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Chapter 476 Jango's Fate

 The Mandalorian

A famous bounty hunter mercenary in the universe, he is proficient in individual combat and cooperative combat with eighteen kinds of weapons.

They broke their contract and participated in some chaos and wars in every corner of the universe.

Their Mandalorian metal can resist some of the effects of current primary weapons blasters and lightsabers.

Palpatine values ​​​​the Mandalorian very much, and what he values ​​​​more is the Mandalorian iron. If possible, he wants to control them all.

It's a pity

When he was about to take action, the Hi Claw Group relied on its strong financial resources and influence to bring most of the Mandalorians injured on Mandalore to its own fleet, responsible for some assault command operations and reporting tasks.

The wealthy and powerful Hi Claw Group has a great time cooperating with the powerful and adventurous Mandalorian.

Of course, there are very few bad guys who stick to the rules and already know what it means to go to hell and repent.

Even Garfield, who had seen the mountains and the gurgling streams, couldn't help but be surprised when Horrible Wing read out the words Mandalorian Legion.

These guys are good fighters.

Horrible Wing, you are doing a good job, keep working hard, and in the future I will train you to become the third super leader of the Transformers Spirit who will not win or lose against Brother Zhuzi and Megatron.

Garfield actually values ​​this world very much, otherwise he would not deliberately keep the Super Transformer Hercules based on his evolved Jaeger-class Star Destroyer.

Transformers that are over a kilometer long are no joke.

It can kill a full formation of ordinary fleets alone.


And Garfield also plans to eventually evolve it into a super Star Destroyer like the Dreadnought-level Supremacy and use it as his flagship for traveling across the stars and seas.

Didi Didi

"Your master has called"

In the Hipaw Group office, holding a bag of potato chips in one hand and forgetting to fill her mouth with happy water with the other hand, Qiong Gray, wearing very simple clothes, and getting a lot of benefits from just moving a little, looked at her holographic quantum communicator.

The prompting sound directly spurted the mixture out of his mouth.

A moment of confusion

"Hello, boss?"

Garfield's cat head appeared and glanced at the somewhat embarrassed Joan Gray who was delivering benefits. He stared at her for a while and then calmly said to her: "Get dressed, bring some people, pack up the headquarters, and then come to the Jedi Saint's."

Come to me in the tower, you know I like to lie there"

"Boss, is this really you?"

"Nonsense, I have a few people who know your private communications, hurry up!"

"Yes, the boss will be here soon"

Before Garfield turned off the communication, he saw Ms. Jean Gray who ran out desperately and ordered the housekeeping robot to help her wash and change her clothes.

To be honest, it is quite nice to have some benefits. It is not in vain to give her some time and strength to protect her appearance.

About half an hour later, after receiving countless warnings, Jean Gray came aboard a Star Destroyer stationed on Coruscant to protect her.

Du Wen, a young man who was on a mission somewhere in Coruscant, glanced at the battleship stay message sent by the Jedi Saint's central computer and turned it off. He didn't know that there was a Garfield coming back before the message just now.


When Joan Gray arrived at the door of the Jedi Saint, she skillfully greeted the human Jedi warrior who was guarding the door with blonde hair, blue eyes and long legs, similar to herself, and the security robot captain.

"Hi, Reina, dd67, hello"

Jedi Knight Reyna: "Hi, Ms. Jean Gray, you are here"

Security robot captain dd67: "Dear Ms. Qiong Gray, welcome to your arrival. Your security identification code is correct and the permissions have been enabled. I wish you a good sleep today"

Qiong Gray reached out and patted dd67: "Thank you 67, if you are willing, come and work here"

dd67: "I prefer being with Raina ma'am"

"Oh, that would be too sad, but Reina, please switch jobs and come to my place anytime. The treatment will be favorable."

Reina greeted Qiong Gray intimately and then shook her head: "No, I prefer the life of a Jedi Knight, which can be more fulfilling."

Qiong Gray seemed to be covering her heart sadly: "Dear, this is the 19th time you have rejected my invitation."

Reina rolled her eyes at Qiong Gray. The two met in the game and started playing together after chatting. They have been together for more than ten years, and they have a good relationship. Reina has also grown up with Qiong.

Gray’s problems are well known.

Cat slave


Game fan

She likes her boss, the Jedi Master Garfield, and has a special power. She still looks twenty years younger after more than ten years. According to her own words, this is called the gift of the master and the boss.

Reina: "There will be a twentieth time in the future, okay, you go to the tower, I will find you after the duty is over"

Bar Chi

Taking advantage of Reina, Joan Gray waved to Reina and led her guards into the Jedi Saint.

Jean Gray's guards include Mandalorians, Jedi Knights, and a group of customized combat robots. The Jedi Knights are naturally composed of Jedi Saints who are responsible for protecting Jean Gray's safety. Most of these Jedi Knights are young people who like Obi-Wan and Hi.

A close comrade of the Claw Legion.

The Mandalorians initially disagreed with the Jedi Saints, but they could not stand up to supporters like Obi-Wan Anakin. Finally, under Yoda's compromise, they agreed to a plan that only partially passed the spiritual assessment.

Of course, those who pass the spiritual assessment of the Jedi Saint Master are good children who are strong-willed and in line with the righteous thoughts of the Jedi Knights.

The masters of the Jedi Saints naturally had no objections, and by the way, they also helped Jongre clear out individual spies who had been bribed by Palpatine early on, including Jango Fite, the original clone of the original clone who had deviated from his destiny.

Shengli was discovered to be a spy, and Jangofit naturally wanted to survive after being exposed. After a struggle, he was killed by Du Wen with a whirlwind chop.

Sometimes the name is so strange, but the fate is still the same in the end.

Qiong Gray took the people to the tower, took the elevator to the door of the tower, sorted out her clothes, and after confirming that she was in good condition through the reflection of the metal, Qiong Gray opened the door to the top floor of the tower.

The door is open

Jean Gray walked in with a Jedi wearing a hooded mask.

The other members of the guard left the people behind and went to rest later.

Entering the room door and seeing the chubby orange element-eating beast, Joan Gray couldn't hold back her excitement. With trembling hands, she slowly walked to Garfield's side and hugged Garfield's soft body.

Warm cat body

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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