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Chapter 552 Conflict in the corridor Orange cat blocking the road

Harry Potter's Nimbus 2000 was unable to withstand Professor Voldemort's curse. It began to sway non-stop, as if the program was messed up.

After Harry Potter malfunctioned, Snape, who was particularly concerned about him, began to recite the counter-curse. Snape was also an elite wizard with strong magic power. His spell quickly had an effect, and Nimbus 2000 stopped coming.

Swinging back, it hovered directly in mid-air.


The school staff were nervously watching the changes on the scene.

As the wise person of the Iron Triangle, Hermione was well-read and knew that this kind of on-the-spot spellcasting would not be far away from the caster. She looked carefully through the telescope and discovered that Snape was mumbling words.

Could it be that Snape did something else?

Combined with the troll incident on Halloween and Snape being bitten by three large dogs, Hermione inferred that Snape must have done it. As for the reason, Hermione guessed that it was due to the rumors that Snape had followed Voldemort before.


The brave Hermione told Ron what she had discovered, and then rushed towards the faculty stands recklessly.


This little Hermione is smart, but her thoughts are too simple. She doesn't understand Snape's personal details and past, doesn't observe Quirrell's abnormalities, and makes rash judgments. In Garfield's eyes, Hermione is like a

Like a running little beaver, he hurriedly ran to the teacher's stand, bumped into Quirrell who was casting a spell, and set Snape's robe on fire.

Destiny is such a coincidence sometimes. As Dumbledore, who was watching the show on the sidelines, was surprised and pushed his eyes, muttering in a low voice, "Miss Granger's luck is really good.

If I ask her to draw a bunch of wizard cards for me, can I collect a set?"

Dumbledore has been trying for many years and has eaten so many chocolate frogs that he still hasn't collected all the wizard cards.

"Old bee, the distance between the African chieftains and the European emperors is a chasm. Don't imagine that those who have something are gone," Garfield mocked.

Dumbledore retorted disapprovingly, "That's not necessarily the case. Sometimes fate favors unlucky people. Look, Harry caught the Golden Snitch."

After catching the Golden Snitch, he obviously ate it. Garfield stood up and glared at Dumbledore, who was applauding Harry, and jumped down from his stand. He made sure that no one else was paying attention to his own. Take a look.

He cast the Disappearance Charm and then flew away from the stands.

Garfield didn't know that when he left, his apprentice Hermione was watching him disappear, her bright eyes seeming to question something.

Gryffindor won a Quidditch match against its old rival Slytherin, so it naturally required a big celebration. The senior classmates transported a batch of butterbeer from Hogsmeade, this high-calorie sweetness

The stuff is a perfectly suitable delicacy for cold weather.

The twins also prepared some food in the school kitchen, and in the Gryffindor common room, the Gryffindors began a warm celebration.

As Harry's friend, Hermione was naturally happy about his victory. Although she was happy, she was still thinking about a question. She felt that her master was involved.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and Christmas is coming. As the warden of the Hogwarts hunting ground, Hagrid is responsible for cutting down the Christmas tree and decorating it. After breakfast early in the morning, Hagrid picked up his ax and entered the Forbidden Forest.

On the edge of the Forbidden Forest. As Hagrid knew a lot about the Forbidden Forest, he easily found a suitable woodland for a Christmas tree.

He picked up his own axe, chopped them all down one by one, picked up the Christmas trees, and took them back to Hogwarts.

Under Garfield's gaze, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were transporting Hagrid from the fir tree as they left the basement for the Ten Thousand Potions class. We were all good friends, and Ron asked Hagrid enthusiastically.

"Hey Hagrid, need some help?"

"No, I can do it. Thank you, Ron."

"Can you move out of the way?" The annoying voice of Malfoy, their old rival behind them, sounded again. "Do you want to earn some pocket money, Weasley? I guess, you probably want to

Are you going to guard the hunting grounds after graduating from Hogwarts? - Hagrid's hut must be like a palace compared to your original home!"

The arrogant Malfoy naturally angered Ron, who rushed towards Malfoy like an angry little lion.

For some unknown reason, Snape did not appear in time, and Ron and Malfoy got into a fight.

The Gryffindor children all shouted for Ron

"come on"

"Kick him Ron"

"Hit by the nose"

The world of wizards is about personal heroes and chivalry. Malfoy and Ron are one-on-one, while Harry is facing off against the duo of Crabbe and Goyle.

Hagrid would not watch Harry suffer. Before Harry was beaten by two people, he stretched out his hand to pick them up and threw them aside. He stretched out his hand to pull Ron and Malfoy away, "Stop, don't hit him again, or else he will be beaten."

Send all of you to Headmaster Dumbledore!" Hagrid shocked them with his loud voice.

As members of the wizarding world, they have been taught by their families that Dumbledore is powerful since childhood. In their hearts, Dumbledore has absolute majesty and is worthy of respect. Sending them to Dumbledore is tantamount to asking for help.

Accepting the severe punishment, Malfoy, Ron and others were instantly frightened.

Snape also hurriedly walked out of the basement at this time. Just when he was about to come out, he was inexplicably blocked by an orange cat for about a minute. When he came out and saw the situation at the scene, his face was ashen. At this time

He had an idea in his mind that a certain orange cat blocked him on purpose.

"What have you done?"

Snape's eyes were fixed on Malfoy, Ron and Harry.

Hagrid looked at Snape's voice and said, "Malfoy insulted Ron. There was a little friction between the two parties."

Malfoy's own godson, although I don't like him very much, and I don't even like Malfoy's father Lucius. Due to some connections between the family and the Death Eaters, Malfoy always messes with her now because of no choice but to do so.

Son, Snape was also in pain and happiness. The pain was that her son was bullied, and the happiness was that his son was bullied by my godson.

People's hearts are always so complicated. Snape lived between love and hate, and finally sacrificed himself for his love.

"Pay attention next time, Malfoy, come with me." Snape greeted Malfoy and strode away from the scene.

Garfield squinted his eyes and looked at Snape's retreating back. Maybe he could talk to him in depth about Malfoy and Harry.

To be continued

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