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Chapter 491 You can call me Lord Sidious

 Kill two birds with one stone

Eat the Galactic Republic and the Separatist forces in one go.


Depending on the opponent's combat effectiveness, it is not impossible under certain practical circumstances.

Sensing some fluctuations in Griffith's thoughts, Palpatine and Dooku both looked towards Griffith's position.

This figure turned into a high-ranking general like an insect. He was a famous general in the universe. If he hadn't used some tricks, he might not have been able to get him to join his Separatist forces. Palpatine also knew his plan.

The trick is not bad against a few people, and it is not bad against simple-minded guys like Jedi Knights, but it is a different matter for an iron-blooded general.

Not everyone is afraid of death. Palpatine himself is afraid of death, but he also understands that death does not threaten everyone, and interests are the most useful method.

"General Griffith, is there anything special?"

Palpatine walked up to Griffith and asked Griffith face to face in his deep and hoarse voice.

Griffith, who had experienced countless wars and deaths, sensed a sinister aura from Palpatine's simple words, as well as several pits dug for him to jump into.

"Unknown leader, according to the data transmitted by the drone in Coruscant, the Hi-Claw fleet stationed in Coruscant received a batch of damaged fighter planes and pilots from the Coruscant defenders"

Griffith is also a sophisticated fox, so he can naturally handle it. Besides, Palpatine is just testing Griffith, and is not worried about whether he will betray him. Griffith's superiority

This equipment, without the technology alliance behind his back, he wouldn't be able to survive for long.

Nie Nie Nie

The news given by Griffith is not good news. After all, the Hi Claw Fleet founded by that smelly cat is really not easy to defeat. He even said that he can't defeat the opponent at all. The only thing he can do is to take the opportunity to take over the Galactic Republic.

Only by gathering the strength of both parties can we defeat it and take it for ourselves.

Among the landing troops airborne on Coruscant, Palpatine arranged for a secret force to go to the headquarters of the Hi Claw Group to receive the Galaxy Survival server and its technical personnel. In the future, this will be the largest and fastest system in the universe.

The money-attracting machine will be your own, and with enough money, you can build a more powerful fleet.

When I have enough fleets, the entire universe will be my own, I will receive more blessings from the dark force, and I will become the second immortal existence in the history of the Sith.

Nie Nie Nie Nie Nie

Regardless of the turmoil in his heart, Palpatine remains so calm on the surface.

"General Griffith, pay attention to the precautions against the Hi-Claw fleet, and send more personnel and drones to capture those members of the Galactic Republic. Only by capturing them can we be protected."

"I understand, I'll make arrangements right away"

"Well, I admire you very much Griffith"

"Thank you, sir"

"You can call me Lord Sidious"

"Yes, Lord Sidious"

A simple conversation between the two parties confirmed their respective identities. Griffith knew that Palpatine was the real master behind the Insurgency forces, a Sith warrior wanted by the Jedi, and a user of dark power, while he himself

He is a general who knows the current affairs.

Palpatine is also very satisfied with Griffith's performance. Although the intelligence of the robots in his hands is not bad and the smart models are also very powerful, they are still far behind the champions in Galaxy Survival. He is not without any

I tried to find a way to win over those people, but the Hipaw Group was quicker to do it than me, and the conditions were very generous, and they even said that they only needed to provide some DNA data.

From this point of view, even if Palpatine has money, he can't compare. What he lacks is not money but a positive image problem.


Of course, another point is that Hipaw Group itself is indeed short of money.

As long as I can take down the Hipaw Group's server and related data, I can definitely do it.

Under the command of Grievous, the robots and drones of the Sorting Force began to mobilize from various war zones and moved to the location of the Jedi Saint. Over time, the Separatist forces outside the Jedi Saint fully doubled, and the surrounding enemies

If there are more, there will naturally be fewer enemies in other places. The Hi-Claw fleet has attracted enough vitality, and the damaged fighters cannot come again.

Of course, since there is no place for repairs, we can only find a place to stop on the towering buildings of Coruscant, get off the plane, put out the fire and run away, and let the aerial robots help with the repairs.

Everyone is busy with their own work.

The Galactic Republic Council Hall on Coruscant had tens of thousands of council members at its peak. Of course, with the beginning of the Insurgency War, half of the people here were either on the opposite side or dead.

At this time, in the Council Hall of the Galactic Republic, there were densely packed circles of Insurgency robots. They relied on their numbers to successfully defeat the defenders, captured the place, and arrested all the office workers here.

The congressmen are not fools, they also have legs. When some of them saw that something was wrong, they ran away and hid. These robots had to start searching bit by bit. The Parliament of the Galactic Republic, that is not a whole thing.

The two-story building houses the offices of each member of Congress and the members’ accompanying staff, worth more than 100,000 yuan.

Even though there are not so many people now, there are still so many robots inside. These robots looked at the very huge building complex and complained one after another.

"Oh my God, it's so big there"

"Yes, there are still a lot of people"

“There are too many targets, thousands of people, it’s hard to find”

"What did the commander think?"

"It must be the cheap chip that short-circuited their thinking circuit~!"

"That's what I think too"

"sd32451 What are you muttering about here if you two don't perform your mission well~!"

The thousand-man robot command unit walked over and began to reprimand the two robots

"Bibi, Bibi, Didi, Didi, Aunt Gugugu"

"It's sir"

"Understood, sir"

"We will find our target"

"Go and seize the time"

"It's sir"

After bowing and watching the thousand-man command robot leave, the two cheap cannon fodder robots talked again while carrying out their own search work.

"Look at how it looks, it's still manufactured, but it's just 2 yuan more expensive than us."

"Brother, look what that is"

To be continued

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