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Chapter 463 The Counterattack of the Battle of the Five Armies


Thorin's charging speed slowed down a lot while wearing heavy armor. He didn't like wearing heavy armor, which was not conducive to his activities. However, Garfield specifically told him to wear armor when fighting, otherwise he would be killed by a stream of people emerging from there.

Yatai took his life and went there.

Feeling that Garfield's words were very reasonable, Thorin took them to heart.

Swinging his sword, he cut an orc in front of him into two pieces. Thorin then turned around to help Dann beside him hit a sneak attack orc, freeing up a hand to hold Dann's hand tightly.<


"My good brother"

"Thorin, you figured it out"

"Sorry, actually I can't bear it anymore"


The two royal families joined forces, and the dwarves' battlefield shifted from a disadvantage, and the two sides began to enter a stalemate.

"Thorin, there are a lot of people on the other side. If this continues, I don't know if we will be able to bring enough people."

Thorin frowned and looked in the direction of Crow Ridge, thinking of Garfield's arrangement for him: "Don't worry about Crow Ridge, let's stabilize the front. Oh, by the way, did you come with the cavalry?"

"Not just cavalry, but also big guys with new research"


Thorin suddenly remembered that Dann had mentioned something, and a smile appeared on his face: "Then let these guys have a taste."


Dane summoned an Ironfoot and then told him: "Go and tell the people here to use that guy to open the eyes of these orcs."


On the hillside, large dwarf black technology is placed on the desk. These things are used by them to deal with large-scale battles, large numbers of enemy units in the air, and to make up for the shortcomings of dwarf bows and crossbows that are not as good as elves and humans.

According to Dann's order, the dwarf who was playing with the equipment turned the direction of the equipment and aimed at the center and rear of the orc army.

After adjusting the distance, wind up the device and its rotating shaft.

As the spring continues to pressurize, it soon reaches the predetermined level.


After giving an order, several strange spinning arrows that were about five meters long flew out.

Buzz buzz

Like a swarm of buzzing bees.

Azog stared with wide eyes as these inexplicable huge arrows flew in the sky, and then landed on the heads of his orc army.


The Orcs were hit in the rear, and a large number of Orcs were knocked to the ground in an instant.

Their armor is not as strong as the elves', which is enough to explain. Suo's armor was broken a lot, and most of them were not dead but fainted for a while.

Only a few unlucky ones were pierced by the huge arrow. For example, a giant troll that just came out was pierced like a roasted bamboo rat.

That's miserable

Thorin and Dane looked at the results of the battle with satisfaction, especially Dane who asked Thorin with excitement: "Brother, how do I feel about this~!"

Thorin praised Dann: "It's a very good thing. If we make more of it later, we won't be afraid of attacks by evil dragons and orcs."

"Elves too"

When Dann said this, Thorin knew where the hatred between the two parties was, and then he comforted and enlightened Dann: "Dan, my brother, I already know about Thranduil and his woodland kingdom. In fact,

It's not that Thranduil didn't do anything. On the contrary, Thranduil was burned by Smaug's dragon fire when he went to the north to fight against Smaug. When Smaug came to the Lonely Mountain, Thranduil was unable to fight anymore. As for why he didn't

The main reason for accepting us is to prevent the evil dragon from retaliating. There is another thing I am not comfortable saying, but the fault is on our side."


Dann looked at a loss. If others told him this, Dann felt that he would use his war hammer to open a hole in their heads, but these words came from Thorin's mouth.

Dann scratched his face and asked Thorin with a confused expression: "Cousin, are you kidding me?"

"No kidding, everything I said is true, and I have some breaking news for you, the dragon Smaug is not dead yet"


An extremely rich expression appeared on Dan's face, and then he nervously grabbed Thorin's sleeves and asked Thorin anxiously: "Cousin, it's impossible, that evil dragon is not dead yet, where is it?"

?These big guys of mine can handle it~!"

He casually hacked to death his orc who wanted to attack in a sneak attack. Thorin patted Dan on the shoulder: "Good brother, don't be excited. That dragon was subdued by that powerful mage. You don't know that Smaug was conquered."

What does it look like...

As Thorin described it, Dann gradually understood that the scales of a body that had been beaten into a mud pit were all cracked, and the miserable image of Smaug began to appear in his mind.


Take a long breath

Dann felt that this was one of the good news he had heard in his life: "It sounds very relieved, but it can't atone for the sins of our dead dwarves."

"That's right, so the master will let it atone for its sins"

While Thorin was talking to Dane, the dwarf cavalry launched a charge and stabbed all the trolls to death. The dwarf army began to change from a stable situation to a counterattack.

Gandalf, Thranduil, and Bard who were clinging to the city wall, and Bilbo who came to Gandalf's side for unknown reasons, all looked at the smooth counterattack of the dwarf army led by Thorin and Dane.

Bilbo took his needle-piercing sword and asked Gandalf: "Thorin has begun to counterattack. How long do we have to wait here?"

Bard also asked Thranduil: "His Majesty King Thranduil, what should we do?"

Before Thranduil and Gandalf could speak, they heard the clatter of horse hooves, and Legolas Greenleaf ran over from the Gambada Mountains with Tauriel.


Get off the horse

Legolas came to his father, Gandalf, Bard, Bilbo and others.

"Father, bad news, there is an orc army coming from the Gambada Mountains. We arrived a little late to avoid their wolf cavalry, and we will reach Crow Ridge soon.

Crow Ridge

Crow Ridge again

Sure enough, it was as planned by Garfield. Sauron sent out all the power he could mobilize in order to open the north-south passage.

Now maybe it’s time to watch Garfield.

Thranduil glanced at the battlefield, then glanced at Crow Ridge, and then said to Bard: "I will stay and leave some people to help you protect Riverdale Town. I will take people to help Thorin and the others."<


Thranduil turned around and was about to leave. Legolas hurriedly stopped his father and asked him: "Father, what about Crow Hill?"

Crow Ridge

Thranduil's signature smile appeared on his face: "Of course there is someone in Crow Ridge to deal with him, oh no, it's a cat"

To be continued


This chapter has been completed!
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