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Chapter 364 Doumian Raises Mi Chou

 "Da da da, Garfield, look what I brought!"


Little Pink tried her best to show her cutest side to Garfield. At that moment, Garfield seemed to have thought of the words "Three years of starting."

It's a pity, we know that this little pink one must have something going on when he brings food.

Garfield, who was lying on the mat, turned over and pretended not to see the other person.



Pretend you are sleeping

Seeing that Garfield ignored her, Lux reached out and scratched under Garfield's chin, then took out a pack of barbecue and placed it in front of Garfield's nose.



It smells so good

The taste of this kind of meat is really attractive to a big orange.


I, Garfield, will not be fooled by this scheming little pinkie, no way, I, Garfield, will starve to death today, roll off the mat, and be...

It smells so good~!

Lux looked at Garfield unmoved and directly stuffed the roast into Garfield's mouth.

Although Garfield said no on his will, he just couldn't control his mouth that opened on its own.

{ ̄~ ̄}Chew!

Delicious barbecue, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, well-sprinkled with black pepper and salt, juicy and delicious


It's really a gift to be able to make instant barbecue like this. I must bring an adjuster chef with me before I leave.

Lux looked at Garfield who closed his mouth and opened his mouth to eat, knowing that he had achieved most of his goal. Then he scratched Garfield's head and begged: "Garfield, there is something I don't understand. Can you teach me?"

Teach me”

Garfield: "Can't"

Lux then gave Garfield an apple. Fruity things are very rare in the universe. Although these are nothing to Garfield, Lux actually did this. We can't be too stingy.

That’s right, isn’t it?

Garfield wiped the traces of fruit on the corner of his mouth, opened his eyes and looked at the little pink kneeling in front of him: "Okay, tell me what happened."

"According to the current situation of Earth United and pla

How can peace between the two be realized?" Lux expressed her doubts.

Garfield sighed: "Peace, unless a race evolves to a certain level of spiritual intercommunication, or is engraved in the race.

Among da, unless such a race is very powerful, it will not survive three episodes in a universe where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the strong."

"As for the earth and pla

t, even if you get rid of the Blue Cosmos who has been instigating trouble behind the scenes, this wish will not be realized in a short time, unless both sides pay a heavy price and think that peace needs to come, or one side completely dies, Lacus this

Probably not what you want”

Lux nodded: "Yes, Garfield, this is not what I want. I hope to achieve this goal with the least sacrifice."

Garfield looked up at the artificial atmosphere outside the window and then told Lux ​​earnestly: "Then you work hard and gain enough influence to make both parties come together under your will to make peace. Of course you have to

Remember, unless you remain strong enough, they will still try their best to escape from your suppression, and war will come again."


Lux is a little confused. Didn’t you say that as long as you are strong enough, peace can be achieved?

"Garfield, didn't you say that as long as you are strong enough, you can achieve peace?"

Garfield: 'Physically they are much more powerful, but why couldn't they achieve this goal in the end? Lux, do you know why?'

Lux shook her head: "I don't know"

Garfield tapped Lux's heart with the tip of his tail: "It's the human heart, do you understand? No two people in this world have exactly the same ideas. Everyone has their own ideas, desires, desires, even if they are...

You guys have figured it out in the grand scheme of things, but there are differences in details. On the one hand, you want to achieve peace and purify people's hearts. On the other hand, you must have enough strength to protect this peace."

Enough power to protect peace

But do I really have that power?

Apart from singing and dancing, it seems that there is nothing that I am good at.

Lux lowered her head and began to examine herself, and she found that she really had nothing to offer except singing and dancing.


My combat effectiveness is not as good as that of a trained servant at home, and I can’t drive a mobile suit on the battlefield, so I am nothing more than a rice bug part-time.

Garfield raised his paw and patted Little Pink's head: "Little Pink, I know that you may think that you are a millet bug now, but you are actually wrong."

Lux had a little star on her face, hoping to get praise from Garfield

As a result, Garfield's style changed: "You are actually worse than a rice worm. The rice worm still knows how to work hard to find food in order to survive, but you realize the seriousness of the matter and still follow your idealistic thoughts that are divorced from reality.

Father, if you continue on your path to darkness, you will not only harm the people around you, but also hurt many adjusters."


Garfield: "Today I will tell you another story, what is the meaning of fighting between rice and hatred"

Lux: "Meow meow meow?"

Knowing that Lux has not heard of it, Garfield would like to dedicate this little pink to popular science: "This story happened thousands of years ago"

Once upon a time, there were two families who were neighbors and had a very good relationship.

One of the families was diligent and wealthy. There was no grudge between the two families, but one year a natural disaster struck and the fields lost all harvest.

The other family had no extra income and no food income, so they had to lie down and wait to die. At this time, the rich family bought a lot of food. He thought that we were neighbors and couldn't watch each other starve to death, so he gave food to the poor family.

I bought a liter of rice and saved the day.

The family was very grateful to the rich man and thought he was really a life-saving benefactor!

After feeling sad again, the poor man went to thank the rich man. While talking, the two of them mentioned that the seeds for next year had not yet been harvested. The rich family generously said: I still have a lot of food here, so you can take another bucket.

With great gratitude, I went home with a bucket of rice.

After returning home, his family said, "What can we do with this bucket of rice? Apart from eating, it is not enough for us to plant seeds in the fields next year. This rich man is too much. Since you are so rich, you should give us more grain and rice."

It’s really bad to only give so little money.

This word reached the ears of the rich man, and he was very angry. He thought, I gave you so much food for free, and not only did you not thank me, you also hated me as an enemy. This is what you should think of someone who saves your life.

? So, two families who originally had a good relationship.

From then on, they became enemies and never interacted with each other till death.

Garfield looked at Lux who was still silent in the story, and waited for her to wake up and asked her: "Do you understand?"

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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