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Chapter 507: Europe in 2016

 Germany's famous Valkyrie, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and Commander-in-Chief Hela disappeared, causing a series of turmoil within the Hanscats. Otherwise, their aircraft carriers would have beaten the British island country in the north to tears.<


Although they were defeated, they were not beaten to Berlin. Even if Hela was not there, the majority of the legions and generals loyal to Hela were still standing. After they calmed down the internal forces, they stood on defense and passed some clues.

We found the person standing behind Commander Hela, and through a series of agreements, we finally withstood the Allied attack.

After several wars, the two sides ended up in a draw. In the end, through negotiations, a certain mustache was deposed and imprisoned in Germany because of the genocide. The Allies were not allowed to enter. As for the territory, after a series of contests, part of it was returned.<


Germany is now one of the largest countries in Northern Europe, and when the economy recovered after the war, Hijaw Group won many engineering projects through bidding, and eventually became the largest enterprise in Germany.

As the world became more peaceful and military orders decreased, Krupp and others, exclusive suppliers to the German military, finally struggled for several years and were acquired by HiZaw Group.

After the acquisition, Krupp and other companies were integrated into a whole. Finally, through collective technology sharing, they successfully accepted a batch of Stark Industries' advanced technologies and became one of Stark Industries' foundries in Europe. However, due to a certain

For some reasons they are the biggest.

They were still like that. In the UK, when Garfield went there, there was a jet lag, and the venue was the Leaky Cauldron Bar. As the owner of the Leaky Cauldron Bar, Garfield naturally entered the boss's office.

After Garfield opened the door, he cast an invisibility spell and quietly walked downstairs. First, he went to the wine cellar to get some wine, and then squatted on a ceiling and listened to the conversation of the people below, taking the opportunity to learn about the current situation in the wizarding world.


It's still the same, Grindelwald found what he wanted, the Resurrection Stone, through dark power. When he gave it to Dumbledore, the two sides were in a duel. Although Grindelwald obtained some dark power,

But the blessing of fate could not be resisted. Where there is darkness, there is light. Grindelwald gained darkness, and Dumbledore gained light. After the blessings of both sides, they had a duel.

According to the legends of some wizards, on that day of the battle, the color of the sky and the earth changed, everything screamed, and a rainbow of light and golden light fell from the sky. Grindelwald was knocked to the ground and imprisoned.

No one knows the specific details

Garfield can guess the result through a few words. Grindelwald has gained the power of darkness. As the guardian of the world, his master Ancient One and his suspected old lover Odin took action to defeat him.

Mixed Doubles

It’s weird to be undefeated

Even Mephisto knew how far they would go when they were together. A little human wizard would want the ancient dark power of the earth. I, Mephisto, don’t want those things.

As for why you always spend so much effort on this small planet instead of wandering around in the universe, that's because there are actually many good things here waiting for you to discover, and there are some deeply hidden people in the universe that you don't want to mess with.


"You know, which month of the year is a special day"

A middle-aged witch continued to say to the wizard in front of her: "Peter, do you want..."

Peter shook his head: "No, dear, tonight, I'm talking about something else."

The middle-aged witch was slightly disappointed. After all, at her age, she needed more care, but seeing her lover looking like he wanted to play games, she was still a little interested.

"What special day is this year?"

"The day when a certain family guy who cannot be named died and failed"

"Oh, this is worth celebrating. I would have almost forgotten if you didn't tell me."

"No, at that time, my God, I couldn't believe how we got here"

Eleven years ago, in one of the darkest times in the wizarding world, an indescribable dark wizard came to the forefront from the darkness after many hard struggles. After his appearance, the entire British wizarding world fell into extreme chaos, with death and...

Fear fills the entire world, and countless wizards are hiding in their homes and shivering.

Fortunately, a certain devil overturned his car one day in 1981 and died in the hands of a newborn baby. It was even said that the baby's hands were not that flexible yet. Anyway, he died very suddenly.

The witch recalled for a while, and then said to the wizard Peter: "Peter, you remember that he seems to be turning eleven this year, right? I wonder if Principal Dumbledore will let him go to school?"<


Peter naturally knew what his lover across from him meant: "Probably not, after all, everyone knows that not all of those guys were caught, otherwise we would not have met the savior after so many years."

The witch was dull for a while: "I hope he can be healthy"

Wizard Peter: "Yes"

The two of them then changed the topic to go there tonight for romance.

Naturally, Garfield had no interest in the pair of old lovers. He turned to look at the situation of the wizard. The manager of the bar is now Old Tom, who still has shares. He is the son of Tom whom he knows. He used to work in the kitchen.

Later, he inherited his father's identity and implemented part of his father's will.

Old Tom is a bit more tactful than his father, but fortunately he still has his responsibilities. The Hipaw Group warned him about his tactfulness. I would like to implement the warning of the Hipaw Group. What is loyalty and loyalty?

Mercy, betrayal and hell.

After Tom understood it, he understood why his father repeatedly warned him to be loyal. Fortunately, his father was still alive at the time. With the slightest friendship with Dumbledore, the matter was solved. As a guarantee, he

Loyal, he signed a contract. He couldn't say the object of the contract, but he understood that if he betrayed himself, he would really have to go to hell.

For this reason, Dumbledore said that he could only help him here. Hipaw Group wanted to do things like this. Even Dumbledore expressed helplessness. Dumbledore knew that this was the best result.

Sometimes Dumbledore felt helpless. He didn't want to be this person's, but he didn't have much say in the issue of loyalty and betrayal.

Leaky Cauldron

A certain dark wizard came here when he was at his most powerful, hoping to find a certain orange cat. He didn't know what happened next, and then the Dark Lord just said not to provoke the Hi Claw Group and then nothing happened.

Tom didn't know exactly what happened, but he knew that some things inside the bar had been magically repaired.

The bar was still open. Garfield had some drinks and went to an island country to take away some useless yellow metal as usual. Then he returned to the Leaky Cauldron and fell asleep.

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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