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Chapter 5 Spicy Orange Meow is back

Garfield hugged Gu Yi's thigh, crying with tears and runny nose: "Master, I don't want to leave, I can't bear to leave~!"

Ancient One rubbed Garfield's head and asked him unceremoniously: "Didn't you complain a few days ago that Kama Taj didn't grill steak?"

At this time, you have to act stupid decisively.

Garfield raised his head: "What, who said that? It's impossible for these words to come out of my mouth, meow."

Pandora emerged from Garfield's head and pointed directly at Garfield's head: "That's what you, this perverted cat, said. You still don't admit it. You are tired of being in Baima's arms every day, feeling Baima's soft embrace. You just

Orange cat with dirty thoughts"

"You talk nonsense, I, Garfield, am not like that."

"It's you, admit it, sexmeow"

"Things that don't exist"



After arguing with Pandora, Garfield continued to hold Gu Yi's thigh and refused to let go: "Master, don't do it."

Gu Yi patted Garfield on the head: "Go back, little girl Peggy has been looking for you for half a year."

That's it

Garfield let go of the paw holding Gu Yi, licked it and said, "I almost forgot about my young poop shoveler. Master, please send me back, meow."

Gu Yi took out a special ring from his arms and hung it on Garfield's right leg. The ring was originally very large, but it instantly shrunk the size of Garfield's furry leg: "This is a hanging ring I modified. It can be customized according to your cat's condition.

Claw size changes”

Garfield shook his right leg, and the messenger drew a portal.

Three circles left, three circles right

A sparkling portal appears easily

We are geniuses

"Thank you Master"

"Be good when you go, my butler Philip is also very old."

"Good, Master"

Ancient One helped Garfield open a legend. The scene opposite showed that Garfield followed Ancient One to the eaves of Kamathaj's castle. Garfield said goodbye to Ancient One, and then jumped over.

After watching Garfield leave, Ancient One closed the portal, looked at the empty room and sighed: "I don't know whether giving Pandora to this little guy is a blessing or a curse."

Garfield stood on the roof of Peggy's manor and looked into the distance. The huge manor must be at least several hundred acres in size. It has woodland, hills and a small lake. There is a small dock next to the lake.

There are several fishing boats.

Several waterfowl flew over Garfield's head. Garfield took a sniff and saw a fishy smell. It smelled good. Waves of aroma came from the kitchen at his feet, and saliva naturally formed at the corner of Garfield's mouth.




Wiping the nearest saliva, Garfield said to Pandora above his head: "Let's go, I will take you to inspect my territory and taste the delicious food."

Garfield ran into the kitchen with Pandora, and took the opportunity to snatch a piece of barbecue, followed by a flurry and shouts from the chef and servants.

Watching Garfield sneak away, Pandora couldn't help but mock Garfield and said, "Is this your territory?

"What do you know? These stupid humans don't know my greatness at all. Besides, these are servants and chefs. They just need to take care of their little master Peggy."

"Pull him down, you are always treated like a pet cat"

"I am the legendary element-devouring beast, very ferocious, do you know?"

"No, it's not as useful as me summoning the Dark Hound."

"Then you summon"



Pandora arrogantly returned to the soul of Garfield. After a period of excitement in the kitchen, Peggy Carter, the little master of the Carter family, learned that Garfield, who was suspected of being her little orange cat, appeared again, so Garfield

Fei returned to Paige naturally.

One continues to treat the other as a shit-sweeper, and the other as a pet.

The two parties were relatively harmonious, except that Garfield didn't like that Peggy always hugged him, hugged him, kissed him and lifted him up, and of course there were women.

As a modern otaku, Garfield knows that there is only one difference between the first time and the infinite time for women's clothing. As a beast that eats elements, it must have the aura of an emperor. Meow.

In principle, Garfield refused.

Peggy naturally had a lot to say about Garfield's wandering for half a year before coming back. Garfield didn't like the little girl's nagging very much, and would reluctantly accept it unless there were warm arms and embraces.

For this reason, Pandora kept calling him Sexy Meow in Garfield's soul.

The situation of coming there is like this. First, Garfield skillfully returned to Peggy's room based on his own memory, jumped to Peggy's bedside, and lay on the soft pillow. There was a faint fragrance on the pillow.

Paige's body scent.

Garfield couldn't help but smell it one more time: unlike Baima's natural scent, Peggy had a faint milky scent, it was so fragrant!

In Garfield's mind, Pandora kept scolding him: Sexy meow!

After hearing from his chef and servant that an orange cat came to the kitchen and stole some of the food, the housekeeper Philip was not angry but very happy.

The chef and the servants looked confused. Why did the butler have this expression? Could it be that he was mad?

"Great, Miss Paige's hot orange cat must be back, and my Phillip's grievances can finally be washed away."

Only then did the chef and the servants understand that an orange cat that their young lady had raised some time ago was lost. It was because food was lost in the kitchen before the cat was lost. As a result, the guests' meals were delayed, which made Philip furious and vowed to bring the thief to justice.

Because Garfield followed Ancient One to Kama Taj that day and Garfield disappeared, Peggy suspected that it was because Garfield had stolen food, which led Phillips to kill the lovely Garfield in revenge.

When Penny couldn't find Garfield, she had to cry to her mother. Her daughter cried so much that the mother was naturally distressed. However, she still couldn't find Garfield. In the end, she naturally alarmed the head of the Carter family, Peggy.

Grandpa James Carter.

The matter got serious, and Phillips swore that he had not seen the orange cat nor killed it. There was no dead cat, no trace of the cat alive, but it made Phillips very embarrassed.

Finally, I decided to find a similar orange cat, but I was afraid of making things worse. According to Peppa Pig’s description, Garfield never played with other cats. He was a maverick orange cat. He liked nothing more than running around under the maid’s skirt.


Making a fake one in this situation seemed like Phillips had a guilty conscience, so in the end there was no substitute.

Peggy just hoped that as her grandfather said, Garfield saw that her manor was too big and ran out to explore the territory.

In order to reassure Paige, James Carter specially found some yellow cat hair and threw two pieces at home every few days. Even if Garfield had appeared at home, the only ones who knew the truth were Phillips and himself.

When she heard that her orange cat was back, Peggy was very happy when she returned home. She left her mother alone and hurried upstairs to open her room, and saw a ball of orange pictures on her pillow.

"Garfield, great, you're back!"

Peggy screamed and ran to Garfield's side, stretched out her arms to hug Garfield, and rubbed her face.

"My shit, I didn't allow you to hug me, oh, I'm so soft."

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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