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Chapter five hundred and eighty eight things before Quan Nai leaves

"Lord Garfield, there is something I want to talk to you about."

Uchiha Izuna

The biological brother of Uchiha Madara, whose high-end combat power was severely deceived in the Naruto world, was originally the unlucky guy who was killed by Senju Tobirama. He still remembers the expression on his face when he saw Izuna as if he had seen a ghost.

I also remember what I sat down when I went to fool Madara and Senju Hashirama.

In the flagship of this complex hybrid universe where she is not around, Izuna helps her family members integrate their forces and protect their industry very well.

He is a great employee and a qualified steward.



"Quanna, tell me what you want, as long as I can do it."

Izuna respects Garfield very much, whether it’s because of the contract or after knowing Garfield’s strength and ability. After many years of harassment and killing in this world, Izuna knows that she is a widow who should die. When she comes back,

It was inappropriate to go to his own world, but he missed his brother.

Uchiha Izuna hesitated for a moment, but the longing for his brother still defeated his reason. He hoped to see his brother again, even if it was the old Ben.

Why did he think so? After the popularization of some magical knowledge by Kama Taj, Quan Nai clearly realized the uncertainty of time and space travel. It is possible to travel to the past, and the more likely it is to reach what he wants.

Years or even decades after arrival.

What Izuna doesn't know is that the world of Naruto actually also has the setting of traveling through time. The Boruto spin without killing Boruto is an annoying example.

Garfield has always thought that Boruto without Boruto is really beautiful.

"Lord Garfield, I want to go back and see my brother Madara"

Quan Nai finally plucked up the courage and told Garfield her thoughts.

"So that's it, then let's go"

Garfield looked relaxed. After all, he was familiar with traveling through time and space. The difference was that he might not necessarily travel to that era.

"Ah, thank you very much, sir"

Izanna didn't expect Garfield to agree so easily. He thought Garfield would consider it. After all, this matter is not a trivial matter.

Seeing his capable subordinate so excited, it was difficult for Garfield, who had no brothers or sisters, to believe the complicated emotions involved.

But words of comfort are still necessary: ​​"Quannai, don't be excited. Let's arrange things here in the next two days. After all, after we set off, we still don't know what year it will be when we come back."

"Yes, Mr. Garfield, I will arrange the follow-up work right now to ensure that Hipaw Group continues to move forward in accordance with our big goals."

Garfield is actually a bit scratching his head as to what the so-called big target of Hi Claw is. But, as a boss, he doesn't know what the battle rate of his own force is. Isn't it a bit too much?

In order not to disturb Quan Na's enthusiasm, Garfield thought about it and let it go. While Garfield was thinking, Quan Na bowed and left. After he went out, he formed a clone.

The main body said to his clone: ​​"No. 1, go and clean up the newly born underground forces that are a bit restless. No. 2 will take Xiong Da and Xiong Er to warn the dark forces and let them fight within five to ten years.

There won’t be any big improvement.”

The two clones nodded: "I understand.

"I'm so excited to see my brother."

"My blood is boiling"

Quan Nai looked at his clone and scolded: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and do it."

"Tsk, you're so arrogant."

"If you don't want to say anything, just say it and leave."

His two clones, trying not to give themselves face, revealed some of the little secrets deep in their hearts.

Quan Nai felt a little nervous. This was something she had been hiding and didn't want to say for all these years.

After turning her head and looking around to make sure no one was nearby, Izuna felt relieved that her little secret had been kept.

Quan Nai clenched his fist and looked at the moon outside the window: Onisan, wait for me.

As the part-time safety manager of HiZaw Group, he needs to deal with many things. In order to prevent himself from being affected by HiZhua Group for three to five years, he still has many things to deal with in the future.


The Lighthouse Country is also one of several super cities, economic centers, and crime capitals in the world.

The gathering of millions of people, the diversity of cultures and races, coupled with the unemployment rate and the impact of various complex and diverse events, have resulted in this super city being both a city of dreams and a city of sin. Countless people have realized their dreams here.

, got promotion and salary increase, married Bai Fumei and reached the pinnacle of life.

There are also many people who spend half their lives in confusion with their dreams shattered. Some even get involved in ubiquitous gang disputes and lose everything they own in a matter of minutes.

In Kwaiyao, gunshots will be heard every night, and sirens will ring for most of the night. Some smart people know that if you live in Kwayao, if your financial conditions permit, it is best to find a safe community to live in. If

If you don't have money, then it's best to find one nearby.

These gangs have been carrying out their own crimes or gray enterprises in a special circle. It is not that they have not tried to impact reality, but they were ruthlessly crushed by the light and some giant orange thing.

a certain era

A certain cat's shop is the highest palace of the entire underground power. No matter who you are, whether you have money or not, unless you are qualified, you will not be able to get there.

According to legend, there is a demon that takes people's souls and eats them without spitting out their bones.

According to legend, there are angels who save lives and souls.

There are all kinds of things there that you can imagine, and there are also all kinds of things that you can't imagine.

Some people will never be able to touch them in their lifetime, while some people are destined to be extraordinary.

Hipaw Group

hi claw everything house

hipaw godfather

And the godfather's powerful and loyal butler Uchiha Izuna is spread among all walks of life in the city.

Not many people are lucky enough to meet the Godfather Hipaw, but you are very lucky to be able to meet Mr. Butler.

There was a special woman with blond hair who liked to hold cigarettes in her mouth and often recited stories about bones and jackals. Occasionally, you would hear her brag about how close she and the godfather were.

Many people think that this beauty is just bragging after drinking too much, and most people just laugh and agree. For beauties, they always need to agree in some aspects to achieve a certain purpose.

Some emerging forces were established in the hands of some daring guys who didn't know the heights of the sky and who didn't know life or death. They tried to challenge some established forces to declare themselves extraordinary.

As a claw in the hand of a giant orange creature, a representative of power and order to a certain extent in Twisted City, it is often harassed from this aspect.

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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