that there was no trace of black magic or any magic potion. He then sold it cheaply in the Pig's Head Bar, and the proceeds were given to Hogwarts to be used as students. their daily expenses.

Naturally, he had no objection to taking Dippet if he had money, and happily accepted the money. The students at the school were even more interested in Garfield. They wanted to know what kind of magic Garfield had cast in the first place, and expressed their hope. Can demonstrate again.

In class one day

After successfully using various means to make our little Voldemort students realize what is right and what is wrong, and how to be a human being, we are about to prepare for the end of get out of class.

Little Voldemort has been having a good time recently. However, after the incident at the lake took root, people gathered around him every day asking what was going on at that time and whether Garfield was going to teach him anything.

At first, he was able to answer questions seriously and with added detail. After every answer, Tom Riddle always received a lot of praise and envy.

But later on, as more and more people came to look for him, the stories would always change a little as he told them more, and the embellished version began to change constantly. The good image that he had been running for half a year gradually turned into a liar. Little liar.

He has recently been trying to change things in the good direction he expected, but he recently discovered that not only his reputation, but his luck has also become very bad.

Oversleep, be late

Distracting in class

Use the toilet to break the paper

The broken faucet was full of water

Fall while walking

Choking on eating

Bite your tongue

There was even another time when he entered the women's toilet when he was in urgent need of urination, and was beaten into a pig's head by the girls with wands. Fortunately, Professor Dumbledore was there at the time to save him, otherwise he felt that he might be beaten by that

A group of crazy girls took off their pants and threw them into the lake.

After being rescued by Dumbledore, he asked Dumbledore if he was cursed. Dumbledore muttered to him for a while and told him that he was not cursed, it was just bad luck. Everyone has a lifetime.

There will always be times like this.

"Professor, can you tell us how you reduced the ice and snow on the lake?"

"Yes, professor, can you give us a demonstration?"


The students once again expressed their expectations. Garfield looked at the booing students and their unity, and nodded amidst the students' expectations.

"Okay, since you are persistent in wanting to know the truth of the matter, then I will grant your wish. Now you have two choices. The first is to enjoy the warmth in the auditorium and watch my demonstration, and the second is to go outside to cool down.

By the lake in the wind, I don’t know how you choose”

Naturally, they all wanted to go to the lake. After hearing the whistling sound of the cold wind passing through the hall, the students began to talk.

"I think it's good to go to the lake, where you can see the full effect of magic"

"Flanders who hates the cold by the lake"

"Then in the auditorium"

"The effect in the auditorium is not ideal"

"But it's warm in the auditorium"

"I think the principal and other professors don't want us to go to the lake in such bad weather. It would be bad if the student accidentally falls and gets injured, and with such a large-scale magic, what if the student tries to die and runs in?"

Speaking of committing suicide, everyone looked sideways at the students of Gryffindor House. The entire Hogwarts said that the other three houses combined did not have Gryffindor, and they were still doing it in ten years and one year.


"Julie, I know what you mean, well we have to admit, they are masters of causing trouble"

After a few minutes of discussion, Garfield suppressed their voices: "Gentlemen and ladies, let's start voting. If you want to go to the lake, please raise your hands."


Almost all Gryffindors raised their hands, and only a small part of the students in the remaining three houses had this intention.

"Oh no"

"Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin guys are scared"

"Oh my God, we may never have the chance to see the effects of this magic again in our lives"

"Oh, no, if I go to the lake, I can immediately write a letter to my family and brag."

Garfield clapped his hands to signal them to be quiet: "Okay, it seems the results are out. I'm sorry to tell our Gryffindors that you can only enjoy the warmth in the auditorium this time, but maybe one day in the future I will be in a good mood.

I will come to the lake for a while."

Sensing the nervous expressions of Dumbledore and Dippet, Garfield did not continue, but changed the topic to the demonstration.

"Okay, children, please watch carefully now. First of all, I need to make a white magic to simulate a lake full of ice and snow."

Garfield raised his hand and completely pulled out part of the lake water and ice and snow from the lake outside, and fixed them like a fish tank. The three-dimensional layering of ice, snow and water was displayed in front of the teachers and students of Hogwarts.

Then Garfield raised his claws to suppress the divine power of his body, and summoned as small a thunder as possible.

A small bolt of thunder appeared in Garfield's claws in the auditorium. Although this ball of energy was not large, the fluctuations emitted by its essentially destructive nature made people's hearts feel suffocated.

Oh my God, what kind of power is this?

Dumbledore pushed his eyes, showing a trace of worry

Dippet and other teachers at Hogwarts took out their wands and cast a protective spell on the students.

He raised the thunder in his hand: "Children, you should be able to feel the power of this force. They are a symbol of death and can reduce all matter to nothingness. Now we need to control it and crush the ice and snow in front of me.

It will not cause any harm to the lake below."

Garfield slowly threw it out from his hand

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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