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Chapter 452: The Movement of All Parties in the Battle of the Five Armies

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Smaug looked up at his new master flying in mid-air in front of him. Although he was not very big, perhaps not as big as one-tenth of his own teeth, judging from the fact that the opponent raised his hand and beat him to the brink of death, his strength was high.

Size has nothing to do with it.

Smaug raised his head with great effort and shouted respectfully: "Great Master, your loyal servant Smaug greets you, you will shine like the stars in the sky...ah...Master..."

"Shut up Smaug, I get annoyed when I look at you, and I will burst into flames. Just two people will come to you, and you can bully goblins and so on."

After being scolded by Garfield for a while, Smaug lowered his head and did not dare to say anything. When he learned from his master that he was the weakest creature in his family, he really did not dare to refute anything.


With a strong contract and being scared of being beaten by Garfield, a guy like Smaug, like a beast like me, will essentially obey the weak and obey the strong beast's law of survival.

"Okay, I don't want to tell you anything. Just lie down here and let me know when you need it."



A useless reptile with no forelimbs. What's the point of flying? It's just a large flying dragon. It's a giant dragon and doesn't even get close to it.

In the Lonely Mountain Dwarf Kingdom, Balin and Thorin had a confrontation. Balin sadly held his heart and slowly left the large place filled with gold coins.

The other dwarves were also very dissatisfied. The Thorin in front of them was not the kind and responsible dwarf king, but a mean tyrant.

Everyone is very sad and sad, but they also understand that the Aken gem is too important. It is something they have dreamed of for many years.

As long as we find the Arken Gem, we will surely be able to recreate the glory of the dwarf lineage in Turin, Lonely Mountain.

Bilbo, who was sitting aside and watching everything silently, felt complicated. The Arkenstone was in his arms. He wanted to give it to Thorin several times, but he cleverly missed the words many times, especially when Bilbo still had the stone in his mind.

Recalling what Smaug said when he had an awkward chat with Smaug.

These gold coins and Arken gems are contaminated with dragon plague, and the target is Thorin. Smaug hopes that Thorin will become a greedy and useless dwarf king who only has money in his eyes.

This was a plan he and Sauron had discussed together. Bilbo didn't know about Sauron, but he could use the ring to see the influence of the burning man in armor.

Although he didn't know the specific situation, Bilbo knew that if he handed over the Arkenstone, it was hard to say what Thorin would become.

Outside Dol Guldur, inside the mines of Moria, after some reorganization by the pale orc Azog, the orc teams from the two places gathered together and walked out of the gate towards the lonely mountain.

Da da da

Azog, who was walking at the front of the team, saw his son Borg coming back and raised his hand to signal the team to stop.

"What happened"

"When I was chasing Thorin in Changhu Town, I was ambushed by the elves, and all my men were killed."

"Well, you brought the elf here?"

Borg shook his head: "No, I jumped into the lake and pretended to be drowned to avoid them, and then swam up from the other side of the lake after they left."

Although he felt that Borg's words were a bit false, he was his heir. Asog did not want to execute his son, and then ordered Borg: "Go to Mount Gambada and ask them to step up their actions."


Borg rode a sitting wolf towards Mount Gambada, and Asog waved the army to continue moving forward.

Legolas, a ranger with an elf cloak in the distance, looked up. Something was wrong. Legolas ordered his rangers: "Go back and some of you tell my father that the dwarves of Moria are going to go alone under the leadership of Azog."


"Prince, what about you?"

"Taurier and I continue to track the escaped orc to see if he goes to Mount Gambada"

Thranduil, the king of the Dark Lost Woodland Kingdom in the Gambada Mountains, and his family are forever in pain. Thranduil's wife died in the battle in the Gambada Mountains. There was no body left. Apart from the news of her death, Thranduil did not say a word to her.

Said Legolas said so.

Because he knew how deeply his king loved his queen, and Thranduil ordered that no elf talk about those years.


Legolas rode his own horse and followed Borg at a distance with Tauriel.

Borg did not stop along the way and rushed towards Mount Gambada crazily. Sitting on a wolf was more suitable for running in the mountains and hills, while the war horse was slightly worse. Legolas controlled the war horse and followed the opponent carefully.

I was almost discovered by Borg several times.

In the Iron Hills Dwarf Kingdom, Prince Dane was riding his war pig, wearing armor and holding a war hammer, leisurely patrolling his territory to see if there were any blind orc dark creatures or bandits here looking for trouble.

What made him feel regretful was that there were none. In the past six months, although there were more dark creatures, none of the orcs appeared.


In the past, I could practice my own war hammer.

"You bastard half-orc, come out and let your grandpa Dane move your hands and feet"

While he was shouting, a raven with shiny black feathers appeared in the sky.

Dan's eyes were very good, he looked up at the black streak in the sky, and his heart was excited. The raven is a special messenger between the dwarf kingdoms, responsible for the exchanges between the dwarf kingdoms.

The raven discovered Dann in the sky through its own unique magical talent, and then screamed "quack" twice and fell down.

Looking up at the raven that had fallen on his mount, Dane had a smile on his face: "Let me tell you, it's my brother who sent me a letter!"

Ravens don't just rely on words to convey information. They also possess a certain amount of magic power and can transmit some image data through magic.

Under the magic of the raven, Dann saw Thorin standing in the dwarf kingdom at the foot of the Lonely Mountain: "My good brother, I have led my people to occupy the Lonely Mountain, and the orc army is on the way to come.

I need your support, and there is a good show that needs your help."

The raven summons was not without restrictions, as Thorin finished the matter quickly.


After exiting the image, Dan's eyes were filled with fire.

Dwarf Kingdom at the foot of Gushan Mountain

The army of elves is standing aside

Orcs are coming

If you can protect the Lonely Mountain, the glory of the dwarves will be restored, and you and the Iron Foot of the Iron Hills will become a solemn chapter in the history of the dwarves.

It’s not too much to be remembered in history

Thinking of this, Dan clicked the reins of his horse pig to signal it to turn, and then shouted to the argali cavalry beside him: "Come back with me quickly so that we Ironfoots can get ready and go to Gushan to help our brothers recover."

King Lin"

Mobilized by Dan En, the Iron Foot army assembled as quickly as possible. They were excited when they heard that they were going to Lonely Mountain. On the hill not far from Iron Hills, the all-black assassin looked at the entire army that had finished moving towards Lonely Mountain.

Iron Foot.

To be continued

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