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Chapter 338 Demolition of tanks with bare claws

 Garbage Tank

Howard was unhappy first

"Boss Cat, this is my latest work after all. According to comparison, the short tanks of those island countries can't even penetrate its armor..."



jingle bell

In just a few seconds, Garfield kicked and kicked all the claws apart from Howard's new M4 tank.

Garfield patted his paws, turned around and asked Howard, who was already speechless in surprise: "What do you mean you can't penetrate?"

Howard shook his head: "I didn't say anything, boss, you are so powerful"

Phillips rubbed his eyes, squatted on the ground and took a closer look at the M4 that had become parts everywhere. He wanted to confirm whether these things were made of paper.

Picking out a piece of part, Phillips used all his strength to lift it and smash it down. A small piece of the laboratory floor was broken open by the cement, and then Phillips took out his gun again

g points at the wreckage and makes a mess.

Ding Dang Dang

Thinking of the sound of bullets colliding with metal, Phillips picked up a flattened projectile and remained silent.

Is this true? So what kind of creature is this cat? Is it the legendary dragon? If the opponent is so powerful, then there is no need for the strong to lie to the weak, because it is meaningless.

And Howard is called Boss Garfield. Stark Industries has won a lot of orders from the moment it debuted. Then, under the control and protection of Hipaw Group, it grew into the strongest military industrial enterprise in the United States in just a few years.

The symbol of Hi Claw Group is cat claws, and the orange cat-like creature in front of me...

Could it be

Phillips thinks he may have found the answer. The pet of the boss of the most mysterious Hipaw Group in the world may be this cat.

Seeing Phillips thinking, Howard walked up to Phillips and comforted him: "Phillips, please be more open-minded. The cat boss has always been very powerful. Let me tell you that you have never seen anyone more powerful."


Garfield's warning tone reminded the other party to pay attention to his mouth and not to speak nonsense.

Hearing Garfield's warning, Howard chose to shut up obediently, but his eyes kept blinking at Phillips, trying to say something.

Faced with Howard's antics, Phillips was speechless. Geniuses are always very strange. The Great God Zuwang

"This cat boss, I have a question and I wonder if you can answer it"


Could it be that Phillips has guessed who he is? It doesn't matter if Phillips knows it. At most, it is a secret of the top management of Midea. Garfield is an orange cat with a Star Destroyer. How can he be afraid of Midea with the technology of World War II era?


Garfield answered Phillips in a bachelor tone: "Just ask."

"Um, are you the pet of the boss of Hipaw Group?"


Howard was stunned. He really didn't expect the feeling that Phillips picked up a piece of gold when he was already in front of a huge treasure.

Garfield was stunned for a long time. He thought Phillips had thought of it, but he didn't expect it to be this result. Then he thought, being his own pet wouldn't be a bad idea, and he could use it for activities in the future.

"Well, I guess our relationship is rather complicated"

"What's your name"

Garfield pointed to his own: "I, Garfield, Garfield Pando Godzilla Pendragon, His Majesty the King or His Majesty the Third Prince, these correspond to my two special roles."



The two are completely different concepts. In Phillips' mind, he thought about the situation where a certain Elvis was conquered and became his godson. After all, it is not uncommon for humans to have cats and dogs called sons.

Phillips thought he was right: "You used to be a king and then you were subdued by the master of the Claw Group."

"Well, that's right"

Hearing what Garfield said, Phillips did not continue to ask. Sometimes it is enough to know part of the secret. The more you know, the more likely it is. Besides, the more contact you have with the Hipaw Group in the future, sooner or later you will find out.


He, Phillips, has gained quite a lot today. He is not in a hurry to know what happens next. What he has to do now is to take Garfield and the information he provided out alive.

It doesn't mean much to Garfield whether Phillips slaps Xiao Jiujiu, so just let it go.

Knowing that he had a special mission, Phillips planned to leave as soon as possible, and he found a good reason.

"Howard, for the weapons we showed you today, I will place the order based on the quantity we negotiated at the beginning." Shenyou Qingming

Howard could hear that Phillips was preparing to leave, and he had no intention of retaining him. Anyway, his cat boss showed his strength towards Phillips and he must have some plans of his own.

"Okay, I will arrange production as soon as possible to ensure that your goods are the best batch"

"I have something else to do, so I won't bother you any more."



After Phillips left, Howard still looked at the wreckage of his M4 tank with a distressed look on his face: "Boss, this is my new work that I worked so hard for."

He directly gave Howard a huge eye roll: "How have you learned some of the Wakanda technologies that this king gave you? Just stare at this rag."

When it came to Wakanda's technology, Howard complained to Garfield with an aggrieved look: "Boss Cat, Wakanda's technology needs the support of vibranium. That thing is much more expensive than gold. For ordinary humans,

The world has no use for it, I can only take a look and make something along the lines of my ideas."

"Oh, yes, I was negligent."

Garfield scratched his head in embarrassment. He had forgotten this question. Although there is a lot of vibranium in Wakanda, it is obviously impossible for the whole world to use vibranium technology products. Howard's idea is not wrong.<


"Boss Cat, look at what my tank has become like this now. What if the military comes to place an order?"

Garfield raised his claws and cast a restoration spell on m4. M4, which had been dismantled by Garfield's claws, quickly returned to its original state at a speed visible to the eye, just like a video played backwards.

Even the little bullet marks caused by Phillips' bullets have been repaired and smooth as before.

It's amazing

Howard wanted to learn something every time he saw this kind of scene, but it was Queenie who told him that Howard didn't have that talent.

"Okay, M4 has been restored for you, Howard. I am going to take risks again in a few days. Please pay attention to your own safety. Also, stop all arms sales to the Japanese island countries. I owe them the last goods and so on. Don't worry about them.

Go back to that ancient country and support them if necessary, just tell them that it’s my Hi Claw Group’s sincerity.”

"Yes, but boss, where are you going again this time? When can you take me with you?"

It's not impossible to take Howard away. Garfield thought for a while and answered him: "Then December 16, 1991"

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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