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Chapter 649 I didn’t promise you anything

What is the sixth sense? The "sixth sense" usually refers to a perceptual ability in addition to the five basic human senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch). It is not a concept widely recognized in science, but

Widely mentioned in everyday language and culture. The sixth sense is often used to describe the following situations:

Intuition: This is an internal, irrational cognitive style in which people make judgments or decisions based on their feelings without obvious logical reasoning. For example, some people will say that they have a feeling when they meet someone.

The "gut feeling" is that this person is not trustworthy.

Extrasensory Perception (ESP): This refers to the ability to perceive things beyond the range of normal senses, such as telepathy (mind reading), clairvoyance (seeing things inside objects or at a distance), predicting the future, etc. These concepts mostly appear in science fiction

In novels, movies or paranormal research, it is currently not generally recognized by the mainstream scientific community.

Subconscious signals: Sometimes, the sixth sense may refer to subtle clues captured subconsciously by the brain. These clues may come from sight, sound, smell, etc., but are too subtle for our conscious level to notice. For example, a person

You may unconsciously sense the other person's emotional changes through their micro-expressions, tone of voice or body language.

Emotional perception: Some people believe that the sixth sense is the ability to perceive the emotional or mental state of others, similar to empathy. This kind of perception can help individuals better understand others and promote interpersonal communication.

Although the concept of a "sixth sense" is popular in folk and literature, the scientific community is wary of it due to the current lack of sufficient evidence for its existence. However, the complexity and incompletely explored potential of the human brain means that

This area still deserves further research and discussion.

For an existence like the Emperor, they can predict a certain future and change some original trajectories. To a certain extent, the timeline setting is indifferent to them.

That is to say, assuming you can travel through time and space, no matter whether you go to the past or the future, you will face the same emperor or the four subspace gods, even if they have not been born at that time.

Of course, you said that you have reached a certain level. Since you have reached a certain level, this kind of thing does not mean anything to you.

Guarding the Primarch's training chamber is naturally the Emperor's masterpiece, the Custodes, also known as the Golden Cob. After all, the helmet on the head is really like it.

The moment Ada raised her arm, they felt the danger, and then they raised the long hair of the forbidden army with a decomposition field in their hands, and thrust it towards Ada. This is a heavy golden halberd that requires

It took several people to lift it, but in the hands of the imperial guards, it was as light as a feather. The blade of the guard spear was powered by power and could easily cut through the enemy's armor.

For Ada without armor, this kind of thing can tear apart her body in an instant.

However, Ada is an immortal, her spiritual power is not weak, and the bracelet on her body contains the power of the four gods.

This combination of power, even if it is specially made to be resistant to the power of subspace, and the Forbidden Army is as determined as steel, cannot withstand such a degree of power of subspace.

In an instant, the power of the four gods enveloped the imperial army guarding the door.

"Shame on you, traitor~!"

Under the golden mask of the Imperial Guard, his voice was filled with anger.

The sentence of those who were present day and night is unacceptable and makes people feel humiliated. Even for the Imperial Guards who have no human emotions, this is a common plan deep down in their hearts.

Didi didi

The ear-piercing alarm sounded throughout the underground base, and the guarded doors received the source of the alarm and rushed towards the culture chamber where the original body was stored.

In the underground laboratory, the Emperor, who was working hard to cultivate his own army of Space Marines, put down the petri dish in his hand, raised his head slightly and looked at the ceiling, with a trace of helplessness in his deep eyes.

"Your Majesty, the original body laboratory has issued an alarm. According to the image data passed over, it is Ms. Ada."

"I understand, Astartes, let you continue to take over the follow-up work."


After receiving the reply, the emperor turned around and let the surrounding scientific researchers continue working, while he turned and left.

In the laboratory, the female biologist named Astarte nodded slightly. She was just a human biologist. As for Ada, she naturally knew him, an immortal.

There are many possibilities for the existence of immortals in this world. Generally, they are masterpieces of the power of subspace. After all, there are chaotic forces of time and space wrapped in the subspace. Humans who have a strong affinity for the power of subspace are also

For those who are called psykers, the more powerful psionic talent means that they can draw more power from the subspace, and this power will transform and affect the psykers themselves.

The Emperor is the first human being with psychic abilities. There is no record of his psychic talent, but his partner, the Demonic Pattern Macado, has the highest psychic level in the records.

After the Emperor left the house, he relied on his powerful spiritual talent and the human technology of the golden age that he still had in his hands to jump directly through the teleportation array for a short period of time and instantly arrived at the door of the warehouse where the original body was stored.

The moment some of the Emperor's men appeared, they saw the Imperial Guards who had been killed after being attacked by the power of the Four Gods. There were no tears or sadness. The Emperor's eyes showed helplessness, anger and a trace of regret.

Ada, what on earth are you doing?

"You stay here and collect their remains."


The commander of the Imperial Guard who was with him gave a brief answer and then started his work.

As for the emperor's safety, to be honest, the emperor didn't need them to do anything at this time.

Stepping into the primordial cultivation chamber, looking at the twenty-one primarchs of different skin colors in the chamber, and the companions standing in front of him wearing white scientific research uniforms with their backs to him, the emperor did not stupidly ask why.

Just looking there.

If you could see through the Emperor's vision, you would know that what the Emperor was looking at was not Ada in front of him, but the Khorne, Annihilation, Nurgle, and Lust in the subspace that seemed to not exist around Ada but actually existed.

Four evil gods.

The four evil gods were as rare as friends going shopping together, pointing at the primitives in the training warehouse and discussing at the same time, as if they were selecting goods on the spot.

"this is not bad"

“This is okay”

"I like this"

"I don't want this"

"You guys shouldn't have come~!"

The emperor spoke slowly

The four gods turned their heads and stared at the Emperor, and then Khorne spoke.

"You promised us"

"I didn't promise you anything"

Khorne: "..."

Slaanesh sneered: "I'll just say he doesn't admit it and let others lie to him, idiot."

The irritable Khorne seemed to be an enraged beast, raising his hand and pointing at the emperor: "Lie to me, then I will let you know the consequences of lying to me Khorne." When the words fell, the four gods raised their hands and collided with the power of the emperor's subspace.


a moment

The turbulent flow of time and space Yongxiang

A space door suddenly appeared, and a ball of orange flew out from it

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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